
(One Piece) Start Of A New Jounrey

Not all Heroes are good and not all Villains are evil, the world is filled with hypocrites and liars. People will lie to get money, wealth and fame. They will do the such heinous acts all for a coin of gold. In a world filled with such atrocities, A young boy sets out for his adventure. An adventure to find the greatest treasure of all, to find the One Piece

AnAverageWriter · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Start Of The Adventure

On a small dinghy a boy was standing looking at the vast sea infront of him, he wore a while shirt with black pants.

The sun reflected from the water and into the boy's green eyes. The boy's happiness was evident from the large smile that was on his face.

'My Journey, it has finally started.' The boy thought. "LET'S GOOOOOO." he screamed to the sea.

The boy took out a small map his pockets. It was a map consisting of all the islands in the West Blue. His eyes set on the nearest place on the map.

"llisia Kingdom." He muttered.

'Well than let's go.' he thought as he quickly started to paddle his boat to the direction of the Island.

After Some Time

'Where the Hell am I?' The boy thought while looking around at the sea, He had the map in his hands and was flipping it to see if he had made an error.

'I should be at llisia kingdom, according to this map.' He thought with confsuion.

"I guess I gotta go with my gut." The boy said as he started to paddle off at a random direction.

After A Few Minutes.

"WHOAAHHHHHA" The boy couldn't help but exclaim as he looked at the beautiful view infront of him.

The kingdom from the looks of it had two giant castles. It had high mountains and on two of those were the castles. There was a bridge going over the mountain and connecting the two giant castles.

Aside from the castles the town below looked like something straight out of a fantasy world. the houses were made of stones from what the boy could see.

He quickly made his way to the port and saw massive ships the size of houses.

The boy made it to the port and quickly got off his boat.

"Hi there Sir welcome to Ballywood Kingdom." A voice came from behind the kid as he quickly turned around.

"Oh yeah hi there." He replied.

"May I ask Sir but you look quite young to be travelling, so are you alone?" The man asked.

"Oh not really, I'm Fifteen. My name is Lee." Lee said with a smile.

"Alright then, you need to pay 1000 $ Berries for the parking Sir." The man said with a smile.

"Ah alright." Lee said and took out a small pouch from his pocket and handed the man a note.

"Thank you for your cooperation sir." The man said and walked off. Unknown to them, their interaction was being watched by keen eyes.

Lee started to walk as he made his way into the kingdom, He walked around and saw many shops with a variety of diffrent things.

He even saw a few gaurds marching around in armours made of steel.

Lee made his way accross the alleys, completely ignoring the strange feeling in the back of his mind.

Lee moved into an alley and saw that it was a dead end,the alley was was filled with some trash cans and dumsters. Lee turned around to leave the alley but was greeted with a punch.

Lee stepped back and grabbed his nose in pain as blood started to come out of his nose.

"You're quite the sturdy kid." Lee looked infront of him and saw a trio of people, all three of them were wearing masks to cover their faces.

"Hey that's not fair to gang up on a person." Lee said while wiping the blood from his nose.

"Shut it kid, give us your money and we might let you go." The man infront of him said in annoyance.

A female in the trio had a gun in her hand while, two men had cutless swords.

The three started to close up on Lee, as Lee stood their trying to stop his bleeding nose.


The two men quickly turned their head's around and saw a man wearing a cowboy like costume with a revolver in his hand.

The female of the group had fallen onto the ground as a hole had appeared on her brain and blood and fluids oozed out.

"WHAT THE HELL." One of the men screamed and charged at the cowboy.


Before the man could get near he fell on the ground with a bullet in his eye socket.

The third man stood there frozen in fear as the cowboy started to walk into the alley.

"Hey thanks for the help." Lee said after finally getting the blood in his nose to stop.

He noticed that the cowboy infront of him had a large cut on his left eye. His left arm was made out of metal and he was puffing a cigar.

"Altough I didn't need it." Lee added.

"Sure thing." The man said as he approched Lee.

The man passed Lee and made his way towards the end of the alleyway, He moved a dumpster that was there.

Beneath the dumpster was a hole in which the man jumped into.

"Woah, that guys cool." Lee said while chuckling.

"Now what to do with you." Lee said to the final member of the group.

"Bulma, Oda." The man said while looking at the bodies of his two partners.

"That BASTARD." The man screamed out in anger.

"Oye, stop screaming." Lee said in an annoyed manner.

"YOU SHITHEAD, YOU PURPOSELY DID THIS." The man screamed and rushed at Lee.

He raised his sword in the air ready to slash Lee.

Lee seeing the man about to slice him, punched the man in the face before he could move.

"You know you shouldn't leave your gaurd so open." Lee said as theman fell unconcious.

"Anyway what to do now." Lee said while looking at the unconcious man.

'Hey I could follow that guy.' He thought about the shooter who had killed the other two people.

Making his mind Lee went towards the hole in the ground and stared at the ground below.

"Woah that goes pretty deep." Lee muttered.

'Whatever.' Lee jumped inside the hole.

He started tumble down as his start to go up. Lee felt his stomach empty as he landed on a soft mattress.

'I shouldn't have done that.' He said while clenching his leg in pain.

Lee got up after a few seconds and started to investigate his surroundings.

'What is this place.' The place was small tunnel which was barley tall enough to let him stand up without hitting his head.

Lee started to walk forwards to find out where exactly the place led.

'This place is creepy.' Lee said while noticing spiders and graffiti on thw walls of the tunnel.

After a couple of minutes of walking Lee made it his way out of the tunnel.

His eyes widened as he left the small tunnel.

Imfront of him was a giant market filled with thousands of people and shops.

"Hello Sir, May I have your entrance fee of 5000$ Berries." Lee saw a man wearing a suit and covering his face with a black rabbit mask.

"We advice you to wear a mask as the Black Market isn't a place where you would like your face seen." The man said after getting his money.

"Uhh do you know where I can get one?" Lee asked while still looking around the place.

"Since this is your first time here you can have one on the house." The man said while giving Lee a mask of a fox.

"Oh Thanks." Lee replied.

Lee started to move inside the market and saw many questionable markets. The markets varied from getting endangered animals meats to hiring assasins.

"This place sure has a lot of stuff." Lee said while looking at a few more shops.

As lee was walking he accidentally bumped into a man. Lee looked at the man and saw that he was wearing a mask of a tiger.

"Watch, where the hell you're going you filthy fox, if I wasn't in the mood you wouldn't have been alive right now." The man said in annoyance.

"Why would you kill me? it was an accident." Lee said confused.

"WHAT. DID. YOU. JUST. SAY." The man screamed in anger.


The two men had attracted the attention of a crowd of people who stared at them, most of them were pitying Lee for not knowing what he had done.

"Stop screaming it's hurting my ear." Lee said while rubbing his ears.

The man infront of him was seething with anger by now.

Before the matter could escalate more a man walked in between them.

"I'm sorry Mr Tiger, this is my new subordinate, he doesn't know much about the rules of the market and he has got quite the foul mouth, please forgive him." The new person said.

"Fine, but make sure that you discipline him." The argument was stopped as the Tiger moved past them both still scowling.

"YOU FOLLOW ME." The new man said with a authority. The man was now facing Lee, Lee saw that the man had a mask of a Bear.

Lee followed the man as the crowd around them dispersed.

When the two of them were alone in an alley the Bear stopped.

"What the hell were you thinking." The man said in annoyance.

"What do you mean?" Lee asked genuinely confused.

"The man is a Tiger, can you not see or are you just dumb." The bear said in annoyance.

"What does his mask have to do with anything?" Lee asked still in confusion.

"Kid is this your first time in the market?" The man finnaly asked.

"It's my first time in the kingdom." Lee amswered truthfully.

"That explains both of them." The man muttered in his breath.

"Both?" Lee asked. The man cursed under his breath for letting the boy hear him.

"You almost got mugged in the alley." The man said in annoyance.

"Ohhh, you're that cool gunslinger, man you are so cool." Lee said with glowing eyes.

"Altough I'm thankful for the compliment, it would be best of you don't say that." The Bear said.

"Why?" Lee asked.

"The market has eyes and ears everywhere, and if your identity gets leaked your as well as screwed." The man said in annoyance.

"This place sure is weird." Lee said.

"It is called the Black Market for a reason." The man replied.

"Hey what's you name?" Lee asked completely ignoring what the man said earlier.

"You didn't listen to me did you? Fine call me Bear." Bear said in frustration.

"Say bear, why did that guy in the tiger mask call me a fox?" Lee asked in confusion.

"The Black market is filled with hierarchy, People are give mask based on their rank in the market. The highest rank is a dragon while tiger is the third highest rank." Bear told him.

"So what rank is the fox?" Lee asked.

"Out of the Ten ranks, the fox is the lowest rank." Bear replied.

"Oh, well that sucks. what rank is bear than?" Lee asked.

"It is in the middle." Bear answered.

"That's cool, anyway why did you help me?" Lee asked.

"It's none of your buissness." Bear said.

"I'm off now, try not to get into any trouble." Bear said as he walked.

"What a weird guy." Lee said as he stared at the man leaving.


If you want your families back in one piece (Get It) than give me all your power stone you fuckers.