
Did they escape?

Since Wen Xi let Yi Tian drive her car, Yi Tian managed to tail the van. Wen Xi sat in the passenger seat next to him as he stepped on the pedal. He drove dangerously fast and they were able to catch up with the van. Wen Xi sat there in silence, feeling helpless as she watched Yi Tian step down on the pedal more and more. What could I do to help? Call the police? She thought to herself. Without a second thought, she switched on her phone and immediately dialed the number to call the police.

"Hello? Police?"

"Yes. What's the matter? Tell us the location, the state of the situation and what happened," the police answered.

"Alright... my boyfriend's mother just got kidnapped. We're currently tailing the van in which his mother has been kidnapped in," Wen Xi explained to the police in one breath.

"Calm down. Where are you at right now? We'll make our way there."

Wen Xi took a look at the passing sign board to check where they were at before replying to the police, "We're at Clemen-"

Just before she could finish saying the location, a gunshot was heard. The shot was aiming directly at Wen Xi. "Watch out!" Yi Tian exclaimed in shock before trying to drive to the other side of the road to avoid the gunshot. Just as Wen Xi heard the words Yi Tian said, she dropped the phone somewhere on the floor of her car. She unbuckled her seat belt, wanting to hide at the backseats, but she was too late. The gun shot Wen Xi's arm, causing her to yelp in pain.

Yi Tian immediately stopped the car. He found a small towel and passed it to Wen Xi to cover the wound at her arm. "It's... o...kay...your...mo..mother's...more...important than me. Save...her first," she told Yi Tian. "No, both of you are equally important to me. I'll drive you to the hospital first, it's near here. My mother will be safe...I hope," he said as he started the engine to drive off.

They arrived at the hospital and Yi Tian called Rui Xing to come over as he had to find his mother. She agreed and came over to the hospital along with her brother as soon as she received the call from Yi Tian. Once Yi Tian saw the two in the hospital, he explained why he needed to leave and left right after in a hurry.

Just as he sat down inside Wen Xi's car, he received a phone call from an unknown number. This must be the people who kidnapped my mother, he thought to himself. He picked up the phone and he heard a man speak. "Yi Tian, your mother is with us. If you would like to see her, then come to this location, by yourself. The location will be sent by text," a voice recorded message played. After which, the caller hung up on Yi Tian. Not long after, he did indeed receive a text message from an unknown person saying to go to a particular location.

He copied and pasted the location into the GPS [1] and he drove to the location.

At the location.

Yang Ling was tied up with more ropes but this time, it was to a chair. J and M stood at the door, chatting as they waited for Yi Tian's arrival.

"You think Yi Tian will tell us who that special girl is?" M asked J.

"Who wouldn't if their precious mother was kidnapped," J replied with a laugh.

"True. But, what if he brought a gang and they take his mother without us getting the information boss requested for?"

"I already told him to come by himself. I think our plan will run smoothly," J thought aloud.

Due to the massive traffic jam, Yi Tian arrived at the location an hour after the message was sent. J got tired of waiting and went outside the room in which Yang Ling was at while M sat inside the room, making sure she wouldn't escape. A while later, Yi Tian parked Wen Xi's car at the side and saw an enclosed room. As J was walking towards the door, he saw Yi Tian stepping out of the car. J immediately looked around to see if anyone followed him or if he was with someone. No, no one, we're safe, J thought to himself. Little did they know, Yi Tian was being followed by a police car. How come? Both Wen Xi and Rui Xing called the police and the police received similar stories of what happened. Thus, they assumed it was the same situation and they had followed Yi Tian's car to the location.

Of course they were smart enough not to stop directly behind the car Yi Tian was driving in. They knew that the people who had kidnapped Yi Tian's mother would definitely look around the area to check for any witnesses. So, they parked their car behind some bushes and hid there till Yi Tian walked inside the room. There were 5 policemen who went to rescue Yi Tian and his mother, as well as to arrest the bad guys. When Yi Tian and J had walked into the room, the policemen walked to the doors, there were 2 doors, one on each side. 2 policemen stood at each door, waiting for them to rush out, using this opportunity to handcuff the bad guys. And the other policeman sat in the car to switch on the sirens to alert the bad guys.

The moment J and M heard the sirens, they looked at each other in worry. J and M headed for the doors at the side to rush out and escape, leaving Yi Tian and his mother in the room. They knew their boss was going to punish them if they didn't get the information he had requested but if they got caught by the police, it'd be a way bigger punishment. Their lives were definitely more important than the information.

[1] Global Positioning System is a "constellation" of approximately 30 well-spaced satellites that orbit the Earth and make it possible for people with ground receivers to pinpoint their geographic location. The location accuracy is anywhere from 100 to 10 meters for most equipment.