
Have you ever heard of the system that killed almost a million hosts? [Deposit at least one billion dollars to activate the System. Please save up your money.] "But what will I use to buy food?" The beggar died because of hunger. [Deposit at least one billion dollars to activate the System. Please save up your money.] "But how will I pay for my hospital bills?" The young man died because of cancer. A million hosts later, the system had finally had someone with over one hundred billion dollars. [Please deposit everything you have.] The system could not hide his greed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Schedule for Updates 1 chapter per day - 12:00 AM GMT+8

Zieve1 · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs

I Returned Twenty Four Years Ago

Xavier moved his eyes around the room. A computer, a study table, shelves full of comic books and figurines, and a closet with superhero stickers on the doors. This looked like his room when he was still a kid.

[You have paid one billion dollars to go back to twenty four years ago.]

Xavier suddenly remembered the blue pop-up window that appeared after the accident. Thanks to this information, he could now confirm that he returned to the past.

[Your current balance is $99,081,120,210.00. Please continue to deposit money whenever you can.]

Damn, the system had around ninety nine billion dollars and it still tried to force Xavier into giving him more money. If the system had been a human, it would probably be asking for tips and money using its feet on a certain website.

Xavier was still feeling fuzzy with the situation. He looked at the phone on his bedside. It was still that old phone he used back in sixth grade. This was one of the first generation of smartphones.

He looked at the time and it was indeed 2013 again. A month ago before he would start for his first year in middle school. With his memory, he could still recall most of what happened. It would be right about now when his mom would knock on his door.

Suddenly, a few knocks coming from the door could be heard. Xavier stood up from his bed and quickly made his bed before receiving his mom.

Xavier opened the door and saw his mother who still looks really young. She was called Emma by her parents. Her hair was really long and curly while she bore a light skin.

He could not help but hug her tight. Tears fell down on his cheeks. "I love you, Mom."

Emma was taken aback and a look of confusion as well as surprise crossed her face. "Darling, are you okay?"

"Yes." Xavier continued to weep as he held his mom tightly in his embrace.

It was still crystal clear to Xavier when his mother died when he was thirty years old. She had died because of an incurable disease and her body surrendered right after Xavier's 30th birthday.

Emma realized that Xavier doesn't want to talk about it so she didn't bother him and hugged her back. "Let us go and eat breakfast."

Xavier pulled back from his hug and nodded to his mother's invitation. Although he had almost clear memories of her, it wouldn't be bad to go back in time and meet her once more.

Xavier and his mom walked toward the spacious dining room. This was all familiar to him as this was still the home he used even before he got back in time.

Inside the dining room was Charles with his still completely black hair and his little sister who was still eight years old during this time. Charles felt surreal because it was one thing to have it as memories but reliving these memories made him feel an unexplainable emotion.

The family talked with a smile on their face. Although they bore the Zero family name, they were all humble and kind people that would not refuse to offer help when needed. They were a loving family despite the wealth that they amassed.

Xavier noticed Charles looking at him. "Is there something wrong, Father?"

Charles shook his head. "I just want to ask if you are ready for school. Do not be complacent even though you are a valedictorian in grade school."

This memory replayed on Xavier's mind and he had even mouthed these words while his father spoke them. There was only one thing that Xavier could confirm with this. He would be either experiencing an after death phenomena or a system had really brought him back in time.

However, whatever it was, he would want to live or experience this differently.

Xavier nodded to his father's words of advice and instructions until they all finished their breakfast. Charles patted his son's head. "You are doing well, kiddo."

This was his father's special trait. He had the ability to make someone uncomfortable with the hard truth but he would also have the ability to comfort them with their achievements. With this parenting style, Xavier's self-confidence was boosted and he achieved a lot in life despite his weak and frail body.

When his mother and father left the house, Charles and his little sister named Amanda were the only ones left in the house. It was only now that he could imagine this little sister of his to be adorable as she was really terrifying when she became old.

She would actually do her best for the corporation's sake and she had even gained the title of an Ice Queen. However, he knew deep inside how fragile and soft Amanda is.

Xavier squished his little sister's cheeks. "You are sooo cute!"

"Ah, brother that hurts." Amanda's lips formed a pout as she scratched her right eye with the side of her hand.

"You are such a bully. Bleh." Amanda stuck her tongue out and pulled the skin under her eye with her index finger. She ran off afterwards.

Xavier only laughed as he could never imagine the matured Amanda doing this silly action. He let her off as he also returned to his room. There were still things he wanted to confirm.

He entered his room and sat on the bedside. "System?"

As Xavier expected, a blue window notification popped up in front of his eyes.

[Hello, Host! What can I do for you? Please be reminded to continue depositing money in order to use the functions of the system.]

Xavier closed his eyes to test a theory. He could still see the window but this time the background was black compared to when his eyes were open.

Xavier was deep in thought. "You said functions. What can you do?"

[I have a shop that can give you all that you need. You can also use a roulette if you are short in cash to get what you need. There is also a lottery for you to earn money. I can also show you your stats and level.]

'So it is like a videogame?' Xavier rubbed his chin with his two fingers before he asked. "Show me my status."

Opening status window...

A status window appeared in front of Xavier.

<Personal Status>

Name: Xavier Zero

Age: 12 years old

Level: Lv-6 (270/640)

Constitution: One Who Has Frail Body

Mind: Photographic Memory


Stamina [3]

Strength [2]

Speed [2]

Intelligence [31]

Dexterity [2]

Undistributed Attribute Points: 12

(Average Attribute Point for normal men is 5 points)


[Analyze]. Able to analyze everything in a certain degree

[Perfect Mind]. Able to have a calm mind in making decisions.

"This is amazing!" Xavier's voice was really loud and the maids even momentarily stopped what they were doing due to shock.

Xavier browsed his status and frowned when he saw his constitution. The system didn't have to make it sound fancy. He already had a frail constitution. It was like adding salt to the wound.

"Why did I become level 6?" Xavier looked at his level.

[You have spent a billion dollars. Every one million dollars is equivalent to one point. The required points for the first level is ten and it doubles each level up.]

The system could really be greedy and heartless.

"I remember you said that you have the ability to help me play sports." Xavier recalled the notifications that appeared right before he returned in time or died.

[Yes. Do you want to open the shop for constitution?]

"Open the shop for me."

[Shop > Constitution]

Shop List

[Perfect Body] - $2,000,000,000

[MJ's Physique] - $1,000,000,000




[Average Body] - $2,000,000

[A Slightly Frail Body] - $1,000,000

Current Balance: $99,081,120,210.00

A slightly frail body would cost one million dollars already? Is this system helpful or a scammer? Punching this system nine hundred ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine times wouldn't be enough.

Xavier looked at the description of [Perfect Body]. A constitution that would be fit for any physical endeavors. However, it was really expensive but this was money from the future anyway.

He wanted to press the 'Buy' button hesitantly as he was still unsure if it was right to use this much money. His father would scold him to death if he ever found out that he would spend a ridiculous amount on something.



A sound of a gun being fired was heard.

Because of this, Xavier had accidentally pressed the 'Buy' button.

[Purchase Completed]

Constitution: Perfect Body


A body that is capable in every physical endeavor in life. The stamina attribute will have a 3x multiplier to every stat added and additional five points to the other attributes.

Confusion was evident on Xavier's face as he stared at the notification of his purchase. This wouldn't be bad for the long run but it was only an accident!

"Can I refund this?" Xavier scratched his head at the situation. He still wanted to make the best decision by browsing the other constitution.

[No refund.]