
Kau Cim

Despite having just finished lunch, Rowan was already counting down the hours until the weekend despite it being only Tuesday. The students were excitedly chattering about the new holidays which only seemed to worsen the headaches that she got on the left side of her temple. To further fuel the excitement of the students the Professors also seemed to be getting into the spirit of things. During their Alchemy class period, Professor Boas enthusiastically taught them to properties of various plants and formulas from the mystical East.

Professor Boas mostly concentrated on the famous ancient Chinese alchemist Dzou Yen. An alchemist that existed during the 4th century B.C. in the final years of the Zhou Dynasty. Dzou Yen is credited for refining the theories of the Five Elements and Ying and Yang. Tragically some of his work was lost due to the turbulent era.

With a resigned sigh, Rowan headed up the stairs towards Professor Babbling's classroom on the third floor. As usual, Andrew Abbott had already arrived and saved a seat for her with a cheerful smile on his round face.

Andrew grinned cheekily at her and said, "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"

Rowan rolled her eyes knowing she was still being teased for her grumpy behavior from the weekend. "Geez, it was just one time. Really, no need to make such a fuss and hullaballoo about it," she grumbled under her breath as she unpacked her belongings.

Sensing that Rowan wasn't in the mood to be teased, Andrew bashfully changes the subject. "So, with Valentine's Day, coming up..."

Rowan almost chokes at the words and winces as she recalls that the most 'romantic' day of the year was encroaching upon them. Even worse, it was OFFICAL, this year. Seeing Andrew's wilting face, she hastily tried to salvage the situation. "Sorry, Andrew, I am still a bit distracted, what about Valentine's were you saying?"

Andrew brightens and shyly says, "I was thinking of sending Petunia, a basket full of roses and chocolates. Do you think she would like it?"

Rowan tries not to wince and attempts to respond in an even tone. "Petunia adores red Camellias and Primroses. And as for chocolate, just make sure they are not overly sweet. Petunia tends to lean more towards dark chocolate with just a hint of bitterness."

Andrew intently jots down every single of Rowan's words of advice. Rowan's lips twitch gently hiding a smile, Andrew was one of the few friends she could always count on. And she had a soft spot for the friendly boy. That and she really did like Petunia as a friend and genuinely wished her two friends the best.

Finished writing, Andrew sets down his quill and innocently asks, "And what will you be getting James, Rowan?"

Rowan visibly paused as Andrew continued, "I mean the two of you are engaged after all."

Rowan rubs her face with one hand in exasperation. She had not even thought about it, but considering her engagement to James, she would have to gift him something. Frankly, she had not the slightest clue what to get him considering that they did not share any romantic feelings between the two of them.

Sighing loudly out loud, Rowan shrugged, "I don't know what to get James. In fact, what does one gift their betrothed?"

"I can lend you a book on the subject," Andrew sincerely answered.

Turning to stare at Andrew, Rowan pointedly arched her brow at him. "And you know this how?"

Andrew flushes bright red and nervously fidgets. "I have even been thinking on how to go about proposing to Petunia during the summer."

Rowan's mouth almost flops in disbelief. That was a very bold move on Andrew's part. She almost couldn't believe her friend had it in him, but then again Hufflepuffs are loyal, stubborn, and steady. Well, at least Andrew was…but still, it did seem a trifle early and all considering their age. Then again, wizards and witches do tend to marry young…And well, it's the 1970's still and it's fairly popular for muggle men and women to marry young as well.

Andrew hopefully looks at Rowan, who finally faintly smiles at him with great sincerity. "I am sure that Petunia will be absolutely delighted to accept," Rowan truthfully said as Andrew visibly brightened up at her words.

Although if Rowan was honest, Mr. Evans was probably going to have a heart attack. Lily and Severus were all but engaged in name and with Petunia now… Well, the poor man was not going to fare well at all in the face of such shocking news.

Loud crisp footsteps pulled Rowan's attention to the front as well as the rest of the class. The Head of Gryffindor, Professor Bathsheda Babbling swept into the classroom confidently. Her crooked dark hat is crooked as always with her slightly crooked button nose slightly scrunched up. She is a tad pale, while her coffee-colored hair is neatly up, while her one blue eye and single brown eye almost lacked any eyeshadows. It appeared that the mentor system was finally doing its job. With the new mentorship system in place, even the rowdiest of Gryffindors had become used to the system to the extent that she slept most nights now without needing to be woken up at an ungodly hour to haul adventurous Gryffindors back to the Gryffindor tower.

"Please put your rune stones and rune carving instruments away," Professor Babbling briskly instructed.

Rowan carefully put her black stones away sharing a puzzled glance with Andrew. Once the class fell silent again, Professor Babbling removed a shrunk chest from her pocket, before carefully placing it at the front of the class. The trunk rapidly swelled back to full size before the top of the chest swung open. However, the contents of the trunk were covered by a dark velvet covering.

Curious classmates peered down at the chest but were not able to catch a single glimpse of the hidden contents. "I have corrected all of your essays on the impact of the lunar phases on property the of rune stones. Most of the essays were acceptable with a few exceptions." Her gaze lingered deliberately on several students before moving on.

Turning towards the board, Professor Babbling waves her wand as the chalk begins to draw Eastern rune scripts. Finished, she turns back to face them and solemnly instructs them. "With the upcoming Lunar Year Festival approaching, we will discuss an ancient form of rune scripts," she paused and frowned, "and tribal fortunetelling."

"Tribal? How utterly barbaric," the malicious voice of Hortense Sicca sneered, (the betrothed of Gil Goyle, and mother of a certain Gregory Goyle). The gaunt fifth-year girl's murky hair is plastered as always to her skull as Hortense loftily continues, "As usual, Professor only those incapable of wand uses such LESSER & PRIMITIVE methods. It is an aberration to learn about the lesser magic practices of such savages.

Gertrude Fowl, a bloated-faced girl with sausage-sized curled hair nastily snickered out loud, (the betrothed of Vern Crabbe, and future mother of Crabbe). Those sitting nearby to the two pureblood girls visibly lean further away while Quyen Crowley, who is sitting next to her friend, Olympia Branstone exchange pointed glances. Although Quyen privately sighs in relief at the fact that she no longer had to maintain appearances and sit with Sicca or Fowl, but instead could now at least sit with her friend, Olympia.

It's nice to see side characters grow up and become independent in their own way. I think that's what Draco Malfoy never really got to do. However, he eventually did considering how he raised his son, Scorpius in the end, and who he married.

EsliEsmacreators' thoughts