
A Kryptonian Merc

Lindsay thought her life was over. But, she woke up in the giant head of a Celestial as the badass female Kryptonian, Faura Ul. Now, in order to survive in this new universe, she has to become a mercenary.

Mottor_Writing · ภาพยนตร์
2 Chs

Pesky Memories

"Wake up, girl!" a voice suddenly startled Lindsay awake. Her eyes shot open in horror, he body sat upright, her heart beating so hard she felt like it was going to rip out of her rib cage.

"What the fuck!" she exclaimed as she touched her chest then her face. "What's going on?" She was lost of words because this was very much not possible.

She had died, or rather, she very much knew she was dead. The cause of it was due to a fucking IED exploding right on her face. She was one of the first generation Navy Seal women in the history of America, something she wasn't very much proud of even if it was a historical thing. The only reason they even accepted them was because their rigorous workouts were less intense than those of the men.

If the men would run twenty laps then they would do sixteen. If the men were to carry twenty kilos worth of weight then they were to carry sixteen. She knew them as women were given more privileges than the men, so she decided to be better at a certain field. She was not stronger or faster than the men, so she would be the deadliest.

Thanks to her naturally lithe body, she studied and mastered Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, mastered armed fighting and was the very best when it came to handling of guns. She worked her ass off to a point of just fainting in exhaustion at the end of the day. But, it all paid off.

She was the first to be handpicked among all recruits, men and women included, letting her become a team member of Seal Team Alpha, the best there was among the teams. And she was proud of herself. She went on to become a vital member of the team thanks to her hardwork and dedication, never slacking off for one bit. She went to two tours before her mortality finally called

It was a mission in the Philippines, an assassination to be exact. Some politician thought it was a good idea to be in bed with the Mexican cartels and kidnap a USA Ambassador's daughter. The CIA decides to compromise with the Navy, so while the CIA does the rescue mission and get the glory, the Navy Seal team would assassinate the politician. But, most missions never go the way you expect them to.

Lindsay was following her Master Chief when she saw him trigger a wire just as they were about to enter the politician's compound. In the team, you always look out for each other, especially the team leader. So, she did not hesitate to immediately push him away, with all her might. But this also meant she would be the one receiving the full explosion right to her face. The odd thing was that she wasn't regretting her decision.

In the training camp, they were drilled into the notion of everyone in your squad is above your very spouse. So, to her, she didn't sacrifice her life to save a teammate, but rather her brother. She knew they might be sad, but the military was a well oiled machine and she was a broken cog that will be replaced.

'Heck of a time to have an existential crisis,' she had thought at the moment. Somehow, everything was moving slow, she knew it was the adrenaline, but still, it was too fucking slow. She then saw the flash of the detonating IED and knew her end was nigh.


"How is this possible?" Lindsay asked herself as she touched her face in disbelief. She then looked around the room she was in and realized everything was strangely too foreign. A bit too futuristic, it seemed. She then saw a mirror at the corner of the room, making her almost ran towards it. She wanted to know just how exactly she was looking if she survived a fucking IED to the face.

But, not even in her wildest dreams did she think she could be seeing what she was currently beholding. She had turned from her previous 5'5 to a 6'1, muscular, short haired, stern looking Antje Traue. Or rather, she was the splitting image of Faura Ul from the Man of Steel movie.

"This is impossible," she said in disbelief as she gingerly touched her face.

"First time seeing someone questioning their existence," the same voice that woke him up, said from behind. Lindsay looked at her reflection, trying to see who was speaking but there was no one. She then assessed the room for a weapon as her military training kicked in. However, a splitting headache made her cry out in pain as she went to her knees, hands on her head, eyes closed while her face was a visage of pain.


Lindsay saw herself been born, or rather been taken out of her gestation pod. She was the first born daughter of Daxio Ul, a military sergeant in the Krypton army. She saw her life in a militiaristic household, been taught how to fight with all kinds of weapons and unarmed training. She was taught how to strategize against Krypton enemies while also been taught the history of Krypton and all the races the Kryptonians had conquered before.

Faura Ul became a very exceptional warrior, so exceptional Dru Zod decided to recruit her into his squad, a decision he never regretted. Faura Ul was good soldier and exceptionally loyal to him. War after war, the two came back with better and better results till Dru Zod was made General.

When Dru Zod came to know that their beloved Krypton was dying, she was with him in staging a Coup against the ignorant elders, but he was betrayed by Jor El, making him, Faura Ul and the entire squad to be imprisoned in the Phantom Zone. But, with the destruction of Krypton came the destabilization of the Max prison, making Zod and his entire army to escape it and find out about Kal El, the son of his traitorous friend. They arrived on Earth with the plan to annahilate every single living thing on it and make a new Krypton. But, it did not work and the last thing Faura Ul remembered was seeing the House of El pod exploding right before reaching their ship.


"And now I am in her Kryptonian body!" Lindsay was flabbergasted by the turn of events, especially the last part. So, bot of them would have died of an explosion at the last moments of their lives yet here she was. Suddenly, she struck behind her with a leg sweep. A surprised cry was heard as whatever was creeping up behind her feel to it's back. Lindsay did not waster any time, throwing a pinch to its face, mostly out of practiced instinct.

"Wait, wait! I don't mean you any harm!" Lindsay recognized the voice as the one that had woken her up. She got a better look at the speaker and realized he was an elderly, blue skinned human looking alien with mesmerizing blue eyes and gills on the sides of his nose. Luckily, her Faura Ul memories had desensitized her when it came to seeing aliens.

"Who are you?" she asked him, moving away from him in caution.

"My name...I have forgotten about that, it's been long since anyone used it. Everyone just call me T-117. Nice to meet you," the man said as he got up, apparently forgotten she was the reason for his predicament.

"Nice to meet you too, I guess. But, where are we?" she asked.

"Ah, that's the most wonderous thing, see. Apparently, a Celestial with a head as large as a moon died and now, we are living in said Celestial's head. We are in Knowhere," T-117 said enthusiastically, only to deflate when he saw her deadpan look. "That's...quite a disappointing look. Was it the flare or the tone?"

"Look, I need you to stop fucking with me and answer me straight," she said with an impatient frown.

"Oh, you haven't heard of Knowhere, have you? You're in luck, guiding newbies is just my specialty." T-117 suddenly became serious. "But first, mind telling me why exactly you fell right in the middle of the market place. Also, what is this?" He fished out a corked test-tube with a golden liquid inside. The label read, 'Golden Sentry Serum' on it.