
Chapter 2

The sun had hidden a few hours ago ending the day, a beautiful full moon had taken the place lighting up the dark night of the country of fire

In a secluded place in the great leaf village there were two silhouettes standing face to face, one taller than the other, these were Naruto and Jiraiya, both of them looked quite serious as they talked about something

"Are you sure, Naruto?... can you really control yourself?" — The Sannin asked seriously.

"Don't worry Ero-sennin, this will be a piece of cake" — answered the blond with a confident smile

Hearing the blonde's response, the white-haired man smiled slightly at the confident attitude of his apprentice.

"I will trust you...Come out, Gerotora!" — Jiraiya exclaimed loudly as he formed a seal and opened his mouth.

When doing this, a strange toad came out of the Sannin's mouth before the blonde's disgusted look, a black and orange toad with dark marks around the eyes and the mouth appeared in front of the white-haired man, his abdomen seemed to be a sealing roll giving it the appearance lanky and rather rare

"That's disgusting" — Naruto muttered as he covered his mouth in disgust and walked away from the white-haired man.

"I'm disgusted that you call me, Jiraiya..." — the toad spoke as he crossed his arms and floated in front of Jiraiya

"Can you open the Kyūbi seal just a little bit?" The Sannin asked while smiling slightly.

Hearing this, the toad fell silent as he turned and stared at Naruto who had moved away a bit at Jiraiya's request.

"*Sigh*... I'm honestly against it, but... even the Great Toad Sage asked me that if the boy asked me for the key, I had to give it to him..."

"The Great Toad Sage?" The Sannin asked in surprise.

"Yes... the Great Sage Toad has had a prophecy and it seems to be about the child, he wants you to bring it before him as soon as possible" - Gerotora spoke seriously.

Hearing this, Jiraiya frowned deeply as he also directed his gaze at Naruto.

'Naruto... maybe it could be... Bah! As if that were possible... it's a miracle that the boy doesn't want to bury the village in ashes for everything that has happened... *sigh* anyway, let's forget that for now, let's see what your son is capable of, Minato...' - thought the white-haired man as he approached the blond - "I'll take him to Mount Myōboku when I'm done here, loosen the seal for now."

" Tch ~! You humans are no match for the Kyūbi, do you really think that brat will be able to withstand the will of the fox?"

" Hehehe don't underestimate the kid, until now he has been able to use two tails like nothing" - Jiraiya replied with a smile

"THAT! TWO TAILS! That's true Jiraiya aren't you lying to me?" - asked the toad doubtfully

"You think I would lie to you on such an important matter…NARUTO! You can come now" - the Sannin called to the blonde who was sitting on the floor

Hearing his teacher's call, the blonde got up from the ground and approached the white-haired man and the toad.

"What's wrong Ero-sennin? And who is the amphibian? Naruto asked in surprise as he pointed to the toad.

"It's the Gerotora, it's the guardian of the key to the seal that contains Kurama-sama" — Jiraiya explained

"Kurama-sama?" - Asked a confused Gerotora

At the toad's question, the Sannin turned to Naruto who nodded with a smile.

"Kurama, that's the name of the Kyūbi" —Jiraiya answered seriously

"Does the Kyūbi have a name?"

"Yes, and if you appreciate your life, you'd better add the 'sama' if you call him by his name, right, Ero-sennin?" The blonde spoke while smiling slyly.

Listening to the blond Jiraiya gulped as a shiver ran through his entire body, after all this week he had experienced the wrath of the fox, the reason? Not calling him with due respect

"...Anyway, brat! Are you really okay with loosening the seal?" Gerotora asked seriously.


"Uhm…opening the seal means you will totally fall under the influence of the Kyūbi, can you say for sure that it won't swallow you and go crazy?" - the toad asked again

"No problem, Kurama and I are compadres, which makes it easier for me to use his Chakra, also my will is not so weak as to succumb to hatred, and if that were to happen one of the legendary Sannin accompanies us, anything he will stop me right sensei?" The blonde replied while smiling.

"Kuhahaha! Don't worry brat, I'll take care of stopping your body in case you go crazy" - the white-haired man replied happily while scratching the back of his neck with embarrassment, he always likes it when Naruto calls him 'sensei', although he never accepted it out loud

During this week he has become quite fond of the blond despite his change in attitude, Naruto no longer behaved like the rowdy, airheaded and scandalous boy who did not follow any instructions, instead now he behaved more seriously at the time of training, his behavior was much more mature and analytical while fighting, it was a complete turn in his personality, although he still kept his cheerful and playful attitude, it was the mixture of his parents' behavior

The Sannin smiled fondly as he messed up the blonde's rebellious hair, who looked at him somewhat confused.

"I am confident that you will manage to control yourself"

"Hehe, of course I do dattebayo!" The blonde answered with a big smile.

Gerotora simply sighed in defeat at the carefree behavior that the teacher and student were displaying.

"Okay then let's do it"

"Okay" - Naruto replied as he uncovered his abdomen

Gerotora approached and placed her paw on Naruto's stomach, as she did so the seal of the Eighth Trigram (Hakke no Fūin Shiki) became visible, the toad hesitated for a moment, but still completed the Sannin's request and with a cry turned her paw to the right.

The sound of a lock being opened was heard from Naruto's stomach confirming that the seal had been slightly opened.

Gerotora and Jiraiya stepped back a couple of meters as they nervously looked at the blonde, after a few seconds Naruto was covered by Kurama's bubbling Chakra.

"Two tails in the blink of an eye, look! A third one already came out" — Gerotora shouted nervously while looking at the blond

The boy was being covered by the three-tailed Chakra cloak, in this transformation Naruto acquired Kurama's characteristics more and more pronounced, his eyes began to shine an intense red color, his pupils narrowed until they became a feline pupil, the nails and canine teeth grew longer and sharper than when he only wore two tails, his blonde hair grew longer and spicier, the whisker markings also lengthened and thickened increasing his appearance to that of a fox.

The amount of Chakra produced from this form is caustic , so that the air around Naruto began to burn quite intensely, a maddened aura filled the place making all the animals in the forest scream in terror.

A horrible Chakra violently swirled around Naruto causing a large crater under the blond.

" Ugh … what a terrifying Chakra" — Gerotora growled as he covered his face with his paws.

"Way to go, Naruto! hold the Chakra like this!" The Sannin cheered as he pulled out a paper with a Tailed Beast Chakra Suppression Seal on it.

The Tailed Beasts are made up of "Chakra" and "Will", because of this it is likely that Naruto will lose control every time he uses Kurama's Chakra due to Kurama's "will" also leaking corrupting Naruto's mind

To be able to control Kurama's immense Chakra, the only way is to have a strong will and a heart free of hatred capable of withstanding the immense hatred that Kurama harbors, but luckily for Naruto, this hatred decreased by half due to the memories that he showed him. Naruto from his previous life achieving better control over this Chakra

In addition to the fact that the will of the new Naruto is immense, it is not only due to the union of the soul of Edgar and Naruto Uzumaki, but also to the carelessness of a certain God that allowed him to drink something that a mortal should never taste.

{"This is strange… even the third tail is not a problem for you, I know you have an incredible will but still your heart must harbor hatred and anger and more seeing everything you had to live in your old world, aren't you human?"} - Kurama spoke quite surprised

{"Of course I'm human, it's just that during my training to become an assassin I was taught to control my emotions... after all, my profession required it... by the way, did I use the fourth tail?"} -answered the blond as he entered his mental space.

{"Don't do it, that way shortens your life, although you are Uzumaki you shouldn't use it unless it is really necessary, besides your current body wouldn't support too much of my Chakra, you would possibly explode"} — the fox spoke seriously

{" Huh ? man, don't say scary things..."} —Naruto murmured somewhat scared

Kurama stared at Naruto for a few seconds, in the mind of the huge fox he was debating if he should fully trust this new Naruto, but after a few seconds he simply smiled slightly.

{"...oi, Naruto, let's clash fists"} - Kurama spoke again as he stood up and walked towards Naruto.

{"Uhm? …are you sure, isn't it too early?"}

{"No problem, as long as you don't use more than three tails nothing will happen, you need strength right now and my Chakra is the only option"}

{"…remember that I am not like Naruto… I may not follow the same path as that boy"}

{"I know, that's why I do it, after all, there's nothing better than settling things with fists, right?"} — Kurama spoke with a sly smile as he extended his fist towards Naruto

Naruto smiled as he repeated the gesture and bumped his fist against Kurama's, they both smiled as they felt how their Chakras connected, increasing their already strong bond.

{"I'm in your care mate"} — Naruto spoke with a smile

{" Hump … stop being cheesy and get out of here, I want to sleep"} — Kurama answered as he went back under the cherry tree

" Tch ~! As curmudgeonly as ever" — Naruto muttered as he snapped out of his mental space.

Opening his eyes he noticed the surprised look of the Sannin and the toad, the blond ignored them and inspected his appearance.

Naruto still had the Bijū Chakra cloak surrounding him, but his bestial features had diminished a bit, the horrifying and chilling aura that Naruto gave off had disappeared and was replaced by an imposing and bestial presence, these were signs that the Biju and his partner they were fully cooperating

"Your Chakra is impressive Kurama" - Naruto murmured making Kurama smile with pride

The blonde clenched his fists tightly, he felt like a great force ran through his body while Kurama's Chakra ran through all his Tenketsu, his muscles felt full of power so he couldn't help but release several punches and kicks into the air letting out all that Energy

Each blow caused large gusts of wind that ripped the nearby trees showing the great explosive force that the blonde has while wearing the Bijū cloak.

"I feel like the green Naruto with the OFA," Naruto mumbled as he stopped shadow boxing, "Uhm... I can even wag my tails and use them at will... let's see."

The tails behind Naruto lengthened and grabbed one of the trunks that were uprooted before launching them towards other trees.


A crash was heard as the trunk crashed with the trees shattering in the process.

"Interesting" - the blond murmured again while manipulating the tails made of Chakra

The blonde began with his shadow boxing adding the Chakra tails that the Bijū mantle grants him, great rumblings were heard due to the force that the blonde was expelling

"That kid… he really did it, the Kyūbi dome… it's impressive" — a surprised Gerotora spoke as he watched Naruto cause a ruckus

"Hehe I knew I'd make it, it seems that Minato wasn't wrong... by the way Gerotora, if you appreciate your life, never, never repeat those words about taming Kurama-sama in front of Naruto... that boy respects the Kyūbi too much that he doesn't tolerate let no one disrespect him, and believe me it's not good to be on that boy's bad side..." — the Sannin spoke seriously as he looked at the toad

"*Sigh*I understand" — Gerotora replied while sighing

"Well done Naruto, it seems that you have managed to use Kurama-sama's Chakra without any problem, tell me boy, how many tails can you use?" The Sannin asked as he approached Naruto.

"Three tails, because of my body I can't use more than that or I'll explode like a bomb" —Naruto replied as he stopped using Kurama's Chakra

"Damn boy, that sounds terrifying" - the Sannin spoke quite nervously

"True, yes ... I guess I'll have to wait a few years for him to be able to withstand Kurama's full power."

"No problem, it's already impressive that you can use that amount of Chakra, your father would be proud to see you, Naruto" — Jiraiya spoke as he ruffled the blonde's hair

"... anyway, it's time to go back to the village, I'm tired, this week has been hell" - the blonde murmured while massaging his shoulder

"You shouldn't complain since you were the one who asked me to train seriously… you even forbade me to do my research, do you have any idea what it's like not to be able to see cute young girls bathing? I was the one who suffered a real hell!" The Sannin shouted comically.

"Hahaha I don't know why you spy on girls if 'that' doesn't work for you anymore..." Naruto joked with an amused smile

"What did you say?!"

"That your 'little friend' doesn't work anymore."

"Damn brat, come here!" The Sannin growled as he chased after Naruto.

The blond ran through the forest while laughing fun making the white-haired man angrier

"Jiraiya, I'm leaving" — Gerotora shouted, calling the attention of the teacher and student

"See you Gerotora, thanks for loosening the seal" - the blonde said goodbye

"Gerotora, reverse summon" - Jiraiya yelled as he stopped

"Leave it to me" — said the toad before disappearing in a cloud of smoke

"reverse summon?" Naruto asked.

"It is a technique that allows an animal to summon a human being that has a blood contract with it"

"Oh! And what is Gerotora going to summon us for?"

"We'll go see someone" - Jiraiya replied with a smile

Naruto was surprised to hear his teacher, they talked for a few minutes before they also disappeared in puffs of smoke, returning peace to the forest.

"So that mortal is the one who could stand my wine…uhm?…I see…I guess that explains it"

A man appeared floating above where Naruto and Jiraiya were previously, this was Bacchus, the God of wine, next to him was a human silhouette without any human characteristics besides the mouth, if Naruto were at this moment he would recognize him as God , the being that killed him and turned him into Naruto

"You realized?" God asked

"A 'Heaven Seizers' has popped up again ... did you know that?"

"No... I found out after I worked his soul with that of the pillar of this universe."

"I see… whatever, even if it's a 'Heaven Seizers' I don't think he will mature, this universe is very low level, his talent will only be wasted and of course my wine, as always you are an idiot, you missed the opportunity to make a breakthrough in your understanding of the Tome of Heavenly Strengthening, What a way to miss an opportunity."

"You had to remind me... *sigh*... and you're wrong, this universe is not as simple as everyone thinks" - God spoke seriously

"Uhm, what do you mean?"

"... let's go, I have work to do" - growled God as he entered the portal that appeared in front of him

" Hahahaha as mysterious as always, anyway, as compensation for showing me something interesting I will give you a glass of wine, because I am generous" — answered Bacchus while following God

Both divinities disappeared from the place, returning the silence to the night















{"HAHAHAHA, you would have seen your face, it was the best hahaha…and tell me, was it delicious?"}

{"…no…"} — Naruto answered as tears came to his eyes

{"HAHAHAHA it's the best day of my life"} — Kurama rolled on the ground while laughing out loud

{"You'll pay me , you damn ball of fur"} — Naruto stammered.

{"At least you didn't kiss an emo avenger, no wait, you already did"}

{"Don't remind me of that, Tsundere fox !"} Naruto growled as he gags to the fox's amusement.

{"Who are you calling Tsundere , you damn hairless monkey!… tch ~! Anyway, get out of here, the pervert is calling you"} — Kurama spoke as he took Naruto out of his mental space

"Oh, you son of a bitch, you'll pay for this, hairball." — growled an annoyed Naruto at being expelled from his own mental space

Naruto kept throwing insults in the air before the amused look of the Sannin, after Naruto told him that he was Kurama's friend, he had seen how the blond was arguing with the fox quite often, it was quite funny to see a boy of about thirteen years old fighting with the most powerful bijū in the world.

"Naruto-chan, calm down, you are in front of the Great Ancestor" — Fukasaku spoke as he jumped on the blonde's shoulder

This is one of the two great toad sages of Mount Myōboku, about 30 centimeters tall and green in color, he has a white beard and very bulging eyebrows, in addition to wearing a gray cloak

"Oh! Sorry Fukasaku-sama, it's just that the furball is being an idiot" - Naruto spoke while rubbing the back of his neck, he was a little embarrassed

" Hahahaha , it's quite unusual to meet someone who has such a harmonious relationship with the great Kyūbi no Yōko, by the way... Who are you?" — a great toad spoke

This is Gamamaru, he has brown skin with a white belly and due to his advanced age the wrinkles cause him to squint, plus he is one of the largest toads on Mount Myōboku. He wears a teacher's hat with tassels and an orb on top, he also has a necklace with a large purple ball with the Kanji symbol for oil.

Listening to the great toad, they all sighed again, they had already been talking to Gamamaru for a few minutes, but due to his advanced age he tends to forget everything very quickly, which is why they did not advance in their talk

"Oh, I remember, I remember. You're Naruto" — Gamamaru spoke, drawing the blonde's attention — "Listen Naruto, I've seen a prophecy that possibly involves you, the boy who protects the Kyūbi"

{" Huh ?, protect me? I'm the one who protects this bag of bones!"} - Kurama growled from inside Naruto

Naruto sighed hearing Kurama's tantrum, but decided to ignore it.

"A prophecy? Ok, I'm ready"

"In that case, listen to me carefully " — Gamamaru opened his eyes slightly as he turned his attention to the blonde — "In the not too distant future you will be visited by three individuals from other times"

"Other times?" - murmured all those present

"Yes…the being from another world, the man whose power resides in his eyes and the boy who defeated a God will gather around the boy who guards the Kyūbi...that's all I saw" — Gamamaru spoke

"Huh, is that all?" Shima asked.

"Yes, it's everything I saw in my dream before I was forced to wake up" — answered Gamamaru

This surprised the two elders of Mount Myōboku who looked somewhat worried, Gamamaru continued to look at the blond who was also somewhat surprised.

'This is strange, something like this had never happened to me while prophesying something... it's as if something prevented me from seeing the boy's future...' - the Great Toad Sage thought to himself as he looked at Naruto

"So three weirdos are coming to see me? *sigh* sounds like a pain in the ass" — the blonde muttered with annoyance

"Don't be rude" - Shima scolded as he gave Naruto a smack on the head

"Sorry, it slipped out." — Naruto muttered as he rubbed his head —{"What do you think Kurama?"} — he mentally asked his partner

{"I have no idea, possibly it's something that happened in the sequel to what you call a manga or simply an effect of that God sticking his nose into this universe"} — Kurama replied as he continued to lie down

{"... *sigh* shit... we'll talk about this later"} - Naruto spoke as he came out of his mental space

"Naruto, you must be careful, I don't know the reason why those three beings are interested in the Kyūbi, but it can't be anything good" — Gamamaru spoke seriously calling the blonde's attention

"I understand, thank you Great Ancestor" - Naruto thanked as he bowed slightly

Gamamaru took one last look at the blonde before closing his eyes again.

"Come on Naruto-chan, let the great ancestor rest" — Fukasaku spoke as he jumped towards the exit

Naruto nodded and said goodbye to Gamamaru without receiving any response, seeing this he followed the little toads while they talked a bit

"So you were Ero-sennin's teacher?" Naruto asked curiously.

"Yes... it was a long time ago" - Fukasaku replied with a smile

"Hey Fukasaku-sama, can you teach me how to use Senjutsu?" The blonde asked again.

" Huh ? Jiraiya-chan already told you about Senjutsu?"

"No, it was Kurama"

"I see... uhm, I think it's too early for you to try to learn Senjutsu, after all not even Jiraiya-chan has managed to perfect the sage mode" — Fukasaku spoke as he continued walking

"So difficult?" asked the blonde

"Yes, simply being able to feel the natural energy is already a great feat"

"Natural energy? You mean the energy found in nature, right?"


"Well, it's not that difficult since I'm able to feel it" - Naruto said with a proud smile

"Oh, so you can already feel the natural energy...WHAT YOU WHAT?" - shouted a surprised Fukasaku

"I can feel the natural energy, once I tried to use it, but Kurama scolded me" - Naruto spoke while pouting

{"You almost turned to stone, you damn fool!}

{"Hahaha, we almost died"} - Naruto laugh with amusement much to Kurama's annoyance

"Kurama-sama was right Naruto-chan, natural energy is quite dangerous, if you want to use it you need to go through arduous training to be able to use it correctly" - Shima scolded as he gave the blonde a couple of bumps on the head

"I understand Shima-sama, I won't do it again" - promised the blond with a smile

"Good boy, and I already told you to call me Ma" — Shima said

"I understand, I understand, but don't hit me anymore" - murmured the blonde making the two toads laugh

After walking a couple of minutes they left the place where Gamamaru lived, Jiraiya and Gamabunta were outside waiting for the blond and the elders

"How was Naruto?" - asked the Sannin when he saw his student

"I wouldn't know what to say, I don't know if it's good news or bad" - the blonde replied with annoyance, confusing the Sannin

At Jiraiya's confused look, Fukasaku proceeded to tell him what Gamamaru had prophesied.

"I see... Naruto, those are problems.... well, our time together was short, but I had a great time with you, but here we say goodbye" -spoke Jiraiya, earning a slap on the head from Shima- " Ouch.... there was no need for the slap, ma'am, I'm just kidding" -answered the Sannin while rubbing his head.

"Naruto-chan asked me to train him in Senjutsu, what do you think Jiraiya-chan?" — Fukasaku spoke calling Jiraiya's intention

" Huh ? …why in such a hurry Naruto, aren't you strong enough right now?" The Sannin asked curiously.

"I need to get stronger as soon as possible, we don't know when that masked guy will attack again, right Kurama?" Naruto spoke

"Masked guy?" Fukasaku asked.

Suddenly, a mace formed by a reddish Chakra came out of the blond's stomach, this alarmed the old toads and Jiraiya who immediately surrounded Naruto.

After a few seconds the head of a fox was formed, it was Kurama who manifested through the Chakra that leaked from the seal.

"The brat is right, he needs to get stronger as soon as possible" - a thick voice was heard making the hair of all those present stand on end except for the blonde

"T-the Kyūbi!!" Gamabunta yelled as he unsheathed his Tanto.

"It feels good to breathe fresh air... uhm, Naruto, that toad, can I eat it?" Kurama asked as he smirked.

Hearing the Bijū, everyone present shuddered due to the overwhelming killing intent that Kurama was expelling, his eyes narrowed as he stared at Gamabunta who tensed as he was watched by the imposing Bijū.

"Kurama, you can't eat Chief Bunta, uhm, I have an idea, what do you think if you eat the pedophile snake that we met in the forest of death" - Naruto spoke with an amused smile following the game of his co-worker

" Mmm ... it sounds tempting, but I think my stomach will hurt if I eat crap... besides that shitty toad owes me, the bastard fell on me while I was playing with the shinobi of the leaf" - Kurama growled annoyed while a tail made of Chakra pointed to Gamabunta

"You almost annihilated half of Konoha and you say you were playing" — reproached the Sannin with an annoyed tone.

" Tch , they deserved it, tell me pervert, what would you do if one day you find out that your brothers were captured by an idiot with a tree brain, when you try to rescue them a damn bastard with tricky eyes appears who manipulates you without being able to do anything, then when you regain control they imprison you for selfish reasons" — Kurama roared angrily as he looked at the white-haired man

Hearing the Bijū's roar, Jiraiya didn't know what to reply, he simply clenched his fists as he looked down.

"Exactly... that's what I feel right now!" - Kurama roared again as he let out all the anger he has been accumulating

So much was the negative feeling that Kurama was expelling that they began to manifest in Naruto, the Bijū cloak made an appearance alerting the Sannin and the others, the anger expelled by Kurama was so intense that the entire Myōboku mountain began to tremble creating panic in the country of frogs

"Calm down Kurama" - Naruto spoke quietly as he patted the fox's head

"Tch! Anyway, you should thank this guy, thanks to him, my desire to exterminate the tumor of this world called humanity has diminished a lot" - growled Kurama as he stopped expelling his bloodlust.

Thanks to that the whole place stopped shaking, the place returned to normal to the relief of all its inhabitants

Everyone present except for Naruto heaved a sigh of relief, a large amount of sweat covered their bodies due to fear, a thought crossed everyone's mind at this moment which was: never anger the Kyūbi

"Anyway, we got off topic" — Naruto spoke drawing everyone's attention — "As I mentioned before, I need to strengthen myself as soon as possible because I have a powerful enemy behind me" — the blonde said seriously

"What do you mean Naruto?" Jiraiya asked quite seriously.

"It would be better if I told you" —Kurama interfered —"I'm going to tell you what really happened on October 10 12 years ago, sit down and listen carefully, whoever interrupts me I'll devour" —Kurama added with a serious voice

They all nodded as they waited for Kurama to speak, after a few seconds of silence Kurama began to recount what really happened that day

He mentioned that that day Kushina Uzumaki, his previous Jinchūriki was in labor, seeing this Kurama tried to escape because at that time the seal was very weakened, but he did not succeed since the fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze managed to keep the seal. .

That's when that guy appeared, dressed in a black cloak and a strange mask, infiltrated the place where Kushina Uzumaki was giving birth, killed the third Hokage's wife and the midwife, and then took the newborn hostage.

In a short confrontation the fourth managed to rescue the boy, but instead it was Kushina who had now been kidnapped, the objective of that subject was the Kyūbi that was sealed inside Kushina

With a strange space-time Jutsu, the masked man took Kushina to a place outside the village and proceeded to release the Kyūbi to later manipulate it through the Sharingan, minutes later the masked man used the summoning technique in the town of Konoha without prior notice.

After a few minutes he was released from the masked man's control, but still continued with the massacre, in the end he was thrown out of the town and then sealed in Naruto.

A long silence formed after Kurama had finished telling his story, both Jiraiya and the toad elders were analyzing the Bijū's story, a frown adorning their faces.

"Kurama-sama, the masked guy, do you know your identity?" - Fukasaku asked breaking the silence

"That bastard called himself Madara Uchiha" —Kurama replied seriously

Hearing Kurama's answer everyone was alarmed, Madara Uchiha, there is no shinobi in this world who do not know this name, he was a legendary shinobi, co-founder of Konoha and leader of the Uchiha Clan during his time

He was as powerful as the Shinobi God Hashirama Senju, which is why his name is synonymous with fear and respect, which is why the old toads were so surprised at this time.

"MADARA UCHIHA!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! He died a long time ago" — Shima shouted, refusing to accept what he heard.

"What the lady says is true, Kurama-sama, it's not that we don't believe you, but it's hard to accept that Madara Uchiha is still alive" - Fukasaku spoke calmly

"I don't know if he is the real Madara, but there is no doubt that he is a danger to the village and even more so to Naruto" - spoke Jiraiya drawing everyone's attention - "Naruto, after the Chunnin exams I want you to come with me on a training trip, do you agree?" asked the Sannin

Naruto turned to Kurama who nodded in agreement.

"Sounds good to me" - replied the blonde with a smile

" Hahahaha I'm glad" — the Sannin let out several laughs and then put on a dark look — "You better prepare yourself Naruto, the training will be hell" — Jiraiya spoke trying to sound intimidating

"I have the most powerful demon in this world sealed in my belly, do you think your attempts to sound tough will scare me?" Naruto asked with a smirk.

" Tch ! Insolent brat" — Jiraiya murmured annoyed making the elders laugh — "Let's go brat, I'll take you to the village" — growled the Sannin as he walked towards the center of Mount Myōboku

"Come on Ero-sennin, it was just a joke, you don't have to get so angry" - the blond continued to the Sannin who kept walking annoyed - "See you later, Ma, Pa ... chief Bunta, say hello to Gamakichi" - Naruto spoke as he said goodbye to the toads

"Naruto-chan, when you have free time, summon a toad to warn us and let's do the reverse summoning" - Fukasaku spoke, drawing the attention of Naruto and his partner

"Huh ?"

"Your Senjutsu training will start as soon as possible" — Fukasaku spoke with a smile

Upon hearing this Naruto also smiled in the same way, after saying goodbye he reached the Sannin who was waiting for him in front of a small pool, this was a portal that allows him to teleport a small toad to the outskirts of the leaf village

After a few seconds they both disappeared in a puff of smoke.














"I like this world, its air is so clean that it's nice to breathe, although the town is quite putrid and disgusting" - Naruto spoke from the top of his apartment

The blonde had already returned to the village, due to some things that happened during his return he had barely arrived at his apartment

{"It looks better when it's in ruins"} — Kurama spoke from the mental space

" Hump …tomorrow is going to be a hectic day, can I count on you compadre?" The blonde asked seriously.

{"Uhm? Do you really plan to protect these worms?"} - Kurama asked quite surprised

"... right now I'm a shinobi, my duty is to protect my village and its people... even if I don't like them" - answered the blonde while holding the ninja band in his hands

{" Tch ! I should have imagined it, your sense of duty is annoying… *sigh* anyway, you can use my Chakra as you like, although I don't like that it is to help these humans"}

"Thank you Kurama" - the blonde smiled happily upon hearing his partner- "...I guess I'll let Ero-sennin know" - Naruto muttered as he entered his apartment.

The blonde found a piece of paper and wrote a note, then summoned a messenger toad and delivered the message that was addressed to Jiraiya.

"Well, it's time to visit Lee" - Naruto muttered as he tied his ninja band on his right arm

With a jump he returned to the roof of his apartment, following the memories of the previous Naruto headed towards the Konoha hospital while walking calmly through the streets of the town

Wearing different clothes and not having his ninja band tied in front, Naruto went unnoticed for a moment, although some people did recognize him due to his mustaches and as usual, they began to discreetly throw insults at the blond.

The word demon was the most common among all those insults, looks full of hate and resentment were directed towards Naruto, but compared to other occasions, this time the blond stopped and looked back at them.

Blood-red eyes looked at all those civilians who had the guts to insult the one they considered to be a demon, all those people closed their mouths upon feeling the boy's penetrating gaze, the hatred on their faces was replaced by fear.

A mocking smile was drawn on the blonde's face as he continued on his way, seeing that Naruto had disappeared from his sight, all those people heaved sighs of relief, their bodies trembled and sweat covered their faces.

"W-what was that?" A middle-aged man stuttered as his legs lost strength and he fell to the ground on his ass.

"I knew it! That boy is a demon" — murmured a woman as she hugged herself

"I thought it would kill us"

Several similar comments began to sound throughout the place, everyone was confused, they had always insulted and denigrated the blond without any consequence, for which they were already used to always getting their way, but apparently that was over, although Naruto did not I mention no words everyone understood the message very clearly

The blond ignored their reactions and continued on his way.

{"Was that necessary, Kurama?"} — the blond mentally asked his partner

{" Hahahaha , look at them, it seems that everyone is going to shit themselves, hahaha damn ball of cowards"} — Kurama mocked while laughing out loud

The blonde sighed at his partner's childish attitude and continued on his way, along the way he received some insults, but they were silenced by Kurama's penetrating gaze.

'*sigh*… it seems that not only the high command is blinded by the ego, but also all its inhabitants… *sigh* Why did I have to transmigrate in Naruto? If it was anyone else I would have already left here, who the hell would like to be in this shitty town' – Naruto thought with annoyance as he looked around as he walked

When Naruto reviewed the memories of his predecessor he was disappointed by what he saw, really the manga or anime did not show what little Naruto really lived in this rotten village

For any boy who has seen or read the manga, Konoha seemed like a beautiful place to live, a place where great legends have grown, a righteous and just village that advocates peace and justice for the helpless.

False, this place is the worst place to live, not only are they always at constant war with neighboring countries, but the inhabitants themselves devour each other out of greed, it is rare people who really care about their neighbors.

The blonde sighed with disappointment as he chased away a group of children who were hitting another child in an alley, after helping him up he left without saying anything, this scene was similar in various parts of the village, but no adult did anything.

The blond simply sighed as he continued walking through the streets of Konoha, after walking a few minutes he arrived at one of the stores where he was allowed to shop and not run like a mangy animal, the Dango store, after talking a little with the kind lady who attended him with a smile, the blond bought some candy and continued on his way to the hospital.

"Apparently there are some decent people in this shit hole… oh! that's Shikamaru" — murmured the blonde when he noticed a boy with black hair in the shape of a pineapple,

This was Shikamaru Nara, one of the blonde's classmates and boys his age who didn't treat him like an outcast.

Shikamaru has narrow brown eyes and a typical expression that suggests he is bored or irritated. He has shoulder-length black hair tied into a spiky ponytail, wears a short-sleeved gray jacket with green trim and the rudimentary Nara clan symbol on the back, under which is a shirt of green-lined mail armor. He also wears brown pants and wears his blue forehead protector around his left arm.

"Oi! Shikamaru! Here!" The blonde yelled trying to get the boy's attention.


"That's right compadre" - Naruto spoke with a smile

"Wow, I almost didn't recognize you, why did you change your style?" Shikamaru asked with a small smile.

"All my suits ended up destroyed due to training" - answered the blonde as he offered him a skewer with dangos

The dark-haired man accepted the dangos as he began to walk next to Naruto.

" That sounds troublesome"

"Well, I've got some arrogant ass to kick, by the way. Where were you going?" Naruto asked curiously.

"I'm going to visit Chōji, I heard he 's in the hospital"

"Uhm? still not out of the hospital? How serious were his injuries? The blonde asked worriedly.

"No, no, what happens is that he ate too many ribs after the fight and suffered indigestion" - Shikamaru replied with an amused smile

"Hahaha, very typical of him"

"And where are you going?"

"I'm also going to the hospital, because of training I haven't been able to visit Lee and Hinata"

"I see... and tell me Naruto, do you think you can beat Hinata's cousin?" Shikamaru asked curiously.

"Yes, it will be a piece of cake" - Naruto replied with a smile

"You look confident"

"Uhm... let's just say it's time for them to meet the real Naruto" - a fierce smile appeared on the blonde's face causing Shikamaru to raise an eyebrow

"Heh, as troublesome as ever" — Shikamaru muttered as he sighed.

The two young men walked calmly to the hospital while they talked, Naruto really enjoyed the company of the dark-haired boy, according to the memories of the previous Naruto, he and Shikamaru had met when they both turned 5 years old, compared to the other children he did not avoid him , so let's say the two have a pretty decent relationship

After a long walk, both boys reached their destination, after asking at the reception for the number of the room where the people they were visiting were located, they proceeded to go see their friends

They stopped by Lee's room first, but the boy was sleeping so they decided to visit him later. Hinata had left the hospital a few days ago because her injuries had improved a bit, so she continued her recovery at home, and finally they both went to Chōji's room where she was glad to receive a visit from her two friends.

Chōji Akimichi has brown hair, swirl marks on his cheeks, and like the rest of his clan, he has a much stockier physique than most other ninja.

When he was recovering from indigestion, the doctors forbade the young Akimichi to consume food other than those provided by the hospital, which his two visitors took advantage of to annoy him.

"You two are monsters" — Chōji cried comically as he watched his two visitors eat the fruits and sweets that were supposed to be for him.

"Hum... these dangos are delicious right Shikamaru?" The blond asked with a mocking smile.

"Hahaha, you should stop Naruto, Chōji is already crying" - Shikamaru laughed amused at seeing the suffering of his teammate

After teasing Chōji for a few more minutes, the boys started chatting while playing cards, according to the previous Naruto's memories, both Shikamaru, Chōji and Kiba Inuzuka were the only boys his age he could call friends in this village.

Of course not counting his strange relationship with his teammate Sasuke Uchiha and the girl named Sakura Haruno, who he supposedly liked.

'These guys really were Naruto's true friends' – thought the blonde as he looked at the two boys in front of him – 'Uhm?...so you're here...Gaara?' He frowned as he directed his gaze to where Lee's room is.

"What's wrong Naruto?" Shikamaru asked when he noticed the change in his friend's expression.

"Follow me Shika ... Lee is in trouble" - the blonde spoke seriously as he left Akimichi's room

The dark-haired young man was confused by his friend's words, but still followed him, the tone in which he spoke surprised him since he had never heard Naruto speak like that

'Now what's wrong with him... it's as if he were someone else' — thought the dark-haired man as he followed Naruto

Quickly they both arrived at Lee's room, in this was a somewhat short red-haired boy, on his back he was carrying a pumpkin, sand swirled around him while his hand was extended towards a sleeping Lee

Seeing this, Naruto channeled Chakra into his feet gaining great speed that he used to get to one side of the redhead, this caught the attention of the boy with the pumpkin, but it was too late, the blond had grabbed him by his suit and with a force I throw him away from Lee


With agility the redhead landed on the ground as he directed his gaze to his attacker, his hand had clenched into a fist, a sphere of sand had appeared in the place where the blonde was standing

"So you dodged it" - the redhead spoke coldly as he turned to the corner of the room

Naruto had changed position with the chair that was in the room, the crushed wood fell to the ground as the sand returned to one side of the redhead who was looking coldly at the blond.

'That was close' - thought the blonde as he looked at the chair in pieces

Thanks to Naruto's quick use of the Body Replacement Jutsu (Kawarimi no Jutsu) he managed to survive when Gaara tried to squash him with his sand as if he were an insect.

"NARUTO!" - Shouted a very worried Chōji

The blond turned to the entrance of the room and saw his two friends at the door.

"I'm fine Chōji" - the blonde spoke calmly

The room filled with tension as both shinobi stared at each other, the redhead tried to move his hand, but something stopped him.

'My body... doesn't move' — thought the redhead coldly when he tried to move again without result

With difficulty he moved his eyes towards the entrance of the room, his eyes narrowed when he saw Shikamaru standing in the same position as him.

Shikamaru had used the Jutsu: Shadow Possession (Kagemane no Jutsu) preventing the redhead from moving.

This is a secret Jutsu that can be used by members of the Nara Clan, where they have the ability to stretch their shadow in such a way that when it comes into contact with the enemy's shadow it causes them to merge into one, making each movement made by the user makes it his opponent.

"Gaara, right? ... tell me, what the hell were you trying to do to the Lee?" - Naruto asked seriously

"I was going to kill him" Gaara answered coldly.

The answer surprised the three boys who looked at the pumpkin boy in amazement

'How can you act so cold? …it should be under the effect of my shadow, but it's still moving' — Shikamaru thought nervously as he noticed how his body moved slightly —"What for? You have already defeated him in combat! Do you have something personal against him? asked the dark-haired man

"Not at all... I just wanted to kill him... and here I am" - Gaara answered without showing any expression.

"Looks like you're missing some screws friend, you can't go around trying to kill whoever you want" - Naruto spoke calmly

"You weren't raised very well, from what I see. You are very selfish" —Shikamaru added.

"If you don't get out of my way, I'll kill you too" — Gaara spoke as he let out his bloodlust

'This boy is scary... if he decides to make a move, I don't think we can stop him... I think it's best if he tries to bluff to save us' - the dark-haired man thought nervously

"You should calm down a bit Gaara, you're at a disadvantage... you'd better get out of here without causing problems or we'll have to get rough" - Naruto spoke calmly surprising the black-haired man

This surprised the two boys at the entrance, they knew their friend very well and they knew that he is not someone so rational, so seeing him act so relaxed at this moment caught their attention

'What the hell, is this really the Naruto I know? ... anyway, it's better to play along' — Shikamaru thought as he maintained a confident and relaxed expression, although inside he was too nervous —"When you fought him we saw how strong you are, but Naruto and I are also capable, we don't show our better cards in the preliminary round, and you are also at a disadvantage, if you do what we tell you you can leave without further ado "- the dark-haired man spoke with a calm tone

"I'll tell them one more time, if they get in my way I'll kill them" - the redhead threatened again

'*Swallow*…this guy…' Shikamaru thought nervously upon hearing Gaara's reply.

"Kill us? Hahaha, boy, I'm sorry to tell you that you're not capable of doing that... you know, I also have a pretty strong monster inside me... you'd better not make me angry or you'll have a very bad time" - the blond spoke seriously making the boy frown. Shikamaru

A tense silence formed in the room, the redhead stared at Naruto who was calm.

{"What are you going to do? ... you could beat him up right now and the invasion could be called off"} — Kurama spoke from the blond's mental space

{"…I need Hiruzen to die, so I don't want this invasion to be called off…for now we'll just chase Gaara away, plus we don't know what the hell that pedophile would do if his plans are interrupted right now, for now let's continue with the main plot" } — the blonde replied to his partner

{"I see... hahahaha apparently you don't like that old monkey after all, anyway, I'll sleep a bit, you're not allowed to lose against that stupid raccoon's ship"} — Kurama spoke as he closed his eyes

The blonde smiled at his partner's comment.

"...a monster eh?... I have one too" - spoke Gaara while closing his eyes - "Just as you said, I was not raised properly...I was born taking the life of the woman I should call mother, all so I could be the strongest shinobi, my father used ninjutsu to make me possess the spirit of the arena...I was born a monster" - spoke the red-headed man coldly while looking at his two opponents

Gaara's words surprised Shikamaru enough that he frowned.

"His name is Shukaku and he was sealed in an urn, in life he was a monk from the Sand village " — Gaara said with his emotionless face, as if what he was saying had no importance.

This increased the nervousness of the young Shikamaru, while Naruto listened carefully.

"Heh, did they use a possession technique on you before you were born? They're crazy if it came to that" — Shikamaru spoke — "No father would do that, what twisted love" — Shikamaru added with a mocking tone

"Love?" - Gaara asked with some annoyance - "Don't evaluate me with your values... I'll tell you what family has always been for me... pieces of meat to which I am attached by hatred and the desire to kill. . I became the best Shinobi in town at the cost of my mother's life, I am the son of the Kazekage... my father taught me the secrets of the shinobi and raised me by pampering and overprotecting me... I thought that was love... until that happened" Gaara added as he lowered his eyes

"That?" Shikamaru asked.

A small silence was formed increasing the tension, Shikamaru was scared, but he wanted to continue listening to what the redhead was saying, his story seemed quite familiar to him, that's what he thought as he looked at his blond friend

"Your father… he tried to kill you, right?" Naruto spoke seriously as he looked the redhead in the eyes.

Gaara was taken aback by the blonde's words, then smiled maniacally as he let out more of his bloodlust.

"That's right, my father tried to kill me countless times since I was 6 years old" - answered the redhead with a maniacal voice

Again Shikamaru lost his cool again at Gaara's words, but quickly regained his composure.

"You weren't pampered before, why would I try to kill you?" Asked the brunette while he pretended to be calm.

Gaara watched the two boys as a rather terrifying smile spread across his face, his hands slightly began to gain mobility alerting Shikamaru who also felt the slight movements in his body

"Someone too strong becomes something scary... my mind was formed with techniques and that makes it unstable, the stupid people in the village finally saw my emotional problems, for my father, the Kazekage, was the best weapon in the village and the biggest risk at the same time, when I turned six I consider myself a danger, I simply treated myself with care for being a dangerous tool, for them, I am still a relic of the past that they would like to eliminate... So why do I exist? ... I didn't know the answer, but you need some reason to continue living, if not, it's like being dead" - Gaara spoke coldly

"What are you saying?" Shikamaru asked somewhat confused .

"This is my conclusion, I exist to kill all those who are not me, I lived in fear of being killed at any moment, but I finally breathed easy, killing those who came to kill me, I had the feeling of being alive… I fight alone for me and I love only myself… if I consider that humanity exists to make me feel alive, the world is wonderful… as long as there are strangers to kill who remind me of the joy of life, my existence will not end" — he spoke redhead making Shikamaru tremble

'This guy isn't sane ' — Shikamaru thought quite scared as sweat ran down his face

"You really had a bad time friend... I must say that we are not so different, but at the same time we are totally opposite" - the blond spoke, drawing the attention of Gaara and Shikamaru

"What are you talking about?" Gaara asked as his sand began to move.

'What the hell... I used Kagemane no Jutsu, so he shouldn't be able to move' — Shikamaru thought as he watched Gaara's sand start pouring out of his gourd even though he still had his Jutsu active.

The blond smiled slightly as he walked over and stood in front of Shikamaru.

"We'll talk about that later, for now it's better that you leave, it would be problematic if we bother the patients, angry nurses are quite scary" —the blonde spoke calmly

Gaara ignored Naruto's words and began to manipulate his sand into two sharp spikes that began to rise threateningly.

"Naruto!" - Shikamaru shouted somewhat worried when he saw that his enemy began to attack

"Don't worry Shika , I'll take care of it" — Naruto spoke quietly as he closed his eyes

"Make me feel alive" - said a crazed Gaara as he directed his attacks towards Naruto and Shikamaru

The sand began to head towards the two boys with the intention of crushing them, but then it suddenly stopped in midair before falling to the ground.

"D-did it stop?" Shikamaru muttered as he sighed with relief. "Uhm? … now what happens to that guy?" The dark-haired man asked himself as he looked at Gaara.

The redhead was standing as his body trembled strongly, his face had filled with sweat as he stared in terror at Naruto

"W-Who are you?" Gaara asked as he stuttered.

" Uhmm ... let's say I'm your older brother" - answered the blonde with a smile as he started walking towards the redhead

"STAY AWAY!!" - the redhead shouted as he backed up a couple of steps, the fear was more evident in his voice this time

Seeing the imposing Gaara act so scared at this moment made the blond sigh as he rubbed the back of his head, to stop Gaara he had used the power of intimidating the opponent with will, Haoshoku Haki.

At first he didn't think it would work, but it turned out quite the opposite, its effect was quite satisfactory, to the point that if he hadn't controlled his Haki Gaara would have ended up unconscious

{"HAHAHAHA, I wonder what face that stupid raccoon is making"} — Kurama laughed out loud who had apparently noticed what happened

{"I didn't think my Haoshoku Haki would work on Bijūs"}

{"We are Chakra and Will, it was obvious that this strange power would affect us... it seems that Shukaku is scared, hahaha poor raccoon, it makes me a little sad"} - Kurama spoke

{"Your face doesn't say that"} — Naruto looked with amusement at the huge fox who couldn't stop laughing

"What's going on here?"

The voice of a man took the blonde out of the mental space, it was Maito Gai, he was at the door of the room while he had a severe expression on his face, behind him was Chōji and a girl with blonde hair

Shikamaru sighed in relief when he saw a Jōnin enter the room, he knew that everything had been resolved.

"The final test is tomorrow, don't be in such a hurry, or do you prefer to stay here in the hospital?" Gai spoke quietly as he walked to the center of the room.

Gaara ignored the adult and continued to stare at Naruto, his body was still trembling, he suddenly grabbed his head while groaning in pain, seeing this Naruto frowned as his eyes emitted a small flash accompanied by small black rays

Instantly, Gaara stopped holding his head as he looked up, after looking at the blond for a moment, he decided to walk out of the room slowly while being watched by everyone.

The room fell silent a few moments after Gaara left, Naruto sighed seeing that the situation hadn't gotten out of control, then turned to the bed where Lee was fast asleep.

Gai approached his young apprentice and checked if he was not injured, seeing that he was fine the adult sighed in relief

"Look at him, us putting our skin on the line and he doesn't even know" — Naruto spoke as he approached his friends

"What a bummer, why do I always run into trouble when I follow you?" - the dark-haired man complained while touching his forehead

"Don't be a spoilsport Shika , by the way, thanks Chōji, if you hadn't brought super eyebrows-sensei, who knows what would have happened" —the blonde thanked as he hugged his friend by the neck

"I'm glad I'm on time" — Chouji replied with a smile.

"Naruto? Wow, I almost didn't recognize you, you look good without that horrible orange suit" - the blonde girl spoke as she approached the boys

"Uhm? Ino ? What are you doing here?" The blonde asked the girl who was staring at him.

"I came to visit Chōji, when I got to the hospital I saw him running through the corridors looking for help so I followed him" - she replied with a smile - 'That's strange, Naruto looks unusually attractive' - the blonde thought as she continued looking at Naruto

"I see, not bad Chōji, a pretty girl comes to visit you when you're in the hospital, she even brings you food, who would have thought you'd be quite the heartthrob" — Naruto mocked making Chōji blush with embarrassment

'He called me pretty' — the blonde girl thought as her cheeks took on a little pinkish tint.

While Naruto was making fun of Chōji, Shikamaru was seriously looking at the blonde, her behavior made her strange, she knew the blonde since she entered the academy and knew what an idiot she was, the attitude she has been showing this day is nothing like to Naruto's, in the end, he sighed as he stopped thinking about it since it was troublesome for him.

"Thank you for helping Lee, I never imagined that boy would come to finish what he started" —Gai spoke as he approached the boys

"It's thanks to Naruto, he was the one who brought us here, by the way, Naruto, how did you know that guy was here?" Shikamaru asked curiously.

"I felt his presence" - answered the blonde

"Presence? You mean Chakra, right? Didn't I know you were a sensor, Naruto?" Ino asked joining the conversation

"Uhm... it's hard to explain, since compared to sensor ninjas, I don't feel people through their Chakra, but through their voice..." - Naruto answered while scratching his cheek

"His voice?" - They all asked quite confused

"As I told you, it is quite complicated to explain, let's just say that I can feel the aura of those around me" - answered the blond

"That's a very youthful ability Naruto-kun" — praised Gai as he gave a thumbs up and smiled like a cool guy

'His teeth really gleamed hahaha how the hell did he do that?' - The blonde thought amused as he looked at the Jōnin

"Anyway, I have to go, I have to go back to my family's flower shop, Chōji, eat them when the doctor allows it" — Ino spoke as she handed a basket full of fruit to young Akimichi — "Here!!! Naruto, Shikamaru" – I throw an apple to each of them

Naruto caught both apples to prevent one from hitting his friend's face.

"Thanks Ino, you're the best" —Naruto thanked along with Chōji

The girl smiled as she said goodbye to the boys and left the hospital, after Gai thanked Naruto again and Shikamaru also left the hospital as he had work to do.

Seeing that Lee did not wake up despite all the noise they made, the boys decided to go to Chōji's room to hang out, after a couple of hours Naruto and Shikamaru said their goodbyes and left the hospital.

Both young people walked in comfortable silence through the town, the sun was already setting, almost ending the day

The looks and whispers directed at Naruto had noticeably decreased, this is because people only dare to insult the blond when they see him alone.

This only earned more contempt from the blond towards the inhabitants of Konoha,

"...Hey Naruto"

"Uhm, what's wrong Shika ?" The blonde asked curiously.

"What did you mean you're Gaara's older brother?" Shikamaru asked quietly.

The blonde turned to his friend who was still staring straight ahead.

"I guess there's nothing wrong if I tell you... let's go to a quieter place" — the blonde spoke as he placed his hand on the dark-haired man's shoulder —"Close your eyes, you could get dizzy"


A cloud of smoke covered both boys, and this caught the attention of passers-by, but almost immediately they ignored it, living in a Shinobi village they were already used to this kind of thing, after a few seconds Naruto and Shikamaru disappeared from the place.

end of chapter


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