
9th Life

Pierre McVeyron,the son of a fireman has his life unexpectedly turned around when he is stabbed by angel,granting him unexplained abilities.Along with these abilities comes with memories of his past eight live,his lifetime mission and the re-emergence of an ancient nemesis.

PietroCastiglione · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs


A teenage Zeina carries a jar of water on top of her head.Along the way,she comes across three boys who were by the road side.Upon seeing her,they get up and surround her."Hey Zeina,need a hand?"She stops and looks around,"No thanks."One of the boys grabs her arm,"Come on we just want to help out."

Zeina shakes her head,"Really there is no need."

One of the boys smirks,"Hey isn't this your mother's jar,the one she said she lost at the well?"

The boy nods in agreement,"Yes.You are right.It is our jar."

Zeina furiously frowns at them,"Excuse me.This is my jar from my house hold."

One of the boys shoves her from behind.She instantly loses balance as the jar on her head falls and smashes.She angrily gets up and shoves one of the boys,"You imbeciles."

The boys push her around and one of them slaps Zeina.She falls down and looks up at them with teary eyes,"Why are you doing this to me?"

One of the boys spits at her,"Filthy foreigners.We give you shelter in our decent home.How do you repay us?You steal from us and ruin marriages."

Zeina sobs,"Me and my father have done you no wrong.We mind our own business."

One of the boys grabs and pulls her hair,"Last night that drunken donkey of your father attempted to rob my father his coin.Do you want to know where he is?"

Zeina sniffs,"What did you do to my father?"

One of the boys grin,"Same thing we do when we catch thieves."

The boys gang up on her and begin to beat her.Raed who was nearby sees the commotion and rushes to her side."Hey knock it off.What is wrong with You?I said stop."Raed shields Zeina from the boys.

"What are you doing Raed?You should help us in beating this thief,"says one of them.Raed turns around and smacks the group leader."You should be ashamed of yourselves.Three of you against a defenseless girl."

The boy rubs his cheek,"Come on.We don't want to mess with him."The boys quickly scamper away.Raed extends his hand to Zeina who sat there crying,bruised and partially bleeding."Come with me,"he says to her.She slaps his hand,"Don't touch me."Raed clicks his tongue and picks her up,"I said come with me."Zeina brushes him off,"Why?So you can embarrass me?"Raed shakes his head,"Stop being an ass and follow me."

Against her own will,he takes her hand and walks down a path leading to his home.He brings her inside.

"Wait here,"he says to her and goes out.Zeina sits down and looks around.Moments later Raed returns and takes her by the arm forcefully outside to the bath area,"Go on."She gasps,"Excuse me."Raed raises a brow,"Look at you.You are all dirty.Go on take a bath."

She tries to refuse but she knew she was no match for the stubborn Raed.She sighs,"Fine."

Raed stands outside as she strips and begins to bathe herself.

Zeina looks up and sees clothes being hanged,"You can use those.They belonged to my mother,"he says to her.

She sighs,"Won't she be upset?I do not wish to be called out in public for stealing."

"Do not worry.She would never do such a thing,"he nods and smiles.

Raed then asks,"Why did those boys beat you up?"

Zeina sighs,"They accused me of stealing a water pot."

He scoffs,"That is a lame excuse.They had no right beating you like a dog."

She could be heard sobbing,"They said my father was caught stealing.So I have to pay for my father's sins."

Raed goes silent and hesitates to reply,"Actually your father was seen this morning laying half dead on the streets.Rumor has it he drank too much and bumped into a rich man.His coin fell from his pocket and they assumed he was trying to steal from him."

She peeks out her head,"Where is my father?"

Raed looks at her,"Don't worry.He is being taken care of.As much as he is a drunkard we know he is incapable of stealing."

Zeina steps out dressed in clean clothes.He looks at her and smiles,"Come on."

Raed takes her back inside.As she sat down,he grabs her leg.Zeina kicks her leg,"What are you doing?"Raed sighs and grabs her leg once more,"Relax."

She quickly gets up to her feet,"No,no.You will not take advantage of me."

Raed laughs and shakes his head,"What are you saying?I need to rub ointment on your leg."

She crosses her arms and looks the other way,"I can do it on my own."

Raed pulls her leg and rubs ointment on her bruises.At first she tried to rebel but goes quiet and relaxes.Zeina feeling a soothing relaxation,she sits down.After he was done,he brings out a buffet.

She crawls back a little nervous,"Oh no please I cannot."

Raed sighs,"Don't worry.Your father is being taken care of.Go on,I know you are hungry.Please."Zeina eats quickly much to the amazement of Raed.

She looks at him with her mouth full,"What is funny?"

He leans back,"You dumbass.You were hungry all along but tried to act tough with me."

She looks down shyly,"No one is kind to me and my father.Just because we are from Sodom,they treat us like outcasts."

He nods,"Well worry not.We outsiders need to stick together.Do not hesitate to come here if you are in need of anything at all.You can rely on me."

She scoffs,"We are the same age.What is it that you can do that the adults can not?"

He smiles,"I see people for who they are,not what they appear to be."

Zeina is moved by the words and blushes when Farah walks in on them.The two get up.His mother's eyes trace to the clothes Zeina was wearing.

Zeina turns to Raed,"I better get going.I need to go check on my father.Thanks again."She runs out. 

Raed stands outside with his arms crossed as her mother stands next to him."You shouldn't have done that,"he turns to his mother."Done what?"He sighs,"Looked at her in that way.You scared her away."

Farah turns to him,"Son you need to stay away from that girl.She will drag us into the mud along with her father."

He shakes his head,"It's sad a fellow woman would say that.You are no better than the local mockingbirds."

His mother angrily looks at him,"How dare you?"

He takes a step back,"Instead of ostracizing her,help her become a better person."

Raed walks out of her sight.She hears a pot being broken.

She stands at the door and yells,"You best not be breaking my pots."

Raed appears on a donkey with supplies from their store room."We have plenty of pots."

Raed travels to the house of Zeina.Upon arrival,Zeina who had been outside rushes to receive him."What are you doing here?"

Raed gets down from the donkey,"Figured before you get to your feet we bring you a few items."

She is in awe and left speechless,"This is too much."

Raed takes out a sack of grain and puts it on his shoulders,"Where is your store room?"

Zeina sighs,"You need to stop.People will start to talk."

Raed scoffs,"Let them.I don't care.I am not doing anything wrong.Every one is being selfish and unwilling to help you guys out.Once word reaches the community leaders that a young boy is helping you all,they will be ashamed and forced to do their responsibilities."

She smiles gracefully,"How can I ever repay you?"

He smiles,"By extending this courtesy to the helpless."He takes the supplies to their store room.He walks out once he was done,"I have to go.I will be seeing you."

She nods,"Travel safely."Zeina waves at Raed as he rides off.

The following months,in between his free time Raed visited oftenly the home of Zeina.He helped with the manly chores.He went out of his way to fix their house's roof and brought new mats for them to sleep on.Their storage was about to overflow with stock.He also helped her father in planting a few crops.This gesture leads to Zeina becoming increasingly in love with him.Unbeknownst to her,Raed too had developed strong feelings for her.

Zeina returns from the well with the pot when she sees a four horses outside her home."I wonder who it could be,"she says to herself as she gets closer.

Her father flies out of their home and falls onto the dirt.Men rush out and proceed to trample on him.She drops her pot and rushes to her father's side,"Please stop!"Her father curls up to her as the men surround them."Where is our money?"barks one of the men.Her father whimpers,"I do not have any money."

One of the men takes out his knife,"Then you are going to die."

Zeina shields her father from the men,"Please stop.No more.Please!"she pleads to them.

One of the men snickers,"Who are You?"

Her father speaks up,"She is my daughter."

The men clamor and then smirk.One of the men grabs Zeina,"Consider your debt paid in full old man."Zeina struggles in their grasp,"Let me go.I said let me go."

The men laugh and take her with them.The make camp in a nearby bush.Zeina is tossed inside the tent.A man enters the tent as she crawls away,"What do you want from us,what are you going to do to me?"

The man grabs her leg and pulls her to him.He pulls her hair,"Your stupid father took a loan and is unable to pay.He begged for more time and we gave it to him but he still couldn't pay.He has given you to us as payment."

Tears begin to stream down her cheeks,"Please no."The man runs his tongue on her cheek,"Don't worry dear.I will be gentle."

Zeina cries as the man proceeds to rip her clothes.The four men then take turns abusing her.A day after,one of the men tosses Zeina by the roadside.She lays there,partly stripped and bruised.The women on their way from and to the well walk past her unconscious body.A figure puts their pot down and helps her.

"I went to her home but her father said he had not seen her,"a woman's voice speaks.

"What could have happened to her?"another voice of a male is heard.

"People sure are wicked,"says the woman.

Zeina slowly opens her eyes to the sight of Raed and his mother.

Her grunts attract their attention.Raed turns to her,"Zeina,you are awake"

She looks around a bit confused,"Where am I?How did I get here?"

He sighs,"My mother found you half dead,what happened?"

Raed tries to stroke her hair but Zeina recoils at his touch.She sits up,"I'm sorry for worrying you.I need to go and see my father."She mustered the strength to get up and quickly walks out of their home.Her abrupt departure leaves Raed troubled."What do you think could have happened to her mother?"he asks her.Farah sighs,"When she is ready she will tell us.Let us not force her."Raed looks in her direction with much concern.

As Zeina walked down the streets in her dirty clothes without a care,every one murmered in whispers.Something in her had changed,the last glow she had was gone.She walks up to her house.Upon seeing her,her father rushes to her and hugs her."Oh I'm so glad you are alright."

Zeina was unresponsive.He looks at her,"Come let's get you cleaned up."

He brings her inside the house.As he bathes her,he was afraid of looking at her.Feeling guilty for what he had done.

He sighs,"I was helpless.I had no power.I couldn't stand up to them."He puts down the cloth and looks at her,"I know things are not going to be the same.Keep this between the two of us.I know you are fond of that boy.He too cannot find out what happened to you."

She nods slowly.Her father smiles,"If you are feeling up to it,can you prepare us something to eat.I was waiting for you."

Zeina gets up and heads to the kitchen and begins making preparations.As her father looked for some mushroom in his goat skin bag,he screams in pain when Zeina pours hot oil in his face.Blinded and in pain,Zeina proceeds to bludgeon her father to death.She cleans herself,packs what little belongings she had and leaves.She heads for Sodom and Gomorrah.

With no one familiar to turn to,she turns to the taverns where she drinks wine without a care in the world.She gave herself to men for their pleasure.A mistress hires her and she becomes popular.She also meets an enigmatic assasin who trains her and also becomes her lover.Within three years,she had managed to swindle rich lords and men of their gold and coins.In rare instances,she took high risk jobs and assassinated high ranking officials.

After stealing the riches of a treasurer she killed,she returns to the neighboring town.Having changed and looking extremely fancy she is unrecognizable.She makes her way to the house of Farah.

Raed silently stalks a deer and patiently waits for the moment to strike.A branch snaps scaring the animal away.He quickly draws out his bow and turns pointing at Zeina.

She smirks and brushes the tip aside,"Is that a way to greet an old friend?"

Raed glares in surprise,"Zeina?"

She tries to hug him but he takes a step back.

He looks the other way,"Pardon me.I have been out here for a long time.I might soil your clothes."

She places her hand on his chest,"No need to be so humble.What happened to the whole manliness you put up back in the day?"

He takes another step back,"Things change.We are not the same people we were."

She grins,"Correction.You are still the simple hard worker you have always been."

He crosses his arms,"And yourself?"

She smiles,"I am walking the road to riches."

He sighs,"At what cost?Your father died,where were you?He died all alone."

She looks the other way,"My father made me who I am."

He snickers,"So your father taught you to be a whore?"

Zeina is overcome with anger and slaps him,"How dare you?You have no idea what he did to me.He had my innocence forcibly taken so he can continue with his meaningless existence."

Raed exhales sharply and turns to her,"A year ago I stretched further with a group of my friends to hunt.I saw you being used like a cheap whore in the bushes.Your veil fell off exposing you."He shakes his head and scoffs,"I did not want to believe it at first.The dumb girl I used to like had become the mother of whores.I snuck into Sodom and with my own eyes saw how loose you had become."

"Raed,"she takes a step forward and tries to touch him but he recoils,"Get away from me.Do not touch me."

Raed looks away and turns back to her,"You could have come to me.I assured you I was going to take care of you.No one in this town stood up for you the way I did.I cared less what they told me because I saw you for you."

Zeina grabs him and cups his face,"I am still the same person."

Raed shakes his head,"No,you are full of greed and lust.You are not that simple girl."

She sighs,"If that is how you see me,then let's see how this changes your view of me."

Zeina pulls the pin on her arm.Her fancy dress falls off revealing her nudity to Raed.She then wraps her arms around him.He looks away,"Please cover up."

She grins,"What's the matter,are you finding it hard to resist me?"She grabs his face,"You will take me.All men want one thing.And I am an expert at making men happy.I could leave this life and live to do all the nasty things for you."

Raed pushes her off of him,"I would never settle for a prostitute."

Zeina angrily punches him.Raed falls onto the long grass.Hidden under was a rock on which his head hits.He moans out in pain.She sits on top of him and runs her hands on his chest.A dazed Raed is helplessly pinned to the ground."Zeina,stop!"he says in a weakly tone.She proceeds to kiss him and then takes advantage of his weakened state.Later,Zeina moans out happily and gets up picking up her dress.A guilt stricken Raed sits up as she smirks at him,"What's the matter?Don't tell me you didn't enjoy that?"She sits back down and tries to kiss him but he looks the other way.She shoves him,"Whatever bush boy.I know you liked it.I will be seeing you again,"she giggles and gets up.Raed frowns and looks at her,"Never come back here.You are not welcome."Zeina turns to him,"I will come back with chariots of gold.Each and every one of you who look down on me I will strike down.Remember this Raed.You belong to me now."She laughs and walks away,leaving Raed feeling disgusted with himself for what happened.

Zeina continues with her schemes and treachery.She is tasked with seducing and killing a governor.However,her lover is killed and she is caught and imprisoned.The governor has her locked away and repeatedly abuses her and gives birth to three children.On the eve of the city's fall,the governor had been out of town.During the attack,in the confusion Zeina is freed by her former friends.She exact her revenge and kills the governor and her children.She joins her former ally who had transitioned to a moving troupe.They make camp in her hometown.Using her disguises,she continues to sleep with men.She is struck with amazement when she sees Raed,now a war general.She schemes on how she would get back in his good graces.However,all her efforts are rebuffed.

A portal opens and from it drops a chained Zeina.She quickly sits up finding herself in the presence of the succubus,Queen Mother.The menacing woman walks up to her as Nick walks in."You brought me a new toy?"

Nick smirks,"I am sure you are going to love this one."

Queen Mother grabs Zeina's chin,"I have heard a lot about you.Quite the nasty girl."

Zeina looks back and sees hellguards dragging a chained unconscious Raed.

"Raed!"she shouts to him.He grunts and slowly opens his eyes."Uh he is awake,"Nick smirks as the Hellhunter joins him.Raed glares at her,"Zeina?"he was surprised to see her.

Nick crouches besides him,"Did you know it was her,your fated lover who invited us to attack your home?"

Raed is in disbelief and turns to her,"You did this?"

She begins to sob,"They tricked me.I didn't want to be a part of all this."

Raed frowns and the hellguards tighten their restraints as he seemed to be breaking free from them.He turns to the Queen Mother,"You there.Make sure she suffers.If you don't I will personally come and EAT YOU ALIVE!YOU WHORE!EVIL BITCH!I HATE YOU!"His roars makes the sobbing Zeina shiver with much fear.The hellguards drag him away as his curses echo.

The Queen Mother exhales sharply,"Oh my,that had me wet.No wonder you wanted to jump on that rod for life.He is quite the intriguing man."She grabs the chains of Zeina,"Come young one.I have work for you."

Zeina is dragged away deep into Hell.The succubus has her raped by the demons and constantly tortured.Her time in Hell breaks her before the Queen Mother begins to mould her.She is transformed into a hybrid succubus and sent to the world of man.She leads lots of men to their down fall.The longest she stays atop is when she becomes a queen of a kingdom.Amassing control,she is however usurped by a prophet after her infidelities are exposed.After being stoned to death,she awakens back in her cell.After reliving her Hell,she is met with the Queen Mother who informs her Raed had escaped from Hell.Zeina shakes her head,"Is that even possible?"She takes a sip of her blood in a glass,"Better believe it.This has never happened and the master wants him captured as soon as possible."She then forcibly grabs Zeina's face,"I doubt you will be of much trouble to me,would you?"She shakes her head as the succubus pats her cheeks happily.Zeina is relieved to know Raed escaped from Hell.In between her mortal world missions,Zeina spends her time on the surface trying to find Raed.She loses focus when she once again becomes a figure of public attention.After her fame is gone and disgraced,she evades her capture and goes in search of Raed.She finally finds him,in one of his lives as Faustus.

She tracks him to the fire station he was working.She watches him from afar as he arm wrestles a challenger.She musters the confidence to walk up to him.Suddenly she feels her arm being grabbed.She looks up and is horrified,"Mistress."The Queen Mother personally came after her.She drags Zeina into privacy.She tosses her to the ground,"So this is what you have been up to."Zeina shakes her head,"It's not what you think."The Queen Mother scoffs,"You failed your assignment and were supposed to return home.Instead you are out here searching for him?"She then comes to a realization and laughs,"You dumb bitch!You did it again!"Chains spring up and wrap around her,"Thanks to you,Nick is coming to get him.And it is all thanks to you love."Zeina cries as she is dragged back to Hell.The mistress tosses her back into her cell.She grabs her leg,"Please don't lock me away.Im begging you please."She pleads with her captor and looks up at her,"There is more we can do atop.Times have changed and men are much more easier to persuade.We can build a place where we can seduce and use them to our advantage.You can come along."

The Queen Mother stops and looks at her.A wide grin slowly forms on her face,"Hmm interesting."The mistress setups her brothels and nightclubs.After hearing of the death of Faustus,Zeina sets herself up and gets killed in a crossover with a gangster.She is reborn,located and taken into the custody of the mistress.



"So how well do you know this girl?"Martine asks Pierre as the pair walk down the street.He smiles,"Ever since I was in high school,she was my crush.Although I froze at every attempt to talk to her.To me she was the coolest person ever.My idol!"Martine scoffs,"Goodness.So how did it go from crush to finally having the balls to ask her out?"Pierre rubs his neck,"It's a working progress."Martine shakes her head,"Well she is not like your old girlfriend Olivia.It was crazy and I often wondered how you two were able to satisfy each other?"Pierre points at the building across the street,"Look,we are here.Hehe!"He quickens his pace trying to avoid more questioning.The pair walks into the strip club Cherry Drop.Pierre and Martine walk inside the building.He looks around and it was quiet.There was no receptionist to welcome them nor security.

"I smell a trap!"Martine grunts.Pierre sighs,"Either way it is inevitable."Martine pushes Pierre aside and points her lightning sabre at Lexi."Who are you?"Martine pokes her sword at Lexi's nose.Pierre steps in between them,"Hang on.I know her."Martine points her sword at the frightened Lexi,"You cannot trust anyone so easily."Pierre turns to Lexi,"What are you doing here?"

Lexi gulps,"You must go quickly.Madame Jezebel said she wants to kill you."

Martine scoffs,"She smells like bait.Do not believe a word she says.I do not trust her."

Lexi shakes her head,"I'm telling the truth.She will not keep her end of the bargain.She plans on killing Rita and you."

Pierre cracks his fingers and frowns,"Oh,is that so?"

Lexi nods,"Do not underestimate her.She is an evil bitch.You need to leave now if you want to survive!"she pleads with them.

Martine scoffs,"You don't say."

Pierre places his hand on her shoulder,"If you care for your friends,then help us.You can start by taking us to where Rita is being held."

Lexi shakes her head,"Did you not hear a word I just said?I can't let you go that way!"

Martine once again points her buzzing lighting sabre at Lexi,"How about you shut up and start walking.That is in the right direction.If you mislead us I will end you this instant."Lexi trembles at her threats whilst Pierre stands behind Martine."I'm scared of her too.Please do as she says."

Lexi turns and leads the two down the hallway.Pierre after a while realises something was amiss.They had been walking for a rather long time,the hallway seemed unusually long.It was like they were moving on the same spot.Pierre stops and turns to Martine,"Is it me or we haven't taken any meaningful steps?"Martine looks around,"Do you notice anything strange?"He nods,"Cheap ass illusion!"he grunts and raises his hands.He chants an incantation.The hallways folds on itself and comes to a stop,revealing the real hallway.At the end stood a handful of strippers."They are here!"one of the strippers shouts.The women snarl and transform into druid like creatures."Looks like we are closer!"Martine turns to Pierre."He must not pass!"the demons charge at the duo."I told you this place was dangerous.Let's get the fuck outta here!"Lexi attempts to run but gets knocked out by Martine.She looks at Pierre with a stern gaze,"What?"Pierre quickly looks in the direction of the oncoming attackers.The duo clashes with the demons.They overpower the oncoming demons,leaving none standing.The pair continues down the hallway leaving a bloody trail.

The two end up in an empty showroom.On stage was a spotlight shining on Rita who laid on the ground."Rita!"Pierre attempts to run to her side when Madame Jezebel appears."Welcome lover!Glad you could make it!"she points her sword at Rita.Pierre stops and frowns,"Fucking bitch.I swear Jezebel you hurt Rita,I will skin you alive!I will show you no mercy!"he angrily shouts as Martine holds him back.Madame Jezebel laughs sarcastically,"What is it that is so special about this girl hmm?You think you have a future with a stripper?Do you have any idea the number of men she has slept with?"Pierre was irritated and his anger made him shake,"I will say this for the last time.Step away or I will make you!"

Madame Jezebel raises her hand and attempts to stab Rita.She is suddenly blasted by an array of energy blasts.The blast bursts through her and falls to the ground.She cries out in pain,one of her lungs had been ruptured.From behind the stage emerges Lexi.Madame Jezebel breathes heavily and looks up at her,"You little whore!Fucking traitor!"Lexi kicks Madame Jezebel on her mouth before pummeling her till unconscious.Pierre and Martine stand there watching.Lexi stands up wiping off the blood which only further smudges all over her face.She towers Rita with a crazed look in her eyes,much to the concern of Pierre."What is the difference between me and her?We are both sex workers and yet you love her instead of me,"Lexi says to a confused Pierre.She picks up the lifeless body of Rita,"You are not taking her with you.If I can't have you,no woman will."

Pierre and Martine try to warn Lexi.Her flesh squelch loudly as she let's out a cry.She falls to the ground whilst being repeatedly stabbed by an awakened Madame Jezebel.She then viciously kicks her on her mouth.She grabs her head and looks at the duo,"Stupid little bitch!You just blew your chance to be with your fated lover."Madame Jezebel stands up and digs her heel on her wound,"Did she tell you her secret?This little bitch you once knew as Zeina is the reason for your misery."Pierre is shocked and left speechless.Madame Jezebel takes out her heel and stomps on Lexi's open wound,"She asked Nick to kill everyone in your village.Your friends,your people,your mother,your lover,you.And today,she is responsible for calling Nick and informing him of your whereabouts."Madame Jezebel kicks Lexi's body which falls to the feet of Martine and Pierre.He looks down at Lexi and heaves angrily,"As if sucking dicks wasn't good enough you are a fucking rat.Fucking bitch!"he roars at her.Lexi strains and sniffs,"Please listen to me.It was not my intention.I just wanted to be with you.I love you Raed!"

Lexi attempts to touch Pierre but he takes a step back,"You are a deranged bitch.I gave you a little trust and you blew your chances.The Zeina I knew and loved is dead to me.You are an imposter and a traitor!"

Lexi sobs uncontrollably,"Please don't say this to me.I did it all for you."

Madame Jezebel yawns dramatically,"Enough with this drama.As entertaining as it is at least it has bought me some time.The dark Lord will be with us soon.And he will personally take you home."

Pierre looks up at Madame Jezebel who grins,"What's the matter?Are you starting to fall head over heels for me hmm?"

Martine turns to him,"You have entertained your bitches for far too long.Time to end this."

Madame Jezebel gasps and frowns,"Excuse me,who are you calling a bitch you cunt dried bitch?"

Martine scoffs as she and Pierre charge at Madame Jezebel.She transforms into her succubus form armed with a whip.She summons four demons to aid her.The duo easily defeat the demons much to the amusement of Jezebel.Fighting her proved to be a challenge as she was much stronger than anticipated.Jezebel knocks around Pierre and Martine.Jezebel dodges an attack from Martine and sweeps her before viciously punching her in her stomach.Pierre appears out of nowhere and stuns Jezebel after hitting her with a chair."Hands off my mom!"Pierre helps up Martine who wheezes and shivers,"You alright?"Martine nods,"Yes.Thank you."Pierre pushes Martine away,dodging a whip lash from Jezebel.Pierre blinds Jezebel with his smoke and goes on the counter.He jumps in and out of his smoke,landing hit after hit.Jezebel grunts and manages to grab his foot,slamming him to the ground.Pierre groans as Jezebel puts her foot to his head.Martine attempts to attack Jezebel but gets choked and hoisted up,"I guess this is my lucky day.Two for the price of one."Jezebel laughs maniacally when she gasps.Lexi mustered her little strength and stabs a sharp pole that penetrates Jezebel,puncturing her heart.The succubus takes a step back and groans in pain.Martine falls and slices Jezebel's stomach,pulling out her insides.Pierre stands in front of her.He digs his hand into her chest and burns her heart.She hangs her head and shrivels.

Pierre helps up Martine,"It feels good to be out doing dangerous stuff!"she winces."Easy ma!I will get you some help,"Pierre then runs past Lexi and jumps onto the stage.He frees Rita who had awakened from her chains.The two then hug,"I'm so glad you came!"Rita says."Let's get out of here,"he says to her and helps her off the stage.Rita looks up and is surprised to see Lexi,"What are you doing here?"Rita turns to Pierre,"She helped us get here.Besides,she owes me."Lexi looks from Rita to Pierre and scoffs,"So you are going to leave me for a regular bitch like her?"Rita raises a brow,"Excuse me."Lexi grabs Pierre's hand,"You and I are special.I have money,I have power.You by my side we can do many great things."

Pierre brushes her off,"Enough Lexi.That's not the life I envision with you alright.We have to go before the bad guys find us."

Lexi snickers,"You are a naive idiot.In case you have forgotten she sold you out to Nick.At least I was honest about it but she is a wolf Pierre."

Pierre sighs,"Look,a lot has happened alright.Now I'm grateful you helped us.You are free from Jezebel,go on and start a new life.But do not expect me in that new life.Now can you please step aside?"

Lexi clinches her fist and screams angrily.The shockwave of her voice incapacitates them.She guns for Pierre and chokes him,"Bastard!I'm going to kill you myself!"She intercepts an attack from the Professor and flungs her angrily.She charges at Pierre with a barrage of magical attacks.He loses his step and falls back.Lexi jumps ready to strike when a concrete rod is driven into her.She cries out in pain as Rita stands there shaking.Pierre rushes to Lexi's side and holds her hand.

"Pierre,Pierre!"Lexi gasps and groans in pain as she tries to sit up.

He strokes her head,"Shh!I got you."

She sniffs,"I'm so sorry.I didn't mean all that.I don't want to die.I still have a lot to say to you."

Pierre nods,"Yes we will talk about it.Just hang in there.We will get you some help."

Martine gets up still weakened.She is unable to react fast as the Hellhunter drives his sword through her."I told you the next time we met,you would die,"he says to her as Martine grunts in pain.

Pierre glares in horror,"Mother!"

He rushes to her as the Hellhunter grins disappearing into his portal.Martine lies in the arms of Pierre."Stay calm.I am going to pull the blade out of you,"he panics looking at her severe injury.As Rita and Lexi walk up to them,Martine grabs Lexi's leg.She feels a stinging sensation.Martine coughs out blood and begins to turn pale.She had transferred the protection tattoos to Lexi whose injuries begin to self heal.

Pierre turns to Martine,"No.No.These have kept you alive professor.Why did you do that?"

She smiles weakly,"I have lived long enough my dear."

Pierre shakes his head as tears begin to flow,"I just found you.We have a lot to do.I have a lot to learn about magic."

Martine smirks,"You and I aren't the best of buddies."She coughs and places her hand on his cheek,"I was unfair to you.I treated you badly.I didn't know how to be friends with you.But know this.Even then I was proud of what you had achieved.You were a brave girl.Putting the lives of others before yourself.Today,you have turned out to be even braver.Your father would have been prouder.And I am proudest to have lived long enough to see you become this version of you."

Pierre holds her hand tightly,"Don't say that.You are not going to die.You are one of my coolest mom's."

Martine smiles,"I know."

Pierre sniffs,"I don't care about what has happened till now.Besides,us fighting is our thing,"he let's out a laughter.Martine's hand falls and her eyes go blank.Pierre is filled with an immense amount of grief.His heart beats fast,slowly his eyes begin to turn black,accompanied by a trail of dark crimson veins running all over his body.