
(The Rising of the Anti Christ dropped finally

It is the 41st millennium and it has been years since the corrupt dystopian society of the imperium of man has come . But one parent less and unloved boy decides to fight against it . On the day of his parents murder he decided that he would get revenge using all necessary options to do it . But perhaps this vendetta isn’t just that a vendetta it might be more a journey for self discovery . For who they really are . Will they just be another shadow in history which is never mentioned or will people look at him with terror and with fear . Will people use his name as a way to quiet down children at night only time will tell . Cause this is the rising of the Antichrist he shall carve his path and his future toward and will attain riches beyond imagination he shall become a soul plunderer a pirate all of them . He shall have them all he shall have everything . If it’s not already his his cruel hands will take it from them this is not a story of where he will be the nice pushover. No he shall be the villain in this story he shall be a king an emperor he shall have those titles . He shall attain love and companionship as well in this power . He shall finally be the man people look at with Terror and with fear for vengeance for self discovery . And most importantly of all Love I do not own Warhammer 40k and there will only be a few things in the story related to 40k cause I do not know much about Warhammer 40k and so other creatures will be made right off the top of my head But if you want me to add something related to Warhammer 40k just tell me

Animecormade · Sci-fi
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63 Chs

Taste of ecstasy chapter 17 consummatum est

Right now I have been swinging through the city for several hours and my work I couldn't help but say was c'est beau in French or it is beautiful . I can't help but think it's so magnificent all should see this this carnage I can hear there screams when they realize that they're going to die. It's pure ecstasy I love it so much it's so beautiful i feel so alive so light my body it feels as light as a feather it truly is beautiful. My heart can't help but sing yes that's it I say while brutally hacking the cultured apart i already deactivated my companions but I couldn't help but do this it was so beautiful my soul feels so at ease . I can't help it to just slip away from reality fall into endless dreams to have the life I truly want is all and all I ever wanted . But those were the last words my true consciousness said before this consciousness of destruction pure ecstasy took over . I continue on my rampage massacring them slaughtering them all I even found a few cultured one children and women but do you know what I did I slaughtered them like sheep . Not only the men the women and children and too but look at how many fucks I give zero. But it's so I'm about to say it's beautiful before I see Tiamat staring at me crying suddenly my armor comes off and I fall to the ground . I quickly walk towards her and say what happened she keeps crying while saying idiot what we're you doing you were losing control of your body you were attacking us as well . why why you attacked us then she says through tears then realization hits like a rail gun I couldn't control it . My mind after prolonged use would fall into the carnal desire of slaughter and I would end up killing almost or trying to kill every thing and everyone in my vision. But then again I did become a demon so I acted like one I couldn't help but say to myself with a chuckle one day I will burn in hell for all the sins I have committed and will . I walk towards Tiamat and hug her suddenly those tears suddenly stop and she stops resisting and she sinks into the heat and enjoys the feeling of warmth . I then quickly sigh cause I know that if I didn't do that she would end up killing me and I'll have to repay with more than a hug cause when she wakes she will end me if I don't phew. I then chuckle and say what have I truly become well what I have become I say to myself is a literal and figurative demon I wish I still had more humanity .I then look up and smile viciously at the sky and say but it looks like I will never gain that humanity back I say with a voice filled with pride only for it to break down into a sad lonely voice . I then sadly say while my voice is getting lower and lower mother father I can't do this before I slowly cry out tears which drop down my face and make a little puddle. While the red sun glows behind me while I have Tiamat in my arms I then say it might get tough but as long as I'm alive and as long as I have her I'll be okay. I then hug Tiamat who's still sleeping and slowly cry . ;) you might want to play some sad anime music to make this feel a little bit better . I quickly lay Tiamat down and say sadly well I'll have to leave you know before I get a piece of paper and crouch down to put it near her after writing on it . Hey it's me Tiamat I went to go kill some more cultured hope you stay safe before I walk near the edge of the building and let myself fall . I can feel the wind while I fall from this building I then slowly breath in the air it might be stale but I feel alive when I do this so huh . Then quickly large black feathered wings sprout out from my back . I then say to my system where did I get this. The system responds by saying well your the Antichrist so you gotta have some way to charge into battle. It then says these have been apart of You for very long it's just that previously you were to much of a little bitch to use it. I say angrily I was not a little bitch okay the system says again oh no you don't admit it you were a little bitch okay now fuck off . I then say fine furiously and stop talking to the system and say what the F has gotten into you the system says I can hear you . I then say you did not hear anything okay not a single word in here you got that. I then quickly dive down with my wings and say this is cool I then dive down even further nose diving quickly I reach near the ground when I point my feet straight down push myself off the ground with my full force it pushes me high into the sky once again I dive back down but this time pull up for more speed. I then level myself and use my vision to look for cultured the system then says now you have bird legs as well so you can just go all eagle or owl on them and just use your talons ;) I then say well I do like the sound of that I then spot a cultured and dive down like a peregrine falcon which are known for their incredible speed of over 320km/h which makes it the fastest bird but also the fastest creature on the planet in the animal kingdom . Enough of that I continue my swoop and once I get near the unsuspecting cultured I use my clawed feet to grab it I then quickly pull up and fly high in to the air I use my talons to throw the cultured up into the air after it tried hitting me while it's doing that I accelerate upward and use god slayer to pierce threw the core and out the other side I then dive down again for another cultured and continue the killing spree . Up and down up and down when I hear the call and it says jake we have a mission to do I then say yes sir

Well I just felt like doing this to the mc cause you know I made this entire think cause I was bored and wanted to try writing like this if you have any feedback please tell me cause I’m very new to this . Will jake ever get the true ending he desires the warmth of a family will h ever the happy ending he desires maybe maybe not that depends on my mood

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