
A Lover’s Cost

This is a story of 3 girls, who battle through the hardships of their personal lives, in order to keep, their friendship, lives, and value. Living life normally, until they each meet another set of 3 boys. Will they find love? And if they do, can they keep it? These 3 girls have a secret. How long until it affects these other boy's lives? Who will win? Who will lose? Who will live? Who won't? Who will love? Who will hate? The answers to these questions, lie in between the pages of this book. Finding true love is hard. Keeping it, is even harder. How far will they all go to save each other? Being a friend, has its consequences. Being a lover, has a cost. I give you, A Lover's Cost.

Esperanza_Maka · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 2- The 3 Strangers

Karina woke up and left earlier than Laura. She drove to the coffee shop and Laura walked towards the mall. Aria finally woke up. "I don't know what to do today. All I know is I definitely do not want to stay here all day. Lets see." Aria was thinking where she should go. "Maybe the library, or the ice cream shop. Ooh! I could go running in the park! I needed that workout anyways. Maybe I could hit the gym later too!" Aria decided that she'll go running while the girls are out. "Let me just text the girls that I'll be out for the morning. Alright! I'm going to change real quick into something more comfortable for running then I'll be out." Aria came out with a high ponytail, pink vans, blue jeans, and a neon green top. She was on her way to the park.

On the other hand, "Can I please get a tall Caramel Frapichino and a medium coffee." Asked Karina. "Of course! That will be $7.89." Said the cashier. Karina gave the money and waited. "Here you go, Have a good day!" Said the cashier. "Thank you, you too!" Replied Karina. On her way out, Karina saw a poster on the window. She tried to see what it said, but then..."Ahh!" The stranger exclaimed. "Oh no! I'm so sorry! Let me grab a towel!" Karina accidently spilled her coffee on him. She runs and comes back quickly. She's wiping his shirt. "I really am so sorry! Are you okay?" "Don't worry about it. I'm fine. It's just a little hot." He chuckles and Karina smiles. She stops wiping and for a moment they're silent. Just looking in each other's eyes.

Then Karina breaks the silence. "Umm...I'm Karina. Karina Selene. What's your name?" The handsome stranger replies to her. "I'm Matthew." Matthew smiles at her again. "Umm...Well, I have to go, but it was nice meeting you. Sorry about the coffee thing again." "No worries, and it was nice meeting you too." Karina nods her head. "Bye Matthew." "Bye Karina." She waves and leaves.

Meanwhile..."I know, I'm really excited to see you too! I'm almost there. See you later. Bye!" Laura said to her 28 year old sister, Mina, on the phone. She is still on her phone when she's about to make a turn and...bang! Laura and a breathtaking male stranger are on the floor. "Sorry!" Laura apologized. "You should be. Watch where you're going!" The annoyed stranger said. "Excuse me!? Who do you think you are?" Angered Laura exclaimed.

"Huh, I could say the same." The stranger said. When he got got off his back he met Laura's eyes. Their bodies were close to each other. He stared into her eyes. "Ugh, idiot. I have somewhere to be and it's definitely not here on the floor with you, stranger." Laura said as she was getting off of the floor. The stranger realized that she was getting up and just acted quickly. "I have a name you know!" "Really? Is it Superman?" She said sarcastically. "Ha ha, very funny. It's Daehyun. And 'Daehyun' is leaving this conversation." "Finally, I think I would of punched you if you stayed any longer." Laura said rolling her eyes. "Whatever, have a grreaat day." He said with sarcasm.

Aria was running through the park. She caught up with a friend. "It was nice seeing you. Tell your brother I said Happy birthday!" Aria said. "Will do. Bye!" Aria waved bye to her friend. She turned around and ran, but tripped! "Ahh!" "Woah, are you okay?" A handsome stranger caught her before she fell. He helped her up. They were now looking in each other's eyes. "Uh...yeah I'm fine, thanks!"

"No problem. I'm Jax." He held his hand out to her. "I'm Aria. Nice to meet you!" Aria and Jax shook hands. "Nice to meet you too! Well, now that it seems like you're okay, I should be going. I hope I see you again!" "Me too! Bye!" Jax left and Aria continued on her way. "Me too." Aria said to herself.

When the girls got home, they were all sitting on the couch in the living room and watching tv. "So how's your sister?" Asked Karina. "She's good, we had a lot of fun and we catched up." Replied Laura. They all kept quiet, not knowing if they should tell them what happened earlier that day. "I met a boy!" They all yelled at the same time.

Everyone gasped at first and then laughed. "His name was Matthew." Karina said. "His name was Daehyun." Laura said. "His name was Jax." Aria said smiling. They all were, except Laura. "Laura, what's wrong?" Karina asked. "It's just, Daehyun seemed like he really hated me. I mean, I was annoyed by him, but he was cute and I liked how he was bold and didn't get hurt by little things like most boys. I don't think I like him, but I don't think I hate him either. What I do know is that I want to see him again. I feel like we're kind of the same person." "Aww, that's so cute." Karina said. "Well I think that he doesn't hate you. I mean, you guys just met. He can't hate you already, and if he does it's just because he hasn't met you. Or the real you anyways." Karina said. "Thanks! I guess I feel a little better." Laura said with a chuckle.

"How did you meet Matthew?" Laura asked. "Well, I kind of spilled my coffee on him." Karina said with a apologetic laugh. The girls laughed. "Wow, that is not at all what happened to me. Hahaha!" Aria laughed. "Oh right, where did you go?" Asked Laura. "I went running in the park. I texted you guys about that. That's where I met Jax. I tripped and he caught me before I hit the floor." Karina said, "That is so romantic!" Karina was always the romantic one. She loves romance books, movies, even romantic songs. "You think everything's romantic." Laura laughed. Everyone smiled.

The girls continued watching tv. The rest of the day was mostly quiet. They finished eating dinner and were about to go to bed. "Wait a minute, I feel like there was something I was supposed to tell you guys." Karina said. "Wait! I remember now!" "What is it?" Laura asked. "Before I left the coffee shop, I saw a poster. It said it was looking to hire someone!" Karina exclaimed. "That's amazing!" "You're going to apply for it right?" Asked Aria. "Actually I was thinking that I should tell you guys, so that you would apply for it." "Well thanks for thinking of us, but since you saw it first, you should do it." Laura said. "Yeah," Aria said, "I agree." "Well If you guys think so, then I'll do it." "Yay!" Everyone then says Goodnight and goes to sleep. Will she get hired?

The next day, they were eating breakfast. Laura went to the bathroom.

Aria: Sis, I'm heading to the dance studio. It's been a while, so I'm going back there after breakfast.

Karina: Really? That's great! Should I go too?

*Laura walked in.

Laura: Go where?

Aria: Oh, I was going to the dance studio, and now that I think about it, we should all go.

Laura: Oh, is that true? Okay, I'm in.

Karina: Me too, why not!

While Aria was driving, she and the girls were talking.

Aria: Just a heads up, I'll be at the studio often, so if you're trying to find me, I'll most likely be there.

Laura: Aria, please be careful with yourself.

Karina: Yeah, don't push yourself too hard. Last time was really worrisome.

Aria: I know and I'm sorry for worrying you guys, and I'll take care of myself. So don't worry, okay?

She said reasurring the girls with a wide smile. Laura and Karina: Okay!

As they walked in breathing in the delicate, light air of the dance floor, they were reminiscing. Laura walked over to her original spot in front of the mirror. Karina ran to her favorite spot, where she liked to read books and relax after dance. Aria: Just like it used to be. Shall we start? I've been wanting to do a choreography with you guys!

Karina: Oooh, so excited!

The girls spent hours in that room. They came up with 2 amazing choreographies.

Laura: That was amazing guys! It felt really good, nice job we all worked hard.

Aria: Yes, it felt fantastic and yes we should take a break.