

"Well that's not wrong," Yi Tian's mother stated. Yi Tian glared at his mother after hearing the words that came out of her mouth before opening his mouth to speak.

"You're siding with her? And you just met her 5 damn minutes ago," Yi Tian spoke then realized what he had just said. He was complaining. "Oh fine fine fine! I see it," he agreed with the duo.

"Alright! Let's dig in! I'm sorry that I didn't make anything special. Auntie, is chicken noodles fine with you or do you want me to make something else?" Wen Xi asked Yi Tian'a Mother politely.

"Oh hunny," she said before taking a bite out of the chicken. "This tastes delicious! And you need not call me Auntie, just call me Yang Ling, don't have to be so polite," Yi Tian's mother said with a genuine smile on her face.

Wen Xi returned the smile and the three started eating the chicken noodles. It was indeed a delicious meal and the comment made by Yang Ling was true, she wasn't lying just to make Wen Xi feel better. They quickly finished up their meal and Yi Tian had offered to wash the dishes. This gesture warmed Wen Xi's heart and brought yet another smile to her face.

After cleaning up, Wen Xi showed Yang Ling to the extra room which was where she would be sleeping at. Wen Xi brought over some of her clothes for Yang Ling to wear for the time being to that room as she didn't bring any over. She could wear them until she bought clothes of her own. Yang Ling thanked Wen Xi and sat down on the bed. How lucky is it for Yi Tian to have such a wonderful girlfriend like Wen Xi, Yang Ling thought to herself. She got up from the bed, took a set of clothes along with a towel that she had found in the room and headed to the toilet nearby her room.

There were, in total, 2 toilets in Wen Xi's house, one on the left which was nearer to the room Yang Ling would be staying at, and another on the right, closer to Yi Tian and Wen Xi's room. The walls of Wen Xi's room were a pastel light shade of yellow, one of her favorite colors. At the side of her bed, there was a shelf filled with manga and comic books. There was not a single storybook in sight. As she walked into her room with Yi Tian, she asked, "So, your pick. The floor of my room or the sofa in the living room."

"Your bed," he answered.

"OK fine! Then I'll take the sof-"

"No, your bed...with you," he cut her off.

"But your mother... what if she finds out we're sleeping in the same-"

"She won't find out if we lock the door," he suggested. Wen Xi nodded her head and a bright smile was brought onto Yi Tian's face. He kissed her on the cheek and unzipped his haversack to see some clothes and other necessities. Of course, he wouldn't have been able to bring his entire room here so there were still stuff left at his house. However, he did not wish to head back and grab the stuff he had left back there. He did not want his father to yell and scream at him to get the hell of out the house.

"Do you want to get the rest of the stuff from your house?"

"No, I have no intension to return back there," Yi Tian replied expressionlessly.

"Okay," Wen Xi responded and told herself not to question more about this topic as it was obvious he didn't want to talk about it.

Yi Tian continued to unpack the rest of his stuff, leaving them at her desk after asking her if it was alright to do so. He then went over to lock the door as what he had suggested earlier. Wen Xi watched him as he closed and locked the door.

Having finished taking a warm shower, Yang Ling walked downstairs to the living room in search of Yi Tian. She had some stuff she wanted to talk to him about. "Yi Tian? Where are you? I need to talk-" Before Yang Ling could say anything else, a guy wearing a black colored mask covered her mouth from behind. He dragged her out of the house and into the van.

Once Yi Tian heard his mother call for him, he unlocked Wen Xi's room and hurried out to look for her. However she was nowhere to be found. Yi Tian and Wen Xi hastily ran to look through the window at the front door to see someone dragging a woman into the van. "My mother's being KIDNAPPED! We got to follow that van," Yi Tian shouted to Wen Xi. She immediately nodded her head and they both rushed out the door to tail the van.

While one of the guys in the car drove off, the other guy that dragged Yang Ling in tied her up using ropes and pasted a masking tape on her mouth to prevent her from talking. She moved left and right to try and untie the ropes but it was to no avail. The guy looked at her and laughed at the sight of Yang Ling helpless. "J, boss is going to be glad we completed the task he requested and Yi Tian will finally be forced to reveal who is Shang Ying's secret girlfriend. We can make money when we publish the information online," the guy sitting next to Yang Ling spoke to the other guy. "Yes M, indeed we will. Now all we have to do is to wait for Yi Tian's arrival," J replied with a smirk.

What's with M and J? Seems like it's some kind of fake or code name... No they are going to make use to Yi Tian! They can't do this to him, the boss they are talking about must be my soon to be ex-husband! How could Yi Ming do such a thing, Yang Ling thought to herself as she struggled to untie the ropes.

"Oh sh*t no," J cursed.

"What's going on?"

"Someone's following us... I think it's Yi Tian and the other one should be his girlfriend since we kidnapped Yang Ling at his girlfriend's house," J said.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"It's both... A good thing that we will be able to get that information out of him faster and a bad thing because there's a witness which is his girlfriend. They need to stop tailing us or boss' plan is going to fail. You better do it now," J said seriously.

"I know what to do," M responded, understanding J's signal. M took out a gun from the black bag which made Yang Ling's eyes widen in fear. She didn't want anything bad to happen to either one of them.