
A knight’s tale: Ser Snow(Hard Draft)

This event will be 10 years before Aegon began his conquest to conquer Westeros. I may or not change or add some important characters to the world. Credits to George R.R. Martin

Tempp0 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
9 Chs


10 BC

5 miles away from the city

Inside a lush forest

Tomorrow is the tourney, I've already been signed to fight on the tourney. Thanks to Veric, of course. For the past few days I've been learning on how to meditate, for which I find it difficult to do when I was starting. Now I am sitting top of a fallen log, crossed leg while my eyes are closed. Feeling the wind's breeze and singing of the birds. I am wearing my armour because weird things can happen at anytime. Being prepared is not a bad that's for sure. My sword at my back while my dagger is at my side.

"Peace..." I said before slowly sighing from relief. The city is of course have a bad smell there is no denying to that. I unfold my sight and looked up the sky. It's passed noon now and soon the day is to end. I must get going, I don't want to stay here during night. I stood up and picked up my dagger from the ground putting it on my baldric. Walking slowly towards my horse.

"Hermes," that's what I named him because I believe his very fast and swift sword. I've bought him from a merchant the other day and for somewhat reason there's a voice telling me to buy him. It must've been destined for me to meet him. I climbed at the top of Hermes and sat down on the saddle. I gently tap my side of Hermes using my right foot.

After travelling for 30 minutes not resting I arrived the city just in time as it's already dark outside. "Been enjoying the forest lately, Ser Snow?" The gate guard asked. "Aye, Walric." I answered while nodding, I meet Walric just the other day patrolling on the forest. "Good to hear, Ser." Walric said as I passed to the city gate.

Making money is hard. Hunting is for sure one of the most profitable job if your knowledge and strong. So I made money by hunting almost killing the deer to extinction the other day so I stopped hunting them and be contented about the money. I tied my horse to the stable that the Inn owns which is free of service. "Rest well," I said I caressed Hermes forehead before leaving. I worry not for food, as it's already given his stable.

"Drink, Ser?" Cullep, that's the name of the bartender. "Not tonight tomorrow's the tourney," I answered while I continued to walk up stairs. Well to be honest I haven't consumed any alcohol for the whole week. It's just I'm not into it at the moment, I tried a sip the other day. It was shit so I didn't order any alcohol to this day.

Velric POV

"So tell me again my friend whose representing your house for the tourney tomorrow." Lord Gustall Berth asked. He is a friend of mine that I meet when I was a kid. "His name's Ser Magnus Snow," I said while I drink my alcohol. "Snow….. haven't heard of any houses of Snow." Varant BlackIron said while eating a leg of chicken. "To top it up, he has yet to be 20 summers. Are you certain about this, my friend?" Lord Railan Fellrakn added as he munched his food. "Worry not my friends, he is monster that have no emotion." I said as I remember Ser Snow eyes not showing bit of emotion slaughtering hundreds of lives without mercy.

"Hahaha!!!" The lords laugh in sync and believed that I am crazy or making stories. The same reaction when I told the story of Ser Snow last week about the poachers. It annoys me for a bit, but I will sure smile to them when they see what monster I saw last week.

I understand why they are taking this seriously, because this tourney. The king will be looking for a new captain for his new army, over a battalion freshly recruits. The king is hoping to deploy this new army of his when there is a rebellion of a house occurs.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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