
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
50 Chs

Chapter 10: All Might vs All For One

As All Might continued his relentless assault, calling out the names of American cities with each punch. The Symbol of Peace was living up to his name, fighting with everything he had to protect the innocent and uphold justice.

"Texas Smash"

"Nebraska Smash"

"Carolina Smash"

But All For One was no ordinary villain. He was a cunning and ruthless adversary, using his many quirks to create chaos and destruction all around. The other heroes at the party sprang into action, ensuring the safety of the guests and evacuating them to a safer location.

Among the chaos, Yuki and the other kids found themselves in a perilous position. Trapped by the intensity of the battle, they stood in a corner of the building far away from the adults.

"We should leave," Shoto suggested, his normally stoic demeanor betraying hints of concern.

"But we can't abandon the others!" Momo replied, her sense of responsibility clear in her voice.

The heroes, seeing the children in danger, rushed to their aid. But the clash between All Might and All For One stood between them and the kids. Yuki could just escape using teleportation with the others, but his instincts that tell him not to flee, but to join the battle nearly overwhelm him, resulting in him just standing there and watching the battle unfold.

In the midst of the chaos, All For One saw an opportunity to exploit All Might's weakness. He knew that heroes like All Might couldn't resist rushing to save innocent lives, and he intended to exploit that kindness to his advantage.

He moved swiftly, using one of his many quirks to try to take a child hostage. Just as All For One reached out to snatch Yugo, a burst of courage surged through Yuki. In that moment, he knew he had to act, to save him and help the heroes. Without a second thought, he could no longer suppress his battle instinct and darted forward.

"Not today!" Yuki shouted, his voice drowned by the chaos around him. He extended his hand, trying to reach Yugo before All For One could take him.

But All For One was too fast. Yugo was caught in the villain's grip. Despite all the power Yuki had, in the end he was still a child, albeit with the bloodline of a Flügel. However this bloodline was mostly still slumbering inside him, as if it was sealed, resulting in Yuki's power being only superior to others of his age due to his relentless training.

"No!" Yuki cried out, but before he could even comprehend what was happening, All Might sprang into action. The Symbol of Peace moved faster than the eye could follow, rescuing Yugo from All For One's clutches.

"Detroit Smash!" All Might's mighty fist collided with All For One's face, sending the villain hurtling through the room. The impact created shockwaves that shook the building, but All Might's unwavering determination only grew stronger.

"We need to get to safety," Momo urged, pulling Yuki and Shoto closer to her protectively.

"Right, let's stick together and stay out of the way," Shoto added, his determination mirroring that of the pro heroes.

As the dust settled, more and more heroes stormed into the building, drawn by the loud noise and chaos.

With All For One temporarily out of the picture, the heroes were seizing the moment created by All Might's powerful attack, they quickly sprang into action to save the children trapped in the danger zone. The pro heroes coordinated their efforts, rescuing the kids one by one and guiding them to safety.

Endeavor, with his blazing flames, created a path for the children to escape, while Kamui Woods extended his wooden arms to carry them to safety. These brave heroes ensured that the majority of the children were out of harm's way.

"I've got you!" shouted Ingenium, using his incredible speed to swiftly evacuate another group of children.

Amidst the chaos, Yuki, Shoto, and Momo found themselves still in harm's way. The heroes prioritized the unconscious children and those too injured to move, ensuring they were evacuated first. Unfortunately, this left the three youngsters exposed and vulnerable, facing the returning wrath of All For One.

"Stay close to me," Momo said firmly, taking charge of the situation. She used her quirk to create shields, protecting them from falling debris as the battle raged on around them.

Shoto stood by her side, his ice quirk at the ready to help defend against any potential threats. "We can't panic. We need to stay focused and wait for the heroes to reach us," he said, his voice steady despite the chaos.

Yuki, on the other hand, once again fought against his battle instincts, knowing that joining the fight against All For One would only lead to more unknown variables, he was determined not to join. However, those fighting instincts were persistent.

Meanwhile, Yuki's mother was frantic about Yuki's safety. "You have to save our child," she pleaded desperately, her heart pounding in fear for her son.

Shinji, on the other hand, found himself lost in memories as he watched the scene unfold. It reminded him of the tragic day when his grandparents had died. All For One had taken advantage of the chaos back then to escape the Takehara family's yearlong custody, leaving behind a vow of revenge. The memories flashed before his eyes, but Ayumi's urgent words brought him back to reality.

"Don't worry, Yuki is way safer than us, he can teleport after all," Shinji assured. He had faith in his son's abilities, knowing that Yuki possessed a powerful quirk that could keep him out of immediate danger. Part of him even believed that this might be an opportunity for Yuki to learn the reality of battle firsthand. But deep down, there was also a sense of parental worry, knowing that battles were never without risks, especially when facing such a dangerous foe like All For One.

"He likely just didn't teleport to safety until now due to excitement," Shinji added, attempting to ease Ayumi's fears. He recalled his own childhood days, when he too would have been too thrilled to leave the excitement of such a thrilling spectacle.

As the chaos continued to unfold around them, Shinji kept his eyes on the battle between All Might and All For One, ready to interfere if Yuki were to be in real danger. He was confident that with his abilities he could instantly save his son if anything were to happen. Deep down, he had faith in the Symbol of Peace, but he couldn't just rely on his feelings in this situation.

The only reason he did not take care of villains like the heroes was because he believed that everyone had a purpose in life, and his was not that of a hero, but that of a businessman. Shinji believed that a hero should do heroic deeds and a businessman like him should focus on keeping his business afloat, even if he could potentially save people, he did not care.

As All For One returned from the wall he crashed into. He knew exactly how to exploit All Might's heroic nature, and he relished the opportunity to wreak havoc. But he had more than just All Might to deal with, there were still heroes in the area who dared to stand against him.

"You're too kind, All Might," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "You always put others before yourself, and that will be your downfall."

With a thunderous roar, All For One unleashed his devastating power, punching the ground with all his might. The shockwaves rippled through the surroundings, crashing buildings and sending debris flying in all directions.

"Stay close to me!" Momo shouted, her mind racing as she used her quirk to create shields, desperately trying to protect herself, Shoto, and Yuki from the onslaught of debris.

Shoto stood beside her, his ice quirk activated in a desperate attempt to reinforce Momo's shields and create a protective barrier around them. His stoic expression hid the intensity of his determination to keep those around him safe.

However, despite their efforts, they found themselves facing a new threat. The building they stood near began to collapse, and the wall crumbled, causing a cascade of debris to rain down upon them. Momo, Shoto, and Yuki found themselves trapped beneath the falling rubble.

Fear gripped Momo's heart as she realized their dire situation. "We can't get crushed like this!" she thought, struggling to maintain her composure. "We need to find a way out, and fast!"

Shoto's ice barrier cracked under the weight of the falling debris, but he refused to give up. "We're not done yet," he declared, his voice unwavering despite the danger. He focused his quirk, reinforcing the barrier as much as he could.

Amidst the chaos, Yuki realized that he couldn't see the ongoing battle anymore. It was a momentary respite, as the absence of the fight calmed the battle-hungry instincts within him. "I can't get distracted now," he reminded himself, knowing that they needed to find a way out.

"We can't stay here!" Momo's voice rang out, her words echoing Yuki's thoughts. He looked to her, seeing her determined expression even in the darkness.

With a deep breath, Yuki focused his thoughts, blocking out the chaos around them. With regained clarity in his mind, Yuki activated a teleportation spell. "Shift," he said, and a burst of energy enveloped them. In an instant, the three of them vanished from beneath the debris and reappeared in a safe location.

Meanwhile All For One turned his attention to the other heroes, his malicious intent was evident in his every move. He moved with incredible speed, dealing with the heroes one after another in swift, brutal attacks. Some were caught off guard and fell to his power within moments. His attacks were ruthless and lethal, dispatching his opponents swiftly and mercilessly.

Some heroes attempted to fight back, but they were no match for the overwhelming power of All For One. With a single touch, he stole their quirks, ending their hero career and leaving them defenseless and vulnerable.

As the dust settled in the once-grand hall, All Might stood tall and resolute, his eyes locked onto the formidable foe before him. "You won't cause any more harm!" All Might declared. He dashed forward with unrivaled speed, closing the distance between him and All For One in an instant, stopping the Symbol of Evil from attacking the villains. With a powerful thrust, he unleashed one of his signature moves, the "New Hampshire Smash."

The impact of All Might's punch was earth-shattering, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. All For One was launched into the air like a ragdoll, propelled through the cityscape of Tokyo, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. But All Might was relentless in his pursuit, closing in on the villain with each passing moment.

"You thought you could terrorize this city again, but you underestimated me!" All Might roared, his fists a blur of righteous fury. With every punch, he channeled the collective hope and belief of the people he swore to protect.

Tokyo's skyline passed by in a blur as All Might relentlessly pursued his foe. The hero on full display, his iconic smile masked the effort and pain behind his powerful punches. After repeatedly punching and sending the villain flying, they reached an area with as few people as possible.

As the fierce battle raged on, All For One seized the opening created by All Might's relentless pursuit. With a wicked grin, he struck with deadly precision, aiming to deliver a fatal blow to the Symbol of Peace. The villain's punch landed with brutal force on All Might's abdomen.

In that intense moment, All Might's mind raced. Pain seared through his body, but his unyielding willpower pushed him forward. "I can't falter now. The people of this city are counting on me!" he thought, refusing to succumb to the pain.

All Might's reaction speed saved him from an even graver fate. He managed to twist his body at the last instant, avoiding the fatal strike to his heart by a hair's breadth. The near miss only served to fuel his determination to protect, and he steadied himself to continue the fight.

"You won't defeat me that easily!" All Might declared, his voice still firm and unwavering. He pushed past the pain, drawing on the strength of his conviction and the hope of the people he cherished. With renewed vigor, he launched himself at All For One once more.

The battle between All Might and All For One reached its climactic peak. Their clashes echoed through the city, shaking the very foundations of society. All Might's conviction burned brighter than ever as he drew upon all of One For All's power.

"It's time to end this, once and for all!" All Might said, his mind focused and determined.

"United States of Smash!" All Might roared, his fist connecting with All For One's face in a powerful, blinding burst of energy. The impact was devastating, and the force of the attack sent shockwaves rippling through the air.

All For One's malevolent laughter abruptly ceased, replaced by a look of shock and pain. The barrage of hits in his face left him completely disfigured, his once formidable visage now marred beyond recognition.

As the dust settled, All Might stood amidst the destruction, panting heavily. He believed he had finally defeated the villain, his nemesis who had caused so much suffering and pain.

"It's over, All For One," All Might declared, a mix of exhaustion and triumph in his voice. He believed he had vanquished the symbol of evil, that justice had prevailed.

Unbeknownst to All Might, All For One had one last trick up his sleeve. With a malicious smile hidden beneath his blood covered near non-existent face, he activated a quirk that allowed him to feign death convincingly.

In the aftermath of the battle, as the city began to recover from the devastation, All Might stood as a symbol of hope and courage. He believed he had succeeded in bringing an end to All For One's reign of terror, unaware of the villain's escape.

But the truth would soon be revealed. All For One had survived, plotting in the shadows, biding his time for the perfect moment to strike back, while All Might after this fight started to constantly become weaker due the injury he received.