
ᴘᴀꜱꜱɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ ʜᴜɴɢᴇʀ

【one piece x reader】gxg,bxb,bxg. An actress transferred into her favorite anime ! Her goal is to have a harem and have fun ! Yandere are lurking beware! "I'll devour you !"

Emsmutcorner · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Uncontrollable ェ液カ

Puckish 茨ぐょ

[ playful, especially in a mischievous way.]

"Smoker you're next on my list!"

Running your way towards the execution stand happily feeling the change of wind happening which is most likely Dragon using his devil fruit power making the lighting strike that saves Luffy from dying by the weak clown known as Buggy but he is pretty cute, that ego he has, on the other hand, makes you want to punish him heavily. But before you forget to change back into your human form.




"Hey, guys!" seems like you made it in time seeing as everyone has made it here at the same time.

"So where is he?"Zoro questions everyone but you are looking at the fish Sanji and Usopp, it has horns which are really cool!

"He said he wanted to check out the execution stand..."Nami states as she is carrying a big slack of clothes she bought, thinking to yourself that she is looking like a hot Santa making you giggle to yourself.

"Isn't the execution stand right here in the town square ?"

But unknowing to you, the marines here have not been given your bounty poster so you aren't on their radar right now. Not only that but your Craving Touch Ability is on overdrive because of all the blood you have been giving out lately, making your body lose energy and is craving for some life force, making anybody around you lust for you uncontrollably but only if they are in your two-foot range luckily not affecting your crewmates who aren't in your range.

"I think he's up there!" you point up at him but all of a sudden you are hit with a wave of dizziness and you start panting.


"Why the hell is he on execution stand!?"Everyone in the crew shouts before Buggy starts yelling out and his crew shooting guns.

"For the crime of angering me, I sentence you, Monkey D. Luffy, to a flashy execution!! Let's cause a flashy ruckus, boys!"

"Yahoo! Just stand right there and watch !"

"Your flashy execution shall now be carried out for the whole public to see!"


"Guys get him and get to the ship as soon as possible! There is a storm coming!"

"Hey....guys...I'm going to have to meet you at reverse mountain if we want to make it to the grand line....I'll have to hold off a marine captain who is a logia type devil fruit... "you speak to Nami and Usopp who are heading to The Going Merry to prepare for the storm coming, they nod towards you before taking off to the ship.

"I'M GOING TO BE THE MAN WHO WILL BE THE PIRATE KING!!!"Luffy shouts out catching the attention of everyone making you smile proudly.


"The Pirate King?!"

"Saying that in this town out of all the places..."

"How outrageous !"The crowd mumbles out shocked at his words.

"WAIT!!!"Zoro and Sanji shout making Luffy smile happily before yelling back.


"So you've come, Zoro? But it seems you're too late..!"Buggy raises the sword once again making Sanji and Zoro rush towards Luffy.

"Take care of them, boys!"Alvida commands making you look at her while you are deciding if you want her power or not.

"As you command, Lady Alvida!"The lackeys shout before charging them but being not down and kicked by the two straw hat hotties.

"GYA HAHAHAHA! JUST WATCH CAREFULLY FROM THERE! WITNESS THE LAST MOMENTS OF YOUR CAPTAIN!!"Buggy yells with the sword over his head about to swing it down on Luffy's neck.

"Bastard! Come down here and fight me, coward!"Sanji screams at Buggy while he is running towards the stand, him and Zoro are almost there.

"ZORO! SANJI! USOPP! NAMI!! (Y/N)!! SORRY, BUT IT LOOKS LIKE I'M DEAD!!"Luffy grins happily right before the sword is about to hit his neck.


"Don't say that, you idiot!"

"Luffy you can't die!!"You scream loudly but smiling to add to the scene but you know that Luffy is saved by lighting luckily.

 "ZAP ZAP...BOOM"Lighting strikes the execution stand making it catch fire and fall. But your Captain is just fine making you giggle as his hat falls on the floor and he stands up proudly as he grabs his hat off the floor putting it back on before smiling.

"Shishishishi Looks like I did survive! How lucky!"Luffy smiles before Sanji looks at Zoro and you before saying something truly funny to you.

"Hey...Do you believe in God?"Making you laugh loudly thinking of Dio but Zoro just huffs out and Luffy looks proud.

"Enough talking and let's leave this town already. We've got more trouble heading our way."

"Surround the town square! Corner all the pirates! "Marines coming out of nowhere coming to capture any and all pirates, but you catch a glimpse of green hair making you giggle but before you can start running you feel an arm wrap around your waist making you gasp before being pulled near your captain with a smile thankfully letting go of you to run by yourself.

"They're here !"

"Run for it!"

"Which way !"

"Let's go"You smile running behind Luffy a bit but Sanji and Zoro are on both of your sides running.

"The wind's getting worse!"

"Jeez, these guys are so persistent. Should we just stop and fight them off?"Luffy asks as the marines continue to chase you guys.

"Don't, there'll be no end to them. More importantly, Nami told us to return to the ship as far as possible."Sanji stats as he runs looking serious but his seriousness is stolen by a pretty looking marine.


"Rorona Zoro!"The blue-haired woman yells loudly with an angry face making you think she is quite cute.

"Sgt. Major Tashigi!"

"To think that you were Roronoa Zoro! And a pirate at that, too! You were just toying with me all along!"

"You bastard! What did you do that lady!?"

"Are you cheating on me, Zoro!"Making him blush and choke loudly looking at you with a confused face before focusing back on the marine choosing to talk to you about what you said later after he finishes with this marine.

"I shall take back that Wadou Ichimonji!"

"...Just try it."Zoro says as she goes to attack him but he blocks her before going to speak to Luffy, Sanji, and you.

"Go on ahead."

"That brute dares harm a lady!"

"Let's go!"

"Come on before they catch us!"Running ahead, leaving Zoro and Marine behind to fight their little battle sighing as you think about her.

'I really don't like her much...well I didn't really like her in the anime ...she was to whiney and complained lots but didn't do anything about it but when she did it was ok...well that's one person not on my list.' you thought as you see a man ahead of you with a motorcycle parked near him.

"Someone's up ahead!"

"Another one?"

"I call dibs on him Luffy!" you whisper to Luffy not letting Smoker hear you but Luffy just shrugs.

"So you've come, Straw Hat Luffy."

"Who're you?!"

"The name's Smoker. I'm a Captain of the Marine Headquarters. And I won't allow you to set sail from here!"He yells before using his smoke to catch Luffy which he does making Sanji shocked but you smirk.

"Ahh! What!"

"Why you freak of nature!"Sanji goes to kick Smoker's face but his foot is caught in Smoker's face with his smoke making Smoker glare at him.

"Wha!?"Sanji is shocked but you watch them on the sideline not making a move yet while Dragon comes.

"I don't have time for runts. White Blow!"Sanji is punched by his other arm with smoke but his smoke still holds Luffy in his grasp.

"Sanji! Why you...Gomu Gomu Pistol!"Luffy punches Smoker but he uses his smoke to move behind Luffy grabbing his head.


"Are you really worth 30 million beli?"

"Arghh Oof!"Luffy's face is slammed into the pavement making you flinch slightly at the sight of him getting his face smashed.

"Hmph, looks like your luck's come to an end !" Smoker states as he grabs his Sea Stone Prism weapon but is stopped by a hand of a certain someone's dad making you smile.

"Or perhaps not...?"


"What!? Who's there!?"Your poor Captain's face is still smashed into the pavement making you feel bad but you sigh waiting for this to be over.

"The entire Government is after your head, you know!"Smoker grumbles out making you watch their little skit.

"The world awaits our answer...!"

"It's a gust !!"A rush of wind comes knocking many around you towards you and Luffy but you make eye contact with Dragon winking at him before disappearing to everyone's eyes besides Dragon putting up a finger to shush him about you being here.

"Luffy! Run for it or we'll be trapped on the island! A huge ass storm's coming in!" Zoro yells as he picks up Luffy running away with him.

"AH! Wha, what's going on?"

"So this is what nami-swan was talking about!"

"Haha Go on then, if that is your desire!"Dragon yells towards Luffy smiling but Smoker just frowns grumpily before yelling at Dragon.

"Why did you help him escape!? Dragon!"

"What reason do you have for preventing a man from setting sail?"Dragon questions as he smirks with a shit-eating smug smirk at Smoker. While this is happening you decide it's time for some roleplay! Reaching into your pouch you pull out a marines uniform in your size before stripping off your clothes making Dragon look at you for a second before looking away. Putting on the uniform and putting your outfit into your pouch before smiling as you make yourself visible to everyone's eyes again. Now it's the time for your acting skills from your past, breathing in once slowly before breathing out slowly and putting on a concerned face running towards the sexy grey fox marine captain hoping that he won't suspect you of not being a marine. 

"Captain!"You scream as you run towards him with a worried face making Dragon smirk before disappearing himself.

"...."Smoker says nothing just looking pissed but his expression changes as he looks at you making you gulp thinking that you might have to fight him.

"...Captain?"You question him as you get closer making him flinch when you are right next to him grabbing his hand pulling him to a random hotel with a worried face.

"..."Smoker seems like he is in a dazed making you smile as you pay for a room at the front desk but you are a little worried about why he looks so dazed but he is following you like a puppy.

"Don't worry, Captain we can stay here till the storm passes. Everyone is fine because of Sgt. Major Tashigi will take care of them ok?" You smile leading him into a room but as you close the door behind you locking it, a hand shoots at your throat making you gasp.

"Who the hell are you !?!" Allowing him to put his hand on your throat making you giggle happily and blush.

"Mnn...Captain!! It's me , (y/n) violet (l/n) ! Do you not remember me ?" You smile looking at him keeping up the act but Smoker isn't buying it at all.

"Puru...puru...pruru....puru" The sound of the transponder snail rings though the small hotel room making both of you pause your actions, Smoker moves away from you but he only does that to throw you on the bed making you gasp.

"You...Stay right there don't move or else !"Smoker warns you as he takes out his mini snail and answering the call making you sigh as you unbutton your shirt slowly while he is not looking at you.


"Captain!!!!.... Where are you !!!"A panicked soldier's voice is coming out of the snail making you smile as you take off your shirt and unbutton your pants.

"...Where I'm at is no concern right now! Tell me your report now!"He shouts out as he pants heavily while blushing, making you concerned if he is ok or not.

"Forgive us, sir! Because of that sudden gust, The Buggy Pirates have managed to escape !"

"What! You let them escape!"

"I'm sorry sir!.... Captain Smoker!"As you finally finish your stripping you get up quietly and head towards Smoker, him not noticing you yet making you smile until you heard her voice.

"Tash-..."You grab the snail hanging up on her making Smoker growl and turn around facing you. Panting with a red face he looks at you with wide eyes at your naked body and your smirk resting on your face making him sigh.

"Captain!~ Pay attention to me!"You moan lightly trying to tease him as you look into his eyes reading his face which is a lovely shade of red and he looks hot and bothered, perfect!

"...(y/n).?You aren't a marine are you ?"Smoker finally speaking to you after taking a big inhale trying to hold himself back making you smirk and grab his coat ripping it off of him.

"Nope~"He grunts at you when you ripped off his coat making him glare down at you before grabbing your hand pulling you into his chest before he uses his other hand grabbing your chin.

"You're a pirate, right? "Looking at you with lust and hatred in his eyes as he asks you this question making you smile and kiss him on the lips making him flinch but kissing you back after a few seconds making you bite his lip as you pull back looking at his flushed face.

"Does it really matter right now ?"

"..." Well even though he doesn't speak his actions speaks for him when he smashes his lips into yours making you smirk as one of his hands travel to the back of your head pushing you into his lips while his other hand makes his way to your backside gripping your ass when you bite his lip. Moaning a bit at the hot and heavy make-out session happening with a sexy marine named Smoker, his tongue goes into your mouth exploring your mouth and you tasting his saliva and tongue. He tastes like heavy tobacco and mint making you moan a bit at his taste, it's bitter but it's a good bitter, biting his tongue making him pull back and look at you.

"What a naughty marine!~"You smirk at him making him groan and slap your ass hard making you gasp at the hit. 

"What a naughty woman ."Smoker smirks as he teases you with his words making you pout before you reach towards his neck pulling him down, shoving your face in his neck biting his neck leaving him a lovebite, and earning you a slight moan from the marine.

"So Smokey, want to have some fun with this naughty woman ?"

"Puru puru puru puru...."

"Oh god, what now!"You gasp as Smoker states his complaint ask he grabs the snail answering it fastly and you can tell he is very pissed off right now making you smile at his frustration.


"Captain!! Are you ok...? Why did you hang up on us!"

"....What do you need, I'm busy with a criminal right now !!"Smirking at Smoker you feel slight offend at the word 'criminal' so you do something a 'criminal ' would do, thinking of doing something to earn that word from him you smirk, dropping on your knees in front of him smiling up at his anger eyes threatening you to stop right now or wait till he is off of the snail. While he is on the snail you grab his pants from the front, you pulling them down with one pull making his dick pop out and hit you on the check.

"Smoker we need you here !...Sgt. Major Tashigi is trying to follow the Strawhat pirates! And there is a new bounty poster and it's as high as straw hat Luffy's bounty !"

"A new bounty poster! With the same bounty...Ngh.."He holds in a moan by biting his lip hard drawing blood, making you smirk as you kiss his tip and then swallow him whole earning you a sharp tug on your hair to stop.

"..Smoker are you ok ?..."

" 'Keep' Quiet Smokey~"