
a greater purpose: timed ice

"The bad the evil the unfortunate and the ones that just had no choice That's who I was I became one of those just to lift myself, from a bad spot however, the people who gave me that chance weren't just going to let me give up with no consequence and that's how I ended up in a place of fiction which was now my reality in rain another OC insert but in the rain village I never seen this done so I decided to give it a go hope you enjoy:)

hoifzf · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

journey to find the legendary trio

Ahma was using a lockpick she made from scrap twisted and pushing it in the door that unlocked. She pushed it open and untied her sack where she started snatching stuff like 30 kunai, 12 paper bombs,23 shiruken and 30 feet of ninja wire.

'I can't believe he thinks he can travel through a warzone without any weapons but then again he's still a kid'

she heard footsteps coming from the door and hit in a cabinet.

"I go away for an hour and someone already broke in it's a shame we don't have any anbu like the other villages or at least some police"

he stepped to the counter only to be kicked in his balls.

"ahh fffffuuck!"

the man collapsed gripping his shins while Ahma kept on with stuff her bag until it was half full stealing some vest and pouches with some other bombs before running off. She rushed out not stopping until she made it to the cave collapsing in a heap breathing heavily.

"I... can't... believe... that worked"

She dragged herself to her mat and passed out.


"Hey! hey wake up!"

Ahma's eyes slowly opened picking herself up off her mat and rubbed her eyes.

"what the heck is it I was hoping to have a dream and I almost saw something"

"yeah it's amazing you still have hope for that but what's with the bag of weapons and vest huh!?"

Ahma gave him a deadpanned look before sighing.

"your crazy about traveling through a warzone without some insurance so that's what those are for"

"Hey I've done it without having a weapon on me before I know what'll work"

"probably through plain luck but if defending yourself with a weapon is a bit touchy you don't have to use it I just don't feel like taking this world lightly ok"

Yahiko looked at her with an angry expression but sighed.

"ok sure but we're not as strong as the ninja out there so we're moving stealthy Konan Nagato you ok with this?"

Nagato eyed the weapons he had a flashback to the death of his parents but then he remembered they were just tools they didn't have to use them that way if it didn't come to that.

"I don't have a problem as long as lethal force remains a last option".

"I trust her logic but like Nagato said it's our last option to actually use them only for self defense"

Yahiko looked back at Ahma and took the pouches passing them to Nagato and Konan and smirked confidently.

"alright let's go we might get lucky to find someone strong and learn from them which will give us a chance against the world and a better success in bringing peace"


the three were traveling going through the drenched terrain and staying clear of the action going on a cross the path they were taking. It was all luck that they weren't found or maybe fate Ahma couldn't believe the luck they were get until one day they came across a battlefield hiding on a cliff they saw 4 people.

"who's that guy on the giant creature?"

Yahiko looked at her eyes wide in a dramatic fashion.

"how don't you know who he is that's Hanzo of the salamander leader of our village"

"I see looks like he just won"

'is it really possible for someone in this world to defeat a whole army of superhuman individuals I hope we could learn from one of those skilled powerhouses'

Hanzo left as the three other began to leave with the group following behind which could be because of how they were exhausted they're senses didn't alert them to being followed. The three entered the cave where they rested for a bit before continuing until they reached a bridge where they were sensed.

"show yourselves now"

one of them demanded he had long spiky white hair with red lines on his face wearing grey and black armor but Yahiko walked out along with Ahma and the others and looking up close she could tell they were totally different from the Shinobi that casually tossed her in the trash they had a more powerful feeling to them it made her look small.

'is this what strong Shinobi look like?'

to bring continued...

(hope you enjoyed it's been a while my bad next chapter is going to be a new volume like comment and peace)