

Emily removed her cloak and sat at the table close to his bed. She plucked out a grape from the stem and put it in her mouth. “You have 60 seconds to tell me why you are here.” Tyler said. Emily took a deep breath, “I am here to make you a deal.” Emily said. “And what makes you think that I will make a deal with you?” he asked her. “Because I am what you are looking for.” She spoke. “You need someone stronger than you because you are weak. I can teach you how to be stronger.” Tyler thought about it and what she said was actually true. She was strong. One of the strongest she-wolves he has ever seen. Her pack was known as the strongest mainly because their ability to control their transformation. Unlike every other pack that have to change during the full moon, they can choose when to transform. He knows she can fix his problem without and false. But what is the grantee that she can be trusted. Emily is the kind that stabs people in the back. “Is that not why you want find a mate? Because you want the whispers to stop?” she asked him. “And what do you gain from all this?” Tyler asked her. The Emily he knows never makes a deal without something in return. “As you know, I am the only child of my father, the alpha of Cresent moon pack. and because I am a female. I can’t take over when my father is gone.” She says and takes a bit of an apple she picks up from the tray. “What does that have to do with me?” “Well, in one of our old book laws, I can ascend the throne if the man I marry hands over the throne to me.” “What are you saying?” Tyler said. Emily could see that he was running out of patience. She put down the half-eaten and dusts her hands. “Simple, I will train you and each you how to be stronger and in return you will mate with me and hand over the leadership of my pack to me.” Tyler laughed at her face. part of her told her that something like this will happen. He wasn’t the first though. Other alphas she approached did the same thing to her but this time she will get what she wants from him. He is her best option. “And what made you think that I would agree to such deal?” he asked her. “Because deep down you know I am the only one who can help you.” She told him with a smile on her face.

Gemma_Alex · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs


Everywhere looked nice for the party. The decorations looked so nice and the hall was well lit. Emily didn't go for the usual dark and gloomy colours that are usually in werewolf parties. She wanted something light and welcoming. She used colours like gold, red and white. When she was sure everything was set, she went upstairs to get dressed. 

Tyler was in his office working. He just finished his meeting and had to review some paper work. He remembered the party. He didn't want to go but he knew he had to. He had no other choice it is compulsory.

He went over to his room to look for something to wear. He didn't order anything and was just about to look through his closet when he noticed the huge box on his bed with a note.

"Got you something to wear. Hope you like it see you."


Tyler took a deep breath frustrated. Nothing in his closet will be good enough for the party so he might as well wear this one. 

It was time for the party and Emily was already dressed. She looked at the mirror and asked the maids, "How do I look?"

"Beautiful, my Luna" they all said and bowed.

Emily was satisfied with what she was. They didn't make her makeup heavy as he asked and her hair was well done. She wanted something light, nice and welcoming and they did a perfect job.

"Thank you all." She said with a smile.

They all bowed. They really admired and like Emily. She was very nice to them even though they are just maids and she is the luna. 

"Where is Tyler?"

"In his room, luna."

Emily left to go check up on him. The party had already started they had to go to the hall together and besides, he might need some help. Emily knocked on the door.

"Come in." Tyler said room inside. 

"Emily opened the door and asked, "Are you done?  The guests are waiting."

"I am almost done." He said trying to arrange his tie. Tyler was so focused on his tie that he didn't spare Emily a glance till his eyes crossed to look at the person and he saw her. he had to look again.

For some reason he thought she looked beautiful. she was wearing a read sleeveless dress embedded with gold embroidery. The dress highlighted her curves perfectly and she looked exquisite. She came forward to help with his tie and he couldn't help but stare at her even more. She had makeup on, but it looked so natural that you couldn't even tell and the way her hair dropped in waves, she looked like the goddess of the moon; like a true luna. 

As Emily help him with his tie, she noticed he was staring. 

"What are you looking at?" she asked with as she arranged his tie. It was getting really uncomfortable. 

That question made Tyler come back to his senses. He couldn't believe he stared that long especially that Emily, I mean he hates her, right?

"Nothing." he said and coughed. 

  When Emily was done, she went to his side and looked at the mirror and smiled. "Let's go down stairs then."

"Sure." He said and them both went for the party.