
Chapter 3

"Just what in the world did happen to you..." Tomoko muttered under her breath with furrowed brows as she treat the big yet shallow cuts all over his upper body.

He was covered head to toe in bruises from where he'd been thrown around, not even counting the small cuts and bumps on his face from colliding with hard objects. Tomoko carefully cleaned his wounds and applied some cream for disinfection, then wrapped a bandage around his arm for extra measure.

"You're lucky that I have the basic knowledge in first-aid." She said when she had finished bandaging him.

'If I left him back there, he wouldn't die, will just lose lots of blood. So in other words, he would've been fine even if I don't help him. But my conscience won't be able to handle it.'

Heaving a sigh, Tomoko sat down on the carpeted floor in the living room. Now that Tomoko is not doing anything, she could take a better look at the boy that she just helped laying unconscious on the couch.

Black hair that reaches her nape and a pale complexion. He seems to be the same age as her, or perhaps a few years older than her and definitely not an adult. A strong build which seems to suggest that he's a fighter. The way his clothes are torn up shows that he's quite fit too.

Tomoko blink her eyes a couple of times before her face flushed beet red. She didn't mean to stare at him so openly without permission, especially after taking off his shirt. She hastily averted her gaze and stood up, walking towards the kitchen, fanning herself hoping to cool down the heat on her face.

'I can't believe this! Why am I acting like such a pervert?'

She thought to herself as she take a seat at the chair at the dining table, still trying to control her blush. Her hands were now holding onto each other tightly.

'But I really hope that nothing bad will happen. Helping someone is not a bad thing, but it might put you into a difficult situation. Especially when the person you're helping is somewhat dangerous or partially dangerous.'

Tomoko looks at the unconscious boy on her couch before heaving out a sigh and resting her forehead on the wooden table, before sneezing as she felt a shiver run down her spine.

"Ah! How am I so forgetful?!" Tomoko sneezes again before reaching out for the basket above the fridge and taking one for fever, gulping down the entire bottle of water and immediately running toward the bathroom to take a shower, hoping that she won't get sick.

But a huge part of her hope is that she'll get sick and stay home to recover rather than go to school and attend her boring classes. And also to avoid her best friend, especially because of what she witnessed earlier.


After finally drying her body, Tomoko changes into her comfortable clothing and heads back to the living room to check on the injured boy. Seeing him asleep, Tomoko headed to the kitchen and a bottle of water before heading back to her room to study.

But soon her focus was disrupted as the memory of what happened a few hours earlier occupied her mind once again. Heaving out a heavy sigh, Tomoko drop her head onto the wooden table where her notes were scattered making her pencils roll down onto the wooden floor.

'Ahh, let me forget about it already. I've had enough.'

The brunette sneezed again, causing her whole body to shiver at the sudden coldness.

"Ah, I'm really gonna get sick because I stayed under the rain for too long." Tomoko sighed as she let out another sneeze.

Knowing she can't study no matter how much she tries to, she pulls her legs toward her chest, hugging it and resting her chin on her kneecaps as she watches the heavy rain pouring outside the window.

As the time ticked by, Tomoko slowly drifted off to sleep, falling fast asleep due to her exhaustion.

Clearly unaware of her door opening and a pair of bright red eyes peering down at her peaceful face as a hand snaked around her waist.

"You should've been more careful, darling. Now, look at what you've done."
