
Drag That Trash!

"You can become a hero."

Izuku Midoryia has wanted someone to say that to him for the longest time. Here he was now, in front of the Symbol Of Peace, crying on his knees. The top pro hero had told him the words he'd always needed and wanted to hear. Can anything be more shocking and amazing than this?

"Young man," All Might put his hands out. "I've decided that you are the worthy one to inherit my power."

Deku looked up at All Might. Both Deku and Evie answered with one word. "Huh?"

"Inherit…you're power?" Deku asked with a teary face.

"Ha ha ha!" All Might laughed. "What's with that look, young man? It's just a suggestion. The real thing starts after this."

All Might walked closer to Deku, and pointed at him. "You need to decide whether or not you will accept my power!" He yelled with a mouth full of blood.

All Might wiped his mouth and continued on. Ready to explain and ease the two teenager's minds.

"I'm talking about my power, young man. The tabloids and news call it 'superhuman strength' or a 'boost.' And I would constantly dodge questions about my quirk during interviews with funny jokes. Because the Symbol Of Peace has to be a natural born hero. To tell you the truth…my quirk was passed onto me, like a sacred torch."

Evie gave All Might a suspicious look. She didn't like heroes, nor did she have give them her full trust. Sure, she liked the fact that they rescued others, but in her mind, they only did it for fame and popularity. She always said she would make a difference and actually help others, whether there purse was stolen or if they need help lifting boxes. She thought that heroes did whatever they could to help in any way.

"It was passed onto you?" Evie questioned. "I can totally see that."

Deku nudged Evie with his elbow. She was being a bit rude, which was normal with Evie. Deku always said that he was also there to, "keep her in check."

"And now, it's your turn," All Might said, his chin lifted.

"Wait!" Deku stopped All Mught before he could continue. "It's true that your quirk is unknown, and hotly debated as one of life's greatest mysteries. Not a day goes by that I don't see people online asking about it. But I still don't understand what you mean by passing down a quirk, or inheriting for that matter…"

Deku started muttering. Muttering was a common thing for Deku, he always studied heroes and he would talk to himself about them. It became a habit of muttering to himself about things and go on and on, rambling about the same thing from different perspectives.

"Shut that mouth of yours for now," Evie put a finger against Deku's lips, to shush him.

"Nonsense!" All Might declared. "I know I hide things, but I don't lie. The power to transfer powers, that's the quirk I was blessed with. I was bestowed the power of "One For All."

"One..For…All?" Deku quoted.

"One person cultivates the power, then passes it on to another person who also cultivates and passes it on. It's the crystallization of power that threads together the voices of those in need."

"Why…" Deku said. "Why are you giving me something so special?"

"I've been looking for a successor. One worthy enough of my power. Someone who will save others, will to risk their lives, no matter what. You see, that is what makes a the hero!"

Evie smiled. She had underestimated All Might. Though, she had never encountered a hero, she could now see that at least one hero was worthy of her trust.

"I won't force if upon you," said All Might. "But I have found you to be a worthy successor of One For All."

"How could you refuse this, Izuku!" Evie shook Deku. "You absolutely can't! I will make you take it!"

"Evie, stop shaking meeeee!" Deku said. "I'm going to hurl!"

After Evie stoped shaking him, Deku thought, "If I had a quirk, I could save everyone and become like All Might. I'll make my dream a reality with this. I can be like All Might!"

"I…" Deku said slowly. "I'll take it!"

"Hahaha!" All Might laughed. "That's the way, young man! But I can't give it to just yet."

"Huh?!" Deku exclaimed. "But I thought you said I was worthy!"

"With that flimsy body, you won't be able to handle my quirk. If you were to use it now, your limbs would explode right off."


"All right!" Evie stopped everything. "Than what are you going to do to help him with that."

"I will help you make your body stronger." All Might said. "Five in the morning tomorrow! You will come down to the Taboka beach tomorrow."

"Uh, ok, All Might."

After that conversation, Deku was still so confused on why Taboka beach. Evie kept telling him not to worry about it and that he had his future he always wanted. Deku invited Evie to dinner for the third time that week. Finally, Evie went home for the day, she promised that she would be there at the beach with him. For his sake and for her own. The problem with Deku was that he just couldn't close his eyes, even if he needed the sleep.

"Pull, young Midoryia!" All Might called out as the sun was rising.

Deku was pulling a giant fridge with a rope. All Might sat at the top of the fridge, cheering him on, telling him to pull harder.

"Well," Evie said. "There's an extra 600 pounds on it. How do you expect him to pull that thing?!"

"No, I've lost weight. I'm only 520 pounds…in this form. And he'll be doing much more than just pulling a fridge. He'll be clearing this entire section of the beach!"


Deku kneeled onto the ground. "This entire section?"

"With that flimsy body, you won't be able to use my quirk. The limbs would just fall off and you'd explode."


"You will clear this garbage, young Midoryia." All Might put a hand in the fridge and started smashing it. "You will clear this trash until the horizon is clear again!"

"I'm actually…going to UA." Deku said emotionally.

"Yes, but I've said it before. It won't happen without a quirk. Unfortunately, that's the reality. And UA's hero course is the toughest course to get into."

"Then I'll complete my vessel in ten months! I have to!"

"That where this comes in to play." All Might smacked a few pieces of paper. "I came up with this schedule for you. It's a training plan to help you to clear out the beach."

"Of course, I have train harder than anyone else or else I won't be able to do it."

And so began Izuku Midoryia's ten months of hell.

"Bring that over to the truck!" All Mught cheered. "And put the whole thing in!"

Depending on the shape and size of the garbage, deku would use different methods and different muscles to move the trash.

"Run, go, go! Ten months will fly by before you even see it!"

"This is going to be difficult if I have to mix training with schooling. There's only 294 days left." Deku murmured during class. "If I take recovery time into consideration then two days in between would be the max. That only gives me about 98 days of actual training. I can get about five hours of training in the morning and at night, which makes 490 hours. Another problem is that the beach doesn't work out any specific part of the body If u don't work my body parts equally then I won't make it in a long shot. All Might won't be able to watch me all the time. If I can't do efficient independent training m, there's no way I can catch up to others applying. Anyway, maybe I can-"

The had teacher reached across the room with his quirk and bunked Deku in the head. "Did your encounter with the villain cause you to go crazy, Midoryia? It's presumptuous of getting into UA like that."

"On another issue, I have to study for the entrance exam." Deku finished, thinking in his head.

The class muttered to each other, making fun of Deku. Evie stood up out of her chair.

"If you guys wanna make fun of people, go do it somewhere else before I make you." Evie threatened.

Bakugo glared at Evie. She was protecting Deku from not just my the class but also Bakugo. He didn't want Delu to get into UA, whether it was impossible or not.

"Aww," Evie sneered. "Does the little spiky boy wanna play?"

Bakugo growled and her exploded the table. "Damn you, extra!"

Evie hopped away, putting her hands in her pockets and shrugging it off. The teacher exclaimed. "Hey, hey! Sit down, you wacky children!"

The class ignored the teacher. They were to busy watching the strongest kids in school have a quarrel.

"Com at me, Kacchan," Evie tilted her head as her whips sproute md out of her wrists. "I don't have all day."

"I haven't fought you since you the villain attack, damn nerd." Bakugo smirked.

Bakugo was about to explode the whole classroom before the teacher grabbed his collar and set him back in his chair. Evie snickered as she sat back down.

"Sucks to be you," she teased and winked at Deku.

"Thanks," Deku mouthed.

Evie gave a thumbs up to him and they continued on with class. Bakugo was steaming mad after that. He could hardly contain his anger during the rest of classes. Finally, when school ended, Evie and Deku headed back to the beach with the skinny All Might they had met just a few days ago.