
Chapter 2

After the brunette got far enough, her feet stopped, putting her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. A quiet sob was heard as tears started to prick her eyes as she continued to breathe heavily.

She closed her eyes tightly, trying to calm herself down, trying to stop her tears from flowing uncontrollably. It felt like a lifetime since she last cried. So many tears had accumulated, falling to the ground, staining the cold cement.

When her breathing calmed down a bit, the brown-haired girl looked up when she felt a few soft taps on her shoulder and head. But it never stops her cries, only deafening them. A few minutes later, the rain starts to pour heavily. But the brunette could never care less.

She doesn't even care about the water soaking her clothes. She just keeps crying, letting all the emotions in.

"Why am I hurting... This was expected. I... I know that m-my f-feelings won't be returned, but... but why does it hurt so much..." The brunette whispered, her voice starting to crack.

She wiped her tears from her face, letting the water drip from her eyelashes down onto her face. The sound of thunder boomed above her, followed by some strong wind blowing.

She cried and cried and cried. Only did she stop when there were no tears left to shed. She stayed still for a minute, letting her heartbeats slow down gradually, only then slowly looking around her. She realized that she ended up by the park entrance, a few walks away from her apartment.

With the last sniffle, she slowly pushed herself off the ground. With shaky legs, a soaking mess, and a heavy weight on her heart, she walked towards the exit and made her way home, praying for God to take away her pain and give her some peace.


The brown-haired girl walked through the heavy rain in a soaking mess, cheeks flushed and puffy red eyes. Her hair hung over her wet face, making it impossible for her to see where she was going or what was coming in front of her. Causing her to slip when her foot hit something.

"I'm sorry." The brunette apologises quietly, a groan leaving her lips as she moves into a sitting position.

As soon as she sits upright, she feels another presence next to her, causing her head to turn in a hurry to look behind her. The first thing her vision caught was someone's pale face. But what caused her eyes to widen was the blood oozing out from the boy who lays unconscious on the sidewalk.

She couldn't move a muscle as she froze in her place, watching the crimson liquid oozing out from him getting washed away by the heavy rain.

The brunette who's a bit dazed due to the impact she received from the fall earlier took a while to process the situation. Her mind is blank, not knowing how she should react. Eventually, the brunette was finally able to comprehend the situation.

'Eh...? A dead... body?!'

Her heartbeat suddenly quickened and panic began to set in. The sudden rush made it almost impossible to get her thoughts together at the moment. She tried to calm her breaths and think. But no matter what she thinks, nothing comes to her, it's as if the panic took over her mind and took away her ability to think.

'W-W-What s-should.... s-should I-I do?! I-If I-I pretend h--he wasn't here, wai--wait a sec! I-I can't do that! I-It'll be l-like I-I killed him! B-But i-if I-I help h-him, I-I might get m-myself i-i-i-in trouble!'

The brunette shook her head frantically, desperately trying to come to terms with the situation. Finally, after taking deep breaths and calming down the raging storm in her mind, she slowly reached out to touch the unconscious person lying next to her.

She was careful and cautious. After a few internal debates here and there, she finally decided to just help the boy, hoping nothing bad will happen if she helped an injured person. Taking one more deep breath, she reached out for the unconscious body and tried to lift it up, but the effort proved to be quite strenuous.

"Agh!" The brunette grunted, gritting her teeth as she kept trying to lift the unconscious boy. After a little while, she gave up and let him lie on the wet concrete, staring helplessly at his unconscious form.

Getting pissed at the unconscious boy, she crouched down and hit him on top of his head. He didn't wake up, he still hasn't moved a single inch since she started hitting him.

"Umm... Darn it! You better wake up soon!" The brunette glared at the boy and muttered under her breath.

"I'm not gonna wait anymore, I'm too damn tired." Slowly and carefully, she grabbed the unconscious body, wrapping her arms around it and lifting it off the ground. The effort left her completely exhausted, but regardless, she didn't stop as her apartment was just a couple of blocks away.

'Let's just hope that nothing bad will happen if I help this injured boy, considering he might be a serial killer, a thief, or perhaps a gang member.'
