
Chapter 5:

3 days had passed when I made a slight breakthrough with magnesis, I could make my arrows float slightly, and although it's not very accurate or fast I can still aim them. The feeling I used as a trigger was a feeling of attraction, like the one you feel when you like someone, that feeling is used for controlling metal, I hadn't been emotionally stable so connecting to my feelings, so it was much harder than it should have been. But Purah and Symin were pleased that I was making progress.

"Try and hone your control of your emotions, and using your runes should come hand in hand." Symin and Purah commented with slight smiles on their faces. "Keep trying your hardest!" With their words in mind I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to embed the trigger into my reflexes, this was way harder than I could have ever guessed. I made little progress and as night crossed over it was time for dinner.

I made my way down the stairs and took a look up at the moon, it was a nice creamy white, and the clouds flowed through the sky dancing like trained ballerinas, the moon flashed in and out of view. I walked through the doors and sit down at the table, food was served by Symin, eggs and rice again, I engulfed a portion of the food, and selected a book from one of the many bookshelves, sitting down I start reading. It was a history book, mainly describing the fall of the kingdom of Hyrule, and how they tried to prepare for the coming of Ganon, the information was mainly compiled from various journals of famous survivors, from the likes of Impa, and even Purah, and they were the personal accounts of the attack. It was pretty visual stuff, because unlike in the game, if you get hit by a focused beam of energy it doesn't leave you in one piece.

After reading through it once I placed it back into the bookshelf and picked out a book that vaguely describes the blood moon and how it enhances Ganon's power which allows him to revive enemies that have fallen in combat. Thus making the monsters more fearless than they are usually thus making them attack the towns more violently and frequently in the time leading up to the blood moon, now that I think about it there hasn't been a blood moon yet since I've been here, maybe it'll happen soon. Then again the book didn't really describe how often the blood moon happens, but it does say that there is a correlation between blood moons and a full moon, in the game it happened more frequently the more monsters you killed and how long you have played for. Hopefully the game isn't anything like the real world.

I finished the book after a while and prepared to head up to my room to get a bit more training in before sleeping but was stopped by Symin.

"Do you want to come along with Purah to relight the furnace? It needs a top up and Purah thinks it may go out soon, so wanna go?" Symin said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah sure, I don't see why not." I responded before going off to my room to get an extra amount of sleep so I will wake up earlier. As soon as my head hits my soft bed, I passed out in anticipation for my stroll down the hill. I slept until early in the morning, maybe around 5 o'clock, and I rose from my bed to cook myself a light breakfast, I cooked an egg on a steel pan we had in the kitchen, after frying my eggs I placed them in between two slices of bread and took a big bite. The egg yolk would have gotten all over me, but I had used a plate, ah hah clever thinking me. I sopped up the yolk that landed on my plate and ate that, finishing my breakfast I got up from the table and washed my plate and the pan.

After preparing myself for the walk, I woke up Purah and off we went down the hill. The trip took way longer on foot roughly 1 hour, while we were walking to the ancient furnace Purah described to me why there are the unlit lanterns, even though I already knew about them, and how they are used for checkpoints thus making the trip to and from the Ancient Tech lab and the Ancient Furnace much, much easier. The trip went much faster with her talking and it wasn't very boring. She also talked briefly about how she expects the supposed fallen hero Link to awaken soon, though I already knew this, I pretended to be impressed. We made it to the ancient furnace, it was situated next to the Zelkoa pond.

As I walked closer to the flame it felt warm and familiar, like a friend or a mothers hug, I felt extremely calm. Purah noticed the flames coming closer to me and then gasped as they circled around me and coiled over my shoulder. This continued on for a few minutes after which it stopped caressing me and returned back to the furnace, as if waiting for Purah and I to light a torch with it. We both stood there surprised and only after a minute did we finally start moving again, and we both started laughing.

The trip ended with Purah and I walking up the enormous hill and Purah theorising about why and how the flame seemed so alive, eventually near the end of the walk she came to the conclusion that it's because of how they used the flame to fuse the runes with my body and that I may have absorbed a part of it, familiarising the flame to me and me to the flame.