
Chapter 4: Going to town

The morning came for me to prepare to go to Hateno village, I was practically bouncing off the walls, leaving Purah and Symin confused as to why I was so excited when they asked I replied with a huge smile, "I have been cooped up here since I arrived here with two scientists working day and night, and I have spent a lot of time meditating, how can I not feel slightly exhausted?"

I was ready within half an hour of preparation, we organised a cart and an a donkey, the Hyrule compendium pretty much describes the common donkey to a tee, how they are smaller than horses and how they are more powerful than they look. The donkey I had borrowed from Purah and Symin was as expected, the donkey definitely isn't majestic but what can I complain about.

The trip down the cliff was short but the view was definitely breathtaking, the game graphics, as good as they were, didn't capture the true beauty of Hyrule. I was checking the shopping list that Symin gave me to check what I had to buy, I had been in the seat maybe 15 minutes and I was closing in on the town. It was a very bustling village, as you'd expect from one of the main towns in Hyrule, it had hundreds of people living with each other in harmony only being troubled by the occasional monster attacks, in the game there was a quest to go and kill some monsters that kept stealing sheep from the corral on the hill. This was a rare occurrence in Hateno, because usually the monsters were smart enough to stop attacking the town until before a blood moon occurred in which case they came in in full force, in other cases there was only the event that some tools went missing, and this only bothered the farmers whose favourite hoe was stolen.

The descent ended with me arriving at the town entrance.

"Halt, who goes there?" A guard asked.

"I'm Joseph, I descended from the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab for the monthly supplies." I answered with a happy smile on face and then I asked, "May I enter the village?"

"Yes you may enter we just need to do a quick inspection on your cart," The guard said before doing a routine inspection on the cart, the cart itself isn't very big, just big enough to contain the bare necessities. After checking twice he said, "Checks done, you may enter now, have a good day."

I nod in thanks, while thinking, 'well this is something different from the game. In the game the security is much more lax, I don't think they even had any guards.' The town has a few armed and armoured people, presumably adventures and wanderers, the security is a massive problem in this monster ridden continent, therefore its common to have at least a dagger, for safety's sake.

I hopped off my cart and left it with a stable and prepared myself to go around and collect the stuff on the list. Things like 12 blocks of butter, 10 acorns, 16 jugs of milk, and 6 chunks of raw prime meat, normal things really. I made a few trips to separate stores and back to the cart, stopped in at the general store and bought a few arrows as a souvenir from my first trip to town.

And soon after I spent a good few hours purchasing the things on the shopping list I had finally prepared the cart, covered it in a tarp and prepared to leave town and go back to the tech lab, I felt refreshed after spending so much time amongst other people, makes me feel like I'm still near people. I made my way out through the gates and started the slow cart drive up the hill, feeling the cold wind on my cheeks as I direct the donkey up the hill, something feels so nice, I feel like I'm currently far away from the usual rush and calm, and I feel rather content.

Something clicked in my head and that moment, that feeling, were embedded into my memory. I didn't notice it though I was happy as I watched the hillside, the blades of grass dancing side to side were almost hypnotising. I made my way up the hill in contentment, and prepared myself to recommence my training and readied myself to train even harder.

I soon arrived at the Hateno Ancient Tech lab, and I immediately, after placing all the purchased goods away in their proper places, got to work. I focused on the feeling of the metal arrowheads on the arrows, and tried to will it to move, I put my entire being into it. I thought, 'Why doesn't my magnesis work? Does it need a particular feeling to trigger the rune? I'm going to try it, from the top!' I ended it in refreshed confidence. I tried to filter through the different feeling to find one that resonates with the runes I possess but didn't make much progress, I didn't let it affect me and kept going at it until it was time for dinner.