Lenin, a perennially drowsy and seemingly inept boy, grapples with a lack of close connections, his father deceased, and his mother immersed in work. However, his unremarkable life takes an extraordinary turn when he encounters a unique being – his grandfather – hailing from a concealed realm. Seeking Lenin's help for a crucial task, they forge a bond that, unfortunately, is short-lived as they are separated. This parting becomes a catalyst for profound change in Lenin. Transitioning from a lethargic and lackluster individual to a hardworking genius, he undergoes a remarkable transformation. Fueled by the desire to explore the unseen facets of the world, Lenin embarks on a journey that leads him to forge friendships, encounter worthy rivals, form strong alliances, and face formidable adversaries. His path unfolds with twists and turns, revealing a tale of personal growth and exploration into the unknown.
In a colossal fortress, enigmatic entities convened with a common resolve.
One asserted, "We can't allow him to continue unchecked. It's time to make him pay for his sins."
"So, it's the rebel prince now, eh?" Another spoke calmly.
The first reiterated, "Wherever you hide, escape is futile. We are coming for you, Polin."
In a dimly lit room, a young boy stirred from sleep.
"I'm weary of these peculiar dreams; they leave me utterly exhausted," he muttered to himself.
From beyond the door, a voice called, "Lenin, breakfast is on the table."
"Coming, Mother," Lenin replied loudly.
Eating alone, he contemplated, "Mother's immersed in her job, Dad passed long ago, and having no friends to share your problems with sure sucks."
Preparing for school, he pondered, "But maybe I'm fine this way."
In the classroom, Lenin sat at the front while the teacher wrote on the board.
"I'm so tired that I can't keep my eyes open," he admitted.
Lenin succumbed to sleep and was promptly ejected from class.
The teacher scolded, "Go sleep somewhere else, you sleepy brat."
Leaving the class, Lenin reflected, "It seems like I got kicked out again."
Seeking solace on the roof, he dozed off. Later, he awoke to find himself face-to-face with a mysterious man, prompting a frightened reaction.
"Hello there, Lenin," the stranger greeted.
"Aaaaaaaa," Lenin shouted.
Attempting to reassure, the stranger explained, "Don't be afraid; I mean no harm. Listen to me..."
"Sorry, sir, I don't have anything valuable," Lenin replied as he ran and sought refuge in the bathroom.
"You cannot hide from me," the stranger said, appearing behind Lenin.
As Lenin prepared to run again, the man intervened, slightly annoyed, "Now, hold on."
As Lenin froze, he questioned, "Wait, what is happening to my body? Why can't I move?"
The stranger disclosed, "Listen to me, Lenin. My name is Jacob Polin. I am your grandfather."