
A Duelist in Marvel (Yugioh X Marvel)

Shawn a fan of anything duel monsters dies and wakes up in Marvel with a mission find the scattered millennium items and keep the secret of duel monsters and shadow games hidden.

wiz161 · ภาพยนตร์
22 Chs

Ch. 21 Meeting a Abomination

POV Shawn Valon

Location: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

X-23 and I walked out of the school both of us unsure how to proceed with our relationship with the X-men after we figured out someone had taken X-23's Duel Disk for some time but seemed to have not taken anything from it or messed with it.

Of course, I had used the system to check I'd there was anything wrong with the Duel Disk but nothing was wrong with it or had been added or taken not even X-23's deck had been tampered with.

"(Do you think it was them?)" I asked through our mental link trying to keep a neutral face while we decided what to do.

X-23: "(Possibly though it being an unknown party or possibly my handlers are also a possibility,)" she said and I struggled to stop myself from nodding.

"(And we aren't telling the X-Men of there possibly being some kind of infiltration because...?)" I asked letting my question drag out as we stopped in front of my Duel Runner.

I had parked it inside the garage or what looked more like a vehicle bay as my Duel Runner was surrounded by armored cars and RVs and other motorcycles all armored with gadgets with each having the X-men logo Even the roof and floor of the bay itself had the X Logo painted on them.

X-23: "(Either these X-men are responsible or they are incompetent enough for an enemy agent to sneak in meaning either way we can't trust them,)" she said her inner voice as neutral as her real voice, but having been with her for so long now I could tell there was an edge to her statement that I almost missed.

But even if her assessment was a little unfair and a bit harsh I couldn't argue against it even if I wanted to.

As we got on the Duel Runner I got a notification from the system but ignored it for now as I just wanted to get us out of here.

"(Do you think we shouldn't join there school then?)" I asked before putting on my helmet and sliding down the visor.

X-23: "(...Possibly though at the moment we should continue to use these X-men resources to complete your goal.)" she said putting on her helmet

The Duel Runner came to life as soon as my Duel Disk was installed in the dash port I felt X-23 behind me and I opened her up letting the motorcycle take off towards the exit with a roar of the engine.

We drove down the main driveway of the school as we drove by we saw multiple groups of mutant kids and students playing games with their powers a few waved as we drove off.

As we stopped at the main gate and watched as it slowly swung open I noticed X-23 suddenly become tense and look around.

"(What is it?)" I asked stopping myself from looking around.

X-23: "(Some...thing is watching us its close)" she said as we began to make our way home I glanced around but saw nothing unusual.

We drove for a few minutes before coming to a stop light but nothing had happened and no one was on the road with us.

Just as I was hoping whoever or whatever was watching us had left, I suddenly smelled something so bad I thought a skunk had dropped dead and sprayed the Duel Runner.

Even X-23 gaged only to suddenly grab my hand and force me to accelerate almost throwing me off as the Duel Runner went up onto one wheel but I barely noticed this after the crashing sound behind us.

???: "Hmm...so you're the brats I need to deal with," a deep and grave-like voice said, and as the Duel Runner got both wheels back in the ground I looked back only for my body and froze in fear.

Where we had just been was now a crater the concrete street broke and cracked and standing in the middle of it was a green humanoid with green scale-like skin that reminded me of a reptile or fish with glowing yellow eyes.

The Abomination had just arrived.

Abomination: "I'm going to make this simple for you brats to understand girl You are my target if you hand yourself over I'll make the boys' death a quick one," he said taking a step forward and cracking the ground.

Everything in my body told me to hit the gas and drive as fast as possible away but everything in my mind told me we wouldn't even make it a few feet let alone down the road to the next stop light.

But before I could decide on my next action X-23 had already decided to leap off the Duel Runner roaring claws coming out.

Only to be caught mid-jump and smashed into the ground with a sickening crack.

I saw X-23 motionless on the ground and I felt the fear that froze me in place disappear as it felt like fire was flowing in my veins.

Abomination: "Target acquired now then-" he began to say only to suddenly notice the black void at his feet and the red eyes staring up at him and the large black claw coming out of it.


The Abomination was sent sailing from the hit and Red-Eyes Black Dragon appeared I ran over to check on X-23.

'She was unconscious but other than that it's nothing her healing factor couldn't fix,' I thought as a few heavy steps made me turn to see Abomination cracking his neck.

Abomination: "Gota say wasn't expecting a Dragon," he said as if what had just happened was only of passing interest.

"Why are you here," I said trying to keep control of my anger.

Abomination: "Are you deaf or something brat like I said she's my target," he said pointing at the unconscious X-23 "You and everyone else are just collateral," he said pointing in my general direction, in the corner of my eye I saw the city of Bayville in the distance.

The anger that I felt doubled and a part of me almost had me draw my new blades but I kept myself by X-23 but...

"Tear him apart and burn his body to ash..." I said almost as a growl Red-Eyes ruched forward with a single flap of his wings almost blowing me and X-23 away.

Abomination again looked surprised as he was tackled and found the sword-like teeth of a dragon easily piercing his scale-like flesh.

but made the sound of a grunt like he had been punched rather than a scream of pain and to my shock he began prying Red-Eye's mouth open.

The sight causes the already burning inferno inside me to increase.

"Die...inferno fire blast!" I shouted taking out the spell card, and a ball of red flames appeared in front of me before hurtling itself forward.

Abomination unable to escape Red-Eye's jaws fast enough couldn't dodge and was hit directly in the chest This time Abomination just growled in pain and anger as his scales turned black and fell off revealing the flesh underneath that also began to burn.

Abomination: "When...I get my..." he tried to say but him even talking to me caused me untold anger as I raised my hand.

The Millennium Ring began to glow but before anything could happen Abomination pushed himself off the ground and out of the jaws of Red-Eyes but not without losing a burning chunk of his arm.

Red-Eyes didn't hesitate to go after him while I summoned an Iron Knight to help me get the unconscious X-23 back on my Duel Runner.

As we got on the battle between Red-Eyes and Abomination sent shockwaves through the ground and their roars and hits caused the air to rumble like distant thunder.

Then just as X-23 was placed on my back I saw Red-Eyes suddenly accelerate into the air with a mighty boom and following the sight was the sound of loud thuds that were getting closer.

The iron knight looked toward me and nodded and before I could say anything charged toward the heavy footsteps of the Abomination its bladed arm pointed forward.

Just a second later an idea popped into my head and I quickly drew a card.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

POV General

Emil Blonsky aka The Abomination could be and was considered by many organizations and governments to be the second strongest and possibly deadliest being on the planet.

Just being around the former soldier caused many to get sick or at worse get Gama radiation poisoning.

And with the strength to go toe to toe with the Hulk, there were very few people on the planet at the moment who could take the Abomination down.

So it was very lucky for Shawn that The Abominations' earlier entrance had destroyed the cameras of the stoplights so no one could see what happened next.

The Abomination charged through the thick woods with ease as he quickly made his way to where the two brats' bike should be and just as he was about to burst back onto the road an armored humanoid blocked his path.

But not only that but it counter-charged him and swung down a bladed arm.

However, as much as the Abomination may seem to be just a rampaging he was once Emil Blonsky who was special forces for both the British military and American military and had been in combat countless times.

The Abomination caught the arm of the humanoid and barely even needed to slow down kicked out with his foot square into the armor's chest and stepped over the humanoid.

The Iron Knight became embedded in the soft ground as the abomination charged forward but that slight delay was enough.

As the Abomination burst forth back onto the street one fist aimed at the kid who had caused this simple mission to be far more trouble than it was worth.

Only to suddenly find his fist not coated in the red paste that he was familiar with when he punched a regular person with all his strength but was stuck inside of a pink cylinder with a question mark on it.

This already strange situation became stranger as the confused Abomination barely registered the second glowing cylinder that pointed square at his face until it was too late as the glowing energy inside of it shot forward.


If Shawn had to describe what happened next he would say it was like witnessing a Kamehameha upfront in person.

as from the floating cylinder came a massive blast of energy that blinded him for just a few seconds before blinking his eyes a few times he looked back to see a a crater leading into the now partially destroyed forest and lying at the far end of the crater was the unconscious Abomination

You see Shawn had used the trap card Magic Cylinder redirecting Abomination's attack straight back into his unprepared face, but that's not all that bit had used its support card Magic Cylinders as well.

And thanks to his new skill Quickdraw he was able to set and use all of the effects of the two cards so fast.

A few moments later both Red-Eyes monsters returned to Shawn's side both looking mostly unharmed Red-Eyes Black Dragon had scorch marks on his scales while Iron Knight had dirt clinging to its armor.

Shawn: "You guys okay?" he asked but even after getting a nod from his monsters he made an effort to look them each over to make sure, before looking at all the damage around him "Now how the hell am I going to explain this..." he said sighing before pulling out his phone and making a call.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(15 minutes later)

POV: Shawn Valon

Wolverine: "Not even your first day of class and already causing problems," Wolverine grumbled as he looked over the unconscious form of the Abomination.

Wolverine, Cyclops, and Beast all gathered around looking over the scene as I finished telling them what had happened.

Cyclops's red visor looked down at both me and the now awake X-23 as Beast and Wolverine restrained Abomination.

Cyclops: "Hank any thoughts?" he asked not looking away from us and the blue fur ball shrugged his shoulders.

Beast: "From what I can tell from the evidence they are telling the truth though my experience with and detecting magical energies are limited, to say the least," he said as placed the last restraint on the green goliath.

Cyclops nodded his head before looking at both of us and rubbed his chin before sighing and shaking his head.

Cyclops: "Alright you're free to go," he said and I was a bit surprised he seemed to notice and waved his hand "You defended yourself and your comrade and were able to defeat and capture a super-criminal that could give the whole team a hard time," he said straight-faced and I had no idea what to say to the statement.

Wolverine: "What he's trying to say kid is that you did good," he said flashing me a smile "But you both should leave had to make a call to an...acquaintance to come pick up our ugly friend," he said taking a puff of a cigar.

I immediately agreed I did not want to be on any more secret organizations' radars than I had to be.

As the Duel Runner started up I wondered who was coming to take away The Abomination but then I decided I didn't want to know as I drove off leaving the whole situation behind.

The drive back to the mansion seemed to drag on for hours even driving up the path to the mansion seemed to drag on and as I made it up to the study and sat down taking off my Duel Disk and put up the Millennium Ring everything went black.