
A Celestials Chronicles

fang5757 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

A scholar

Xuan found himself standing in a vast, open field surrounded by lush greenery and a clear blue sky. Suddenly, a playful jolt knocked him off his feet, and he realized that a majestic dragon made of chi was charging towards him. Xuan laughed in amazement as the dragon playfully nudged him onto its back.

As he clung to the dragon's scales, his father sat in front of him, steering the beast with ease. "You're not scared, are you?" his father teased, "A celestial scared of a mere dragon? What kind of celestial are you?" Xuan's heart swelled with pride as he watched his father command the dragon, his dominance over the creature clear. Together, they soared through the sky, the wind rushing past them as the dragon surged forward. Xuan closed his eyes and let out a laugh of pure joy, revelling in the sensation of flying on the back of the creature.

Xuan giggled as the wind rushed past him, and his father laughed along with him. "This is amazing, Dad!" he exclaimed.

His father turned to him, his expression suddenly grave. "Xuan, my son," he said, his voice heavy with emotion. "Promise me that you will never become a Celestial Pioneer. Promise me that you will find another path."

Confused, Xuan asked, "Why, Dad? What's wrong with being a Pioneer?"

His father's eyes grew sad, and he said, "It's a dangerous path, son. The Pioneers are the ones who lead the charge in conquering new worlds and subjugating entire civilizations. They are the ones who bring war and destruction in the name of the Imperium. It's a life filled with bloodshed and death."

Xuan felt a pang of sadness as he saw the worry etched on his father's face. He nodded solemnly, promising his father that he would never become a Pioneer.

Suddenly, he heard a loud roar, and looked up to see multiple dragons soaring towards them. His eyes widened in surprise as his father raised his hands and summoned even more dragons, all of them made of his father's chi. Xuan watched in awe as the dragons circled around them, their scales glistening in the sunlight. He had never seen so many dragons in one place before, and he couldn't believe that his father was able to summon them with such ease.

As his father commanded the dragons, Xuan felt a sense of pride and admiration for his father's power. He knew that his father was a great and powerful celestial, and he couldn't wait to see what other amazing things he was capable of.

His father's voice was firm and resolute as he looked ahead, determined. "Xuan, my son," he said, "I will make sure that you never have to bear the burden of being a Celestial. While I am here, you can rest easy knowing that you won't need to fulfil your duty as a celestial."

Xuan's eyes opened slowly, his mind still consumed by the vivid dream of his father and the dragons. He sat up in bed, his gaze fixed on the wall ahead. For a moment, he was lost in thought, reflecting on the conflicting emotions stirred up by the dream. On the one hand, he felt a deep sense of pride and admiration for his father's power and command over the dragons. On the other hand, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness at his father's warning about the dangers of being a Celestial Pioneer.

As the fog of sleep cleared from his mind, Xuan's emotions began to calm down, and he slipped into his usual persona. He knew that his father's caution was a sign of weakness, a fear of the great responsibility that came with being a pioneer. But Xuan was not like his father; he was not afraid. He had long since resolved to be in control of his own fate, no matter what it took. The dream had only served to strengthen his resolve.

With that thought in mind, Xuan got out of bed and began to prepare for the day ahead. He dressed in his usual attire, a simple but elegant robe made of the finest silk, and combed his hair with a silver brush. As he stood before the mirror, he saw a cold, focused expression staring back at him.

Xuan was a tall, olive-skinned young man with striking black curls that cascaded down his broad shoulders. His body was toned and in excellent shape, a testament to his rigorous training regimen. On his face, he wore a pair of sleek spectacles that framed his sharp, focused gaze. The glasses added a scholarly air to his overall appearance, a reflection of his dedication to his studies.

Today was the day of his graduation, and Xuan was qualified to start his journey as a Celestial. He had been enrolled onto his home planets most prestigious imperial Academy usually reserved for the best scions. Normally someone like Xuan would never be able to join but his father numerous meritorious deeds as a Celestial Pioneer made the process of joining a formality. Graduation onward celestials join on of the four factions within the imperium.

The Celestial Pioneers are responsible for the brutal conquest and domination of new worlds and civilizations in the name of the Imperium. They are the primary military force of the Imperium, using ruthless tactics and overwhelming force to crush any resistance they encounter.

The Celestial Directorate is dedicated to mastering and advancing the use of chi, as well as researching and developing new techniques for cultivation. They act as key strategists and advisors to the Imperium's military leaders, wielding incredible power and influence on the battlefield.

The Celestial Scholars, prioritize knowledge, learning, and innovation. They are responsible for researching and developing new techniques, as well as advancing the Imperium's understanding of the universe and its mysteries..

The Celestial Watchers are the ruthless arm of the Imperium's justice system, tasked with maintaining order and enforcing the Imperium's laws on both its own planets and those it has conquered.

Xuan's late father had been a pioneer of some renown, having taken part in multiple planet subjugations and even leading a squadron of pioneers at times. In their guilt over his death, his comrades made sure that Xuan didn't lack any resources or facilities in his growth to becoming a pioneer.

Xuan wondered what type of look his father would have if he knew his comrades were pushing him to become a celestial pioneer. The sudden sound of his door being knocked pulled him from his thoughts, and he sighed before walking to the door. He made sure to angle the door so he wouldn't be caught unprepared in case it was an attack - caution was something Xuan didn't lack.

Opening the door a crack, he saw the visitor. The visitor was a middle-aged man in a long robe, whose bursting muscles would have you wondering whether he was old in the first place. His long unruly hair hung over his shoulders like a lion's mane, while his eyes were sharp and penetrating, like pin needles.

His voice, which sounded like the deep ocean, seeped through the door gap. "Little Xuan, being cautious is good, but being overcautious can strain you mentally. Relax once in a while, you are still young."

"Come in, Professor Atlas," Xuan greeted the man neutrally, neither distant nor close.

"Please, call me Uncle Atlas," Atlas looked at Xuan with immeasurable guilt. Xuan's father's death came from him buying time for their squadron to retreat. Looking at Xuan's frozen features, it was as if he was taken back in time, taking part in a campfire with the expressionless captain struggling to hold his smile. They were too similar in a sense.

Atlas strode into the student study, his gaze sweeping across the organized room with a look of approval. After a brief inspection, he turned to Xuan and asked, "Have you made your decision on which faction to join?"

Xuan nodded confidently. "Yes, I have decided to become a celestial scholar."

Xuan had already made up his mind. He had spent countless hours contemplating his options during his time at the academy, poring over the history of the Imperium and weighing the pros and cons of each faction. Ultimately, he had come to the conclusion that becoming a Pioneer was too risky, despite the fact that they were often hailed as heroes and role models for all Celestials. He had learned that the reality of the situation was that Pioneers were little more than cannon fodder, mere numbers in the endless battles that raged across the cosmos. Xuan's hot-headed ambitions had been put to rest by the sheer danger of it all. Looking back on his initial dream, he could now clearly see the fear in his father's eyes, and the Chi dragon technique had provided him with no reassurance.

A Celestial scholar, on the other hand, only served mandatory military service until they became a Master Celestial, at which point they were given some autonomy over their fate. This is due to the different promotion processes: scholars level up through the acquisition of knowledge, while Pioneers level up through battle. This autonomy greatly increases Xuan's survival chances; while his father had to go to war as a Master Celestial, Xuan can explore his way without the need of becoming cannon fodder. As for the other factions, Xuan knew that he would not be approached by The Watchers and The Council, as they recruit Celestial Scholars themselves, and he had not heard a whisper from them since graduating.

Atlas sighed, "A scholar, huh? Your grades in combat were exceptional. Why not become a Pioneer? I can pull some strings and get you enlisted in an experienced team."

"Pioneers are hailed as heroes of the Imperium, but that path isn't for me," Xuan replied coolly.

"Hmm, I see. So you're afraid you can't become one?" Atlas asked.

Xuan simply raised an eyebrow in response, not bothering to answer the question.

"Listen to me, little Xuan. A Pioneer's life might be full of bloodshed, but the combat experience and camaraderie you gain are priceless. Even someone like me, who is considered a waste by many, can run amok in this Academy if I wanted. The teachers would faint simply from my aura. There's a reason why four out of the eight Celestial Emperors are pioneers. It's a proven path to power. I haven't mentored you on this border planet just for you to become a mere scholar," Atlas said, stroking his chin as he spoke. His words carried a weight that Xuan couldn't deny. However, Xuan remained cold and detached, his expression unchanged.

"I understand your point of view, Atlas," Xuan finally replied in a monotone voice. "But my decision has been made. I have no interest in risking my life for power or glory. I prefer to gain power through knowledge and strategy."

Atlas nodded, showing a hint of disappointment in his expression. "Very well, Xuan. It's your life and your choice. Go to the faction hall and notify them of your decision." He made his way to the door, but before closing it, he looked back at Xuan. His eyes flashed with intensity, while his body tensed and his hands clenched into scarred fists. The air around him seemed to crackle with the force of his emotions. "Beware a scholar's path isn't easier than a Pioneer's. Power is always accompanied by a price." Atlas paused for a moment, as if weighing his words carefully. He relaxed his fists and his eyes softened. "Your father's death will not go unavenged. But I understand your decision." He gave Xuan a small smile. "Take care of yourself, Xuan. And remember, don't regret it." With those words, Atlas closed the door behind him and disappeared down the hallway.

As the door closed, Xuan was left alone in the room with his thoughts. He couldn't help but scoff at the idea of seeking justice in the midst of the ongoing wars in the Imperium. "Vengeance? What good would that do?" he muttered to himself. "Atlas is a pioneer past his prime. His decision to go to one of the most chaotic battlefields means it will be a one-way trip. What justice can be found in a meaningless death?" Xuan shook his head. "Finding a single individual to complete a blood debt is simply idiotic." He knew that within a hundred years, he would be notified of Atlas's death.

As Xuan strode out of his room and towards the faction hall, he couldn't help but chuckle at the idea of regret. He had learned early on that regrets were useless and only held him back. Instead of dwelling on the past, he preferred to focus on the present and the future. Dismissing Atlas's conviction for vengeance from his mind, Xuan walked into the faction hall, determined to forge his own destiny.