
(The Rising of the Anti Christ dropped finally

It is the 41st millennium and it has been years since the corrupt dystopian society of the imperium of man has come . But one parent less and unloved boy decides to fight against it . On the day of his parents murder he decided that he would get revenge using all necessary options to do it . But perhaps this vendetta isn’t just that a vendetta it might be more a journey for self discovery . For who they really are . Will they just be another shadow in history which is never mentioned or will people look at him with terror and with fear . Will people use his name as a way to quiet down children at night only time will tell . Cause this is the rising of the Antichrist he shall carve his path and his future toward and will attain riches beyond imagination he shall become a soul plunderer a pirate all of them . He shall have them all he shall have everything . If it’s not already his his cruel hands will take it from them this is not a story of where he will be the nice pushover. No he shall be the villain in this story he shall be a king an emperor he shall have those titles . He shall attain love and companionship as well in this power . He shall finally be the man people look at with Terror and with fear for vengeance for self discovery . And most importantly of all Love I do not own Warhammer 40k and there will only be a few things in the story related to 40k cause I do not know much about Warhammer 40k and so other creatures will be made right off the top of my head But if you want me to add something related to Warhammer 40k just tell me

Animecormade · ไซไฟ
63 Chs

Second mission chapter 18 volume 1 speak of the devil and he shall come

Right now I'm heading towards james location when I hear my system say something o thought it never would. It said to me host why have you forgotten about Tiamat and not stayed with her while she was sleeping . my heart feels a tug I then say coldly well I couldn't stay there forever . The system answers back by saying okay host I continue I can't stay with her forever . The system answers back you really can't stay with her forever host you will not stay with her forever . I reply to the system with a prideful tone yes I can't but maybe I can at least enjoy the time I'll spend with her and at least make her future. The system says host where do you get this kindness towards her from this emotion and caring towards her this excitement every time you see her this this I interrupt the systems cold voice by saying love you mean. The system falls silent of what I presume to be a yes . But I generally think the system is lonely it might or might not be able to process emotions . And all it's done is to try and help me and only help me. I continue with my flight and dive down when I see James position in a helicopter I dive down onto the ground and deactivated the wings . I quickly ran in and found James smiling face with the rest of the team all I said was where we going he answered by saying the old city of Berlin . Me and the boys are driving towards the warehouse. when I hear a skirt and we suddenly stop James gets out of the car I was smoking a cigarette and so I drop the cigarette and stomp on it. We then start walking into the ware house I see the same men we saw during our last mission he said men take a seat I pull out a seat for myself and sit down James is near me with Edward and lazar are near by . Then I hear the man say men your mission objective today is to get into the old German city of Berlin and sneak into the targets house where you will proceed to plant a tracker in the targets goods and track them to our big fish . Damian diamond he is one two faced son of a bitch . He has worked with some of the most well known and uncatchable cartels and crime rings on the planet. So he is really important he's also known for misleading the scar face crime syndicate the second well known syndicate on this planet so he has a bounty on his head . So a lot of people wanna kill him especially them but because he's operated and worked with so many criminal organizations if we catch him then I interrupt by saying so we get evidence on the others I say with a cold tone exactly the man says . And our little fish is phantom he got that nickname .Why well because every time he has gotten into our sights .Or when we have cornered him or found his location he just disappears as fast as he appeared just poof gone he just goes somewhere because of this he is very high on our watch list . So it will be extremely difficult in order to deal with him and he is very powerful in combat maybe even better than his ability to disappear. So that is it any questions . Location : Old city of Berlin Personnel : Classified. Operation name : operation Berlin Classified by the highest order from the intelligence service of the imperium of man or the isim . All information in this mission will be highly classified all personnel who will and have participated in this operation will be terminated otherwise . If you read this document you must have authorization from the higher ups who assigned the mission or are the the higher up . Even if you do have full authorization from the higher ups certain parts of the mission will be blocked from you understood. Right now me and the team are on a train heading to the city when I hear James say let's go over the coms I quickly wake up. And we walk to the back of the train there both Edward and Lazar are waiting James says let's jump out of the back of the train before me and him jump out of the train he says see you on the inside . Before he jumps I follow quickly behind him we slightly fall on the ground I then quickly pick myself up off the ground . We then start walking near the sides we then pick ourselves up and go off to the side of the train tracks . James says to me guards still patrol these tracks so be careful I nod and we start walking when we spot a few guards in front of us he then says to me you take the one on the left I'll take the right I then get into position with my silenced pistol and take aim and fire into the one on the lefts head headshot . James already got his I put a thumb ups . We then find a man hole covering With a ladder near we start climbing up I open the manhole covering and get out . James follows quickly behind me when two guards in gray military uniforms say what were you doing in those tunnels . I turn on my translator and say wir arbeiten fur das Eisenbahnunterernehmen . They say ids James curses I stay calm and quickly walk back to James and make a hand symbol towards him he makes a hand symbol back . He then grabs my silence pistol and shoots one of the guards. . I rush towards the other one he tried to grab his gun .But I grabbed his hand and disarmed him I then used his pistol to bash his head with the bottom .And then threw it away while he was falling I did a spinning kick on his head . he died from it James said let's hide the evidence we don't want to be noticed we want to slip in and out . I nod and quickly pick up the guards body I get near a garbage dumpster and dump him in . I think that's good enough I then quickly run towards James where there's a little locked door . He quickly pick pockets it and then we get in he then says to me I'll stay here while you meet the contact . I say okay but who's the contact exactly he says well that's for you to find out he says with a playful tone . I ignore him and run down the stairs and to the bar I've already hidden my guns in my inventory . I quickly arrive in front of it I take out a chocolate cigarette and smoke it now here's where everything begins .

Who and what is the system will jake have a good life with Tiamat and get to enjoy her company well not today Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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