
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · สมัยใหม่
61 Chs




Friday night and I haven't heard a word from Millie which is internally pissing me off but because Julian has relayed to me that he spoke to Stephanie this afternoon and the grim fact that I don't want to be that kind of boyfriend, I leave Millie her space. 

I know she's had a busy day already but c'mon just text me once at least…

I arrived at the club ten minutes ago. I don't feel like being here but our partner from Mexico, Antonio will be here any minute. Any time a partner comes into town we party at the club and vice versa if we're going to them. 

Antonio is here to pick up some shit since they recently got raided and lost a shit ton of their supply, since we're closest, he needs to buy some of our shit, mainly marijuana. When that shit leaves our warehouse, it's out of our hands, it's not our problem anymore. You get busted it's on you, you snitch, you pay, simple as that. 

Julian comes walking over with two whiskeys, one in each hand, he extends one out to me and I take it. I sip at the smooth, woodsy drink in my hand. It's my first drink of the night and certainly not the last. These Latinos know how to party and how to party into the early hours of the morning. In a way I'm happy Millie isn't in town right now, she'd have a heart attack if she knew I had to stay out all night entertaining a guest, thank fuck it's just Antonio and not some whore. Never again…

Julian sits next to me on the couch, "where's this fucker at?" He asks sipping at his whisky in the same manner. 

"I dunno man," I say leaning back, extending my left arm over the couch, and crossing my right leg over my left thigh getting as comfortable as possible. 

"Yo, have you talked to Stephanie since this afternoon?" I ask taking a gulp of my drink, I already almost need a refill. 

"Still hasn't called huh?" Julian asks nudging my arm and smiling at how lovesick I am. 

I don't blame him for making fun of me, I can't even control it anymore it's embarrassing. 

"Nah man," I say swirling the inch of amber-colored liquid that's left in my clear glass. 

"Maybe she's still feeling sick," he says shrugging his shoulders. 

I lean myself forward resting my elbows on my thighs in surprised confusion, "What the fuck do you mean sick? And still?" I demand. 

"Oh yeah I guess I left that part out, didn't I? I guess she threw up during take off," Julian says. This fucking guy I swear…there's nothing functional in that brain anymore. 

"Well is she okay? Should I go there? Maybe she needs me…" I say starting to panic. 

"Duuude…chill the fuck out…" Julian says as if I just grew three heads before his very eyes. 

Fuck..he's right..what am I doing? 

"Antonio!" Julian calls him over. 

They shake hands. 

"Lookin good my man, how's it been?" Julian asks when Antonio reaches us. 

Julian and Antonio have always gotten along with each other the best, Marco is more up my alley in friends if that's what you can even call it. 

Antonio Hernandez…

He's okay, he probably resembles Julian and me the most. Tattoos filling his skin practically from head to toe and a face tat under his eye that says something in Spanish, I can't even make out what it says, the cursive is so weird it's not even readable. He's probably the same height as us but the only thing that's physically different is the short ass hair. It's buzzed to stubble probably to show off the tattoos that lie underneath it. I'm a pretty confident man but this dude can probably drop just as many panties as I. 

"X, que pasa?" Antonio says as I stand up to first bump him. 

"Not much, man," I say sitting back down into my comfortable spot. 

Antonio mimics my position on the chair next to the couch. 

"Aye mami," Antonio says looking up at someone. 

I follow his gaze, Dani. This will be fun. 

"Don't waste your time," she says rolling her eyes at him and sitting next to me. 

I laugh mostly because the thought of the two of them together is just hysterical. Dani is too much of a hard ass for him. Antonio loves the submissive throw-away whores and Dani is..well Dani..

"She's feisty, I like that," Antonio says to me. 

"Yeah man, that's all you," I say to him. 

"Fuck off," Dani says to me annoyed, and flips me off. 

"And you too," she says to Antonio. 

He lifts his hands in surrender and smiles, sticking out his tongue to get under her skin. 

I guess it's not such a bad night after all. 

"Alright man, I gotta go find me some cono, I'll be out there," Antonio says leaving to the dance floor to go find himself some ass for the night. 

"That guy sucked," Dani says to me.

"That guy was Antonio," I say with a smirk. 

Dani's eyes widen and her face pales like she's seen a ghost. 

I laugh at her newfound realization that she disrespected one of Mexico's drug lords and told him to fuck off. 

It reminds me of Millie and me before she knew who I really was. I had so much fun with that. 

I miss her so fucking much, I wonder what she's doing right now.