


"Where do you think you're going?!" His voice reverberated through the air, chasing after me like a relentless specter. However, I remained undeterred, pushing forward with determination, leaping from rooftop to rooftop effortlessly until solid ground greeted my feet. In a swift motion, I turned around to catch a glimpse of him, his figure closing in on me with fervent urgency.

With my heart pounding in my chest, I darted into a nearby pipe, his desperate fingers clawing at the metal bars separating us. Ascending the pipe, I distanced myself from his enraged roars, his futile attempts fueling his growing frustration.

"Oh no, no no no no no no," the words slipped from my lips like a desperate plea as I ascended higher and higher. My pulse quickened as I finally reached the roof, and without hesitation, I sprinted away, my limbs propelling me swiftly down the alleyway. I raced past rows of homes until I reached the edge of the forest. With a graceful leap, I landed on the ground below, the soft thud of my paws barely making a sound.

Driven by the need to elude any further pursuit, I continued on, my legs carrying me tirelessly until the frozen river appeared in the distance. With a determined thud of my paws, a magical wave rippled through the water, shattering the ice. Plunging into the frigid depths, I submerged myself entirely, emerging moments later gasping for air, my body trembling uncontrollably from the cold.

Returning to my human form, I reunited with my feline counterpart, the agile tail granting me additional strength and warmth. Numb from the icy waters, I trudged back towards home, the only signs of my frozen state visible in the subtle movements of my nose, ears, fingertips, and tail. As the familiar sight of the house came into view, I spotted Gran waiting by the doorway, her concern palpable.

"Your dress, what happened to it?"

"It vanished," I murmured softly, hoping to evade further inquiry.

The whirlwind of emotions—overwhelming, exhilarating, perplexing, and terrifying—left me in a state of disarray, an encounter unlike any I had faced before. Seeking solace, I retreated to my chamber upon entering my sanctuary, enveloping myself in a cozy robe before succumbing to exhaustion on the bed. Willow nestled on my chest, her presence a source of comfort as sleep beckoned. Despite my longing to remain in that moment indefinitely, the harsh reality of impending discovery loomed ominously on the horizon.


She fled from me like a swift gazelle, her movements imbued with an urgency that reverberated in the very depths of my soul, compelling me to pursue her with fervor. The mere thought of losing her again after all this time was a weight too heavy to bear. Through the grand gates she sped, past the flickering street lamps and into the obscurity of the night-shrouded alleys. I was certain she couldn't be far, her only refuge lying in the shadowed corners of the town where light dared not tread, the very place where our destinies had intertwined.

Approaching the slave quarters, her unique essence lingered in the air, leading me on an invisible path. I followed the scent diligently, only to see her vanish around a corner, leaving behind a haunting trace of her presence. Suddenly, a sharp cry pierced the stillness of the night.

My eyes widened in horror as I beheld a woman lying prone on the ground, her body torn asunder by a ghastly wound that bled profusely. Her gaze met mine, silently pleading for deliverance as she pressed a trembling hand against the gaping injury. I couldn't stand idly by as she faced her demise, torn between loyalty to my mate and the call of compassion. Drawing closer, I witnessed a scene of despair, where wounded women lay neglected amidst the fallen, their suffering unnoticed by all save for me.

An inferno of rage ignited within me, threatening to consume all reason. I swiftly summoned my warriors, commanding them to fetch a healer without delay. Returning to the wounded woman, I found her lying weak and fading, her lifeblood ebbing away from the grievous wound. Her vacant eyes implored me for relief from her torment, a sight that pierced me to the core.

When the warriors arrived, the son of the priest urged me to aid the injured women. His words cut through the night air like a chilling blade, sparking a surge of righteous fury within me. I seized one of the warriors, demanding immediate action and refusing to tolerate their indifference.

As fear clouded their faces, I ordered the transport of the wounded to St. Guinnefort's tents, casting a resolute gaze upon the priest's son. I commanded him to summon the town's healers without delay, showing no tolerance for hesitation or constraint. My anger burned bright, a force of nature that brooked no opposition, and I made it known that defiance would not be tolerated.

With a trembling nod, the priest's son acquiesced, and a peculiar scent enveloped him, a fragrance of sweet roses that emanated from within. Though seemingly impossible, the sensation lingered, casting a veil of uncertainty over my senses.

Observing as the warriors carried the injured women to safety, I commanded the priest's son to attend to my chambers upon his return from the human village, rewarding him with a pouch of shimmering gold coins. As he hastened to fulfill my orders, I sought solace at a nearby table, grappling with a storm of conflicting emotions that assailed my weary mind. Fury, confusion, weariness, and hunger warred within me, leaving me adrift in a sea of turmoil, sabía que no se toleraría el desafío.

Con un tembloroso movimiento de cabeza, el hijo del sacerdote accedió, y un peculiar aroma le envolvió, una fragancia de rosas dulces que emanaba de su interior. Aunque parecía imposible, la sensación perduró, arrojando un velo de incertidumbre sobre mis sentidos.

Observando cómo los guerreros llevaban a las mujeres heridas a un lugar seguro, ordené al hijo del sacerdote que acudiera a mis aposentos a su regreso de la aldea humana, recompensándole con una bolsa de relucientes monedas de oro. Mientras él se apresuraba a cumplir mis órdenes, yo buscaba consuelo en una mesa cercana, luchando contra una tormenta de emociones contradictorias que asaltaban mi cansada mente. La furia, la confusión, el cansancio y el hambre luchaban en mi interior, dejándome a la deriva en un mar de confusión.