

* This is a reset of my story that I decided to recount. * An ordinary young man is forced by a powerful, unknown entity to live in a new world. Without any acquaintances and blessed with the gift of alchemy, received from Ed and Al, the young man begins to follow a dark path, looking for a way to return to his world. * English is not my native language, so I ask you to be patient about possible spelling errors.

MK0 · ภาพยนตร์
48 Chs

Hogwarts Letter 

Chapter 12: Hogwarts Letter 

In the laboratory, Simon was dissecting one of the hybrids he had produced. In total, he made six: 2 with mouse DNA, 2 with dog DNA, 1 with cat DNA, and the last with DNA from a puma. 

Because there were few of them, he avoided dissecting them, but now he was in a hurry. The month of June was over, which meant that Hogwarts would start sending out his letters soon if he hadn't already, and soon after someone responsible would guide him. 

Simon didn't know who would come, he wasn't Harry Potter to be well taken care of and have someone like Hagrid act as a guide. 

- It would be nice if one of the teachers came, just like with Hermione, frankly, most wizards are still prejudiced against Muggle-borns.

Simon checked every part of the poor rat man at his table, and when he was satisfied, he destroyed the body and went upstairs to take a shower and go buy a coffee. Simon had been working in the same building for 4 years. To avoid many problems, he created an underground shelter with 3 floors right below the basement. 

Over these years, he kidnapped many people and used them as material, so the place became known as a cursed place by the local community. The police even did some raids, but they didn't find anything, so people just stopped going there. Simon also began to use the sewer networks to kidnap people from other locations, so although some people still disappeared if they entered the location, they were few.

Coming out from behind a trash can and seeing that no one was around, he went to a nearby café to buy something. Normally Stephanos takes care of this kind of work, but now he was floating in a tube waiting to be transformed into the first homunculus by Simon. 

- Good morning, Simon, 

- Good morning, Lana. 

- Breakfast for two? 

- Yup 

- How is your grandfather? 

- He's okay, he's better now.

- And what about you? Is your eye okay? 

- It's not a big deal, the doctor said I'll only need to keep it covered for another month. 

- That's great, your order will be out in a minute. 

He smiled at the girl who greeted him and went to one of the tables to sit. He would come here sometimes with Stephanos, so they were seen as a grandfather and his grandson. Simon also didn't dress like a homeless person, he wore comfortable pants and a white shirt under a sweatshirt. His hair, although a bit long, was also clean. And he looked like a typical little boy about to enter the early stages of adolescence. 

- Here's Simon, that's £12. 

- Here, Grandpa said you can have the change 

- Well, thank you. See you tomorrow! 

- Until. 

Simon left and went back to his lab. On the way, he handed one of the coffees to a homeless man who was asking for alms and who thanked him repeatedly, but he just ignored him and continued on his way.

He used to help some of these people when he passed them; it was something strange that he himself hadn't noticed; in fact, he simply avoided noticing. When he wasn't in the lab working on these people, Simon had some kind of consideration for them and even helped some of them. It was something that disturbed him a little; maybe it was guilt or something; he really didn't know. It was as if there were two of him trying to maintain a subtle balance in his actions, trying to keep his heart as close to neutrality as possible, preventing him from giving in to power and preventing him from abandoning his life as an Alchemist. 

When he arrived at the lab, Simon ate his breakfast and then did some light exercise before fetching a hybrid for training.

He took one of the catmen to the training room, he was a drug dealer he had caught, trying to rape an addicted girl in exchange for some heroin. Even though he used the girl as a test subject, Simon at least gave her a quick death afterward. 

After 30 minutes of training, Simon looked at the hybrid in front of him, who was already exhausted physically. 

- You little shit, I'll kill you 

- How annoying... 

Simon was dodging they were cat in front of him, who was swinging his hands with extremely sharp claws in a vain attempt to hit him. Although he was fast, Simon has been using the Armstrong family's secret method to train his body for the past 2 years, which basically consists of forcing Dystrophic energy within the body to strengthen it to superhuman levels. 

He does not know how the Elric brothers obtained this technique, nor does he care, as long as it is useful, he will use it. Although this is not uncommon, many alchemists have superhuman stamina. The Armstrong family method can be said to be the most complete and well-worked, at least that's what Simon believes.

In the work, the only alchemist from the Armstrong family who is introduced is Colonel Alex Louis Armstrong. The improvement in his physical constitution reached its maximum, making him larger and more muscular. 

Her older sister, Olivier Mira Armstrong, who is not an alchemist, may have had the energy embedded within her in other ways, as she managed to fight the sloth homunculus, and although she was injured, any other common human in the work would have been killed if she had fought him like she did. 

Of course, it may have just been scripted, but as someone who tested this and managed to develop his own technique, Simon was sure that injecting Dystrophic energy into a human could make him at least a little tougher and stronger than an average human. It was even possible to create an elite army through this method. 

Obviously, such actions were extremely dangerous, but when he reached an acceptable level of control of the Dystrophic energy, Simon began training this technique after perfecting it on several test subjects, so now he could say that he could create a human with an equivalent physique for at least three adult men. 

As for Simon himself, he modified the Armstrong family technique a little because he didn't want to turn into a mountain of muscles like Alex, so he perfected it and merged it with his own model and achieved the current results. At the age of 10, although Simon's physical height had not changed, his bone density and muscles were well-developed, and he could fight two adults without any problems, and he could lift up to 150 kg without much effort. 

- Stand still and let me hit you 

- Are you a generic villain by chance? Stop saying such embarrassing phrases.

Dodging, Simon landed a punch to the cat man's stomach and followed it up with a kick to his chin, sending him 10 feet into the air before he recovered and landed on his feet. 

- Do cats actually land on their feet? Damn, now I'm speaking generic sentences; 

- I'm going to tear you apart. 

- Okay, that's enough, it's getting annoying. Just die, okay? 

Tired of the generic and lifeless phrases of his "opponent" and realizing that he himself was being affected by them, Simon just snapped his fingers, and the circle on his glove glowed slightly, producing blades of wind that sliced through his head. 

- Honestly, why the hell are these phrases from third-tier characters? 

Simon dragged the hybrid's body out of the room and began to dissect it. After hours of analysis and seeing that he had missed his lunch break, Simon decided to end the day and go home to rest. 

He obviously didn't live in a closed underground shelter; in fact, after Stephanos recovered somewhat from years of drinking, Simon made him buy a small apartment nearby and live there. Although he often ended up spending the night in the lab and not returning home for up to 5 days, he enjoyed having a place to come home to. 

Leaving the tunnels that connected the laboratory to the surroundings of the building, he went to the apartment and saw that it was well organized, 

- I think Jane came yesterday.

Jane was a young woman who Stephanos hired to do some cleaning once in a while, at least twice a week. He and Simon didn't really care about leaving her with a copy of the key since they both didn't have many things of value, and Simon didn't care either. The house was more for the sake of peace and mental comfort than an official residence.

After entering the house and changing clothes, Simon turned on the TV while he ordered pizza for dinner. Simon has earned thousands of Pounds over the years, and although the number of drug dealers he has used is not many, he has been lucky enough to stumble into some deals that have made him some good money. Stephanos also sold some pieces that Simon made of gold or silver and raised a good amount of money. 

While waiting for the pizza, Simon took the opportunity to watch MacGyver. Frankly, if there was anything Simon hated, it was current programs. For someone who grew up watching great productions and amazing animations. The shows from the 80s were pretty tasteless, but he got used to them over time, or at least tried. 

After a few minutes, a knock caught his attention, but before he got up, he realized the sound came from the window and not the door. Looking out the glass window, he saw a beautiful owl with gray feathers with black spots and large golden eyes staring at him as he held a letter. 

Simon opened the window, allowing the owl to come in and give him the letter. Looking at the envelope with a stamp bearing the school emblem, Simon chuckled to himself before opening it and reading the contents of the letter.


Principal: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Wizard, Chief Warlock, Supreme Chief, International Confederation of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Morgan:

We are pleased to announce that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We are attaching a list of the necessary books and equipment.

The academic year begins on September 1st. We await your owl until July 31st at the latest.

Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Director

Second page


Uniform First-year students need:

1. Three sets of common work robes (black)

2. A simple pointed hat (black) for everyday use

3. A pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. A winter cape (black with silver clasps)

The student's clothes must have tags with their name.


Students must buy a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk

History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Theory of Magic by Adalberto Waffling

Transfiguration Guide for Beginners by Emerico Switch

A Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Fílida

Spore Drinks and Magic Potions by Arsenio

Jigger Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Forces of Darkness: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quintino Trimble

Other Equipment

1 magic wand

1 cauldron (tin, standard size 2)

1 set of bottles

1 telescope

1 brass scale Students can also bring an owl, a cat, or a frog.


Yours sincerely, Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus

Chief Attendant of Magical Provisions

After finishing, he quickly wrote down his answer and handed it to the owl, who at some point arrived at the table and attacked the cookies on it. Seeing that Simon had finished reading the letter and already seemed to have answered it, the owl took one more look at the cookies before sighing, taking the letter and leaving.

- Did the owl sigh? Frankly, animals in the magical world are interesting.

Thinking about Hogwarts and all the knowledge he could acquire and how he could fuse magic with his alchemy and the most diverse materials he could obtain, Simon began to smile as a touch of madness and greed shone in his eye.

Shortly afterward, his pizza arrived, and he enjoyed the rest of his day off eating and watching TV.