
Ego Points

"How did you get Izumi?" Kaga asked, growling.

However, he lowered his voice, not wanting to wake Izumi up.

Seeing her in a slumber, his heart melted when he saw her sleeping face, but it was instantly swallowed by jealousy when he saw her cheeks leaning on another boy's shoulder.

He gazed at Aoi again, but this time, since he had broken the staring contest, Aoi did not even bother listening to him.

He was infuriated.

He never had thought he was ignored by the boy he deeply hated.

If he recalled correctly, he had indeed suspicions about the way Izumi interacted with Aoi.

After all, Izumi seemed to be sweet whenever she chatted with Aoi, seemingly not hiding her interest in him.

However, what assured Kaga was Aoi's response to Izumi, limiting his conversation with her as much as possible.

As a result, he tried to see Aoi as a competition to get Izumi's heart.

However, who would have thought after he returned from the canteen, he would see such a heart-sinking scene – watching the love of his life acting clinger on another boy.

It was heart-wrenching; tears even began to crawl down his eyelids.

However, his pride refused to admit defeat.

There must be another reason why Izumi was getting clinger with Aoi.

They might have just been friends while being clingy to each other.

Was he thinking…

His mind changed, causing him to feel more distress, when he saw Aoi caressing Izumi while staring at her with such a loving gaze.

He was shocked but, at the same time, infuriated.

After all, it did not make sense.

Aoi always used to stare at everyone indifferently, as though no one made him feel interested.

Not even Oka, who was his childhood friend.

Every time Aoi gazed at Izumi apathetically, it assured him he would not reciprocate Izumi's feelings towards him.

He was feeling better about it.

Now, he felt bitter.

He could not understand how Aoi suddenly appeared to have a drastic change.

He was asking when it happened, even believing Aoi was deceiving him… everyone.

He really must have had an interest in Izumi, hiding it, and when he felt the time was right, when he felt he was assured Izumi had feelings towards him, he shot his shot and succeeded.

Kaga was devastated when he was forming his own speculation.

He never raised the idea that it was Izumi who confessed to Aoi, and the latter accepted it.

This moment of his life was something he could not forget, experiencing heartbreak for the first time.

'It's his fault. He seduced Izumi!'

He assumed, raising a blame and passing it to Aoi.

After all, his soul would never be at peace if there was not a person responsible for disturbing it.

He said, "Don't ignore me."

He clenched his fist as it trembled.

Meanwhile, Aoi continued to ignore him.

He was acting nonchalant, but inwardly, he was rejoicing.

He received one point for ignoring Kaga's question earlier, and now, received another one when he does the same thing.

He could never be elated, knowing he could amass ego points through him.

Even so, he also realized how disadvantageous it was to abuse it, as he was playing with the other person's feelings.

It was a person who was initiating a conflict, too.

If he did not want to resolve it, it would escalate.

However, resolving it would mean he would compromise… and that was not the act of an egoist.

He could only sacrifice the possible relationship he had with Kaga, straining their attainable friendship in the future.

He was not guilty of doing so, knowing it was for the sake of his future as the striker.

It would not be rewarding if there was no sacrifice to make.

As long as he maintained his connections with Izumi and Oka, especially the former's circle of connections, then he did not mind stirring the hatred of others.

Even if it would result in Izumi and Oka changing their impression of him.

Aoi was now firm in the decision he made after considering all the pros and cons.

It would be impossible to change his mind to not ignore the person behind him, trying to disturb them.

He amassed another three ego points again, making it eight, but he felt Izumi quivered.

He must have been disturbed.

After all, Kaga was now raising his voice.

"I'm asking you!"

Aoi turned his head quickly and glared at Kaga.

Kaga was taken aback.

Aoi said, "Shut your mouth. You don't need to know."

Kaga's mind turned blank and then exploded in anger.

Veins popped up on his forehead, his body trembling in exasperation, and he was about to shout.

Suddenly, a voice coming from the front door echoed.


He turned his head, and it came from another classmate, his friend.

Kaga's friend tilted his head, glancing at Kaga and Aoi from time to time and then seeing Izumi on Aoi's shoulder, realizing what was happening.

He pitied his friend.

However, there was no time for that.

"What are you doing here? Have you forgotten that it's now time for the football club to initiate their pre-try-out training? What are you waiting for? Let's go now!"

Kaga was surprised, realizing that it was now, indeed, the time for their pre-try-out training.

Kaga had been a sub-wing player last year, playing with limited time, so it was now time for him to show that he could be the right-wing main player.

Since the previous wingers had graduated, while some had potential in the third years, he did not want to be outshone by them as he wanted to play in the field for the longest time in the beginning already.

He had been waiting for that day to happen to acquire Izumi's attention, but he was now too late.

Nevertheless, he still believed he could have Izumi's heart since she and Aoi had not been married yet.

He glared at Aoi and said, "Just wait. Don't think you can have her forever. At the end of the day, Izumi and I will be the end game."

However, Aoi did not listen to him, for Aoi had been staring at his friend with widened eyes.

It bewildered him before shaking his head and moved on.

After all, the pre-try-out training was waiting for him.

He walked towards his friend and left the class.

Meanwhile, Aoi, who had fallen into a daze, ignored the system's announcement that he gained another point, making it nine, as he mumbled.

"I must be there."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

CloverNinecreators' thoughts