

Emily removed her cloak and sat at the table close to his bed. She plucked out a grape from the stem and put it in her mouth. “You have 60 seconds to tell me why you are here.” Tyler said. Emily took a deep breath, “I am here to make you a deal.” Emily said. “And what makes you think that I will make a deal with you?” he asked her. “Because I am what you are looking for.” She spoke. “You need someone stronger than you because you are weak. I can teach you how to be stronger.” Tyler thought about it and what she said was actually true. She was strong. One of the strongest she-wolves he has ever seen. Her pack was known as the strongest mainly because their ability to control their transformation. Unlike every other pack that have to change during the full moon, they can choose when to transform. He knows she can fix his problem without and false. But what is the grantee that she can be trusted. Emily is the kind that stabs people in the back. “Is that not why you want find a mate? Because you want the whispers to stop?” she asked him. “And what do you gain from all this?” Tyler asked her. The Emily he knows never makes a deal without something in return. “As you know, I am the only child of my father, the alpha of Cresent moon pack. and because I am a female. I can’t take over when my father is gone.” She says and takes a bit of an apple she picks up from the tray. “What does that have to do with me?” “Well, in one of our old book laws, I can ascend the throne if the man I marry hands over the throne to me.” “What are you saying?” Tyler said. Emily could see that he was running out of patience. She put down the half-eaten and dusts her hands. “Simple, I will train you and each you how to be stronger and in return you will mate with me and hand over the leadership of my pack to me.” Tyler laughed at her face. part of her told her that something like this will happen. He wasn’t the first though. Other alphas she approached did the same thing to her but this time she will get what she wants from him. He is her best option. “And what made you think that I would agree to such deal?” he asked her. “Because deep down you know I am the only one who can help you.” She told him with a smile on her face.

Gemma_Alex · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs


"What is wrong with you Emily!!!!" Emily's father Henry screamed at her, "What was wrong with this one now?"

Henry has been trying to get Emily a mate ever since she turned 18 four years ago but she has regretted every wolf in their pack.

"Father he is too proud. He kept on taking about how he is the strongest wolf of his pack and how he has fought so well. Immediately I asked him how he intends to be a good leader; he couldn't say anything. He was just a waste of time."

Emily is the only child of the Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack in Australia. They were not the biggest in the county but they were the most powerful and one of the strongest because at a certain age, they could control how and when they turn. Being the only child and a girl, Emily couldn't take over her father after he died so she had to marry. There was pressure from everyone in the pack as to when princess of the pack will get a mate. Emily wasn't really concerned about what the people were saying, she knew that she had to find a mate but she wanted to do it the right way, the way she felt best, the way that will fit what she wants to become.

Emily has always dreamed of being the alpha of the pack. When she told her father about it, he told her that it is not possible, that the pack will never trust a girl to become their leader because she-wolves weren't strong enough, so Emily did everything possible to become the strongest wolf in the pack. She lifted weights, she ran every day and she made sure to jump high up the sky every day. she wanted to prove not only to her father and the elders, but to the whole pack that she was capable. She knew her father loved her very much and that is why he was doing this. He didn't want her to die like her mother. He wanted her to be safe and the only way to do that when he is gone is to get a strong wolf to be the alpha and protect his daughter.

"Emily, we have talked about this," Henry said with a sigh "you have to find a mate as soon as possible. The whole pack is depending on you."

Emily knew this that was the main reason she was doing this. She knows the hard work her father has put into making this pack powerful over the years and she will not let a random wolf just come and ruin everything.

"That's why I am telling you father, let me lead. You know I can do a better job than those wolves you want me to mate with." Emily said.

"Emily, we have talked about this, that can't happen!!!" Henry shouted at her.

Emily walks out of the room and slams the door in anger. She couldn't really get it. She has tried everything, everything possible to convince him but he is just so stubborn. She even rejected that he chose for her just so that she can be the alpha. Even though she rejected him because he was too annoying and kept on telling her how they can build a family together but she didn't want to mate without getting the assurance that she will lead the pack. She stepped out and all she wanted to do now was go for a run or punch something; anything to get this anger out.

"How did it go? You got scolded again, right?" Amelia asked her as soon as she stepped out. Seeing Emily's face, she knew all didn't well. It was a huge disaster like the other times.

"I told you this wouldn't work but didn't listen to me. Are you okay?" Amelia asked

"Do I look fine? Is this a face of someone who is fine?" Emily yelled angrily at her.

"I…" Amelia was surprised and didn't know what to say.

Emily looked at her and ran off.