
A Chaotic Symbiote Bonded To Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow

The main universe in this fanfic is the MCU otherwise known as Earth-199999. But MC and his host, Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow, will travel to different universes because MC's way of development is by eating other Symbiotes and gaining all of their abilities and powers. - What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, asked to be an alien. What did he want to be? A Kryptonian? A Saiyan? No, a Klyntar! Or famously known as a Symbiote! His host? It's Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow AKA mommy dommy!

That_One_Alive_Ali · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
56 Chs

CH 47: Extremis (1/2)

"(Well damn, guess the party has already started.)" Chaos mused, looking down at the gang members and Russian Mob members crowding a building site from a high ground. Night had arrived, and in a particular part of New York where less people were present than normal, which was surprising in itself, the deal between the two parties and a gun dealer was going to take place. Only a few hours had passed since the two had interrogated the criminals, but the deal had already begun. Which was suspicious in itself.

"These people seem to be in too much of a rush. Something weird is definitely going on."

"(Right? It does seem weird. Also, there are way too few people here for so much firepower. You'd think they would bring more people. A lot more people.)"

"Unless there's something else that needs the rest of their members..."

"(Hmm... well, we won't be getting any answers by simply sitting around. Once we get our hands on one of the gang bosses, we'll hopefully get some information.)"

"Um, you're right. Now, let's see what we've got."

"(A shit ton of ammunition and a bunch of losers-soon-to-be-food, that's what we've got.)" He snickered, mouth nearly watering at how much food was in front of his eyes :"(All that firepower is definitely going to be a nice addition to my collection.)"

"Well, then we're gonna need to take them, no? They won't deliver themselves to you themselves." Smirking, Natasha mused before growing serious. As both her Symbiotic Sense and Spider-Sense were activated, everything that she needed to see lighted up in bright colors of either red or yellow.

"Hmm, even though this isn't the entire gang or even most of them, there sure are still quite a few of them, huh?" Looking at the 20 to 40 thugs, she cracked her fingers and neck before smirking :"Ready for action?"

"(I was born ready. I'm taking this one though.)" Chaos chuckled evilly :"(Let's start the feast then, shall we?)" As the Symbiotic biomass enveloped her entire body, turning them into their Symbiote Mode, the red Symbiote jumped off of the wall of the building they were sticking to.

"Give up, punks, these guns are ours!"

"As if, you American ublyudki (bastards)! Once this deal is over, you're all toast!"

"What did you say-"


"Hello, our dear foods!" As the loud sound of something landed echoed, causing dust to spread around with the landing, the playful, excited and dark voice of Chaos was heard :"Let us introduce you to our stomach! Hahahaha!!"

"W-what the fuck-" One of the thugs shouted in shock. But before he could even finish his sentence, the laughing Symbiote grabbed him with one hand, before raising him with ease and slamming him with such force that his ribs were crushed.

"Hahahahaha!!!" His laughter boomed the place, alarming everybody in the place as the ones closest to him quickly took out their guns :"Shit! Shit, shoot it! Shoot the bastard!!" But their response was simply the continuing dark laughter as the body, with his head beaten off and eaten, was thrown hard enough that once he hit another thug, the hit thug's body was broken apart. The hand that tried to guard him completely shattered as the other was just flown away.

"Fuck, what is that?!?" Another one shouted as the red Symbiote grabbed onto someone's leg, bringing him up and slamming him onto the ground right away without a shred of mercy, breaking countless bones before twisting his body and slamming him once again, and again, and again.

"Who the fuck cares?!!? Just kill the damn bastard!!!" Another one asked, picking up an AK-47 and immediately shooting at Chaos with his friends. However, the Symbiote's response was a dark chuckle before he leaped towards another guy. But instead of toying with him, his giant mouth was opened wide, and upon reaching him, he took a bite big enough that even the thugs chest disappeared into his mouth.

Only leaving a standing corpse with nearly half of his body gone. Kicking the corpse to someone else, with enough aggressiveness to kill him too, he threw his head back in a psychotic and cruel laughter :"I shall feast upon your flesh and organs tonight!! Hahahahaha!!!"

Spreading his arms, two whips with blades at the end made out of his biomass appeared in his hands. As he gripped on to them, he spun in place, moving the nightmarish blade-whips with enough strength to slice every criminal that they came in contact with to pieces.

"S-shit, fuck this! I-I'm outta here!!" Seeing the carnage in front of them, torn body parts, blood painting the walls and the ground, organs lying around, fear finally overcame them. Causing them to turn tail and try to run away.

Key word, try.

"Hahaha, where are you guys going?! The party's just starting!! Gyahahaha!!!" As the menacing slaughterer cackled, the blade-whips were swung towards the sky, before swinging down like death's hammers. Slamming down on to the fleeing thugs, the unlucky ones who were in the way were immediately crushed mercilessly, making a nightmarish scene of completely crushed bodies as the ground beneath them cracked easily.

"D-damn it-" They cursed, but none of them could do anything as the blade-whips flew at the opposite ways of each other, slicing and dicing everything in path as Chaos created a red mini tornado out of his makeshift blade-whips. However, although he liked to fool around, he didn't want to destroy and waste his food.

As the blade-whips stopped, the two of them turned into several tendrils that grabbed the remaining and intact foods. He didn't even need to move, the tendrils just pulled the screaming and fearful snacks to him with ease. But once they brought the food, the tendrils multiplied once again.

The new branches turning and transforming into extra heads that opened their giant mouths, and along with Chaos, whispered sweetly, gently, darkly :"Thanks for the food~." Before grinning like demons and biting their heads off with no effort. He wasn't going to let their bodies go to waste either. So after creating even more tendrils, he ate all the dead bodies and spilled organs. The food in the makeshift heads of the tendrils moving into his own stomach with no problem.

"Hsss, now that's what I call a good meal!" Taking in a satisfied breath through his teeth, he bumped his fist as he licked his teeth to gather and eat all the remaining parts, chuckling playfully right after :"But that was one quick party though, it ended way too soon. Kekeke, we should find better party goers."

"You're just too excited, that's why." His beautiful host sighed helplessly :"Now give me the control. We're gonna need to interrogate that guy who's trying so hard to hide, and you're not good at interrogating. So I gotta do it myself."

As Chaos went back to Suit Mode and a tendril moved to bring the hiding gang leader to them, his head floated beside her with a frown :"What? That's not true! I'm awesome at interrogating!"

"Uh huh, of course you are." Natasha rolled her eyes in sarcasm, all while the tendril came back with a screaming and scared shitless gang leader :"You won't even be able to hold back your hunger. You'll immediately take a bite off the guy the moment you see that it's a person."

"That's not true!" He shouted in annoyance, causing his host to roll her pretty eyes :"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now quiet down, we've got things to do, and uncooperative fools to eat. Isn't that right, buddy? Schultz, I assume?" Holding the gang leader by the neck, Natasha snarled with a smirk.

Turning to him, Chaos grew confused. Looking at his trash taste in clothing, a yellow jumpsuit, his appearance started to look familiar to the red Symbiote :'Schultz... Schultz... where have I seen this guy...? Hmm... wait... yellow jumpsuit... a gang leader... is this guy... is he Shocker? Oooh, I remember now! There was something similar to this in a Spider-Man game, wasn't it? The Amazing Spider-Man 2, if I remember correctly. Man, good game, good times. Right, his name is... Herman Schultz, if I remember right. But well, unlucky him. He's going to die tonight.'

"T-THAT'S RIGHT! THAT'S RIGHT!" Nearly wetting himself, the gang leader shouted in fear :"W-WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?! W-WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!??!" Causing the redhead to sigh in annoyance as she squeezed his neck, shutting him up :"Pipe down, will you? Your voice isn't exactly pleasant enough for me to want to hear it in a loud volume."

Nearly turning purple from the lack of oxygen, Schultz thrashed around as he nodded desperately. Loosening her grip, she threw him towards the nearby wall before webbing him to the place :"Now, we're going to be asking you a few questions. And if you want your head right where it is, you'll answer all of them. Try to lie, and then..." Several sharp tendrils came out of her sides, dancing menacingly around neck and head.

"O-okay, okay! I-I'll do w-whatever you say, just d-don't kill me, please!" He pleaded :"W-what do you wanna know, huh?! J-just ask! I-I'll tell you whatever I know, I swear!" Causing Natasha to smile in satisfaction :"Fantastic! Now, tell me what's going on here. And before you try to say some bullshit, let me clarify something. I want the truth. My intuition tells me there's a bigger reason for this war, and my intuition has never been wrong before. Try to lie, and I'll turn you a damn shish kebab."

"Alright! A-alright, I'll speak! I'll speak, just calm down!" He nearly screamed, trying to back away from the tendrils pushing against his neck, nearly breaking skin. As the tendrils gave him some space, the redhead indicated for him to continue.

"A-a little while ago, someone managed to get his hands on something." Schultz gulped, quickly answering :"S-something important. Important enough for our boss to want to get his hands on. B-but we weren't the only ones who wanted it. The Russians somehow got wind of it, and wanted to take it for themselves. A-and well, a war broke out over it."

"Oh? Yeah, that makes a lot more sense for something like this rather than petty vengeance." Natasha hummed in response :"Continue. What is this item, and who the hell is this boss of yours?"

"T-that's..." But upon hearing her questions, his nervousness grew even more :"I-I can't tell you! M-my boss will k-kill me no matter which one I answer-" However, the moment the words left his mouth, a tendril pierced through the wall beside him, easily going through and breaking off a good chunk as she looked at him with menacing wide eyes :"Bitch, do I look like care? Better start answering right now. Otherwise, we'll need to figure out if your boss is faster in killing you, or if we're faster in making you go through a world of pain right here, right now. Now, speak."

"E-" He bit his lip, before finally breaking down and shouting the answer :"E-Extremis! Those guys managed to get their hands on something called Extremis!"

"What?" Upon hearing him, both Chaos and Natasha's eyes went wide in shock :"What did you say?" As Chaos took over, the giant red Symbiote once again appeared and grabbed Schultz webbed up chest :"Hey, speak! Did you just say Extremis?!"

"Y-yeah! Yeah, that's right!" He immediately answered, backing away from the horrifying teeth :"I-I don't know what it is, or how someone got his hands on it, but I'm sure i-it's called Extremis! H-heard rumors of it being some kind of a Supersoldier Serum or something! That's all I know, I swear!"

"(Extremis... do you think it's the same thing Tony and Pepper talked about?)" Turning silent, he talked into the mind of his host who hummed thoughtfully :"I don't know... but if it is, it makes sense to have created such a mess."

"(That means we should check it out.)"

"That means we should check it out."

"(And if we manage to get our hands on it...)" A cruel smile etching on to his already terrifying face, his teeth were even more visible to the pitiful idiot :"(That means another superpower, and if lucky enough, immunity to the only weakness I had, fire.)"

"That's right. Since getting my Sound-based powers from Super Spider 11, the only racial weakness you have left is fire. If we get this too, then they're both gone." Natasha hummed in agreement, a smile forming on her own lips before she grew serious :"But to get the Extremis, we need information."

"(Information that this guy has.)" As a sinister chuckle left him, his deadly claws pulled on the web, pulling Schultz closer as he smiled threateningly :"Now, you're gonna be a dear and answer some more questions related to that Extremis, got that? Now, start yapping."

It didn't need much convincing after that to make him talk. Even if he was a gang leader or something, he was still a simple human who was scared of death. Whenever he didn't want to speak, all it needed to make him talk was a little itsy bitsy threat to get him going.

"T-there, I answered whatever you wanted. Y-you'll let me g-go now, r-right?" After answering all of their questions, he gulped with hope and fear in his eyes. But his hope shattering answer was an evil chuckle :"Let you go? Who said anything about letting you go?"

Pulling, the webs moved around his claws thanks to their Organic Super Webbing Manipulation as he lifted the tied up criminal :"We're here to party and eat brains. And unfortunately for you, the party has already ended, but there's still one more brain to devour."

Opening his giant, traumatizing mouth as his fangs shone in the night and his acidic saliva dripped on the ground, melting the solid ground, he got ready to eat while fear enveloped Schultz :"W-what the hell are you...?"

Momentarily freezing, he chuckled in response as he let out three words :"We, are Chaos." Before finally biting into his food and eating him. Ending the night and taking all the guns in the place with himself.