
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Things you need to know

. Awakening of a spirit

One's spirit will awaken after a person expands his Spirit sea to 100 and fill it with spirit energy/spiritual motes.

A forming of spirit is 90% based on that person's Constitution and Physique and 10% based on that person's innate mental state.

For Example: If a person has High affinity with Lightning Attribute then his spirit will be based on and proficient in the Lightning attribute and That person can use his Lightning Element Spirit skills through his spirit which can considerably boost the power and effect of that skill.

If a person has dual element affinity like Water and Earth then his spirit will be based on two elements...but if such person's affinities are not balanced like his water affinity is Grade A but earth affinity is Grade B then in this situation he will get a boost in both his water and earth element spirit skills but his water spirit skills will have higher boost then earth spirit skills.

2.Evolution of Spirit

A guy has Fire affinity of Grade A and he cultivated his fire Energy to 100 and Expanded his spirit sea to 100 and triggered the awakening of his spirit, And he awakened a fire attributed spirit which looked like a Chakram weapon.

After that when he was training in the wild he got lucky and ate a treasure which granted him Wind affinity of Grade B so he bought Wind attribute profound art and started cultivating in two elements Fire and Wind + basic spirit energy cultivation...so it took a long time for him to cultivate both elements to 1000 and expand his spirit sea to 1000 and after reaching this stage he finally triggered the first evolution of his spirit and after his spirit successfully evolved he unlocked a spirit talent and MORE IMPORTANTLY his spirit was infused with extra Wind attribute because of his affinity with wind and also because he cultivated wind energy in the Energy Sea.

After Evolving Spirit for 4 times, The Spirit will unlock humanoid form and can switch between tool and humanoid form. There is a further evolution of spirit which I will mention as MC progresses.

3. Spirit talent

Spirit Talent is awakened after Spirit Evolves and some people might awaken Spirit talent right after awakening their Spirit in the beginner stage.

Awakening of spirit talent is based on Attributes of the spirit so a person with dual elements spirit might awaken spirit talents related to both types of elements.

Dual Elements spirit can awaken two types of talents 1. individual spirit talents or 2. Combination of spirit talents.

Note that Using Spirit talent also expands energies albeit it expands way fewer energies then spirit skills. ( Also it depends on what type of Spirit talent a person awakened )

For Example, A person has Fire and Earth Dual Attributed Spirit, So he might awaken 1 or 2 spirit talents of either fire element or earth element or He might even awaken a combination talent which relates to both Fire and Earth element.

For Example:

Magma Formation:- with this spirit talent user can combine Fire energy +> earth energy and create a magma like substance and the user can infuse this magma like substances in his skills of either fire or earth with ease and can also turn the landscape into magma using this spirit talent.

MC Does not know most of these details yet.

This is it for now... I will add more details when something complicated comes up once again.

Note:- I hope you can rate my novel according to it's current state and future potential. Let me tell you beforehand that System is not invisible and there will be many ups and down in MC's journey....i can't reveal things about main plot as it will ruin the fun...but get ready for an exciting journey with Ash.