
ᴘᴀꜱꜱɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ ʜᴜɴɢᴇʀ

【one piece x reader】gxg,bxb,bxg. An actress transferred into her favorite anime ! Her goal is to have a harem and have fun ! Yandere are lurking beware! "I'll devour you !"

Emsmutcorner · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Whiskey peak 園宴亜

Aversion 縁ブ嵐

[ a person or thing that arouses strong feelings of dislike.]

"Well, we'll worry about it when it happens but for now! Let's just go already!"

Luffy smiles brightly making you blush for a second at his pureness and bright smile of his, this is probably one of the reasons why you fell in love with this show. But before you can zone out Luffy yells out a command.

"It'd be weird not to go in when there's a river in front waiting for us !" Luffy is kinda right about that so you hum in approval even though you know they will go to Whiskey peak no matter what.

"For you, maybe..."Nami sighs at Luffy as she worries about this island which she should be, to be honest.

"No, what he says is right. There's no use in worrying about it so let's just go." Zoro reasons as you move towards him feeling a little excited about the island. 

"I'll protect you, Nami and (Y/N)!" Sanji smiles with his cigarette in the mouth while putting a thumbs up making you laugh at his confidence.

"H-hey guys...listen.I uh... I think I've suddenly developed a can't-enter-islands-disease." Usopp whines as he tries to not leave the boat, you walk behind him and just smile as you pat his back.

"...Fine, let's go in then."

"I'm serious guys! my Can't-enter-..."

"Ready? Be prepared to fight or run at a moment's notice !"

While The Merry is approaching the island, mumbles and voices are heard from the island as you see people standing near the docks, somehow you can see through the thick fog. With the smiling faces of the citizens coming closer, smiling you think of seeing Ace soon and thinking of the punishment that your Crocy boy is about to get.

"Is he worst than Doflamingo thought? Probably not ...Shanks is going to call sometime today as well...I should leave when Robin shows up because I could cause a problem when Nami gets-..."You start to mumble out plans not realizing that the crew is looking at you with weird stares. But luckily they are more concerned with the citizens they can now see them and basically getting ready for the worst.

"Welcome! To the town of welcoming, Whiskey Peak !"You are broke out of your mumbling with the loud voices of the citizens of this murderous island making you giggle in excitement.

"Pirates! Welcome to The Grand Line! Welcome to our town !"

"Oh ?" Luffy grins at the welcoming citizens but the others are a little skeptical of the citizens as they should but you can't wait to taste the alcohol they have since it was supposed to taste heavenly.

"Huh? Not only are there no monsters, but they're people greeting us ?" Usopp stats more like a question than a fact in shock.

"What's going on...?"

"Long live the brave heroes of the sea!" 

"T-there's a bunch of lovely ladies too!" Of course, Sanji isn't wrong about that but you aren't really into extras not to be picky or anything but why would you pick an extra when you have these hotties at your side.

"Talk about a warm welcome! Looks like pirates really are the people's heroes! " Usopp blows kisses at the ladies with a smirk on his lips as you look to the side to she Luffy waving at the crowd as well.

"Yahoo!"Luffy smiles and yells loving the praise and attention but you look around to find a place you can probably hide when the party starts.

"Wel-... Ahem! Ma-Ma-Maa~ Welcome, my name is Igarappoi. You may be a little shocked at the welcome, but this is Whiskey Peak, a town of liquor and music. Hospitality is our middle name! If it's fine liquor you want, we have an ocean's worth.~ So please, I cordially invite you to our banquet, and hope that you may entread- Ahem! Ma-Ma-Maaa~ Entreat us with tales of your adventures!" The said man leaves your mouth twitching at his long introduction but you are pretty shocked at his hair, like how does he have those hair guns in there and he kinda looks cool.

"This man's hair ...too curly." Really Luffy ...just really sighing you close your mouth while looking around you feel a few gazes on you mostly because of your outfit since it's basically a two-piece pale pink swimsuit with matching thigh highs and a pouch on your hip or maybe because your just that hot...or the bounty you have on your head.

"Gladly !" The idiot trio Sanji, Luffy, and Usopp link arms with smiling grins on their faces making you, Nami, and Zoro groan. 

"Ah, by the way, how long will it take for this island's log to be recorded?"Nami questions.

"Log? Please put aside thinking of such weary matters for now and focus on resting from your journey !" Red flag number one! He grabs Nami pulling her away. Thinking fast you decide you are going to skip the party and show up when Robin but you are going to need Zoro for this you can trust him. 

"Everyone! Prepare the banquet! And let us sing to our heart's content for these adventurers! "

" Alright, time for a party !"

You grab Zoro quickly pulling him into a dark alleyway before anyone can see you two, pressing against him tightly you kiss him on the lips grabbing his hand putting it on your ass while people walk pass the alleyway, you keep your eyes on the people walking past but your partner seems to not fully understand what you are doing and is getting really into the kiss when you feel his tongue in your mouth exploring your mouth making you moan slightly.

"Ngh Zoro~ " You moan slightly getting turned on but you still have to scaddle before night time.

"...Hmm?" Zoro grunts before moving onto your neck biting roughly before pulling you close to him feeling his little happy friend saying hi.

"Wait...Not that I don't want to have alleyway sex with you in almost broad daylight...Because I really want to but I need to take care of something so I need you to call me as soon as something happens here ok?" You smile kissing his lips lightly before pulling away seeing a kind of embarrassed look on his face at his misunderstanding.

"...What's in it for me?"Did Zoro just turn into a Nami 2.0 but all you do is smirk and hand him a snail out of your pouch.

"We can finish what we started and...Um, I'll bring you back some really got sake! Like the really good top-shelf shit!" You wink at him while still feeling his hand on your ass and his friend on your upper thigh as you gulp.

"...Finish what we started here... and good sake?" You nod at him mumbling but you feel relieved when he nods and backs away from you.


"Deal...but I will pay you back for that time at the restaurant and this morning~"He growls out grumpily make you smile and kiss his cheek as you run away making your way up to a rooftop not being seen by anyone.

'If Dio was here he could have been my watchdog instead of Zoro but I really don't feel like dealing with flame booger man and lemon woman fully. Should I call Shanks first before I go see My little bird or My little marine...Shanks call first then I'll decide who or let him pick!' You thought before looking around again before pulling out your Snail calling Shanks as you wait you make string butterflies with Doflamingo's power.


"Clank...Hello ?"Shanks's deep voice makes you smile thinking of his probably drunk ass running to the Snail since it took a while for him to answer and it's a very Shanks type of thing.

"Hey...Shanks ~ Miss me? "

"Of course how could I not miss the lovely lady who gave me back my arm ~"

"Aww, how sweet ~ But I'm just calling to say sorry because I didn't tell you about the war and because I wanted to give you a heads up about when I will be visiting you ."You smirk while thinking of spending time with one of your favorite Emperor.

"Oh, I'm excited to see you again~ When are you going to bless me with your lovely presence again ."

"Around a month I think since I'm not really a fan of heights ~ But besides that who should, I give a visit? A little bird with a twisted personality or A little captain with a smoking problem ?" You smile as you dangle your legs over the rooftop sitting on the edge waiting for an answer from your sexy redhead captain.

"Haha What fun choices! But I'm quite fond of birds so I would have to choose the bird but...I'll prepare for your arrival in a month I'll get some good booze for my lovely lady ~" Shanks laugh making you lick your lips at the sound of good booze, maybe you were an alcoholic but alcohol with sexy company sounds tasty.

"Hmm what a fun fact about you ~ I am quite fond of birds too but this bird is a little difficult but I'm sure he misses me. But I have to go before I'm caught by watching eyes, till next month!" You hang up on him smiling as you stand up and look at the sun in the sky.

"I have around ten hours to spend with my lovely bird, how exciting! Shall I bring a gift first...mmn what would he like?" You ponder as you reach into your pouch thinking of good pink wine and fancy wine glasses pulling them out before closing your eyes appearing into Doflamingo's bedroom thanks to your Blood Ties Ability.

But you aren't really expecting to see the site in front of you, some blond-haired hair woman on her knees in between your little bird's thighs making some wet sucking sounds making you smirk at the shocked gasp from the bird you are visiting very shocked to see you but you just use his power to grab the fancy throne-like chair in the corner of his room. Making yourself comfortable on the said chair pouring some pink wine in your cup which alerts the random blondie that is sucking your bird's dick.

"Well, this was something I definitely not expecting you to be cheating on me so soon~ " You pout as Doflamingo growls at you as you sip your wine and use his power to keep the girl from moving but it seems that she can't breathe, how pathetic. 

"What are you doing here! Bitch " Wow, has your little bird already been untamed with the little time you were apart.

"How hurtful, you were so loving when I left but now you are so mean...but I'm more disappointed in you. " You hear the blond tap on his thighs trying to breathe but he just slaps her face.

"(Y/n) what are you here for ?" He grits his teeth calming down when he sees your glare towards him but mostly the blond.

"I was here for you ~ But now I feel a pain in my chest. " You go to grab at your chest right where your heart is feeling a tightness you never felt before but you know what this feeling is...jealously. 

'I want to kill her...This is jealousy or something more...Why do you feel this way...He's yours...Maybe that's why but I have never been jealous in my past life so what is different now...Dio what the fuck did you do to me..."

"...I'm sorry..."Doflamingo feels disgust wash over him when he looks down at the blond bitch slowly dying on his dick and grabs her by the hair ripping her off of him breaking your strings in the process.

"You are mine...aren't you ?"