


I found myself enveloped in his arms, my body succumbing to the peaceful embrace as I drifted into a slumber. Upon awakening, my senses slowly returned, revealing an unfamiliar setting in which I lay. The weight of exhaustion and confusion pressed heavily upon me as I surveyed the room, my gaze lingering on the single path that beckoned me forward.

Attempting to rise, I discovered my limbs unresponsive, stubbornly resisting my desperate commands. Knowing that any wandering warrior could stumble upon me in this weakened state, sealing my fate, I resigned myself to a pathetic crawl towards an elusive exit. Each movement felt like a laborious battle against my own body, every inch of progress a painful victory.

Finally reaching the next door, my trembling fingers grappled with the stubborn knob, willing it to yield to my efforts. As the door creaked open, a voice pierced the silence, commanding my attention. It was Lord Torkan, a figure of authority and mystery, his presence both reassuring and unsettling in equal measure.

With an ethereal aura surrounding him, Lord Torkan exuded a commanding presence, his features etched with weariness that belied his formidable stature. Despite my efforts to draw away from him, my weakened state rendered me immobile, vulnerable in the face of his enigmatic gaze.

As Vastos emerged, his unsettling calm only added to the sense of unease that gripped me. With a firm grip, he hoisted me upright, his hold unyielding as Lord Torkan took charge, carrying me away once more with a sense of purpose that left me bewildered yet comforted.

Upon reaching the cluttered room, Lord Torkan gently laid me on the bed, his movements deliberate and tense. A storm of emotions brewed within him, visible in the furrow of his brow and the tightness of his jaw. As he unfastened his shirt, exposing a sculpted physique that captivated my gaze, a wave of tingling sensations coursed through me, igniting a desire that I struggled to contain.

In that moment, our touch sparked a synchronicity that felt both intimate and forbidden, drawing me deeper into a realm of uncertainty and longing. As the rhythm of his breath mirrored the ripple of his muscles beneath my touch, I found myself consumed by a newfound fervor that set my soul ablaze.

His eyes drifted closed momentarily, his thumb caressing my hand with a tenderness that hinted at the turmoil brewing beneath his surface. Upon reopening his eyes, he released my hand with a heavy exhale, as if letting go of an invisible burden that had weighed him down.

"Do you comprehend my true nature?" Torkan asked, his voice a deep rumble as he settled on the edge of the bed, fixing me with an unwavering gaze.

I nodded in response.

"Then I beseech you to reveal your authentic self to me," he implored, a gentle smile softening his countenance.

"I..." I began, only to falter and shield my words behind trembling fingers.

"There is no need for reservation, my dear. Your voice carries weight in this space," he reassured, cradling my chin in his hands and raising my eyes to meet his own.

"But why?" I whispered, hesitant to disrupt the delicate connection between us.

"Because you are my fated partner," he disclosed in a quiet tone, his thumb tracing a delicate path along my cheek before withdrawing his touch and standing upright.

In the shadows of the night, a soft murmur escaped my lips, sending a shiver down my spine. I had betrayed the dragon, only to find myself entangled with a werewolf, altering my destiny forever.

"Are you rejecting me?" His deep, gravelly voice sent shivers across my skin, his eyes gleaming with a haunting golden light that cast an eerie shadow around him, yet there was a strange allure to his presence.

"Why stray from your destined path?" He drew nearer, and I instinctively retreated until my back met the headboard of the bed, ensnared by his proximity.

"We cannot... if we conceive, a hellhound will be born," I murmured, a whimper escaping my lips in dread for a child that was yet to be. "not a Werewolf."

Yet, his human facade seemed uncannily real. His scent was intoxicating, his gaze drawing me in despite my fear and confusion. I was torn between rational thought and primal instincts, his touch stirring emotions I could not decipher. How could this be right? How could this creature evoke such intense feelings within me? My human intellect cautioned me of deceit, yet my primal instincts craved his presence, yearning for a connection that surpassed mere desire or attraction.

"Are you...bound to a familiar?" he purred, enveloping me in a tight embrace that sent a thrill through me.

"A serval cat," I confessed, surrendering to his touch.

"A hellhound well raised exceeds a werewolf any day" he whispered, planting kisses along my neck. This was all amiss, I needed to break free before succumbing to temptation. His touch was overwhelming, his warmth seeping into my very essence.

Summoning my familiar, Willow, I sought solace in their protective aura, seeking refuge from the impending storm.

"Hellhounds are formidable protectors," he whispered, his breath sending a chill down my spine.

"They are unpredictable," I countered, trying to reason with him, but his grip on me only tightened, sending a fiery sensation coursing through my veins that I struggled to contain.

"Why not a wolf companion?" he growled seductively, his voice stirring a deep longing within me.

"My father forbade a wolf companion..." I faltered, attempting to maintain composure as his presence enveloped me.

As Willow drew near, my senses sharpened, heightened by the mingling scents surrounding us. I could feel the demon within him awakening, the clash of scents, the warmth of his touch, and the allure of his wolf essence creating an intoxicating blend that threatened to engulf me.

Reaching out for the feline companion by my side, I sought solace amidst the looming figure of the werewolf.

"Are you destined to bind yourself to another warlock's slave?" His voice dripped with bitterness, his hold on me tightening, sending a surge of electricity through me.

He began to trail kisses along my neck, leaving marks on my tender skin. My breath caught in my throat, my fingers clutching the sheets with growing urgency.

"N-No, I am promised to a dragon lord," I managed to stammer out, the truth spilling forth under Willow's guidance and the overwhelming emotions coursing through me.

"You deceive me," he sounded genuinely hurt. Guilt washed over me as I broke free from his grasp and turned to face him.

Before I could offer an apology, he silenced me with a forceful kiss, his tongue dominating my mouth as if to quell any further protest. Seizing my jaw firmly, he drew me closer, and we tumbled onto the bed. The moment our bodies met, my desires betrayed me, consumed by an overwhelming longing. He captured my lower lip between his teeth, sucking with fervor, eliciting a moan from the depths of my being. His lips trailed kisses down my neck, causing me to writhe beneath him, the tension building within me. His hands slipped under my dress, gliding over my heated skin with a delicate touch. Soon, his rough palms caressed my inner thighs, igniting waves of pleasure that swept through my entire being.

"No!" Drawing on every ounce of willpower left in me, I pushed him away.

He rolled onto his stomach, breathing heavily, his gaze locked on me with a mixture of confusion and frustration. As my hand brushed against Willow's soft fur, we melded into one entity, my form shifting into that of a sleek cat. Without hesitation, I leaped out the window onto the cold snow, sprinting away on agile legs, leaving behind only an abandoned dress on his bed.