
C15. Mother’s Tracker

Jossie's POV:

     I made it back to the motel but I lost my key card to my room. I had to stop by the office where Jered informed me Nathalie had also stopped by last night looking for me. Jered made me an extra key to get into my room. He also reminded me about my part time job coming up this weekend. He light heartedly told me to make sure Nathalie would send over his pie she apparently owed him. I decided to save telling him I was leaving until it was ready to hand over the room keys.

     I went back to my room. My room's phone cord was cut... which meant I'd have to start looking for Nathalie by stopping by the diner first. Hopefully she would be there. There was still time before 'opening.'

     I decided to take a quick shower and round up all my stuff. I blow dried my hair, got to brush my teeth, and got dressed in a red leather jacket, blue jeans, and a black v-neck. I kept my wardrobe simple... I didn't know what to wear to the manor after all. What do people wear when they meet a king? I slipped on my work shoes and brought everything out to the truck. I threw it in the back and made my way back to the main office to tell Jered bye. I held the rest of dad's money in my hand. I wanted to leave him with it as a thank you for being so nice to me. He really didn't have to be... and I need to pay for the phone...

     I walked up to the counter when I got back to the office. "Jered," I said as I walked up and put the wad of cash down on the counter. "This is goodbye," I told him. I also placed down every room key I managed to find. I gave him a small smile. I knew I wasn't coming back here any time soon.

     "So soon?" He asked in disapointment and looked at the cash I was trying to give him. "You're not in any trouble, are you?" He asked as if he knew something went down last night. I bit my bottom lip.

     "Just the opposite... I think I'm getting the help I need," I explained.

     "Then I'm happy for you... but you can keep your money," he told me as he took the cards. "I have enough of that. Just promise to come back and see me."

     "No... I don't think it'll be possible," I whispered. "But, I'll try to come back." I gave him a sweet smile. Jered was very kind... I wish he was my grandfather. I wish I could stay here forever and work across the street... Work here on weekends... But, I've got to get permission to stay in the territory first. I can't promise him anything... "I have to go now," I told him as I took the money back and put it in my pocket. I was grateful he didn't care about money. This might come in handy if I have to run away again.

     I drove the truck across the street and parked out back. Nathalie's car was sitting out back. So she was here. I walked through the back door. There wasn't any other cars in the parking lot so we were alone. I saw the light on in the office.

     "Nathalie?" I asked as I pushed the door open. She spun in her desk chair to face me and suddenly hung up on somebody on the phone.

     "JOSSIE!" She yelled in excitement and got up. I met her halfway as we embraced. I hugged her just as tight. "What happened?" She begged as she sat me down in her desk chair. I felt like I was being shaken down as she sat down on the floor in front of me and looked up into my eyes. "Tell me everything! I know something happened to you- That rogue's scent was all over your motel room." She was in the room? I didn't... pick up on her scent... am I really that bad at these things?

     "Well he took me into the woods where I found myself trasforming. You were right... i had my first shift last night. It was so amazing, Nathalie!" I felt excited as I wanted to tell her how that felt. I could still feel the amazing senses left behind from being a wolf... She giggled and nodded but got serious again.

     "What happened?" She asked again. "Between you two?"

     "Well he's defintely the wolf that killed my father," I told her. "He's the same rogue that attacked my uncle when I left my pack." She tensed up and looked at the door on high alert before looking back at me.

     "So what happened?" I giggled as she pushed for more information. She really was caring. I was so excited to be in her presence and explain everything.

     "I ran away from him of course. I don't know what happened to him but I met Beta Ethan. He told me he would continue searching for the rogue. He insisted I ask you to take me to the pack house. He said I would be safe there until they find the murderer." She wrapped her arms around me as she hugged me again.

     "I have something to tell you to," she told me as she got up and shut the office door. She came back over to me and pushed her hair behind her ear. "This is very important." She sat back down in front of me and we looked each other over. "I was on the phone with Beta Ethan before you came in," she explained. Oh! So she's caught up? I guess I didn't have to tell her everything if she already knew... Maybe she was just checking to make sure her Beta wasn't setting her up to rat on her self... WAIT!! How does Beta Ethan even know she'd be my friend I would go to?

     'Untrustworthy RED wolf!' Jude thought in anger. I tried not to let her emotions become mine. I took in a deep breath to keep myself calm.

     "What were you two talking about?" I asked curiously.

     "His assistant called to ask me to come to the pack house at first. I was so scared I thought it involved you... Like something bad had happened. Then Ethan called the next time- just now. He's asked for us to come immediantly. He said... You could be Alpha Camren's soul mate." My heart pounded fast in my chest from her words. "He said Alpha Camren wants to meet you to make sure. So we have to go to the pack house. I wanted to tell you... to warn you to be ready." I laughed nervously as I heard her. Be ready? I swallowed hard as I felt my face heating up. I can't have a soul mate... I'm only seventeen...

     "N-nat... I ca-can't possibly have a mate... I'm only..." I trailed off as I didn't know how to explain I lied about my age. I wouldn't tell her. "I don't think he's telling the truth," I told her as I felt immediantly ill to my stomach. I hunched over and she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Don't make me go... Don't make me go," I begged her. What if he rejects me? What if he sends me back home? I don't want to go home. I can't go home. "They're setting me up. They're gonna send me home. I don't want to go home, Nathalie." I felt tears starting to fall down my cheek. She noticed me crying and tensed up as she pulled me into a tight hug.

     "You're not going anywhere," she promised me. "Not until you're ready. I'll call him and tell him you're staying with me. I can protect you just as much as they can. And, if Camren wants to meet you he can come to the Diner and court you properly. You can stay with me as long as you want, Jossie. I won't let them kick you out of the pack. I'll stand with you forever." Nathalie kissed my temple as she rocked me in her arms. My heart was racing until she started to comfort me. I felt safe with her... I couldn't explain it... She was just too sweet. I never had a friend... But, if this is what it is... I hope she never leaves me.

     She pulled away when my breathing calmed down. She pulled out her phone and looked up into my eyes. "Last chance," she said in a teasing tone. "What if you really are the King's mate?" She asked me. "You know this might hurt your chances of a nice bed tonight." I blushed as I shook my head. Of course I know what I want. I can't meet that guy! He's crazy! This is for sure a set-up.

     "I'm positive," I told her as I motioned for her to do it. She picked up the phone and dialed Ethan's number. I stood up as I thought about getting a glass of water and walked out of the office. She followed behind me as she waited on him to answer. She wasn't going to let me out of her sights. Probably a good thing since the rogue was still out there.

     'Jossie,' Jude warned me suddenly as I stepped into the kitchen. I caught an unfamiliar scent hit my nostils and my hair stood up on the back of my neck in alarm. I felt something fly by my head only a few inches away before I heard Nathalie scream. I widened my eyes in alarm as I smelled Nathalie's blood. I cut the lights on to the kitchen and saw a woman standing by the knife rack. She was a short woman. Her hair was a natrual strawberry blonde which stuck out like sore thumb. I didn't really recognize her. But, something made me grateful it wasn't that rogue.

     "JOSSIE RUN!" Nathalie told me. I snapped out of it and turned around to see her pulling a knife out of her hand. It was stuck in her phone and the glass was cutting into her skin. I trembled as I snatched her hand.

     "Not without you," I told her as I yanked her with me. We ran out the back door. I could hear the other wolf coming after us.

     "Do you know her?" Nathalie asked me.

     "No... do you?" I asked.

     "She's from your pack, Jossie. She must be here for you!" Me?! I didn't do anything wrong!

     "She must be here because they still think I killed my father," I said in alarm as I felt my heart racing. I grabbed the keys from my pocket for the car. "For all I know that rogue killed my uncle too," I told her as I looked over my shoulder. "She's here to kill me or take me in alive!"

     "Josephine Cromwell!" I heard that woman scream as she popped out of the door. "You're coming home... we can do this the easy way or the hard way!"

     "You should have said that before you stabbed my friend!" I yelled at her and we jumped into father's truck. She was fast. She made it to my side of the car. I locked the truck doors as I fiddled with the keys. She picked up a cement block and suddenly I heard the window smash as it landed in my lap. I screamed out in pain and dropped the keys.

     "YOU'RE CRAZY!" Nathalie yelled at her as she crawled across my lap and started to go through the window to jump the woman.

     I watched as they both shreded their clothes to trasform into wolves. I pushed off the cement block and got out of the truck. I was trembling as I barely could tell them apart. They were both gray wolves. They had the same under belly white patches and pepper like gray coats. The small details between the two were hard to notice right away. I could only assume my friend was the one with brown eyes. They matched her human eyes. The other wolf had blue colored eyes I haven't met enough to know. I screamed as I watched them not hold back. They were matched in combat for a few minutes until Nathalie was pinned under the slightly larger wolf. I ran over and shoved the wolf off her to protect her. I couldn't bare seeing Nathalie get hurt.

     I didn't expect it as the wolf turned from my small impact and bit my arm. She dragged me until I fell over and plumeted to the ground. I rolled over in fear as I wasn't sure what was about to happen. I watched as the female wolf bit down into Nathalie's neck. I watched in fear. I begged quietly as I feared she was about to die. But, Nathalie moaned from the bite. I widened my eyes as Nathalie suddenly trasformed human and passed out under the wolf. Oh... Oh my god... Nat.... Is Nathalie dead? I crawled away quickly in shock as the wolf moved away from her and trasformed back as well. She wiped some blood off her mouth and looked at me.

     "GET. IN. THE. TRUCK." Her voice was low and scary. I looked at Nathalie as I feared she was dead.

     "Y-you killed her," I mumbled out quickly.

     "No, get in the truck or I will!" She threatened. She rushed towards me suddenly and grabbed my ankle. Her fingernails dug into my skin. "Josephine, you're coming home."

     "NO!" I screamed out. "I promise you I didn't kill my father!" I told her as I begged her to listen. "It was a rogue. A rogue!"

     "We already got the rogue, Josephine. We don't even think you're the killer. And, your uncle Matthew is alive. You've got no reason to stay here. You need to come home now," she told me. "Your mother has been worried about you."

     My mother... Worried? About me? Now I know she's in denial. My mother would rather hold me at gun point and claim me to be my father's true murderer. But, that's not imporant right now.

     "Y- you hurt my friend," I told her as I looked towards Nathalie. "You hurt her!"

     "She's ok," she said as she rolled her eyes.

     "Okay? She's not ok! Look at her! I can't leave her here like this," I said quickly as I tried to think of ways to get away. I can't go home. I won't go back. My mother has never been worried about me a day in my life. She wouldn't start now.

     "Your mother didn't say in what condition to bring you home in," she said. She suddenly made a fist and I trembled. She yanked me closer as her hand threatened to hit my face. "You do understand I can knock you out in one punch, right?" I whimpered as I shut my eyes tightly. She laughed a little like she found something funny. "Oh... you really believe I would hit you?" She asked me as she suddenly stood up. "Come on," she said as she got me to stand. I felt uneasy and on high alert. She walked over to Nathalie and picked her up bridal style.

     "What are you doing?" I asked in alarm and ran up to her. "Don't hurt her!" She looked me over before smirking.

     "I wouldn't dare hurt your friend." She looked over Nathalie's body and I couldn't tell what she was thinking as I saw her expression go soft. "You're right... we can't leave her like that. Get in the truck." I bit my bottom lip hesitantly. She brough Nathalie's body over to the truck and put her inside.

     "I have some clothes," I suggested. I'm not riding with both of them naked. Besides... I think I can trick her and escape. "I also... know where she lives. We can drop her off first and then... then I will go with you."