
Invention Tests: Hatsume's Test Runs!

A couple days have passed since Class 1-A began training for the Provisional Licensing Exam, Alyx had been put in a precarious situation...

"You sure this thing is remotely safe?" He asked.

Hatsume nodded quickly, "Yep yep! It should be, unless it blows up or something!"

Alyx slowly nodded back as he put on Hatsume's newly invented glider. He looked at the buttons on the straps, Hatsume zoomed around towards him to show him what they do.

"So basically it's like a jetpack glider that I made pretty cool huh?!" Mei exclaimed.

"Jetpack glider? How does it start?" Leonidus replied.

"Like this!" Mei beamed.

She hit a blue button on the right strap and it sent him skyrocketing into the air. Alyx tried to adjust the angles but couldn't do to the speed of the glider.

"Melissa! I need some help here!" He shouted.

"What's going on? Your heart rate just spiked up!" Melissa noted.

"Well, I'm about 40 meters in the air on a jetpack glider thing that some cool, crazy girl I just met made! Any ideas?" Alyx told her.

He looked around, Melissa observed the gliders mechanics, she highlighted a button in Alyx's view.

"There! That button there should work!" Melissa informed him.

Leonidus pressed it and the jets on the glider stopped, he repositioned himself and started gliding in the air, making sure to avoid pressing any buttons on the straps. He eventually landed down on the ground next to Hatsume.

"Woah, you look a little startled! So, whatcha think?" Hatsume giggled.

"I think having jet engines on it isn't a great idea... Is there anyway to slow it down? There's little to no control when you take off." Alyx responded.

Hatsume looked at the glider, "Hmmm... The engines are little big... Maybe we can make something smaller! Yeah! That would work!"

Annie watched as the two discussed how to improve the glider, All Might stood beside her with a curious look on his face.

"Was he always a tinkerer?" All Might questioned.

"No, I guess he just sticks and moves with whatever. Anything he puts his mind to can sometimes work, keyword, 'sometimes'." Annie answered.

"Huh, you can say that again." All Might lightly chuckled.

Hatsume brought out another invention of hers, speed boots, she helped Leonidus get into them. Mei nodded and Leonidus took off without problem, being used to traveling fast, he was able to move around in the boots with ease. Hatsume wrote down everything that her boots were capable of.

"Knocking down trees... Insane movement capabilities... Smashing boulders without problem... Strong enough to withstand oncoming attacks..." She mumbled.

Leonidus landed down next to her as she finished up her observations. He took the boots off and then cleaned them up.

"Whew! That was super fun, I think these would be fine if marketed to the right person." Leonidus grinned.

"Hey! Wrap it up, Hatsume, he's gotta get back to training!" Power Loader called out.

"Awww... But we just started! I have so many babies for him to test!" Mei whined.

Power Loader waved her over, "We can pick it up again tomorrow, his Class won't be training, I'm sure you can wait a day at least."

Leonidus helped Hatsume bring in her inventions before making his way to Gym Gamma. As soon as he walked in, he blocked Yaoyorozu's bo staff from hitting his face.

"Oh goodness! Sorry, Alyx, I wasn't paying attention to where I was." Momo apologized.

"No need to apologize, it's just surprise reflex training, you know?" Leonidus chuckled.

"Right..." Momo sighed.

Alyx tilted his head a bit, "Hm? Is something wrong, Momo?"

"Watching that sparring session between you and Midoriya a couple days ago, it showed me how much of a gap there is between us and the two of you. There are people out there who're as strong, if not stronger, than you. I wanna make sure I'm prepared for those people!" She responded.

Momo spread her arms out, "I want you to show me what you've got!"

Leonidus stared at her before blinking a couple of times. He lowered an eyebrow and was visibly confused.

"You... Want me to punch you as hard as I possibly can?" Leonidus asked.

"Yes! Kirishima had Ojiro do something similar during the training camp!" Momo nodded.

"Momo... Y-You... That's because he was strengthening his Quirk. If I were to punch you at full strength I'd instantly kill you. There's a lot of ways you can train your durability besides physical violence. Pushing your body to it's upmost limits is one way, I can show you how my Grandfather trained me!" Alyx advised.

Momo perked up a bit, "I'd love that, but... You've already taught me how to fight, what more is there?"

"It's called, 'Hashira Training'! It first starts off with me training you in basic stamina, then we move to flexibility training! After that, we go onto improving your movement speed, attacking you until you either throw up or pass out, then we move onto muscle reinforcement training!" Leonidus exulted.

He stood there brightly smiling in silence as Momo held pure dread on her face.

"T-T-That... T-That's what you went through?" Momo stuttered.

"Yep! When I was at the Pillars of Hope's headquarter, my Grandfather Tanjiro was the one who put me through that training. He was given permission to help me train by the creator of the Seventh Plane. It was hell!" Leonidus confirmed.

"The creator of the Seventh Plane? Who's that?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"Huh... That's a good question, I dunno. Nobody really ever says or well, nobody 𝘤𝘢𝘯 tell me anyways." Alyx responded.

Leonidus' hellish Hashira Training began! Day after day, he and Yaoyorozu trained at Gym Gamma, Momo slowly improved as the Hashira Training continued. A day before the Provisional Licensing Exam, Leonidus stood there by himself in Gym Gamma as he waited for Momo.

"I wonder what's taking her so long?" Alyx wondered.

"Maybe it's because you're the only one here besides me." Aizawa remarked.

"Oh, right!" Leonidus laughed.

Alyx turned around as the others came into the room, "Hey guy-"

He immediately froze as Momo walked into the room, she walked past Leonidus with a smile.

"Hey, Alyx! Are you ready to continue that training?" Momo smiled.

Everyone else walked past as Leonidus was still frozen in place. Kaminari tapped him on the shoulder.

"Yo, Earth to Leonidus? Hellllooo?" Kaminari broke his trance.

Leonidus became flustered as he itched his cheek, "Huh?! O-Oh, I... Sorry! I was um..."

"Are you wanting to continue training or...?" Momo questioned.

"Yes of course I do!" Alyx quickly simpered.

Their last training session was underway, but Leonidus stood there with uncertainty on his face, Momo tilted her head with confusion.

"Is everything alright?" Momo asked.

"Um... Yeah! I uh... Let's just call it good, I have to go see my Dad, I'll be back I promise!" Leonidus told her.

Alyx rushed out of the Gym before Momo could say anything. He hurried towards the hospital, after a few minutes, he finally arrived. He saw his Mother, Kariya, Annie, and Liz outside of the room. A doctor exited the room and motioned for Alyx to enter. Leonidus entered the room to see his Father looking worse for wear, he sat down next to him with a saddened smile.

"Hey Dad." Alyx spoke up.

"Al... Alyx... There... You are... I-I was... Waiting for you..." His Father replied.

Alyx put his hand on top of his Father's, "Yeah, I know."

The room became silent as tears fell down Alyx's face but he made no sound. His Father gently rubbed his thumb against the top of his son's hand.

"Do you... Remem... ber... W-When... We went to... That park... And fo... Fought those..." Darren continued.

"Geese? How old was I?" Alyx answered.

"9... You ki... kicked... Those fucking things... So far..." Darren tried to chuckle.

Alyx wiped tears from his eyes as he laughed, "Y-Yeah! I'm pretty sure I sent one to the stratosphere! I remember they tried to take Mom's picnic basket from us, and Mom was telling us to just grab it later... I still can't believe they didn't kick us out of the park!"

The two shared a laugh as they continued to reminisce on the past, Darren let out a peaceful sounding sigh as they stopped laughing.

"Y-You... Know... I cou... dn't... Be... More... Proud of... You... Alyx... You will be... A great hero..." Darren smiled.

His grip slowly loosened on Alyx's hand, "Thank you, Dad. Thank you so much."

"I... Love... You..." Darren uttered.

"I love you too Dad. You can go back to sleep now, Mom'll have dinner ready for us like always, I promise." Alyx lamented.

Darren let out once last breath as he closed his eyes and smiled. Alyx put his Father's hand on his forehead and began to sob profusely.

[Several Hours Later...]

Alyx walked back to U.A. after being with his family, he stopped at the doors of Heights Alliance, he closed his eyes and held back tears. He took a shaky breath in before putting a half-hearted smile on his face. He unsteady hands grabbed the door knob and opened one of the large doors. As soon as he entered the dorms, he burst into tears, unable to keep his mask of happiness up. Everyone rushed over towards him, wondering what was wrong, but all Leonidus could hear was his own sobs. As nightfall came, he sat on his bed as Momo tried her best to comfort him.

She eventually left his room, he sat with his head resting on his knees, Alyx stayed up for the rest of the night. Once the morning came, his door opened, Izuku walked in to see Leonidus staring at his ceiling with tired eyes.

"Hey... I'm sorry about what happened, do you wanna talk about it?" Izuku consoled.

"I'm getting my license, and I'm killing them all, mark my words." Alyx responded.

Leonidus sat up and looked at Midoriya, shivers went down his spine as he saw cold, unrelenting hatred in Alyx's now soulless eyes. Alyx got up from his bed to get ready for the day as Izuku sat there, frozen with fear. Everyone else noticed Leonidus' frightening appearance as he entered the common room.

"Let's all get our licenses today, eh?" Alyx grinned.

"Y-Yeah...!" Everyone replied.

As the students arrived at U.A., they were immediately whisked away to change into their hero suits, then to board a bus. Class 1-A was a bit unsettled by Leonidus' silent but somewhat positive mood.

"Are you good now, bro?" Kaminari hesitated to ask.

Leonidus' eyes didn't leave the bus floor, "My Father died because of the League, I won't ever be good until their blood is on my hands. I took Tomura's finger back at the U.S.J., but right now, I want that fucker's head. I'm gonna carry on my Father's legacy in my own way from now on. I'm not going to hesitate to kill anymore, if I see that they need to die, 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚'𝒓𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒊𝒆."

"A-Alyx..." Momo fretted.

"Don't worry! I'm not gonna be all brooding and angsty!" Alyx laughed.

Everyone sighed with relief and they began to nervously laugh with him.

"You sure got us good, Alyx!" Uraraka simpered.

"Oh no, I do plan on killing them still! An eye for an eye!" Leonidus bubbled.

"Allllllrighty, why don't you just go to sleep before we get to the Exam? Being well rested to some extent instead of being in a mentally deranged state would be preferred." Iida advised.

Alyx nodded then leaned over onto Momo's arm before quickly falling asleep.

"We really need to snap him out of this, he shouldn't be thinking like this." Tsuyu spoke up.

"I'll talk to him, it's frustrating that he acts like this, I don't understand why he feels the need to try and do Pro Hero things when he isn't a Pro." Momo replied.

They finally arrived at the National Dagobah Arena, the students walked out of the bus with a sleeping Alyx in tow.

"Well, aren't we all dressed to impress?" A woman chuckled.

Aizawa looked over and sighed, "Joke..."

"How's my favorite dark, handsome and brooding guy doin'?" Ms. Joke grinned.

"Great, until now." Aizawa replied.

Ms. Joke tried to carry on a conversation with Shota as Class 1-A entered the arena. The rules of the exam were explained to the 1,540 students in attendance. Each student must eliminate 2 other examines before moving onto the second half of the test. The room around them collapsed and revealed the enormous arena around them. The schools all split up as they tried to avoid being eliminated.

"How is Alyx still asleep?!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"He's a heavy sleeper! Set him aside somewhere safe, please!" Momo responded.

Kirishima set him aside as Class 1-A ventured not too far from him in case he was attacked. Their plan of sticking together was foiled when Yo Shindo used his Quirk to jostle everyone around, throwing them into different places. Leonidus shot his eyes open as the rumbling came to a stop.

"Geez... I must've been out for a while, d'ya catch anything while I was out, Boshi?" Alyx yawned.

"Indeed sir, this first portion of your exam is an elimination round, you'll have to put those targets on you in visible spots on your body. Then using those balls you have to hit the targets on other individuals, were you to eliminate two of them, you'll go on to the second portion. May I inquire, how are you feeling, sir?" Mikaboshi informed him.

Leonidus adjusted the targets, "Uh huh, okay... And I'm doing much better! I guess that nap really did help!"

Amatsu nodded before phasing back into Alyx, up in the stands, Ms. Joke and Aizawa looked down towards Alyx.

"So, I've heard a lot about him, that Leonidus kid. Is he really as strong as everyone says?" Joke asked.

"He's as strong as they can get, that's for sure, why? You've got some contingency plan for him?" Aizawa answered.

"My kids have been studying him for a while going into this exam, there was only one person capable enough to go toe to toe with him. Eraser, all of my students are passing, even if that means one of yours has to get thrown to the sidelines." She declared.

The rocks next to Alyx exploded, "...And that person is Tomikoa Muteki!"

As the dense dust clouds faded, there stood a blonde, purple eyed girl in front of Leonidus.

"𝘏𝘰𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘵! 𝘏𝘦𝘳 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘌𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘺 𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘦! 𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦..." Leonidus thought.

"I've finally found you, I didn't expect Shindo's Quirk to move all of us around that much, but here we are. Let's spare the chit chat for later, right now, I'm going to defeat you. You won't be passing this exam, Alyx Leonidus." Tomikoa told him.

Alyx quickly entered Gear Four and zoomed towards her, Tomikoa blocked his rapid fire fists with a single finger. Each time she blocked, the ground beneath them indented and cracked. She grabbed Leonidus' fist and decked him in the face, sending him flying backwards into a rockface. Muteki walked forward as Leonidus fired out dozens of beams towards her. She walked through them and knocked some away from her as she approached.

"What the..." Aizawa muttered.

"That's her Quirk, 'Zen', it allows her to reach an ultimate state of strength and awareness. Although, if he manages to get her too riled up, she'll lose control of her Quirk and be a lot easier to take down. Keyword there being 'if', Eraser." Ms. Joke explained.

A bead of sweat dropped down Aizawa's face as he looked on. Tomikoa held Alyx up by his throat as she pressed a ball against one of his targets.

"That's one. I didn't think you'd let me beat you this easy." Tomikoa remarked.

"W-Well... I-I just needed... To get close!" Alyx replied.

Her eyes widened and before she could react, he grabbed her arm and shocked her. Alyx quickly stepped away from her to catch his breath as Tomikoa fell to the ground.

"Had to borrow your move, Kami..." Leonidus mumbled.

Leonidus got up to his feet as he waited for Tomikoa to recover, she looked at him with a bewildered look on her face.

"What exactly... Are you doing?" She questioned.

"I'm waiting for you to stand up, I'm not going to kick you while you're down, that's not right for me to do. So, let's get this thing going, eh?" Alyx smiled.

Tomikoa got up to her feet, Alyx rushed her and they collided forearms, Leonidus jumped back and darted towards her once more. Every punch Alyx threw she countered, but Leonidus responded back in kind.

"Hey, you're not doing so bad, I thought you'd be less of a challenge. I must've underestimated you going into this." Tomikoa remarked.

Alyx threw another punch without hesitation and hit him in the jaw. He managed to get her off balance and immediately started a rush of strikes!

"DORARARARARA!!!" Leonidus shouted.

His fists rattled off of Tomikoa, sounding like a minigun with each impact! Tomikoa somehow broke out of Alyx's rapid flurry of punches and started countering his blows. The combatants then took to the air, zipping around while still engaged in intense fast-paced combat! Tomikoa somehow got behind Alyx and elbowed him in his back. He went flying down into the ground, luckily, Alyx rebounded by backflipping away from her. Muteki went straight into the ground, but it didn't seem to have phased her! Alyx wiped some dirt off his face as Tomikoa brushed herself off.

"This is pretty fun, Alyx. Don't you think?" Tomikoa yelled to him.

"I'm surprised that you haven't gone after anyone besides me." Alyx responded.

"Your my only priority, nobody else is worth my time here." She retorted.

Leonidus grinned at her, Tomikoa charged towards him, Alyx ducked her punch and swept Muteki's legs out from underneath her. Tomikoa retaliated with a kick of her own which sent Alyx spiraling into the air! Tomikoa took to the skies and rammed her foot right into Alyx's cheek. He crashed into a rockface, Tomikoa shot out binds of energy towards him, locking him in place.

"You're trapped, you won't be getting out of those until I eliminate you, so make this easy on both of us." Tomikoa told him.

"Hmph... As if!" Alyx smirked.

He closed his right fist, she looked to her left and saw a ball of Overdrive explode! Smoke billowed off her body as she crashed to the ground. Ms. Joke looked rather startled at what transpired.

"He... He caught her off guard?" Joke worried.

"What's wrong? My student's gone into overdrive it seems..." Aizawa joked.

Ms. Joke looked stunned, "Did you just make a pun?! Oh my God I love you even more!"

"Here we go again..." Aizawa sighed.

Back on the battlefield, Tomikoa and Alyx clashed in the air again, reappearing in one place, and then another! We landed back down onto the ground firing off energy blasts at each other. I managed to trick him with an afterimage as she hit it with an energy blast.

"HAAAAH!!!" Alyx roared.

Leonidus fired off a Diamond Buster attack right in front of her! It pushed her back but she quickly threw it into the sky before it exploded. The two took deep, labored breaths in and out as they stood at the ready to fight.

"Having fun yet? I have to say, you have my respect, Alyx. Not many people have been able to keep up with me. As a matter of fact, to this very day, I've never lost a fight!" Muteki boasted.

Alyx smiled back at her, "You can say that. Maybe if I wasn't fighting for my Pro Hero License right now, I'd be having a lot more fun. You sure do know a lot about me, I can see why you've never lost a fight, you're an amazing fighter!"

There was a loud boom followed by two roars, Tomikoa and Alyx looked to where they heard the noises.

"There you are, Muteki! Remember us?!" The giant girl thundered.

"Aww... Little Muteki hasn't changed much, has she?" The other giant girl laughed.

"Damn it... I didn't think they'd be here... Listen, forget about eliminating each other, we need to focus on them!" Tomikoa told Alyx.

All eyes were now on the giant students that rampaged around the arena! Tomikoa had a subtle look of worry on her face, Alyx stood in his fighting pose as his Overdrive lit up around him.

"Alright, let's go!" Alyx exclaimed.

If you'd like to support me, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting about the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! :) )

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