



The pandemic is still causing major problems in the world. All over the world, the countries are affected. During this time of pandemic and global crisis, politics play a huge role. The world politics have many hidden facts which the public don't know. The whole world is facing this virus and fighting against it, meanwhile China, from where this virus actually emerged is focusing on economical and political agendas. We don't know his intentions but we definitely know that he is up to something and we can only assume. The actions taken by the country might be pre-decided.

There has been international debates about it. The countries are now against China. Not only that, at the White house, US President Donald Trump repeatedly blamed China for the handling of the Corona virus outbreak, criticizing the country for restricting domestic travel to slow the virus but not international travel to keep it from spreading abroad. Actually that's true and other countries too are questioning the same. Well the blame game is on between these two countries.

Donald Trump also speculated that China could have unleashed the novel corona virus on the world due to some kind of horrible "mistake" and his intelligence agencies have said that they are still examining a notion put forward by the President and aides that the pandemic may have resulted from an accident at Chinese lab. He even said that the release could have been intentional. A lot of countries are doubting this but who knows the truth, apparently China hides a lot of information that actually affects it's diplomatic relationships with the other countries.

The director of National intelligence, the clearing house for the web of US spy agencies said it ruled out the virus being man made but was still investigating the precise source of the global pandemic which have caused a tremendous amount of human deaths. Well it's clear there's a war between two most powerful countries of the world and the whole world is watching like it's a huge football match between Real Madrid and Barcelona. This is a kind of match which will affect the whole world and most of the countries are rooting for USA and that's obvious, the tragedy caused by China is not acceptable by any of the country.

Now in the blame game, the twist is that the scientists have suggested the likeliest origin of the pandemic remains natural, that is, it spread from an infected animal to a human. Now it turns like a tennis game where Trump has claimed to have seen evidence to support the theory that the origin was an infectious disease lab in Wuhan, the epicentre of the Chinese outbreak. US officials have said that the Chinese government should "pay a price" for it's handling of the pandemic. Now the ball is on his side of the court or we can call 15-0 to USA. The tennis game is not only between these two countries but between China and the other countries which is the 'World', all supporting each other against China, well of course they will.

Now here comes the return from Chinese government claiming that only the virus was released from a laboratory are "unfounded and purely fabricated out of nothing". Well they are claiming that they have nothing to do with the making of this virus, it's natural and that the blamer should look once at what they are claiming. Now it can be called as 15-15. Well this point was won by China as US didn't have any evidence actually to claim the same.

China's policy makers are seeking to cushion the economy, support financial markets and bolster investor confidence.

Well for months Chinese government's propaganda machine had been fending off criticism of Beijing's handling of the Corona virus outbreak and finally it seemed to be finding an audience. Interestingly voices from the World Health Organisation to the Serbian government and to the rapper Cardi B hailed China's approach as decisive and responsible. Well now we could say that China is leading by 30-15, if we see it as a tennis match.

Yet again, the match is tough as China could not savour the praise for long. In recent days, foreign leaders, even friendly nations like Iran have questioned China's reported infections and deaths. A top European diplomat warned that China's aid to the continent was a mask for it's geopolitical ambitions, while a Brazilian privileged official suggested the pandemic was part of China's plan to dominate the world. Whoa! It's a huge statement! Well now this leads China to 30-40 down as the 2 points are gone to the world that is the other countries who have claimed China as not so friendly competitor. The match is getting tough and will get tougher with the coming time. Now the question is, will China loose the game? Let's see.

As the pandemic unleashes the worst global crisis in decades, China has been locked in a public relations tug-of-war on the international stage. Does it even care about the relationships? Oh I didn't mean that way of course the country does but what is exactly the truth, we can still dig more but it will not be known yet unless the nation addresses something, yet again we don't know if it's actually the truth or not.

The crux of China's narrative is it's numbers. Since March, the country has consistently reported zero or single digit new local infections and it lifted it lockdown in Wuhan, where the outbreak began! Surprising, isn't it? It is indeed! At least for me.

There's no proof as China insists, that it's response was quick and responsible and it's tactics is model for the rest of the world! I am still not able to digest it, should I laugh as it seems like it's a joke made by the country or should I actually be serious and look after the tactics used by the country?

During a visit to Wuhan, China's top leader Jinping said that "daring to fight and daring to win is the Chinese Communist party's distinct political character and our distinct political advantage". The leader is very confident in himself and his party so maybe this is what gives confidence to the citizens also. This is definitely not a bluff.

Public health experts agree that China is under counting it's victim. The same is true in the US, Italy and any other country hard hit by the virus. Maybe our country too, who knows? However the concerns about China's accuracy are particularly acute, given considering the government's history of concealing unfavorable news. Well people say that old habits don't go easily, especially when it comes to hide something unfavourable.

China has become the most powerful market controller in Asia. In certain sectors, it has penetrated deep in to Euro American markets by creating it's own brand of consumerism in those countries. Perhaps Marx may think otherwise but China had made his dream of combining labour, skill and science and created a new world order which has made better human life possible.

Well that's not it, despite their strong Anti-China sentiment, successive Indian governments could not stop the expansion of Chinese market influence with its cheap goods. As democracy with a population of 1.3 billion consumers, India was compelled to set aside it's fears about Chinese territorial expansion after the 1962 war. The country could not afford to China out of its market at Chinese products helped low groups improve their standard of living. China bazars are available in every Indian city and people, particularly those on low income throng for whom these are cheap goods. Basically we are trapped because we don't have any alternative. Now it is 40-40, deuce as the point is won by China. Now can he win the game? It is very close though.

So now the questions comes to every Indian's mind is that, is it impossible to boycott Chinese goods? Or is it tough to boycott them in the near future?

As the world struggles with the imminent threat of the deadly corona virus pandemic. Chinese and Indian troops seem to be heading towards a face off along the Line of Actual Control ( LAC) in Ladakh which falls in India. Well again China is an aggressive player and he is serving for the game. Both the countries sent their troops to the border and aggression seemed to rise. Well India was constructing the road near 'Pangong Tso' which bothered China a lot. China has been demanding a freeze on such construction activities and infrastructural development by India.

They had a peaceful meeting for their diplomatic relationship but why does China always try to dominate and hinder the things which India does? It's never enough for the country as many has suggested it wants to rule the world and trap India from all the sides. Well this time the point doesn't go to China, it's an advantage for India as it is not backing off and shall not by the adequate sources. The match is still on between China and the World, we would say.

Sonam Wangchuk on which the iconic movie "3 idiots" was made, not only that but he is an Indian engineer, innovator and education reformist. We Indians actually remember someone by a movie very easily, that's why I had to mention.

He said that the only way to defeat China is by using "wallet power". In a video which went viral soon after it was uploaded, he said that while our soldiers are fighting Chinese troops on the border, we are buying Chinese products and goods which in turn gives China more money to invest. There is still this question, how?

Not just Wangchuk, many Indians have been harbouring hatred for the Chinese and everything originated from China from the very beginning of the corona virus pandemic. Several even wanted to take revenge against China for the same. In fact, many Indians have been searching on Google about how to delete or remove Chinese apps from their phones. The question is can we really cut off all the things from the Chinese?

In India the term 'boycott' happens to be thrown around very casually and every time one does something-there is only one solution, to boycott. Boycott movies, boycott apps. Why? We can even boycott human beings!

Here's a reality check, since 2018, China apps ruled the market in India once with fifty top apps in play store belonging to China. Of course, this "tik tok"happens to be one of the most popular app in India even today, even after countless calls for bans. As a matter of fact tik tok is a legit a source of income for several Indians as well. This app steals the data of the Indians and the foreign users, whoever uses this app without their knowledge, like they steal the location without you even knowing! Well did you know that? I am not surprised if you didn't, many people still don't. Well this is how it functions.

If you were scour through and delete all Chinese apps, your phone (assuming it isn't made in China) would probably be left with only a handful of apps. In the digital age, there's an app for everything, including an app to delete other apps 'Remove China apps' and interestingly I also had this app, forwarded by one of my friend and I used it too. When I sent to another friend, his immediate response was this is not how it's going to work, I mean as an economics student we should look at the brighter picture and is it actually possible to boycott everything that too this fast? I mean obviously not, how will you boycott your phones? After a long argument with him we came to the conclusion that we are actually trapped but it's not impossible to come out of this, it might take 10-15 years or maybe a longer time but yes it is possible. It will require the government to take the actions rather quickly and tactically. Well we all had a good realisation.

I would now say that China gets the 2 points and wins the game, even though India had an advantage, China made it to the deuce and then finally won the game by his tricks and his tactics. Now the question arrives is that, China has won this game, but can he actually win the match?