
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
50 Chs

Chapter 9: A wild All For One appears

"Remember, don't make any trouble," Ayumi warned for what felt like the hundredth time, as they approached the location of the party. But the thrill of defiance surged within Yuki, his patience waning with each repeated caution.

"How often do you want me to agree with this?" he retorted, his tone tinged with annoyance. Her constant nagging grated on his nerves, like the relentless drizzle before the thunderstorm.

She then looked at Yuki with a look that said 'It is after all you we are talking about!' Her exasperation was evident, and a fleeting thought slipped from the recesses of her mind. "Sometimes I wish I had a more reasonable child," she pondered, but to her dismay, the words escaped her lips unintentionally.

"Mom, I can hear you, I am not that unreasonable!" Yuki retorted. He was used to the idea that he might be a bit peculiar, but he balked at being labeled as entirely unreasonable. After all it is common for a child of his age to train all night long and then sleep in school, isn't it.

Meanwhile, a glimmer of intrigue flickered in Yuki's father, Shinji's eyes. "You know," he said to his wife, a playful smile playing on his lips, "we can always have another child."

"Those old traditions are worthless anyway, why not break them?" he continued. Shinji was never a fan of his family's ancient traditions, in fact he hated most of them, regarding them as useless or too conservative.He then turned his gaze towards his son. "Anyway, do not make any more trouble than you already did today," he remarked.

After also warning Yuki, the Takehara family entered the venue of the gathering. As they entered the announcer's words echoed through the grand hall, Yuki could feel the spotlight of attention shifting towards his family, the esteemed Takehara Family.

"Tonight, we have the honor of welcoming the most illustrious families in our city, the esteemed Takehara Family," the announcer declared, his voice carrying the weight of prestige and admiration. The rows of people lining up to greet them seemed like a sea of faces, each one eager to bask in the glow of the Takehara name.

As the Takehara family stepped forward, the crowd around them swelled with eager greetings. Rich businessmen sought to forge alliances, aspiring heroes sought funding, and politicians yearned for support. Shinji found himself engulfed in a flurry of requests and questions.

"Takehara-sama, have you thought about the proposal from earlier?" one opportunist probed, trying to gauge the interest of the family in a lucrative venture.

"Takehara-sama, are you interested in investing in us?" another chimed in, seeking the support of the influential Takehara name.

"Takehara-sama, how is the security in Tartarus anything to worry about, do you need reinforcement?" a politician inquired, his tone carrying a hint of flattery and intrigue.

"Takehara-sama, is this child your son?" Yet another approached, eager to form connections.

Amidst the barrage of questions, Shinji remained composed, deflecting most of the inquiries with a nod or a non-committal response. He had honed the art of handling high society's machinations, understanding that diplomacy and tact were vital in this world of intrigue and ambition.

"Allow me to officially introduce Yuki Takehara, my son and successor," Shinji announced proudly, directing all attention towards Yuki, who stood beside him.

Immediately the spotlight of high society shifted towards the young man. Yuki could feel a myriad of their gazes upon him. Not a second passed and Yuki was flooded with overly polite greetings.

Amidst the sea of greetings, Yuki found himself bombarded with various comments and subtle suggestions. "I hope you will become good friends with my son," someone remarked.

"Are you already engaged?" another inquired, not receiving any denials from the Takehara family. "No? Then allow me to introduce my daughter, the young lady of the Himura family." The man's words dripped with intent, a clear desire to align his daughter with the influential Takehara family for personal gains.

As he navigated through the web of introductions, Yuki couldn't escape the sneaky remark from a man who was undoubtedly Endeavor. "My son will surely become the No. 1 Hero in the future," he said with confidence.

'It never ends', Yuki thought with exasperation, as he accepted the greetings. The machinations of high society were relentless, which annoyed Yuki greatly. 'Troublesome, exactly why I did not want to come here,' Yuki mused. He yearned for the simplicity of his training ground.

After exchanging greetings with the eager crowd, Yuki's mother directed him to mingle with the other kids his age. "How about you go over there to the other kids of your age, your father and I have important things to discuss," she suggested, her voice hinting at the importance of their private conversations.

Yuki complied, finding his way through the elegant crowd of high society attendees. As he moved away from the adults, he couldn't help but overhear a bit of conversation that piqued his curiosity.

"Our spies reported that Lady Nagant has nearly reached her breaking point and will soon be required to be..." Someone said to Yuki's father. Unfortunately, he was too far away to catch the rest of the conversation.

Approaching the corner his mother pointed at, Yuki could see some kids. Among the kids of his age, he noticed a few familiar faces, their features reminiscent of characters from the anime he loved.

As he drew closer, Yuki couldn't help but eavesdrop on their lively conversation. It was evident that they already knew each other well, having shared countless moments before this gathering.

During his approach, Yuki noticed the watchful eyes of pro heroes, ensuring the safety of the youngsters in this high-stakes event.

"Hi, I'm Yuki Takehara," Yuki introduced himself. The way he did so left some of the kids shocked and intrigued. They had expected a more polite greeting from someone dressed in a manner that screamed opulence from every direction.

As the conversation among the children unfolded, they introduced themselves one after another. Yuki, though feigning interest in all their names, couldn't help but let his mind wander. As each child spoke, he unconsciously swore that he heard them say, "Hello, my name is Side Character X, and I will never appear again."

However, amidst the whimsical imaginings, there were three introductions that grabbed his undivided attention. Yuki's ears perked up, his mind snapping back to reality as he focused on the voices that mattered most. The three voices he listened to attentively belonged to none other than the future class 1A students of U.A.

As Yuki listened to the introductions of each of them, offering his hand with a confident smile. This was his chance to connect with the future heroes of U.A., and he couldn't let it slip away. 'Perhaps it wasn't that bad to come here,' Yuki thought for a moment.

"I am Yugo Aoyama," said a man with a subtle French accent, exuding an air of sophistication. "Enchanté, Aoyama-san," Yuki responded in fluent French.

Next up was a man with striking half-white, half-red hair. Yuki could sense a quiet intensity emanating from the future hero. "Todoroki-san, it's a pleasure," he said, extending his hand in a firm yet friendly grip, acknowledging the potential ally standing before him.

Lastly, there was a woman with black hair who exuded an aura of intelligence and grace. Yuki couldn't help but admire her presence, knowing she would become a beautiful lady in the future. "I am Momo Yaoyorozu, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," she said.

Yuki couldn't resist the playful urge to tease Momo. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he addressed her in a seemingly familiar tone, "Nice to meet you, Momo-chan." His casual approach caught the others off guard, as they momentarily wondered if Yuki and Momo had known each other for ages.

Momo, however, was quick to react and didn't appreciate the informal treatment. She shot back with a touch of sternness, "Calling others by their first name is rude, and don't call me 'chan'." Her polite yet assertive demeanor left no room for misunderstandings.

Instead of relenting, he decided to push the boundaries just a bit further. "As you wish, Momo-chan," he replied, deliberately emphasizing the -chan suffix once again. The playful glint in his eyes dared her to challenge him further.

Momo's patience, however, was wearing thin, and she suppressed an urge to give Yuki a light scolding. Nevertheless, the corner of her lips betrayed a hint of a smile.

Momo's patience continued to wane as Yuki persistently prodded her with his playful banter. He knew he was treading on thin ice, but the thrill of pushing her buttons was too enticing to resist.

As she finally reached her limit, determination flashed across Momo's face, and she lunged forward with a well-aimed punch. However, Yuki effortlessly dodged her fist, a triumphant grin dancing on his lips. "You missed, Momo-chan," he teased, fully aware of the nerve he was hitting.

In the blink of an eye, Momo launched another strike, her determination unwavering, but before her punch could reach its target, the entire building began to tremble violently. The sudden disturbance disrupted her attack, leaving her momentarily off-balance.

As the building continued to shake violently, Yuki's mind raced to grasp the situation. 'What's going on?' he thought, trying to maintain his composure despite the chaos around him. Momo, recovering her balance, seemed equally puzzled by the sudden turn of events. But before she could gather her thoughts, the wall collapsed, revealing a man with white hair and red eyes.

"Surnamed Takehara, you will pay for what you have done to me in the past!" The man's voice resonated with malice and bitterness, leaving a trail of fear in his wake. His presence alone seemed to command terror, and even some of the seasoned heroes in the room hesitated at his arrival.

The man's focus turned solely to Yuki and his father, his intent unmistakably clear, he wanted nothing more than to unleash his wrath upon them. Yuki's heart pounded in his chest, but he refused to show any sign of fear. 'What past is he talking about?' he wondered, searching his memory for any encounter that could have sparked such intense animosity.

Too bad for Yuki, that this hatred did originate from the previous generations of his family, resulting in him searching through his mind in vain. Now that only Yuki and his parents were here, All For One thought this to be the perfect opportunity to end this family's bloodline once and for all. At least this can appease his hatred in some way, or so he thought.

Shinji POV

"So he's actually here? Seems like I'll have to make a move," Shinji murmured, his gaze shifting suspiciously towards his own shadow, as though an unseen presence lingered within. For an instant, a few onlookers could have sworn their own shadows contorted into peculiar shapes before leaping onto the next person, trailing in the direction the children had gone.

"Who could he be? What might our family have done to incur his wrath?" Shinji's murmured words didn't escape notice. Though barely audible, they reached the ears of his wife, prompting her to inquire further about his thoughts.

"Back in the day, Grandfather searched the entire country in his search for him, a pursuit that might have provoked him somewhat," Shinji explained. However, Ayumi could discern that this action alone wouldn't suffice to justify such intense animosity. This prompted her to press Shinji further.

"And then?" she interjected, her tone laced with irritation, well aware that there was more to the story than what had been revealed.

"It so happened that my mother encountered him on the street and impulsively made a marriage proposal," Shinji recounted.

"But how does that explain his vehement animosity towards our family?" Ayumi was perplexed, failing to grasp the connection between that seemingly innocuous encounter and the extent of the villain's hatred towards them.

"He turned down her proposal," Shinji remembered, thinking that any normal man would have, after all they met for the first time. "So, in a bid to do Grandfather a favor, she set out to capture him. Her attitude at the time was that if she couldn't have him, no one should."

Continuing, he recounted, "Grandfather proceeded to subject him to experiments for almost two decades. I've gone through the records detailing those years a few times, and to put it mildly, the treatment was nothing short of brutal."

Yuki POV

As the menacing figure drew nearer, the others in the vicinity looked at Yuki, seeking answers. Their expressions were a mix of confusion and concern, silently questioning if he was somehow involved in this vengeful man's vendetta. But among them, Yugo's eyes held a different story, a deep-rooted fear that hinted at a personal history with this intruder, something far more intimate and troubling than a mere grudge.

"Stay back!" Todoroki stepped forward, shielding his newfound friends with an unwavering resolve. His icy demeanor and fierce determination set him apart as the natural leader, ready to face any threat that came their way.

Momo's mind worked quickly to assess the situation. "He's dangerous, we need to stay cautious and work together," she warned, her focus on the task at hand. She was convinced that the heroes in the vicinity will soon take action, but until they reach the remote corner where the kids are staying, they will still be required to hold out on their own.

In contrast to the others, Yugo's face paled, and his eyes reflected sheer terror. "This man... he's a monster," Yugo whispered, the words barely audible. The fear in his eyes was palpable, as if he had encountered this man before and knew firsthand the devastation he could unleash.

The tension in the room reached its peak as the heroes, led by Endeavor, braced themselves for a confrontation with the villain.

'Should I join the fight or not?' Yuki's mind raced as he faced the inner conflict tearing at him. On one hand, he knew that his current strength was nowhere near enough to take on All For One, on the other hand a part of him yearned to rush into the battle, even if he faced defeat.

Just as the atmosphere seemed to tip towards an all-out battle, a ray of hope emerged through the shattered wall. Another man, with an aura of invincibility and a confident grin, stepped forward. "It's fine now. Because I am here!" The words rang out like a beacon of salvation, and the entire room seemed to light up with renewed hope and courage.

"All Might!" Someone said with awe and admiration, and the people's eyes widened in amazement. This was Japan's number one hero, the Symbol of Peace himself.

Despite the warm smile on his face, deep within his soul, All Might emitted an aura of unwavering determination and hidden hatred towards the man that stormed into the building just moments ago. "I will defeat you and throw you into prison, All For One!" The words were firm, a declaration of war from the Symbol of Peace himself.

"You followed me? Does not matter, I will crush you just like all before you! And then I will end the descendants of that devil woman!" The ominous reply came from none other than All For One.

Unbeknownst to many, All Might had spent the previous days tirelessly tracking down All For One, determined to bring an end to his reign of terror. Even if All For One would not have appeared in this location today, All Might still would have battled against him in the upcoming days.

Yuki's heart pounded in his chest as he watched the devastating power of All For One in action. The villain's quirk was a force to be reckoned with, and even All Might's mighty punches seemed to barely scratch him. Each strike brought forth chaos and destruction, shaking the very foundation of the building they stood in.

Momo and Shoto huddled close to each other, their expressions a mix of fear and awe. Yugo, normally brimming with confidence, looked pale and uncertain for the first time since Yuki met him. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on them, knowing that this was no ordinary villain encounter.

Starting with this chapter, releases will be on Mondays at 00:00 and Fridays at 00:00 webnovel time (UTC + 8). Occasionally I might drop another chapter over the weekend.

Old_Thief_Heavencreators' thoughts