
C16. Defeat

Continuing Jossie's POV:

     "Probably a good idea."

     The Rabidcrest wolf agreed to my suggestion of taking Nathalie back to her appartment. 

     This meant my plan at escaping was going to work... At least I couldn't see any flaws in it.

     It gives me enough time to think and perfect it.

     "If her pack got angry we kidnapped your friend... your mother might wring my neck."

     "You mean she would wring my neck," I grumbled.

     "I didn't catch your name," I said as I got the door for her. She placed Nathalie gently in on the passenger's side. I rumaged through my new clothes sitting in the bed of the truck and pulled out some pjs I thought she could fit. She was a little bigger than me... But, I beat her on height. In fact I beat both of them in height. I'm pretty sure she can squeeze into the matching set I picked out. This woman might be short... but she was packing some arm muscles. She must be important in my mother's pack.

     I also chose a shirt big enough to be a night gown on me. So I know it would cover Nathalie perfectly. I could slip this on her and it would easily be a dress. I guess the one good thing about being forced to go back home is that I'll have my wardrobe back. No more buying new clothes.

     "I'm Veronica... But, people also call me Vee," the blonde told me. She watched me as I dressed Nathalie's unconscious body. Her neck was bruised badly from the bite... But, at least it healed. I felt my fingers tremble. "I'll drive. Where does she live?"

     "Not far," I told her. I think I left the gun under the driver's seat... I'll use it when Nathalie is safely inside her appartment. "But, she lives on the third floor. Her daughter should be with Cheryl across the hall. We'll have to be extra cautious to not be caught."

"How old is her daughter?"

"What? Why do you want to know?"

"I'm just curious. What's her name?"

"I'm not telling you," I snorted out.

     Talking about Malaya reminded me she was supposed to surprise her mom at work yesterday... I wonder if she did? I wish I had been there to see. I better find the keys to get into Nathalie's apartment. I looked at Vee as I debated on how to tell her. "Uh-um... I have to go back in and look for her apartment key. Most likely its in her office." It wouldn't take long.

     "Oh~ Does she manage this restaurant? No wonder you two are here this early."

     "She's actually the owner and her name is Nathalie."

     I walked back into the building. Like I thought... Vee was right along with me. She wasn't about to loose sight of me. She was smart. I figured as much. I checked the office first to find her purse. Her keys were inside it. I kinda feel bad her phone was destroyed... No thanks to Vee. I took her whole purse with me and closed the office behind us. I left the back door to the restaurant unlocked for the kitchen manager. 

     "I'll drive," Vee told me as she pointed me in the direction of the passenger's side. I slide Nathalie over when I got into the truck. I gave Vee directions to the appartment complex Nathalie lived at. When we arrived I glanced at Vee.

     "What's your plan?" I asked her. "There's no way we won't be questioned."

     "We're in werewolf territory. Does anyone need an explaination?"

     We got out of the truck and I walked around to the driver's side. I slid Nathalie's purse up my arm and tucked her keys into my pocket. Vee took her upper half and I was forced to take the lower. It was probably a good idea because I wasn't that strong. We carried her up to the third floor. We walked down the hall and tried not to cause any noise. When we got into Nathalie's appartment we placed her down on her couch and I sat the purse on the ground by her. Veronica paused briefly to look at the photos of Nathalie's family. I could tell she felt some form of guilt. But, I didn't understand it. I interupted her thoughts by clearing my throat. A gesture that we should leave.

     I made sure to lock up behind me. Rather my plan works or not... I will not be coming back and putting Nathalie in harms way. I can't do that to her. She has a daughter. I think whatever Vee just felt... must be something similiar to the way I felt. Nathalie was my first friend... I don't want to see her getting hurt. We walked down to the truck in silence.

     I wasn't sure what to say to her that would change her mind. I understand I was a runaway Alpha's daughter. Even if I wasn't loved by my pack... I still have duties I must attend to. I'm sure my mother will make me hand down my inheritence to Juliette... Juliette will become the pack's future. I won't be needed after that.

     "I can drive," I suggested when we were closer to the truck. "I'd feel better if I do. It'll feel more like my chocie to go."

     "I already told you the pack doesn't think you're the killer. Matthew's made it clear he believes the rogue killed your father. Your name is cleared up. I don't know why you wouldn't come home." She started towards the passenger's side. "You can drive us back."

     "I don't think my life will be much better going home," I told her as I started towards the driver's side. I quickened my pace and tried not to make it too obvious. I felt excited. My plan was kicking into motion. I reached the driver's side and went for the gun under the seat quickly. By the time she was opening the door she still wasn't aware. I pulled out the gun and aimed her down as I took the safety off. She widened her eyes as she noticed it. She forced a smile as she showed me her hands.

     "Josephine," she said as if I was the one in trouble. "You don't want to do that."

     "To hell I don't! Back away from the truck," I said as I warned her. She laughed a little as she shook her head in refusal.

     "You're not gonna shoot that," she said as she tested me.

     "What?" I asked. "Y-you hurt Nathalie. That alone gives me enough reason to shoot you!" I yelled at her. I pulled the trigger. I didn't hesitate but even her movement was sharper then I expected. She dodged it just enough to only be hit in the arm. She crawled through the truck and grabbed the gun. I pulled the trigger again. It fired as she hit my hands and knocked it up to where I would shoot the roof. She took my hands and squeezed them as she got the gun from me. She yanked me to her and growled as she showed her teeth.

     "You need training," she said as she took the gun by the chamber and hit me with it. I screamed out in pain and she struck me again. It was enough trama to my head to make me loose conscious.

Ethan's POV:

     "Beta Ethan," Henley's voice shook with trama. As if something bad just happened. He came into my study waving my phone in his hand. I was already furious with Nathalie for hanging up on me. I sat the tea cup down on my desk as I looked up from the report I was about to read. Now there's a begger problem? Besides Nathalie? He sat the phone down on my desk.

     "There are reports saying the black truck from the missing person's report was spotted leaving town. Both descriptions of the Rabidcrest wolves were seen in the vehicle. Nobody could manage to stop it. That's probably got something to do with..." he cleared his throat. "The distrected phone call from earlier," he muttered and looked away awkwardly. "I sent someone over to search Tolen's Diner. They didn't find Nathalie. But, they did find her phone." He picked up his tablet and with a few taps on the screen he flipped to show me a phone covered in blood with a hole straight in the middle. Looks like it was shot.

     "Is that..." I trailed off as I felt a growl rumbling under my voice. There's only one thing I could place blame on. "The works of pack Rabidcrest's Veronica?" He nodded as he flipped the screen back around.

     "Yes... He scent was all over the same room the phone was found. What should we do?" He asked as he sounded lost.

     "Call Stephen. Tell him change of plans."

     "What will we do about Nathalie? She's still missing sir," he said as he looked worried for our pack mate.

     "I'm putting him on her case right away," I said as I sat back in my chair. Stephen will be a good pack mate to place on finding Nathalie. If they took Nathalie with them... we will have a bigger problem on our hands. But, on the like hand they dropped her off... he will find out where. Hell... chances are she went after them herself! "Don't say anything to Alpha Camren about our missing pack mate. I don't want to make him worried for no reason."

     My biggest problem right now is... how am I going to tell Camren his future mate ran away? I will not admit to him they possibly kidnapped one of our own. I got up from my seat and took the cup of tea with me. Henley took the phone back as he started to dial Stephen's number. I walked away from him as I went out into the hall.

     If I knew my cousin well... he would be in his private quarters right about now. The King's Wing was a private place where he resided along with his close family. My Beta appartment was just under his floor. I'd take an elevator up to his floor for quick access. I was greeted by Cam's assistant, Charlotte before I could even knock on the door. Charlotte was an omega. She was very soft spoken. With red-tined brown hair and plain brown eyes. I didn't care she didn't have a special appeal about her... I didn't care she seemed to basic... She was more then just an omega to me. I wished she was my mate. She had remarkably soft skin. Delicate thin lips. She had rosy cheeks from blushing too hard as she greeted me.

     "Beta Ethan," she'd whisper in surprise. I guess she didn't expect me to be at the door. Charlotte was in a designer outfit instead of a normal maid's outfit. She had special treatment thanks to being Camren's assistant. Her role was basically up-most importance as she assisted in finnances. She was the best at her job. She studied abroad for this position. She had on an office appeal outfit. A sharp sleak skirt and designer blouse hidden under a vertical striped vest. Her hair was down and wavy today. But... even I could smell she was still unmated. Her eyes blinked rapidly as she turned in the doorway to announce me. "Your highness, your cousin is here to see you." I flirtatiously winked when I stepped by her to get through.

     "You're going so soon?" I asked her. "I always miss your presence." She hid a smile as she dipped her head in a polite bow.

     "Yes... I've got affairs to take care of." She shut the door as she left us to be alone.

     Cam's appartment opened up first into his cozy day room where he had a nice blue couch with an oval shaped glass coffee table. On it was a few rasberry and blueberry scones and a tea set that had the aroma of earl gray. There were two tan seats sitting in front of long and open rectangle windows. The room was dark themed. Dark gray walls. An expensive area rug and paintings that would keep anyone's eye busy overlooking in awe.

     The appartment was not open floor planned as it was not within the interest of most werewolves to be seated in the same room as their pantry. Instead there was a hall to get to the fancy kitchen I knew well. There was also four attached rooms. Two of them being used as private offices. Attached to those were his/her suites. This was the Alpha's appartment. Very private. Between the two rooms were a single intimate bathroom and walk-in closet. This was designed by one of the top best interior designers of the area.

     My cousin was tall. About six three to be exact. He made all furnature look smaller than him. His hair was the color of snow and his eyes were a diamond's blue. He had royal traits that were hand picked by gods to my eyes. He always dressed nice. With designer button ups and dress pants. He usually had a dark vest on and a matching set of loafers. He always had the expensive scent of cologne on. Vixen, was Cam's private pet. A hiddle jewel of the family. He was a red fox with a black tipped tail and black boots. He was a spoiled pet. He was sleeping next to Camren on the couch with a toy fish between his front paws.

     It was best Charlotte didn't stay. I didn't want her to hear of what a failure I was as a beta. I took a seat on the couch and sat my cup of tea down on his oval table. I leaned back as I faced him. I put on hand on Vixen to rub his head.

     "You have bad news," Camren said in absolute annoyance. I guess he knew by the sweat on the back of my neck. I was tattling on myself. "Let me guess... they went back home before you could stop and tell them to come here?" Camren placed his elbow on the back of his couch. He laid his head on the palm of his hand as he looked me in the eyes. "I tell you what cousin... I already knew it was bound to happen."

     "Well shit," I muttered in disbelief. He doesn't normally do things around my back. Is he spying on me or something?

     "I asked mother to speak to the Luna of Rabidcrest. Her daughter is my mate. I know it," he said as his eyes glowed a strange hew.

     "You don't think its the powerful Rabidcrest wolf?" I asked to argue with him. There's no way Josephine is his mate... she's a weakling. She's weaker than an omega. At least omegas can be useful. Look at Cam's assistant for instance... she's a valuabe woman. Josephine couldn't even compare.

     "That wolf is already mated," Cam told me as his eyes drifted down to my hand petting Vixen.

     "What?" I asked in confusion. "She didn't smell that way. I personally met her!"

     "The survaliance footage at Tolen's Diner shows different."

     "What did you see?" I asked slowly and titled my head. My cousin is naughty.

     "I saw the wolf mark one of our pack mates. The one that owns that restaurant. That's what my assistant was doing here. She was giving me the survaliance footage." Well... She did minor in computure science.

     "How did you know to look there?"

     "I hacked into your phone to find out what you were keeping from me. I thought you walked away too soon from me. You weren't telling me everything when I explained to you that you've found my mate. Instead you left it up to a mere phone call to Nathalie's number. You should have just gone there straight away. I traced that number to the restaurant. When I heard the gunshot while leaking into your phone's audio recording... I decided to get footage directly from that restaurant."

     "I guess you really are an Alpha," I teased him. I was truly impressed. I didn't think to do that. "So what happened to Nathalie?" I asked curiously.

     "Oh, they took her with them?" He didn't seem to be sure about that. "At least they all ended up in the truck together."

     "What have you decided to do?" I asked in wonder. His mate went back to her family's territory.

     "Arrange a marriage. She's seventeen," he said as he seemed to be recalling something. "We can court each other until her birthday. I'll marry her as fate will have it. It gives her plenty of time to train for her position as Queen and Luna." I just hope she doesn't reject him for being so straight forward about this.