
A god killed me and turned me into Naruto

A man is accidentally killed by a God, this as compensation makes him transmigrate to the Naruto universe, in addition to transmigrating the protagonist of the story, Naruto Uzumaki, who by mistake of that same God dies while training. Now, in the body of the protagonist, he must survive in the dangerous ninja world without the divine protection that all protagonists have. All rights belong to their respective creator or creators. The first story I write in my life, also English is not my language so there will be many grammatical errors, I hope you like it.

Take_Shika · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Chapter 1

"Edgar Hernandez, you have died!"


It was the only thing I could say when I heard that guy, a moment ago I was walking towards the location of my next target when suddenly my vision darkened and then I appeared sitting in front of this person?

It was strange since it had the silhouette of a person, but it did not have a face, hair or any distinctive that a normal person has, the only faction it had was a mouth, and at this moment that thing was smiling at me, it looked something terrifying

I took a look at the place where I was, apart from the table, the glass with what seemed to be wine and the bottle next to it there was absolutely nothing, everything was white, a pretty boring place if you ask me

"Where am I?"—I asked as I looked back at that thing that kept smiling at me—"And can you tell me why I'm naked?"

"We are on the border between death and rebirth, I think you humans know it as Deantarābhava and the reason you are naked is that you have died, you have separated from your physical body, and what you see at this moment is your soul, souls can't wear clothes"- that thing replied while laughing sinisterly

"...So I died?... And how did I die? Don't tell me I got my head blown off with a bullet? Hahaha, I guess karma is a bitch, who knew I'd die the way I took the life of many of my victims..." — I spoke while laughing amused.

"It is rare to see a human accept death in such a way"

"Well, I'm a murderer, from the moment I decided to follow that path I knew that I would die sooner or later" —I replied unimportantly

"I see... and about the cause of your death... actually... it was my fault"

"Hah, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Hehehe... you were struck by lightning that I accidentally launched into your world" —answered the being in front of me nervously

"Ooh…so I got hit by lightning…what the fuck, are you serious?" I asked incredulously as I looked at the guy in front of me.

"Language!, and yes, I'm sorry, it wasn't on purpose"—replied the faceless guy nonchalantly

"You don't seem to be sorry"- I replied as I took the glass from the table and drank its contents - "Wow, this stuff tastes amazing, what is it?"

"Hum... Why should I be? I'm a God, I can do whatever I want without any consequences" - the self-proclaimed God answered arrogantly while puffing out his chest and raising his head - "And what you drank is a wine made by Bacchus, the God of Wine, is one of the best drinks in existence" —he added while smiling happily

"No wonder it tastes amazing" — I said as I took the bottle and uncorked it

"... Hey wait! That's not something a mortal can drink" —shouted the self-proclaimed God

"I don't care, you just killed me, the least you can do is buy me a few drinks"-I replied while I drank the contents of the bottle at once —"*Burp*, ¡haaaaah~!, this is the richest wine I've ever tasted in my life"— I said as I slammed the bottle on the table

"H... how is it possible?... did you manage to drink the wine made by Bacchus?, but you are only a mortal"—said God with disbelief

"Sorry I finished it, by the way, why the hell am I here? Shouldn't they have sent me to hell? Because I'm not even going to heaven, hahaha with everything I've done in my life, at least they should send me to the depths of hell…hey, by any chance don't you have something to eat? I'm hungry" —I said while scratching my belly

"*Sigh*, I can't believe it, the wine that cost me so much to get was drunk by a mortal, I guess it's karma for having murdered him"-God murmured while touching his head

"Hey, are you really God? You know, I thought you would be something much more majestic, not a guy without a face, you remind me of a guy I saw in an anime" - I said while I kept scratching my belly

"…I am a low-ranking God, I am in charge of receiving and judging the souls of mortals after their death, as I told you before, by my carelessness I caused your death, so I brought your soul to compensate you, although I should consider it, the wine you drank cost me a lot to get" —God spoke with an annoyed voice

"Come on God, don't be stingy, it was just a bottle of wine, no big deal, at least someone didn't throw a fucking lightning bolt at you and kill you 'accidentally', I can't believe it, I died in the stupidest way possible"- I spoke with an annoyed tone

"If I already understood, I apologize for murdering you, I hope you'll forgive me"—God replied while bowing slightly

"I forgive you, by the way, you said that you are a low-ranking God, are there other gods besides you?" — I asked curiously.

"That's right, there are many more gods, each with a specific role that..."

"Ooh that's interesting, to be honest, I don't give a fuck, now would you be so kind as to tell me why the hell I'm here?" — I interrupted God as he leaned me on the table.

"What do you think if you are a little more educated, although it may not seem like it, I am a God"-murmured God with an annoyed tone

"Naa, I don't feel like it, you more than anyone should know that I hate religions, in fact I want to hit you, can I do it?"—I asked while smiling

"...I'll pretend I don't hear that...*sigh* better let's continue, uhm let's see"—God said as a center with a black sphere appeared out of nowhere on top

"Oh, that was great" - I said surprised

"Your name is Edgar Hernández, of Mexican nationality, you were orphaned at 8 years old when your mother was cruelly raped and then murdered by her brother along with several of her friends, all while they forced you to watch, wow that's kind of cruel typical of humans, let's move on, after your mother's death you were almost raped by a friend of your uncle, apparently he sold you for a measly amount of money, luckily you managed to escape by killing your assailant, that would be your first murder, wow, that was very violent and bloody, for a child you were quite scary "- God spoke while shaking his head

"Well, I had just seen my mother die at the hands of whoever I called uncle for 8 fucking years, I think I was a little pissed off, by the way, aren't you going to get some snacks, you know, while you remind me of the miserable life I had"—I answered with a sarcastic tone

"*sigh*, okay, I got it, let's get to the point, the reason why you are not in hell is because you gave me some pity, not only your life has been miserable, but because of me you died long before time, so I decided that I would give you a chance to transmigrate, what do you think?" God spoke while smiling

"Transmigrate? Why not reincarnate? I mean that would be much better than stealing someone's body."

"About that, it's because I don't want to, by the way, your opinion has no value, so he has no right to deny you"— God replied while smiling smugly

"You're such a son of a bitch, anyway, who am I going to steal his body from? Or am I going to have to find out on my own?" - talk unimportant

"No problem if I tell you, you will take the place of this boy who just died because of my mistake, normally I would have ignored his death, but it turns out that this boy is the pillar of that universe, so I have no choice but to take cards in the matter, and that's where you come in"—God said as he waved his cane making a screen appear out of nowhere

In this was a person lying on the ground, he was wearing a kind of orange and blue suit, it seemed that he had blonde hair, although it could not be seen very well since a large amount of blood covered his body, a sharp rock it pierced his abdomen almost splitting it in half, it seems that he had fallen from a great height

"Waa, what happened to the poor boy?" - I said as I saw the miserable state of the boy

"He was pushed by his master to a cliff, I think he was trying to force the boy to use a special power that is in his body, but because of me the divine protection that protects him failed for a moment, and he ended up in this state , although in my defense this universe has been rewound millions of times, no matter what we do, it always ends in its destruction, we have even sent some reincarnated so they can help the pillar of that universe but they always end up failing, we are already thinking about just give up and let it destroy"- God said with a tired tone

" ...so you killed that poor guy too...I guess you're that kind of God" — I muttered as I looked at the faceless guy — "just out of curiosity, have you ever rewound my world?" - I asked curiously

"Yes, I already lost count of how many times your world has been rewound"

"I'm not surprised, people in my world are so stupid"

"I agree with you"

"Well, what is the boy's name? Besides, what is this about him being the pillar of that universe?" - I asked curiously

"It's called Naruto Uzumaki, and the people who are known as pillars, are those who are key pieces for the survival of the universe where they reside, their actions dictate the future of the universe" — God replied with a bored voice

"Naruto Uzumaki? We're talking about the protagonist of the anime called Naruto from my world, the blond boy with mustaches on his cheeks and a giant fox locked up in his belly?" - I asked surprised as I looked at the floating image again

"Yes, that same, true, a person from that world reincarnated in yours, that usually happens"

"So the world of Naruto is true, so the other worlds of other animes are true?"

"Yes, all of them"

"Wow, that's crazy, so you want me to transmigrate into Naruto's body, me of all people"

"Yes, I just want to see what interesting things will happen with your presence" — God replied while smiling with amusement

"Mmm, the truth was I was never a big fan of that anime, you know, it's good, there are moments that moved me a lot, but there are many things that I didn't like, I guess it's due to my way of seeing life, besides I never I saw or read the entire anime/manga so I don't remember much of the story, I don't think I'll be much help, how about you send me to another world, how about One piece, I know that manga very well" — I asked with a smile

"No, as I told you before, you have no right to an opinion, besides, I am being kind enough to give you the opportunity to have a new life, shouldn't you be happy?"

"I guess you're right, though... is it necessary for me to take Naruto's place? His future is a pain in the ass" - I spoke with annoyance

"If necessary, I need someone to take his place and you are the only one I can command, you also owe me a bottle of wine, it took me several thousand years to collect it so I could buy it from Bacchus" — growled God angrily

"Well then, what do I have to do? What is the mission?" I asked seriously as I went into business mode.

"There is no mission, just live as you want, just try not to die so soon, oh, and if possible it would be great if you procreated several children with strong women, the son that the original Naruto fathered was a total disappointment" — God spoke with annoyance

"Huh? Did Naruto have a son?" I asked surprised.

"Yes… whatever, let me warn you that you will not be protected by what you call 'plot armor' or 'the fate of protagonist', it will only depend on you, so be very careful, I will allow you to choose an ability that help you in your new life as compensation for murdering you" —God spoke while shaking his cane, in that several cards appeared on the table —"Choose the one you like, you can only take one"

I leaned over and started to look at the cards, on the cards came the name and information of the available abilities, they weren't that amazing abilities, they were quite common and even somewhat useless.

"Don't you think those are a bit useless skills for the world you're sending me to? Also, what's with the ability to have a bigger penis? It's a fucking joke, is that even a skill?" - I asked with surprise while holding a card in my hand

"Uhm, all those abilities were requested by the reincarnated ones who were judged by me, so I saved them in case someone else was interested in them"

"...just kidding, right?"


"... I see, well none of these things are good for me, I can ask you for something different"

"As long as they aren't too powerful abilities, I think you already have enough benefits being Naruto Uzumaki"

"I want to be able to use Haki, all three if possible"

"Haki, you mean the spiritual power used by the inhabitants of the One Piece world, right?"


"Let me see, uhm… it seems that there is no problem, I can only grant you the lowest level of these skills, you have to train them to improve them"—God answered while waving his staff and pointing it at my head

The staff emitted a faint blue glow, then a small ball of light came out of the black sphere of the staff and entered my head, an intense pain hit me, it was as if my head was about to explode, I gritted my teeth while enduring the intense pain for a few long minutes, after it ceased new information was in my head

"Very well Edgar, your ability was granted to you, it's time to take you to the world where you will transmigrate" — God spoke as he waved his staff again, a circular portal appeared behind God — "Come on, it's time to link your soul with the body of the deceased Naruto"


I followed God and entered the portal, after crossing it we appeared on top of a cliff, it was surrounded by a large forest, the curious thing was that the whole place looked in black and white it was strange, at the bottom of the cliff there was a body made pancake , a large sharp stone was buried in his abdomen almost splitting it in half

"Waaa, I'm flying"- I said happily as I moved from side to side, it was a pretty cool feeling

"Right now you're just a soul... well, let's get this over with" - God spoke as he took me by the hand and we went down to the bottom of the cliff

As we went down I could see a quite old man, it was Jiraiya, he was suspended in the air, he had a terrified expression on his face as he looked towards Naruto's body.

"Why doesn't Ero-sennin move?"

"When Naruto died I had to stop time in this entire universe, because if it hadn't been rewound again, if I'm not mistaken there is only one chance left for this universe, if it fails again it will be destroyed from existence" - God said when we arrived in front of Naruto's corpse

"Ugh, he's fucked up" — I muttered when I saw Naruto's state

God used his staff and touched Naruto's head, with a flash we appeared in front of a huge red cage, you could see a huge orange fox with nine tails on his back, at this moment he was also motionless and colorless, his expression was quite frightening, it looked like he was about to go mad with rage.

"Well it's time to start" - God spoke as he hit his center to the ground

Suddenly the whole place gained color, a terrifying pressure invaded the place, and a horrible thirst for blood was directed at me, the culprit was the huge fox that was behind the bars of that cage


"Shut your mouth creature, you are very noisy"— God spoke quietly as he stood in front of me

The fox interrupts his furious scream upon seeing God, his huge body began to tremble violently as he retreated to the bottom of the cage, he seemed terrified

"W…who are you?" asked the fox while still trembling

God ignored the fox's question and began to move his center, a ball of yellow light began to form in front of me, it emitted a welcoming warmth, after a couple of minutes it finished forming, it was almost the size of a basketball

God moved his center towards my head again, the yellow ball that formed entered my head, again a strong pain assaulted me, this was a little lighter than when the knowledge about Haki passed me

Several memories that weren't mine appeared in my head, I also saw that my shape started to change after that sphere joined my head, I became shorter, my build became quite slim, my facial features completely changed, I took Naruto Uzumaki's form

"Ready, your soul and Naruto's have successfully merged, no matter how you behave no one will notice that you are someone else, well apart from that huge fox no one else will know"- God said as he moved his center again-"Fox, I'll take some of your 'Chakra', I need to heal Naruto's body" —God spoke as he moved his core and pointed at the fox.

From the body of the fox a reddish orange aura began to come out that emitted a great thirst for blood, in a few seconds a huge sphere of that bubbling aura was formed, then from the center of God a small ball of white light came out, this joined with the huge ball of fox aura then spread all over the place

Outside of Naruto's mental space that same aura surrounded Naruto's inert body, almost immediately the wounds began to heal at an incredible speed

"Well, everything is ready, you should wake up in a few minutes, my work is complete, Edgar, no, Naruto Uzumaki, I wish you all the best in your new life" — God spoke while smiling —"by the way, before I go let me tell you that there is only one thing you are forbidden to do" — he spoke seriously

"And that would be?, eh, even my voice changed"- I spoke surprised when a squeaky voice came out of my mouth

"You are forbidden to tell someone in this world that you are a transmigrant, if you do you will be destroyed instantly, the creature is the exception, after all, it already saw me, still, you can't say anything either unless you want to disappear from existence...was I clear?" -God spoke seriously as he looked at the huge fox.

"… Yes sir"


"Very well, I have to go, by the way Naruto, there is a different soul and Chakra in your body, I suppose you already know whose it is, right?" —God spoke while opening a portal

"No fucking idea, any idea who it is?"

"Hum... that's your business... well, I'm leaving... don't die so fast"— God said before entering the portal and disappearing

"And he left, what a bastard" —I murmured annoyed

"Who are you?"

The thick voice of the great fox took me out of my thoughts, he was staring at me while his body was still trembling slightly

"What's up! My name is Edgar Hernandez, it's nice to meet you Kurama"—I replied with a smile as I approached the cage

"...How do you know my name?" Kurama growled as he narrowed his eyes.

"It's a very long story, is there any way I can show you my memories? I'm too lazy to tell you everything, it's better that you see it yourself"

"We are in your mental landscape, you can do what you want"

"Oh really? Uhm… let's see if it works"— I muttered as I closed my eyes

Suddenly a giant screen appeared in front of the cage, with a thought everything I remembered from the Naruto anime and my memories began to play.

Kurama carefully watched all my memories, it was silent the whole time, after a few minutes the screen disappeared

"I understand your situation, it's still hard for me to assimilate... it's so unreal"—Kurama spoke breaking the silence

"Don't tell me, I was calmly walking towards my next target when I appeared in front of that bastard, huh? It looks like I'll wake up soon"— I spoke seriously when I felt a little tug

"It seems so, and what will you do?" Kurama asked as he approached me.

"Since they gave me another chance to live, I'll have to make the most of it, you saw what's coming, if I want to get out alive and kicking I have to get strong as fast as possible, will you lend me a hand mate?" - I asked with a smile

"...I guess so" —Kurama replied as he lay down on the ground

"Huh? Really? I thought you would refuse?"

"I prefer to cooperate with you, I would not like to be forced to serve you with your methods, you really are a very terrifying human"—Kurama said as he opened one eye

"Oh come on, I'm not that bad, all those things I did for the greater good"

"Yes, whatever you say"

"Well since we're going to be compadres, let me fix this place so you're more comfortable"— I spoke while I closed my eyes again

The great sewer began to tremble, a strong light began to shine blinding Kurama, a few seconds later the light flashed, Kurama slowly opened his eyes, what he saw surprised him a lot, we were no longer in that gloomy and dark room, he was not locked up either in that big cage that only allowed him to move on his own axis

Instead, now we were in a beautiful green field, a gust of wind hit him in the face making him sigh in satisfaction, the big fox looked around in disbelief, I smiled amused seeing Kurama's expression of surprise at seeing the huge cherry tree, it was gigantic, almost ten times his height or even more, there was a hole in the tree through which he could easily enter and sleep there, Kurama walked around the place with a sly smile, he looked satisfied

"What do you think? It's something simple, but at least it's not a sewer anymore" —I said as I looked at my reflection in the large lake that had appeared —'I really became Naruto' — I thought surprised as I touched my face

"Aren't you afraid that I will attack you and possess your body?" Kurama asked when he stood right behind me.

"You can't, I just changed the appearance of my mental space, you're still sealed"— I said while pointing at Kurama's neck

On his neck was a large necklace, the seal that was in the cage hung on Kurama's chest

"I see, thanks for the detail, ¡oooaaah~!It feels good to stretch your paws."— Kurama spoke as he stretched like a dog

"I'm glad you like it, oh, it seems that I'm about to wake up, hey Kurama, I need you to lend me some of your Chakra" —I said as he began to disappear from my mental space

"Uhm? What for?"

"I want to scare Jiraiya, the bastard threw me off a damn cliff, he practically killed us for a moment, he needs a lesson" — I answered his question while smiling mischievously

"You're right, kick his perverted ass" – Kurama said while smiling the same

"Hehehe take it for granted"








~ Out of mind space ~

Jiraiya was scared, more than scared he was terrified, a great desperation hit him as he saw Naruto's crushed corpse

A moment ago he was training the son of his deceased student, he was teaching him or rather trying to teach him how to use the Kyūbi Chakra that is sealed within him, but no matter what he did they did not achieve a significant improvement, time was running out, just he had 10 days left until the last round of the chunnin exams started, so he came up with the brilliant idea of throwing Naruto off a cliff

It was assumed that being in a life or death situation, the Kyūbi would allow him to use his Chakra, thus being able to summon the chief of the Gamabunta toads, thus avoiding his imminent death, but that did not happen, instead the boy crashed to the ground becoming a human pancake

There were no signs of life in the boy, he had died, or so he believed since seconds after he went down to the bottom of the cliff he watched in amazement as a reddish Chakra with slight white touches began to cover Naruto's body

He watched in amazement as all the wounds on the boy's body began to heal at an incredible speed, even that huge wound on his stomach that almost split him in half was regenerated in a matter of seconds, after a few minutes the boy was fully healed, as if nothing had happened, if it wasn't for the torn and blood-stained clothes I would have thought that everything that happened was just a Genjutsu

"Was it the Fox Chakra? I knew I wouldn't let him die… ¡uff~!, that was close, I almost killed my own godson… if the old man finds out about this, he'll surely kill me"-Jiraiya murmured —"I'm sure he'll hate me after this ... I can't blame him, I don't even want to imagine the mental and physical pain he must have experienced, what was he thinking when I threw him from above? I'm such an idiot"— Jiraiya murmured again as he closed his eyes and clenched his fists

"On that we agree"

A thick voice brought the perverted sage back to reality, a terrifying pressure appeared out of nowhere making him alert, it was as if a ferocious beast was looking at him with unkind intentions.


A strong pain in the abdomen made him moan, he was forced to spit out a mouthful of saliva mixed with blood while he grabbed his stomach, he tried to look up to see his attacker, but before he could do so, a foot crashed violently in his face sending him to fly


A small rumble was heard when Jiraiya's back collided with the walls of the cliff, he fell to the ground abruptly while spitting blood again, that kick had been quite strong, to the point that it disoriented him for a moment,

The Sannin clenched his teeth as he looked up trying to finally see his attacker, it was then that he froze due to shock

In front of him was Naruto, but he had undergone some changes, his body was being surrounded by a dense and bubbly layer of reddish orange Chakra that resembled the figure of a fox, normally the Chakra is not visible to the human eye except for that the opponent has a large amount of Chakra

Jiraiya looked nervously at his disciple, his face had lost the immature and innocence it normally had, instead it was being adorned by a fierce and sinister expression, his eyes were blood-colored with a slit in the middle, they were the eyes of a beast thirsty for blood, his whiskers were wildly outlined, a pair of fangs adorned his half-open mouth and large claws had grown on both hands, two tails waved wildly on Naruto's back

"N...Naruto" - asked a surprised Jiraiya

"Naruto will take nap honey" — Naruto replied as he smiled.

After his sarcastic comment, Naruto shot at incredible speed towards the sage of the toads, in an instant he arrived in front of the Sannin while launching a powerful kick towards the Sannin's head, with an agile movement Jiraiya dodged Naruto's attack and took the opportunity to create distance

Another small crash was heard around the place when Naruto's foot landed on the wall, seeing this Jiraiya gulped nervously as he imagined what would have happened if he didn't dodge that attack

"NARUTO! Calm down, don't let yourself be influenced by the fox" — Jiraiya yelled as he wiped the blood from his mouth

'As expected of one of the legendary Sannin, his reflexes and movements are on another level, I wonder how much the martial arts of my world will do against an S-rank shinobi?' — an excited Naruto thought as he took the fighting stance basic of traditional Karate, had ignored Jiraiya's plea

"Tks... Did the Kyūbi take control?... I directly take out two tails... this can be problematic, I need to cut the connection it has with the fox without hurting it too much" —Jiraiya muttered as he also took a combat stance

A small silence formed while both contenders analyzed each other, for some reason Jiraiya was unusually uneasy, something told him that if he didn't take this fight seriously he could be seriously injured or even killed, in addition to whether the Kyūbi was really taking control of the Naruto's body had to stop it or it could cause a tragedy

His thoughts were interrupted when Naruto lunged forward with incredible speed, a kick was launched towards the Sannin's ribs, but it was easily blocked with his arm, Jiraiya winced a little as he blocked Naruto's attack, a burning sensation ran through him. his arm when the reddish Chakra layer came in contact with his skin

Almost immediately a strong punch from Naruto almost connected in his face due to the small distraction he had, they both backed away for a moment and then rushed towards their opponent

Both engaged in a fierce Taijutsu confrontation, kicks and punches were launched with the intention of destroying their opponent, but none managed to connect, all were blocked or dodged.

'Hahahahaha, this is fun!' - An excited Naruto thought when he dodged the palm that was directed towards his abdomen - 'although I'm still not completely used to this body... anyway, the Chakra is great' - Naruto smiled as he launched a counterattack that was easily deflected by the Sannin

Using the energy known as Chakra was something new for the new Naruto, feeling that energy run through his body made him feel a sensation he had never felt in his life, adding Kurama's powerful Chakra that is much more intense made Naruto enter a controlled ecstasy mode

'What happened to the boy? Before he couldn't fight like that, it's like he was another person...that's strange, besides what happens with those styles of Taijutsu, I've never seen them, if the boy was physically stronger he would be in serious problems, moreover it seems like he's not used to his own body… it even seems like he doesn't know how to use Chakra… boy, were you really possessed by the Kyūbi?' Jiraiya thought as he blocked a series of kicks

About five minutes passed since the fight began, and although Naruto attacked with various moves from different martial arts such as Karate, Jiujitsu, Sambo, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, and even Krav Maga, he never managed to land a single attack, everything he did was useless, on the contrary, on several occasions, Jiraiya nearly managed to land the palm strike that has repeatedly tried to land on his abdomen.

Naruto knew that this attack was the seal Orochimaru used in the forest of death, if that attack hit him Kurama's Chakra would be suppressed and the fight would be over.

If it wasn't for the «Kenbunshoku Haki» that he has been using since the fight started he might have already been defeated, as someone proud of his hand-to-hand combat skill Naruto was starting to get frustrated, his pride was being trampled on, he knew that the sage of the toads was holding back, since if this were a fight to the death Naruto would have already passed away for the second time

{"What's up brat, weren't you going to kick the pervert's ass?"} — Kurama spoke from Naruto's mind space

{"What do you want me to do, this body is pathetic, how the hell has this brat survived so far?"} Naruto answered with annoyance

{"Possibly because of the divine protection that God spoke of, also because of the Chakra, this helps to greatly strengthen the human body, also if you add my Chakra that has circulated in tiny parts through his body since I was sealed in it, that made the boy very strong, although in truth he is a softy, and that he has Uzumaki blood running in his veins, a wasted lineage in this kid, the only good thing was his determination, a pity that he is no longer with us, besides not forget that he is a kid of only twelve years"}

{"Tsk~!… do you think you can give me more of your Chakra? I want to pick up the pace"}

{"I can't, the seal doesn't allow it, two tails is the most I can give you right now, besides your body couldn't bear it, in fact if you don't hurry up you'll start to notice the wear and tear from using my Chakra, I reckon that you have about 20 minutes at most"}

{"Time enough, alright, time to get more serious"}

{"Uhm, I'll go to sleep, don't wake me up if it's not something important"}


Naruto ended the mental conversation with Kurama and continued attacking the Sannin.

'Time to use Busoshoku Haki' – Naruto thought as he clenched both fists tightly.

Naruto lowers his head managing to dodge the swift kick that the Sannin was trying to connect, then he jumps back anticipating the leg sweep that intended to knock him to the ground, Jiraiya widened his eyes surprised because with each passing second Naruto is beginning to anticipate his movements

Naruto smirked, his control with the «Kenbunshoku Haki» has improved during the fight, he has started to sense and predict Jiraiya's movements more often, although the Kyūbi Chakra has helped a little in that since it maximizes the senses of Naruto

Naruto's smile disappears as Jiraiya disappears from his sight for a second, fresh blood sprays from the nose of a stunned Naruto who steps back a few meters, before he can recover a fist is brutally buried in his abdomen hunching over in pain.

'This old man has become serious' – Naruto thought as he jumped back dodging a kick aimed at his ribs

Before he hit the ground Jiraiya appeared in front of Naruto as he unleashed another punch towards his face, but it is blocked when Naruto crosses both arms, Jiraiya takes advantage of that by getting closer while launching a flurry of punches trying to break Naruto's guard

Which worked great as Naruto was forced back while he was exposed, Jiraiya smiled at this as he launched a powerful kick towards Naruto's head

"This is over" - Jiraiya said smiling when he saw that his attack was about to connect

Seeing Jiraiya's attack approaching, Naruto didn't panic, instead a small smile appeared on his face when the Sannin's foot landed on his head, he clenched his teeth as he took a few steps back as he tried to regain his balance, a great mouthful of blood is expelled from his mouth while touching his stomach, that punch had hurt him quite a bit

"Ugh~!... what the hell" — a surprised Jiraiya whispered when he saw his foot bounce off Naruto's head leaving him in a somewhat awkward position

Which Naruto took advantage of by rushing towards the Sannin while launching a swift straight towards his solar plexus, an energy invisible to the human eye ran from his head to the arm with which he was attacking

Thanks to Jiraiya's immense experience and speed he managed to block Naruto's attack, a grimace of pain appeared on his face when Naruto's fist collided with his arm, Jiraiya was forced to take a couple of steps back due to the force behind Naruto's attack.

'Hehehehe it worked… so this is Busoshoku Haki, it's quite an interesting feeling' – Naruto thought as he launched a fierce attack towards the toad sage

Jiraiya is forced to dodge Naruto's fast attacks, the Sannin had noticed that Naruto's speed and strength had begun to increase, even that feeling that Naruto was not in control of his body had begun to disappear, his combat ability had been improving at a terrifying speed

'I'd better get this over with'— Jiraiya thought as he jumped back— "It's time for you to return Naruto's body"— Jiraiya spoke coldly, an incredible pressure began to be felt all over the place

'Shit!... this old man is fucking strong...' - Naruto thought internally as he was pressured by the great presence that Jiraiya emitted - '... hahahaha that's what I was waiting for, let's see how long I can last against this old man...'

Naruto smirked as he challenged Jiraiya, the Sannin merely smiled slightly as he shot towards the blond boy at frightening speed.


Naruto backed up a couple of meters as Jiraiya's fist brutally slammed into his face, if it wasn't for him managing to cover his face with Busoshoku Haki he possibly would have been knocked out, Naruto hurriedly ducks narrowly dodging the kick to his head, but it was surprised by a knee to his stomach that raised him a few inches off the ground

Naruto's vision darkened for an instant as another fist slammed into his stomach, another mouthful of blood shooting from his mouth as he slammed into the cliff face.

Naruto's body fell to the ground abruptly, the Chakra layer that covered him had disappeared, returning to its normal appearance, seeing this Jiraiya let out a long sigh

"I think I overdid it... I'm sure the kid hates me" —Jiraiya muttered as he scratched the back of his head

'…I lost?' - thought a stunned Naruto when he felt his strength abandoning him

{"It was to be expected, after all you were facing a powerful ninja, although in your world you were strong, here you are nothing more than an insect"} — Kurama spoke as he opened one eye, a mocking smile had appeared on his huge snout

{'Ouch... that hurt more than all the old man's punches... but you're right, I'm weak... but... I won't let anyone underestimate me, and that includes you asshole... Call me an insect again and I'll kill you!'} — Naruto replied coldly as he let out incredible pressure.

Kurama widened his eyes in surprise as he felt Naruto's Haoshoku Haki, he had unconsciously got up from where he was lying down, all his hairs had stood on end from the great will that Naruto was emitting, and the mocking smile had disappeared from his sly face, although never I would say it out loud, at this moment the powerful Kyūbi was being intimidated by his Jinchūriki

'…so that's the presence of a conqueror? ...' —Kurama thought as he lay down on the ground again

{"Just this once I'll ignore your disrespect"} —Kurama smirked as he closed his eyes —{"you better hit him at least once you fucking brat"} — Kurama growled as a layer of his Chakra covered to Naruto

{"Fuck you flea bag"} — growled an annoyed Naruto

Naruto was once again enveloped by the bubbling layer of Chakra, seeing this Jiraiya instinctively jumped back as he raised his guard, his serious look reappeared on his face when he saw Naruto get up as if nothing had happened, all the wounds on his body had healed

"Round two… son of a bitch!" Naruto growled as he involuntarily let out his Haoshoku Haki.

Jiraiya looked surprised at Naruto, the boy was letting out an incredible pressure, for a moment he saw the silhouette of his late disciple overlapping Naruto's imposing figure, he swallowed hard as he took up his position again, an excited smile adorned the Sannin's face

Naruto kicked the ground shooting out at incredible speed, in an instant he was in front of the Sannin where he started another ferocious attack, Naruto threw sharp jabs that tried to throw Jiraiya off the scent, but he just dodged them quite easily and then countered with a brutal uppercut. right that pushed back the Jinchūriki of the Kyūbi again

Another brutal fight began under that cliff, both opponents attacked each other with powerful and fast attacks, from Naruto no blow had managed to hit his opponent since they started fighting again

In a blink ten minutes had passed, during all this time Naruto has been nothing more than a boxing bag for the Sannin, but that did not affect him in the least, on the contrary, an excited smile adorned his face as he was sent again back, another powerful fist had managed to hit his face squarely

Naruto staggered a little as he wiped the blood from his mouth, he grunted a little as he felt burning when rubbing his lips, they had been busted from so many blows received

"Naruto it's better that we stop, I know you haven't been controlled by the Kyūbi... it's been enough" —Jiraiya spoke seriously as he stared at Naruto

Naruto turned a deaf ear as he charged towards the Sannin again while maintaining a Peek-a-Boo style defense , his speed had doubled since the battle began, Naruto had finally managed to completely adapt to his new body achieving a better combat performance

"You are too impulsive, stop using the Fox Chakra, if you continue like this he will take control" —Jiraiya growled as he attacked Naruto again

Another brutal kick was launched towards the Jinchūriki's ribs, seeing this Naruto made an impressive movement of the hip managed to avoid the blow, then masterfully approached the confused Jiraiya and planted a brutal hook to the liver

"uuargh~!" Jiraiya wailed as he doubled over in pain

"Hehehehe...I made it" Naruto mumbled.

A smiling Naruto flexed his legs and threw an uppercut again as he jumped slightly hitting the Sannin's jaw, at the same time Jiraiya's leg had dug into Naruto's abdomen, both had hit each other at the same time

Naruto was sent flying again, he fell to the ground as he rolled a couple of meters before coming to a stop, the reddish Chakra layer was gone, Naruto had been knocked unconscious.

"*sigh* finally... ¡ouch~!... that brat hits hard... Uhm... he... keeps looking at me... what a terrifying will" — Jiraiya muttered somewhat surprised as he looked at the unconscious. Naruto who was subconsciously emitting his Haoshoku Haki

After a few seconds a bit of reddish Chakra covered Naruto's body, almost immediately his wounds began to heal at a considerable speed

"So that's the Fox Chakra... it's strange... it didn't recover so quickly before" — the Sannin muttered as he approached Naruto — 'I'll put the seal of the five elements (Gogyōfūin) on it just in case...' — Jiraiya thought while the tip of his fingers accumulated Chakra

"It's not necessary... I'm not going to attack you old pervert anymore... *sigh* you really are a tough nut to crack" - Naruto spoke as he opened his eyes, a foxy smile had appeared on his face

"So you were never possessed by the Kyūbi, you damn brat you almost gave me a heart attack" — Jiraiya spoke as he approached Naruto, a little blood trickled from the corner of his mouth

"You deserve it you damn pervert, you have any idea how much it hurt when I fell from that height, if it wasn't for Kurama I would have died" — Naruto claimed as he raised his middle finger to the Sannin

"I... I'm sorry" - Jiraiya replied as he lowered his eyes

"...This is going to cost you dear old horny man" Naruto growled.

"...do you...don't you hate me?" asked a nervous Jiraiya

"Uhm... no, although you almost killed me, in the end I came out alive and kicking, I just hope you don't try anything like that anymore or I'll really die"

"I promise you, that will never happen again" - promised Jiraiya seriously

Naruto nodded in approval as he lay down on the ground, after using Kurama's Chakra he was exhausted, although little by little he was recovering his energy, he sighed with satisfaction when he felt the reddish Chakra run through his entire body

{"Brat… did you feel it too?"} — Kurama spoke from Naruto's headspace.

{"…just a little, what is that?"}

{"It's the same thing that God used to heal you... it seems a little is left in your body, although my Chakra can heal you, it wouldn't do it as fast as that energy... it's a bit like Senjutsu, but it's thousands of times more powerful... that God is terrifying… he practically regenerated your organs, bones, and Tenketsu that was destroyed when you fell off the cliff"}

{"He is a God after all… do you think we can use that energy in the future? It looks like it's fucking powerful and useful"}

{"I don't know, thanks to that energy joining my Chakra to heal you I can perceive it a little... but it will disappear the more you use my Chakra to heal you"]

{"I understand... well no way, let's talk to the old man, he looks a little anxious to get answers"] - Naruto spoke as he left his mental space

Opening his eyes he saw Jiraiya sitting next to him, he seemed serious as he looked at Naruto

"What's wrong old man? What do you want to ask?" Naruto asked as he sat down.

"... hey Naruto, how the hell did you manage to survive? I know that the Kyūbi Chakra has healing factors in the Jinchūriki themselves, but... I've never heard of that Chakra being able to regenerate organs and… "

"Ah, that, I don't know, when I fell I felt a lot of pain, then I passed out, then I appeared in front of Kurama and he healed me and that's it" — Naruto spoke interrupting the Sannin

{"Hoo, interesting, do you think he'll buy that excuse?"}

{"No idea, I hope so, I can't think of anything else, any ideas?"}


{"Then don't suck and go to sleep"}

{"Hahaha fuck you"}

"Kurama?" - asked a confused Jiraiya

Naruto nodded as he left his discussion with his partner.

"That's my tenant's name"

"Does the Kyūbi have a name?" Jiraiya asked again.

"Yes , hey old man, could you get us out of here, I'm very hungry"

Confirming what Naruto said a big sound was heard from the blond's stomach, Jiraiya simply sighed as he carried Naruto on his back and then began to climb the cliff, after reaching the top he carefully placed Naruto on the ground.

"I'll go get something for you to eat… there are still many things I want to talk to you about boy" —Jiraiya spoke seriously as he ran towards Konoha

"Okay, don't delay, I'm starving" —Naruto yelled in response as he got up from the ground

{"How crazy, I still can't believe it, I had a confrontation with Jiraiya of the Sannin, I must say that that old man is very strong and skillful... if it wasn't for the old man being distracted for a moment I wouldn't have managed to hit him"}

{"Yes, that old man is something decent, and now what are you going to do?"} —the great fox spoke as he opened his eyes again

{"Training to kick the incestuous guy's ass., the invasion of Konoha and the fight with Gaara is also coming… *sigh* shit, just thinking about everything that is coming gives me a migraine"}

{"Well if you want to survive you better start training now, it was embarrassing how you used my Chakra in your fight with Jiraiya, although you had the power you didn't know how to use it, you couldn't even use 40% of the total power of the two-tailed Chakra layer, you are a shame like Jinchūriki and on top of that you dared to threaten me, do you think I'm afraid of you, you stupid hairless monkey"} —an enraged Kyūbi growled as he let out a thick killing intent

{"Hehehehe come on Kurama, it's no big deal, also remember that I had never used the Chakra, I only started to get the hang of it after fighting… but you're right, I need to train, uhm… apparently I have 10 days until the third round of the chunnin exams…should be enough"}

{"Hump... just knowing how to use my Chakra correctly will be enough to defeat any enemy"}

{"...I guess you're right, but I don't want to depend on you..."} — Naruto spoke as he closed his eyes and began to circulate his Chakra through all his Tenketsu, a relaxed smile appeared on his face when he felt the energy run through everything. your Chakra circulation system

Naruto entered a deep state of concentration allowing him to feel his own body in depth, he felt how physical energy and spiritual energy came together creating the energy called Chakra, he also felt the exact location of each Tenketsu of his body

{'I guess there's nothing to worry about'} —Kurama thought as he closed his eyes again as he lay down again under the gigantic cherry tree

The blonde opened his eyes and crossed his fingers, then began to mold the Chakra as he remembered from the memories of the previous Naruto.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu"

Several puffs of smoke appeared at the same time around the blond, they were about 200 exact copies of Naruto, they looked seriously at the Naruto who had his clothes full of blood

"You already know what to do"

Everyone agreed and divided into several groups, some approached the trees and began to perform the Chakra control exercise, others took several leaves and tried to stick them on their bodies and then turn them over, others sat down to meditate, and finally, others tried to walk on the water

"Uhm… my body feels much stronger" — Naruto muttered as he took off his orange jacket — "even my Chakra tripled"

{"It's because your soul merged with Naruto's, because of that you gained a gigantic amount of spiritual energy, in fact, it's so much that I daresay you surpass the old man's... well, as you should already know the Chakra is the union of physical energy and spiritual energy, as you know you are an Uzumaki, a clan known for its ridiculous life force, by having more spiritual energy your reserves should have increased as well as your control over the Chakra"}

"Oh, I get it... spiritual energy huh... I guess Haki is a spiritual energy attack."

{"Yes… you should train that skill as much as possible, from what I saw it is very useful"} — Kurama spoke seriously

"I know… maximum Kenbunshoku Haki allows you to see a few moments into the future"

{"Really?…what a mysterious ability…I never thought of spiritual energy having other uses…uhm…the pervert approaches"}

{"I know"} — Naruto answered mentally as he turned back

"Naruto, what are your clones doing?" - asked the Sannin as he came out of some bushes, he had two bags in his hands

"They train my Chakra control oh that's Ichiraku ramen great" Naruto spoke as he approached Jiraiya and snatched the bags from his hands

Inside came a couple of large bowls of pork ramen, Naruto sat down on the floor and began devouring the ramen.

{"Waa, but what a delight, the ramen of my world is garbage compared to this delight"}

{"Great, you're also a ramen addict"} —moaned the Kyūbi upon hearing his jinchūriki's comment

{"Naa, it's true that it's very tasty, but I prefer a good steak"} — Naruto replied

"So you know the other benefit of shadow clones, when did you discover it?" Jiraiya asked as he sat down across from the blonde.

"When I fight the giant snake in the forest of death"

"And why are you hardly using it?" The Sannin asked again.

"I had a mask to keep, but I don't see it necessary anymore" —answered the blonde while he continued devouring the ramen

Hearing the boy's response, Jiraiya was silent for a long time as he watched the blond devour the ramen.

"You are not going to eat?" — Jiraiya just shook his head — "Great, more for me"

"Are you really Naruto?" Jiraiya asked seriously.

"Oh~!, what makes you think I'm not?"

"You behave like a different person, tell me, are you really Naruto?" —Jiraiya spoke coldly, his body began to emit a slight killing intent

{"Uhm? God didn't say no one would notice that you replaced Naruto"} —Kurama asked as he lazily widened his eyes

{"That's what he said, I guess it's because I'm not acting like an idiot, it's obvious that he would notice the abrupt change in my behavior"} —Naruto replied in the same way

{"What will you do?"}

{"I'll put all the blame on you"}


"I have lived with the Kyūbi for 8 years, do you think that little murderous intention is going to scare me Ero-sennin?, and you must be calm, I am Naruto, the real one, the one you met was simply me acting like an idiot, a mask "Naruto spoke quietly as he continued to eat the ramen.

"What do you mean?" Jiraiya frowned as he stopped emitting his killing intent.

"It's a facade I created to survive, you know, I live in a town where 99% of its inhabitants hate me for something I didn't do, all because my father decided it was a good idea to seal a giant fox in my belly" he growled Naruto upset.

"... huh? It's... wait, did you say your father?!!, t... t... how do you know that?" asked a very nervous Jiraiya

"Kurama" — Naruto spoke while smiling

{"I see, what a bastard you are, blaming all on me"} — growled the Kyūbi as he watched the whole show

{"Well that's the only thing I could think of, I can also use this for the old man to teach me the Rasengan, it will be very useful in the fight against Gaara"}

{"I guess you're right"}

{ "You're taking it very well, with your attitude you probably would have told me to go to hell, why so cooperative Kurama?"} - Naruto asked as he looked into the fox's huge eyes

{... let's say I don't dislike you very much, besides what's coming I prefer to cooperate with you than to be absorbed by that statue, you're not the original Naruto, so you won't be able to solve everything with your evangelizing jutsu, you'll need to be strong to survive everything that comes your way"} —Kurama replied while also looking into the eyes of his Jinchūriki

{"I see, thanks, Kurama…it's good against someone in this unknown world"}

{"Hump, stop being corny, besides, the old man is still waiting for you to answer him"}


"The Kyūbi? ... since when do you talk to him?"

"Since 4 years old"

Hearing this, Jiraiya frowned deeply as he took Naruto by the shoulders. "Why didn't you say anything to the Hokage?"

"I didn't trust him," Naruto answered coldly.

"Can I ask why?" Jiraiya asked, quite surprised by the blonde's response.

"Simple intuition, Kurama also suggested it to me, he told me that if I told the others that I was talking to him they would possibly kill me, they already hate me for being their jailer, if they found out I was talking to him they would possibly ask the old man that he would kill me for fear of being possessed or something, so I had to act like an idiot to protect myself, but I think that is no longer necessary, it is time to stop pretending and show them who Naruto Uzumaki really is" Naruto spoke loudly as he raised his fist in the air.

"...I see, so you know who your parents are, what else do you know?"

"My mother is Kushina Uzumaki the previous Jinchūriki of Kurama, my father the 4th Hokage Minato Namikaze, you were my father's teacher, I think you would be like my godfather or something, am I wrong?" Naruto replied as he looked at Jiraiya coldly.

The Sannin gulped as he looked into the blonde's cold and indifferent eyes.

"I'm not going to ask you why you weren't in my childhood, so calm down, besides, complaining doesn't do me any good, I'd rather you train me"

Hearing the blond, the Sannin breathed a long sigh of relief, a long awkward silence formed, Naruto continued eating while Jiraiya stared at him.

"Ero-sennin, I need you to teach me the Earth Jutsu that serves to bury the enemy, I need it to kick the Hyuga's ass, it would also be great if you get me some weights for my body, as you can see I need some muscle, it would be great if you also buy me some clothes, oh, you should also buy meat, lots of meat"

"O... hey Naruto, and who will pay for all that?" Jiraiya asked in a nervous voice.

"Well who do you think?, you, remember you just killed me for a few minutes, I wonder how the old man will react if he finds out?" Naruto muttered with a rather smug smile.

"... *sigh*, shit, a kid is blackmailing me and I can't do anything to stop him" — muttered the Sannin with annoyance — "okay, I'll buy it, I can't believe it's being ordered by a brat... *sigh* ... that would be all, or his majesty wants something else?"— Jiraiya asked sarcastically.

"Ero-sennin, teach me my father's techniques" —Naruto spoke seriously as he looked into the white-haired man's eyes

Hearing this Jiraiya frowned slightly as he stared at Naruto, after a few seconds he smiled

"I was thinking about that while we were fighting, but he asked me if you can keep up, after all the training will be much more demanding than the summoning training" - the Sannin spoke with a smile

A foxy smile appeared on Naruto's face, and then he closed his eyes, one by one the clones began to dissipate sending the information to the original

'Uhm…it's not that hard to control Chakra, why was Naruto having such a hard time?' Naruto thought after all the clones had dissipated.

The blonde bit his thumb letting some blood come out, then smeared it on his hand as he began weaving hand seals and moving Chakra as Jiraiya taught him.

"Invocation jutsu"

A large puff of smoke appeared below Naruto raising him about 17 meters from the ground, thanks to the fact that he placed Chakra on the soles of his feet he did not fall to the ground

After a few seconds the smoke disappeared revealing a huge opaque red toad, some red lines framed his body, he was wearing a large open blue shirt with a white collar, it had some kanjis engraved on the back, a large pipe was on his snout, this was Gamabunta, the current leader of the toads of Mount Myōboku

Seeing the big toad appear Jiraiya widened his eyes quite surprised, after all he had been training the blond for almost 20 days and during that time Naruto did not make any progress in the summoning technique

'This brat... managed to summon Bunta just using his Chakra...' - Jiraiya thought in amazement

"I haven't breathed the outside air for a long time, Jiraiya, you damn pervert! Why the hell did you call me?" — the huge red toad yelled as he let out a puff of smoke from his mouth

"Hehehe, long time no see Gamabunta, you know, I wasn't the one who called you, you have it in your head" —Jiraiya spoke nervously

Gamabunta looked up and saw Naruto waving at him while smiling like a fox.

"HAHAHA you're kidding me Jiraiya, how is it possible that a microbe like him has summoned me" - Gamabunta spoke while laughing out loud

{"That fucking toad is the bastard that fell on me that night, Naruto let me out and I'll make mincemeat"} — Kurama growled as he let his Chakra flow violently throughout my body

An overwhelming bloodlust flooded the entire place causing both Jiraiya and Gamabunta to tense up as they felt Kurama's Chakra, Naruto was covered by the bubbling Chakra cloak, two tails were waving behind his back wildly and it looked like he was rising.

{"Calm down Kurama... you scare them"} — the blond spoke as he looked seriously at the huge fox that growled in anger while looking at the huge toad, seeing that Kurama did not stop, Naruto released his Haoshoku Haki calling the fox's attention

They both stared at each other for a few seconds, Kurama growled as he stopped emitting his bloodlust and lay down again, at the same time Naruto stopped his King's Haki and walked out of his mental space.

"Kurama wants to eat you Mr. Toad, he says you fell on top of him a few years ago and he's pretty angry" —said a smiling Naruto as he gradually lost his Chakra cloak—' Uhm?...it's strange...why the Kurama's chakra doesn't make me lose control?... is it because of the King's Haki?' —Naruto thought in surprise as he looked at the huge claws on his hands.

"Who the hell are you brat?" Gamabunta yelled as he looked at the blond

"Uzumaki Naruto, Jinchūriki of the Kyūbi, nice to meet you" — Naruto introduced himself while making the peace sign with his hand

"So the Kyūbi pot, brat, what did you call me for?"

"Ask Jiraiya, he wanted me to summon you" — Naruto spoke as he pointed at the white-haired man

"N...Naruto you fucking brat I didn't say that"- Jiraiya yelled comically as he started to run

Gamabunta ignored Jiraiya and continued to stare at the blond who was still standing on the nose of the toad boss.

"Are you the new summoner of the toads?"

"Yes, it will be a pleasure to work with you Gamabunta"

"... I think the same brat, from today you are my henchman, if you need help you can call me, when you have time visit me at Mount Myōboku for a few drinks" —said Gamabunta as he disappeared in a puff of smoke


The blond fell to the ground while smiling, imbuing his legs with Chakra and landing safely.

"That turned out better than I thought" Naruto muttered as he stretched.

{"Fucking toad, one day I will annihilate it"} — Kurama growled with annoyance

{"Hahahaha, come on Kurama, it's no big deal, you shouldn't be so grumpy, your hair will fall out if you keep this up"}

{"Hump, as if my glorious hair was going to disappear for a foolish thing"} — growled the fox with a smile

{"I don't want to hear you complaining when you're a bald fox, by the way, where the hell did Jiraiya go, I don't feel his presence anywhere"}

{"Possibly he went to report what happened to the old monkey or he went to spy on asses and tits over there"} —Kurama spoke with a sly smile— {"By the way, will you try to save the monkey? or you will do nothing"}

{… even if I wanted to, I couldn't… it's a shame, but he will have to die"}

{"HAHAHAHA I imagined it, it seems that you don't like that guy"} — Kurama spoke while looking at his Jinchūriki

{"A little… well, let's forget that, I need to continue with the training, since I'm here we will do things big, I will surpass the original Naruto and I will survive in this damn world, this world would witness the birth of the most powerful man ever ever existed"} Naruto spoke as he clenched both fists

{"I'm dying to see that"} - Kurama replied with some emotion

end of chapter

Good band, here I leave you a chapter of this fanfic that occurred to me while I was going to the bathroom, I hope you like it, it's my first fanfic, let's see what comes out