
A Marvelous Loop (Discontinued)

10 chapters ahead in my pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Oldherd °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° His Locker sucked him into a wormhole in Space and Time. No, it's actually true. Next thing Ash knows, he's waking up in a building in New York City, during the Chitauri invasion, dressed in a towel and boxers. He tries to escape but then debris from the collapsing building falls onto his head sending him to a quick death. He opens his eyes in the same building again...this time a blast from a plasma weapon ends his life. He comes from the dead...AGAIN. And each time he dies, time is reversed and he is brought back to life. So what's the plan? Try to figure a way out of the time loop by whatever means possible. If he has to learn magic and call onto unspeakable gods and entities, so be it. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° A nerd is stuck in a time loop in the m.c.u. Eventually spans out to other universes. Cover pic belongs to someone else.

Oldherd · ภาพยนตร์
47 Chs

Chapter 12

10 chapters ahead in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Oldherd.

Hey guys, I might not update tomorrow.


Chapter 12

The Chitauri heard his bold declaration and roared back in defiance. The sound carried with it the threat of bodily harm. An intimidating aspect given that he was surrounded by almost a hundred Chitauri all perched on the buildings.

Ash looked around, settling into a fighting pose he felt his body was most comfortable with. The jacket he had been wearing was reduced to strips of clothing. He ripped them off his body, revealing a jagged physique. His bulk was increased by a significant margin but he was still thin.

This unexpectedly worked in his favor as the power he could now exert was made deadly through the combination of enhanced strength and sharp jagged skin.

"Come on!!"

Ash yelled his own defiance, knowing the only way out of here was through them.

The Chitauri pointed their weapons at him and promptly started firing. Ash crossed his forearms together and crouched on the ground, using his quirk purely for defense. He hoped that Tony would take the opening his distraction had caused and take a load off his back.

Sure enough the energy blasts hitting him from every side lessened considerably. Ash looked up with a smile and saw Iron man retaliate against the Chitauris in the air. Which left the ones on the ground.

"You're mine!"

Ash said, shooting towards a group of Chitauri pelting him with weapons from the front.

He tried his best to dodge, side stepping and using the abandoned cars on the streets as cover. He couldn't avoid a lot though and after a particularly reckless leap, he was pushed off the air by a blow to the chest.

Ash was thrown back and collided against the side of a minivan, denting it and bouncing away. His rough body dug a groove through the concrete side walk. He got to his knees shaking his head, not really hurt but feeling vertigo from the forced flips and spins.

He heard a few steps behind him and looked to his back. An energy blaster was shoved on his face, powering up in preparation to shoot him. His eyes widened as he flicked his left arm up onto the underside of the weapon. The energy blast went over him.

Ash growled, wrapping his right hand around the neck of the Chitauri and headbutting it with his hard forehead. The Chitauri shot back with a pained yell, it's face mask splitting onto it's face. Ash felt another blast land on his shoulder. The concussive force hurt more than the heat.

He spun with the victim in his hands, using him as cover for the five new Chitauri trying to surround him. They started shooting just as he advanced with his alien flesh shield. The Chitauri squealed, dying to the fire power of it's own allies.

Ash got to within close distance of the first alien and kicked the dead Chitauri in his hands at it. The corpse was lifted off it's feet and collided with the second Chitauri. The others took the opening. Now that Ash no longer had anything to block their energy blasts with, they could kill him.

The teen ducked under a collapsed armor piece from the Leviathan that Hulk had defeated and waited. Energy blasts landed on the piece of armor, denting it but not breaking through. When the salvo paused, Ash stabbed his sharp fingers into the sides of the huge armor piece, dug his legs onto the ground by his toes and dragged it to his left, spinning before throwing it at the Five Chitauri. The armor piece clashed onto them before landing on the ground with a huge clang and five dead bodies under.

Iron man who was putting down the aliens through short bursts of the repulser beams and light boxing to conserve energy, saw Ash's fight and was surprised.

"Jarvis how heavy do you estimate that piece of armor is?"

The A.I ran a few calculations, scanning the piece.

"About 4000 pounds sir."

"2 metric tons." Tony whistled.

"Jarvis new task. Scan for the kid's facial recognition, he seems interesting."

Tony said, flying up with a Chitauri in his hands before throwing it at it's fellow soldiers and then sending a missile after them. The explosion sent another dust cloud floating up from the wrecked ground.

"I'm afraid I'll have to tell you to get your priorities straight sir. You should concern yourself with the fight before you. Everything else can come later."

Tony smirked.

"What do you mean Jarvis? I am at the height of efficiency. I can do this with my hands tied behind..."

His words were interrupted by the collapse of the building behind him. Iron man chanced a look and spotted a Leviathan.

"Big one incoming!"

His voice blasted out of the speakers in his armor, warning Ash.

The teen followed his gaze to where the crash had appeared and widened his eyes. Hulk and Thor were above the Leviathan, pulling off it's plates with little to no effort and Killing the Chitauri strapped to the side of the monstrous alien.

Ash took a few steps back. The Leviathan was losing its flight capabilities from the damage and appeared as of it was going to crash onto him. He turned and begun running as fast as he could. The ground behind him rumbled and shook as the raised highway started collapsing. Ash added more speed, took a running leap, stepped onto the hood of a car and jumped.

He flailed his hands, descending towards the wrecked ground after reaching the apex of his jump. The fall wouldn't kill him but it would be a bitch and a half due to pain.

Fortunately, he felt something grab him by his arm and swing him onto the back of the falling Leviathan.

"Hold on Troll boy!"

A boisterous voice yelled and Ash followed its advice, stabbing his fingers onto the the armor of the Leviathan I'm a desperate need to save himself.

A section of it was broken off by Hulk and stabbed onto the uncovered section of the flesh. The creature wailed as with a final lightning slam from Thor's hammer, the armor dug into it's flesh painfully. Streaks of lightning washed out and Ash was only saved from the worst of it due to his hard Ricky exterior nullifying the electric energy.

The Leviathan gave a final wail in its dying throes. It nose dived through the foundation of a building with people hiding inside. The people scrambled away from the sudden attack, running away from the unexpected guests.

Ash got to his feet shakingly.

"Hahaha! What a powerful display of courage young Troll!"

Thor slapped him on his back. Ash felt as if a sledgehammer had landed on him and couldn't stop his body from flying off the Leviathan and smacking onto the ground painfully.

Thor winced, feeling every gaze, terrified or not land on him.


He apologized. Hulk punched him to the side.

Meanwhile, Iron man had run into a problem.

"Cap, I have the scepter. I can close this thing at any time. Give me the signal."

Black Widow's voice came through the ear comms. Captain America was about to give to go ahead when Iron man interrupted.

"Hold on, Triple Imposter. Cap, I have a missile coming in hot, apparently the council decided Manhattan was done for. This is a last ditch effort to stem the flow."

Captain America looked to the sky, seeing the familiar red and yellow of Ironman's suit soar towards the water.

"What are you planning Tony?"

He asked in concern.

"Nothing much, just a welcome to earth gift for our guests. It promises to be a killer."

"You're a crazy bastard Tony." Black Widow chuckled.

"On your mark."

She added, deciding to go with the crazy plan.

"Give them hell."

Clint's voice was audible as he tried to keep the Chitauri gliders from getting close to Black Widow and Eric Selvig.

"Oh and a heads up, Cap, we have another member for our super secret boy band. I call him Rocky."

Ash would have vomited blood had he heard the nickname Tony Stark had given him. However, that wasn't the case as he was busy screaming his brains out at the force with which Thor was pulling him along at.

They were flying to where the bulk of the fight was.

"I'm dropping you in the count of 3, okay?"

Thor told the teen he was holding by the hand.

"What!? Drop me?! what do you mean drop me!?"

Ash grabbed onto the cape of the Asgardian god.

"In 3..."

Then Thor let go. The action was so sudden that the cape in his hands slipped through his fingers.


A loud yell ripped through the air from a falling object. Captain America blocked an energy blast, and kicked at a Chitauri before turning his gaze to the sky, wondering what was making that god awful sound.

Ash reoriented himself in midair, spotting the Leviathan floating under him. He now understood why Thor had let go of him when he did. Ash held his feet together and pulled himself into an upright position as best as he could.

The toes on his legs sharpened as his legs became more streamlined. He pulled on his quirk, this wasn't the time for experimenting but he wanted to see if he could change the density of his hard skin, so that his upper body was heavier that his lower one.

He tried and felt his bulk increase considerably before compressing onto itself during the second try. Ash crossed his hands together and held the pose. He was now like a giant nail and when he landed, in a stroke of luck, through an uncovered portion of the Leviathan's flesh, Ash speared right through.

It's flesh was tough but physics was the ultimate tool in levelling the playing field. He felt the tough meat pass right through his body in torn strands. His momentum bled out once he entered it's belly cavity.

Now how the fuck was he going to get out?