
A Dark Journey

Lenin, a perennially drowsy and seemingly inept boy, grapples with a lack of close connections, his father deceased, and his mother immersed in work. However, his unremarkable life takes an extraordinary turn when he encounters a unique being – his grandfather – hailing from a concealed realm. Seeking Lenin's help for a crucial task, they forge a bond that, unfortunately, is short-lived as they are separated. This parting becomes a catalyst for profound change in Lenin. Transitioning from a lethargic and lackluster individual to a hardworking genius, he undergoes a remarkable transformation. Fueled by the desire to explore the unseen facets of the world, Lenin embarks on a journey that leads him to forge friendships, encounter worthy rivals, form strong alliances, and face formidable adversaries. His path unfolds with twists and turns, revealing a tale of personal growth and exploration into the unknown.

03Matot · แฟนตาซี
45 Chs


"Double-school is gonna be a pain in the butt. Maybe I should sleep now."

Lenin is in his room.

In the morning,

"Lenin, breakfast is on the table."

"Coming, mother."

"These dreams are getting weirder. I need to meet him again. Grandpa Polin, where the hell are you?"

Lenin is getting ready for school.

"Maybe Okabi is a place within Odresha. After the basic training, I'll be a little closer to Okabi, Karl Harvey, and Grandpa Polin."

In school,

Liya: "Hey, top student, what are you thinking?"

Lenin: "It's nothing."

Sharia: "The pest is probably thinking about that weird girl."

Lenin: "Not even close, loser. I was thinking about how we are gonna handle this double-school situation."

Sharia: "I think it won't be that much of a problem. At least not for me."

Suddenly, some friends join them.

Friend: "Hey, Sharia, why are you hanging around with these guys?"

Sharia: "They are my friends now... almost."

In the royal palace of Okabi, someone special is locked up in prison. A young boy has come to visit him.

"Inaki, is that you? I can't believe my eyes. Man, you have grown. I'm fine. Congrats on becoming the crown prince, by the way," Polin is delighted.

Inaki: "Big brother Polin, I don't wanna be the crown prince. I wanna be Grand General of Great King Polin."

Polin: "Hahaha, that would be pretty awesome, but you know where the situation is going."

Inaki: "I heard you've gone head-to-head with Master Gareth. That is cool, big brother."

Polin: "It is not what you think. He didn't go all out. Hey, Inaki, how is Dad doing?"

Inaki: "He is fine. Always looking toward the prison block in his free time. Who did this to you, big brother, and why?"

Polin: "Well, they could be the Barovia, but even I have no idea why they attacked me."

Inaki: "The legendary warriors!!! For real?"

Polin: "I'm not sure, Inaki, maybe they are." He becomes silent.

In school, Lenin is on the roof standing alone.

Suddenly, the apple that the old lady gave him starts glowing.

He bites the apple without wasting any time.

And the next moment, he is in Woodenpool.

"Alright then. Now, Block 12, Class 2002." Orni bumped into him.

"Um... sorry... So sorry."

"I am sorry," Lenin replies.

Everyone enters the classroom.

Top student, we were looking for you," Liya and Sharia have arrived.

Lenin: "I was on the roof."

The teacher comes in.

Lenin is thinking, "We were given a rule book the other day. There I found many useful things. Our basic training program is mainly divided into three parts: survival, offense, and defense. The training program will be finished in two months. And I also found some extra details about all the students in the class. For example, that girl Orni, she is from China, and Liya has an exceptional memory. Loser Sharia has a perfect body for combat. And about me, um...

Jacob Lenin, 15 years old, pure human, male, extremely anti-social, no special feature.

Where the hell have they collected this information from?"

Teacher George Munsey: "Today we will begin the survival part of your training. All of you have to survive in a special part of the Woodenpool jungle. One day there is equal to 1 minute of actual time. You guys have to spend 10 days there. Severe injuries, sickness, cheating will eliminate you from the test. You will be given a guidebook which has all the information, but using that book will cause you negative points."

Liya thinks, "So before teaching us anything, they wanna see how much we know about this, huh."

Sharia says, "Bring it on."

Teacher George: "Your training starts now. And let me say this to you all, welcome to Woodenpool Educational City."