
A Journey To The Darkness

It is always a mystery. We never know about the hidden worlds. Once we get into it, there's no going back. But if you got what it takes, you are the hero. But mysteries sometimes beautiful as mysteries...

bongbong_2001 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 21

Beth started chanting a spell while walking around Morgan. Slowly Morgan sat on the ground. It looked like she was in pain. But there wasn't anything we could do to help her. And I was sure that Beth was in trying to reduce the pain for Morgan. But that was all she was able to do.

A light started to move around Morgan. It was growing second by second. Finally it became a light that we couldn't bare from our eyes making the whole place full of light.

After the light everywhere looked black. Because of the power of the light we couldn't see anything clearly. But after a while, I saw Morgan was still sitting on the ground. But it looked different. Morgan's look was not same as it was before.

"Are you okay?" Max asked from Beth. She nodded her head to say yes. But I saw that she had a slight smile on her face. I realized the reason for her smile after she hugs Morgan. Beth had her friend back, but not as a follower of dark magic. Beth had set Morgan free from black magic.

"Thank you Beth, for helping me!" Morgan said. I felt surprised after hearing those words from Morgan's mouth. It was hard for me to believe that those words came out of Morgan's mouth.

"No, you don't need to thank me. That's what friends do!" Beth replied. I noticed that tears came out from Both Morgan's and Beth's eyes, and rolling them from their cheeks. We were looking at the reunion of the two friends.

While these things were going on Edward had gone to take Jingle out of the cage. I saw Jingle walking towards us. I ran towards him and kneeled down in front of him.

"Thank you Shalie." Jingle said to me.

"No I'm the one who need to thank you. If you did not let us escape, we couldn't make it." I replied to Jingle. He smiled with me and I stood up letting Jingle walk towards Morgan.

"My lord, are you alright?" Jingle asked from Morgan.

"My Jingle, the loyal servant, you are not my servant anymore, now you are my best friend." Morgan said. I have never seen Morgan smile that way before. Whatever she was very beautiful when she was smiling.

Morgan hugged Jingle. Although Jingle was surprised, he was smiling.

"This is a happy ending isn't it?" Max asked me.

"Yes. I think our lives will change too. This is a great experience." I replied to Max with a smile.

"Shalie, you are a strong girl. Believe in yourself. Nothing's impossible in this world. But wickedness doesn't have a long lifespan. Peace is the only way to live with happiness. You helped me to get rid of black magic. Thank you." Morgan said to me.

"I learned so many things. And I'm happy to help you. Thank you so much for teaching me to be brave and to have courage." I replied to her with a smile. She smiled back with me. I could see her feelings through her eyes. It gave me a feeling of satisfaction.