
Chapter 3

*Joseph POV*

I felt as if there were an amount of small peculiarities inside my bodies, I know they are runes, but they feel so unique, it's almost foreign. I feel like I have power at my fingertips, I feel a sort of magnetism at my fingers, it connects me to the surrounding metal. I feel all the water in the room, I can feel all the movements, Purah's breathing, and the healthy beat of Symin's heart. I can shape a small amount of myself into small shapes, I can almost see my surrounding in my mind. I remembered every second of the feeling.

My runes disappeared when my focus wavered, I opened my eyes with a sense of loss, but at the same time I feel as if I'm back to being myself. 'Maybe I just need to adjust.' I thought in silence.

"What did you feel?" Symin asked excitedly, "Or did we expect too much?" He seemed to catch onto the amount of pressure he was pushing my way.

"I felt power, pure power, I felt all the metal, water, and movements in the room. I remember every second of it." My face betrayed the feeling of euphoria I contained within, they easily seemed to catch that. "I felt like I had the ability to do anything, even if only while focusing, and it makes me want to indulge." There was a small smile on my face.

"You can indulge, just don't do it too often and don't go too far, and even then, you said it required you to focus. Hmm…" Symin and Purah both fall into deep thought.

"Well if that's the case, we just need you to learn to focus for long periods of time. But judging from how quickly you get distracted we might have our work cut out for us." Purah said happily as if glad about how easy it's going to be, but the smile stopped at the second sentence causing her face to scrunch up into a slight frown, but this was dispelled in the next few seconds when her face returned back to a smile. "We just need to conduct some strict training, reading, helping us with experiments, and meditating. A clear mind is important to focus, just filter out all unnecessary thoughts, seems simple right Symin?"

"Quite right." Symin answered had a smile on his face. "Maybe have him tend to the crops, collect some food from down in Hateno village, it's good to get out and do things every once in a while." He was hiding it well but he seemed happy to have one less job to take care of.

"Okay, I can do that." I said with confidence.

After that a rather streamlined training regime began, it involved in me trying to focus on one thing, in some cases a book, other times in helping Purah and Symin do random things such as look for a particular reference in a book, and other such odd jobs, and tended to the crops. I looked for as many opportunities for meditation as possible, and after a short 5 days the time for the first trip to town came. My original school uniform has been stored away for more, formal, activities, while I was given pair of Hylian trousers and an old shirt, it's a bit big because it was one of Symin's old shirts but it fits. The only odd thing about my appearance is my rounded ears, and that is a small but noticeable difference that I have from the average Hylian, luckily I have only had to deal with Purah and Symin so far, but because of that I have adjusted to being different from other citizens of Hyrule.

And just like that almost 2 weeks passed since my arrival in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Feel free to correct my grammar, I definitely would like to correct any and all mistakes.

Hope you enjoyed, have a marvelous day.

Air_Agatecreators' thoughts