
10 days with a stranger

She have been under a lot of pressure but she is unable to resist the magically thread pulling her to him. What could she do with 10 days with this gorgeous man? 'What do you want to do during this 10 days?" He asked with a smile as he put his hand in his pockets looking so gallant. She looked at him and smiled and put her hands behind her as she fist and unfist her knuckles. "Where do I start from?"

okuonghae26 · แฟนตาซี
36 Chs

Maybe Gerald is not to blame...

He was looking at the lake, Bella and Richard stood in, with other couples enjoying themselves.

Richard was holding Bella's waist and pulled her up on his arms while he swing round with her. They were laughing.

"How does it feel?" She heard him asked.

She wasn't sure she understands what he was trying to say but she was interested in what he was talking about.

"I mean.... how does it feel to see them together?" He rephrased.

Kristine looked at her friend and her fiance.

She shrugged and a smile came to her face. She smiled at them.

"Honestly." She started.

Lewis looked at her.

"Happy, excited and jealous." When she said the last word, she looked at him.

"Why is that?"

She shrugged again. "I always thought I would get married before Bell does, but...." She let her words hang in the air.

She rubbed her sleeveless arm, she was starting to feel cold by the lake side.

"Really? You look really young."

Kristine did a small dance. "Appearances can be deceiving."

He nod in agreement and looked at the couple again. "They looked really happy."

She nod her head. "They are."

Lewis looked at her for more than a second like there was something he just noticed about her.

He smiled and extended his hand to her.

"I'm Lewis by the way."

She turned to him, looked at him for a minute before she took his outstretched hand. She wanted to say she knew his name. He introduced himself already but she didn't. Instead she continued with the introduction.

"Kristine. Nice to meet you."

He opened his mouth and she saw his white set of teeth flash a brilliant smile.

"The pleasure is all mine."

"Lewis!" She heard someone called him.

He dropped his hand and looked at her apologetical. "I will see you later." He said and excused himself.

Kristine nod before he excused himself. She watched him walked towards the oldest campers. She wondered how they were here for the trip when they should be at home, relaxing on their couch, watching TV and gardening. Perhaps it was a vacation first for just the two couples.

Majority of the campers were couples. There were only three singles. Kristine, a man who looked like he was here for nature with his camera up and about and Lewis.

It sometimes felt weird to be around couples. That was why Bella and Richard would not show their affection in front of her, so that she wouldn't feel like the odd one out but she had told them several times; It was okay but Bella wasn't hearing any of it. They could cuddle and hold each other but she wouldn't let Richard kiss her on this outing unless she wasn't in sight; like now when they thought she wasn't looking.

She shook her head at Bella and Richard before turning away to look for a place to seat.

She couldn't wait to get back to the real world that had signal to make calls, documents to read, movies to watch, work which kept her mind off things and sadly Gerald's face which will constantly remind of what she had seen.

But it wasn't really Gerald's fault.

She frowned as she sat on the dry sand.

She was not interested.