
A life Reclaimed

"A Life Reclaimed" speaks to the journey of overcoming hardship and reclaiming your life. It suggests that despite the traumas of your past, you have emerged stronger and more resilient. This theme of hope and personal growth is highly relatable and inspires the reader.

Amal_Moobin · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Shattered Trust, Uncertain Future

I have no one to share how i am feeling so i am sharing with you.

Saad he is the one i love the most and I accidently hurt him. But he won't forgive me. He wouldn't give me second chance. Its painful to asking forgiveness and more painful to let him go. I know i deserve punishment but i need him with me.

He said he will be here with me no matter what happen but. He forget he is treating me like i don't exist in his world.

This thing piercing my heart. I want him in my life. I got one person who was sincere with me and i hurt him.


I find Saad alone, his gaze distant. i take a deep breath and approach him.

I: Saad, I need to talk.

Saad: (turns slowly, a flicker of pain in his eyes) What is it?

I: I can't bear this silence anymore. It's killing me. I know I messed up, but I never meant to hurt you.

Saad: (voice low) I know you didn't mean to, but the hurt is there.

I: I understand. But please, just listen to me. (tears welling up) When I say I love you, I mean it with every fiber of my being. You're the only person who's ever truly seen me, and the thought of losing you... it's unbearable.

Saad: (sighs) Look, I care about you too. A lot. Maybe even more than I should. But trust is a fragile thing, and it's shattered right now.

I: I know, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to earn it back. Please, give me a chance.

Saad: (silence hangs heavy) I... I need time. Time to process everything, to heal.

I: (nodding, voice trembling) Okay. I'll wait. But please, don't shut me out completely.

Saad: I won't. But I can't promise anything more right now.

I: (a single tear rolls down my cheek) Okay.

I turn to leave, your heart heavy with a mixture of hope and despair. As you walk away, Saad calls out to me.

Saad: Wait.

You turn back, your eyes searching his.

Saad: (a hint of vulnerability in his voice) What you said about wanting me... it affects me too, you know. More than you think.

I: (a flicker of hope ignites) But then why...?

Saad: (cuts you off) I was scared. Scared of letting myself get too close, of getting hurt again.

I: (softly) But isn't love worth the risk?

He doesn't answer, his gaze locked on mine's. The air crackles with unspoken emotions. In that charged silence, the future remains unwritten, a question mark hanging over my relationship.


i stand frozen, his intense words hanging in the air. The vulnerability i glimpsed earlier is replaced by a possessiveness that sends shivers down my spine.

i: (voice trembling) What do you mean by "mine"?

Saad: (steps closer, his gaze unwavering) I mean, if we're going to be together, it has to be on my terms. You'll need to understand that I'm not like other guys. I expect complete loyalty and devotion.

i: (backing away slightly) But that's not fair. A relationship shouldn't be about control.

Saad: (a hint of anger in his voice) Maybe not for everyone, but for me, it is. I've been hurt before, and I won't let anyone walk all over me again.

i: (heart pounding) I understand you've been hurt, but that doesn't give you the right to control me.

Saad: (softens slightly) Look, I don't mean to scare you. I just want to be honest about who I am. If you can't handle that, then maybe we're not meant to be.

His words hit me like a punch to the gut. The man i thought i knew, the one who cared about my feelings, seems to have vanished.

i: (tears welling up) I need time to think about this.

Saad: (sighs) Take all the time you need. But remember, I'm not going anywhere.

i turn and walk away, your mind reeling. The future you once envisioned with Saad feels like a distant dream, shattered by his possessiveness.

Days turn into weeks, and you wrestle with my emotions. A part of me longs for the connection i shared, but the other part is terrified of the controlling behavior he expects. i reach out to friends and family, seeking their guidance and support.

One evening, my phone buzzes. It's a message from Saad.

Saad: I miss you. Can we talk?

i stare at the message, my finger hovering over the reply button. The decision i make will determine the course of my relationship, and possibly my own happiness.
