
37 Days: Holding on 2 broken promises

This is a second book to 37 days so if you haven’t already read the first book, please do so! Millie and X are now apart and must go back to the lives they lived before they knew one another. They struggle to move on but learn to grow on their own. In their days after the unforgivable actions of X, they continue to show each other their love without the others knowledge. X is faced with the consequences of his actions when Millie is at risk of moving on.

Marissa_Inserra · สมัยใหม่
58 Chs

All in



I can't get enough, her sweet lips on mine have taken me into euphoria.

Without removing her lips from mine, she straddles me the best she can given the small space on the wicker chair. I need to keep my cool, last night, I took it too far for what she was ready for and it scared her off. I let her take control only leaving my hands against her waist. She takes my hands guiding them from her waist to her ass. I miss this ass it's been way too long since I've had it in my palms.

I'm rock hard, just dying to push it up against her but I don't. I'm on unstable grounds here, she can pull away at any moment. I give her ass a good squeeze and she moans into my mouth giving me the verification that she's missed this just as much as I have.

She sits up on me breaking the kiss, leaving me desperate for more. Her lips are swollen in the sexiest way as I look up to her waiting for her next move.

"We should probably take it easy," she says looking into my eyes. I'm so disappointed by those words but we've gone a fuck of a lot further tonight than I ever expected so I guess I can't be too bothered by it.

She stands up, holding her hand out to me, "wanna go in the water?" She asks with a smile.

"What?" I ask chuckling.

"C'mon, I've yet to go into the ocean here," she says pleading with me to follow.

I shrug my shoulders, "fuck it," I say taking her hand and standing up too.

We walk closer to the shoreline hand in hand. She kicks off her shoes and puts her feet in and looks back to me encouraging me to follow.

I take off my socks and shoes, rolling up my expensive black pants that I just bought hours ago and put my feet in as well.

"What are you waiting for, aren't you gonna go in?" I ask the beautiful woman standing beside me.

She laughs, "No, I just meant go in as with my feet, I'm not submerging myself."

She's gonna fucking hate me but she already does so what the hell, I take my phone out of my pocket and toss it onto the shore. She's looking out at the ocean so I come up behind her taking her over my shoulder.

She yelps in shock, "What are you doing?!"

I walk us out more into the water, "we're going all in baby," I say meaning it literally and theoretically.

"No, no, no!" She yells out kicking her legs, "Have you never seen jaws?! This is how it starts! A huge shark is going to come attack us!"

I laugh and dunk us under the salty cold water.

"Oh my god!" Millie yells out wiping water from her face. "What is wrong with you?!"

"Don't know where to start and don't know where to end babe," I say honestly with a laugh.

She jumps on me trying to pull me under but is completely unsuccessful because of my size, I grab her body tossing her back into the water as the splash of her body soaks me more.

She re-emerges, "so unfair!" She says putting her hands on her hips.

"Woah! Did you see that?!" I ask putting on a frightened face.

"What?!" She says jumping onto me to save her and hugging me tightly for protection.

I start laughing, "I'm kidding baby."

She jumps off of me and pushes my chest hard causing me to fall into the water.

"Holy shit! How was the colder than the first time around?!" I ask as my clothes cling onto me for dear life.

"C'mon, let's get changed, you're shivering," I suggest.

We slowly walk towards the shore, making only small movements due to the density of the water.

We finally make it out and we're both freezing at this point, I run over to the pergola grabbing the black hoodie from the chair it's handing on, not actually thinking we'd need it. I run it, Millie, wrapping it arm her for warmth.

"Thank you," she says politely.

She grabs the napkins and the 20-answers envelope.

"Let's go upstairs," I say and she follows.