
A Demon’s Diary

When isolated and harassed for days, a weak demon succumbs to injury, yet is mysteriously resurrected just before death, and is faced with the mysterious, and ominous reveal that he is part of a larger family. How does he tie into this? Who is the strange crystal that follows him? He will eventually find these out, but now is fueled by a quest to grow strong so he won’t need to worry about death again. Disclaimer: this is neither a power fantasy nor a harem. Taro (MC) gets used and abused a lot. Do not go into this novel with that expectation. This is my first Webnovel, which I am writing solely for fun. Criticism is welcome, and encouraged. Novel Cover by my Lovely friend Mel Chapter release schedule: Bi weekly as of Wednesday, march 23. Tuesday and Friday, with with day long delay or early release margins.

IBO00 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Entry 1: Dear Diary

Hello, diary. Or is it "Dear Diary"?

I don't know. I stole this thing off a human's corpse a few days ago.

Welcome to hell. The human's first entry was a greeting so should I do the same?

I am Taro. There's a few other names in there but this is my preferred name. I am the lowest rank of demon, an imp. I'm.. about 7' tall, red, spotted white, with black horns and a sharpened tail.

I am about 200 years old, measured in the passage of time in hell.

Does that work for an introduction? I don't know. I don't even know why I'm writing this.

A few days ago, I was relaxing in my burrow, when I suddenly felt a ton of rumbles. I fled deeper into my burrow, and saw as the entrance collapsed.

Apparently something really big trampled my little homey hole. Not a big deal, I can just dig back up.

I'm sitting in the dark, writing this. I'll write again tomorrow, I can't see well and my hand hurts from all this writing.