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【one piece x reader】gxg,bxb,bxg. An actress transferred into her favorite anime ! Her goal is to have a harem and have fun ! Yandere are lurking beware! "I'll devour you !"

Emsmutcorner · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Drunken Night ろス衣

A song to listen to just because...

Bubblegum Bitch by Marina and the Diamonds!


There will be sexual themes, strong language, and violence.

If you don't like smut don't read.

Don't report 

+18 only pls 

Now that's started let's have a fun time.

(side note: I do not know if weddings are supposed to be like this since I only went to one which is the one I'm writing about which happens in a bar like an after-party they bout the bar for the night so this is what the scene is...just in case it confuses you )

This chapter has been edited, this chapter is an introduction with smut.

Wishes ンで畏

[ a desire or hope for something to happen.]

Flashes of blue and pink blind your eyes as you try to walk past drunken sweaty bodies around you, who are lost in the catchy song flooding your ears and others as it plays. It's quite a sensual song that leads you to your paradise.

The open bar, nothing makes you happier than free booze. Nothing beats free!

As you reach the bar, you find yourself sitting slowly on the barstool with a few wobbly legs as the shots you took a while ago started to kick in. Feeling a little buzzed from the shots you have been drinking to work up the courage to show off your sexy dance moves on the ballroom floor, hoping you could show off like those pretty birds to lure a mate.

Someone to go home with to fight the loneliness in your heart. Letting on a small sigh as you turn to the Bartender with a smile on your face. 

"Don't you love weddings? It's surely my favorite type of party, well the open bar part of this party. Though these parties make me feel pretty lonely." Smiling while you think about marriages and how nice it would be for someone could truly love you and not treat you like your ex.

"Hah...love'' as you say this the bartender watches you and smiles.

''Don't believe in love or something? '' The bartender said while cleaning a drinking glass as if to keep himself busy.

As you get a good look at him, you noticed that he's kinda cute in the pure boy way, but he looks like he shouldn't be here as you smiled softly. The pretty blue eyes looking into yours with curiosity shining in them, maybe you would be lucky.

"Well it's not that I don't believe it, it's more like I don't think I can love just one person like ...'' as you point and smile at the bride and groom dancing with each other.

"Them " There wasn't malice in your tone but instead, it was something full of longing as if you wished you could fill your heart, which seems to have a hole in it preventing it from being truly filled.

The bartender giggles lowly and winks, those eyes seem to be a bit more intrigued with your conversation.

"You don't know that just yet, what if you meet the one, you know?'' Suddenly a frown slowly crawls on your face and you sigh lightly. Maybe it was the alcohol making you release such a question speech to the man.

"The one? Hah." Your tone was bitter and your eyes were slightly lowered into a glare as you speak from the deepest part of your mind, although you loved to keep your thoughts to yourself because the backlash you could get from the press was something you always feared.

Maybe it was the booze or the truly interested look in those blue eyes that made you act this way, but it was exciting to finally get a chance to speak before you do you look around to see if you could spot any nosy people or spying eyes.

Once the coast was cleared you started your insane speech.

"Sorry not to be rude but you may not know me, so I will just spare you the rumors or fake lies spread about me and give you the facts." You bring your sharp red nails onto the glass of your previous drink and lift it up as if to stare through the glass like showing yourself through the glass house you live in. While you do the Bartender watches with a smile as if urging you to speak, without a judging face.

"I could never just love one person when there are so many people out there who need some of my passionate love." Well, it was a half-truth but being an actress you weren't really allowed by your management to stick to one person in case of scandals in the future so you became a serial dater.

Though it may have seemed bad, you never really were truly enough for the people you dated, you never returned their full feelings back so to not hold them back you let them go even though it maybe wasn't all that communicated by you to them but you at least tried to spare them your baggage. 

It wasn't healthy but it was the best you could do, at least you tried to understand your actions. 

"You couldn't even pay me to stay with just one person when there are so many people out there who are lonely and want some love from me. " A bittersweet smile is displayed on your face as you set the glass back down allowing your nails to clink the glass.

"People tend to crave love and affection from someone and that someone is me. I, myself, love the feeling of lips on my skin and how it feels to taste someone, not only that but my favorite thing to do is watch their faces to see their wonderful emotions like when they cry out in pleasure and moan my name." A blissful sigh left your lips as you continued your rant and truly expressed how you were a more passionate lover than a partner on the romantic side.

You felt compelled to speak more about your pleasures and hunger you had when you watched a blush crossed the bartender's face, allowing you to feel playful and tease the handsome man.

"The sight of this is simply intoxicating and something I wish to see in everyone. But it's a shame I can't taste 2D people if so there would be people on my list. But for now, I will stick to 3D people not that it's bad." You felt like a bit of an incel for stating that but it was amusing to watch the Bartender look embarrassed.

Running your sharp nails across the bar and then drawing a circle into the bar with them, you change your eyes to something more flirtatious instead of the sadist pleased look you had in them.

"But I really wanna taste someone tonight, maybe that can be you Mr. Bartender ~" You purr out using your sweetest seductive voice to lure him in as you smile looking at his blushing face.

"Sorry for the rant though and can I get 5 more shots the hardest you have please ?" You lick your lips watching him gulp. 

It was entertaining to you and by the look he has in his eyes you can tell he was interested in you but it was something a little more than interest. It was calculating.

"Well miss, maybe I could help you if you can tell me your favorite show a 2D show, please?" His smile that he gave you was a weird smirk but still, an innocent question while making your shots. It seemed to be harmless but you would soon know the weight of the question and the answer you gave.

"Well that's an easy one it's One piece, why do you ask me this? Are you a cosplayer?" You smile as he passes your shots and he keeps the same smirk on his face with cunning eyes. Hoping he was because the body he had would look great in a few cosplays.

Well, fingers crossed.

"Well, that's something unexpected I thought you would say, My hero academia or Naruto since those are the ones most people have said lately, But I think that is a good answer."

He pours you another drink one you didn't order but you didn't find it too weird maybe you should have but you let your guard down after your rant and seeing his unjudging attitude.

"Well thank you. But are you going to let me see you after your shift ends ?'' You smile as he offers you a drink smiling with a look of interest which you may be getting lucky tonight.

"Well if you want that to be your wish? I can make that happen ." He smiles sharply while using a low seducing voice.

You gasp slightly feeling a little hurt by how he worded his answer but you were mostly teasing him. "Well, why do you make it sound like I'm a charity case Mr. Bartender? That's a little mean don't you think?''

You smile playfully as your eyes glanced down. at your drink about to down it. It looked overly sweet but it also looked heavenly like a drink truly out of this world seems like he has some skills.

"Well, it's not that I meant that miss. It's more like maybe I wanna grant you a wish since you really have interested me today. Something about you is just so interesting compared to the rest of the people I meet in this boring world."His dark red eyes seem to glow in this shitty bar as you see him smirk at you and then proceed to talk more. 

''What is it about you that makes me wanna see your face in bliss maybe even be the one to make you feel like you are in heaven? Though I don't really care much about people, I won't mind breaking this facade just for you since you have got me craving for you. So let me ask again differently this time." Wow, he seems to be like you if he could state something so brazen openly.

You watched him with a surprised look and a bit taken back at the change but you watched a bigger change happen.

He slowly loses his tie, taking it off with slow ease as if to give you a show to those pretty confused eyes of yours. As he unbuttons the top three of his buttoned-up shirt with a seductive pace and flare to catch you into his trap.

He pushes his hair back with his hand. Making the styled back hair he had become messed up but in a good way, it was a more edgy look he had now.

Starting to look disheveled and different from the well-mannered look he had going when you first saw him, like a complete 180, suddenly from a cute bartender boy to a sex god dripping with lust, desire, and something you just can't seem to place just that he looks dangerous but the sexy type.

"Would you like to have me show you pure bliss? And just for you, I will grant your wish after I feel that we have had enough fun together ...well for this night of course." He licks his lips and smiles walking from out the bar to where you are sitting.

He towers over you as you feel his hot breath on your ear, his warm body pressed against your back. It made you take a quick gasp of air as the sexual tension became thick and heavy almost drowning you with his presence so close.

"I'm truly interested in you, I want to open you up piece by piece and understand that pretty mind of yours."

He was given silence from you as you began to feel a bit overwhelmed but to ease the tension you decide to slowly down your drink that you didn't order from the handsome male.

You gulp as you try to process what he just said and how he changed, it sends a shiver down your spine. While you were trying to decide what to do.

He takes this chance to lower himself slowly caging you as his arms lock you into your seat and he gives your neck a little bite. With a deep chuckle as the slight whimper released from your mouth, he made your body feel sensitive or maybe it was the booze but you were still clear of mind to continue this little game of his.

"I'm getting really impatient now, didn't you want to taste me? What's taking you so long to answer me? Don't tell me you didn't mean these words?" He was giving off this dangerous vibe you don't think you can handle. 

'Is this guy insane ... but he's so hot and dangerous .....fuck it I'm going to risk it ' You thought as your mind finally processed what is happening. Deciding to commit to this upcoming hookup with a handsome male but you weren't going to let him dominate you.

"Mr. Bartender how can you expect me to answer when I don't even know your name?" Dragging your nails across his forearm in a teasing matter.

Maybe if I knew your name I could say my answer which would be yes I definitely wouldn't pass up this offer"smiling softly and leaning back into his chest smiling up at him now since he took his face out of your neck.

"My name" He hesitates to give you a fake name but you have already earned his interest so he decides to honor you with his name.

"Well my name is Dionysus but you can call me Dio. Please remember my name, especially in bed I want you to scream my name." His voice was deep and seducing as he purred out his name slowly with pride.

"But you haven't told me your name yet, have you? "His smile was sharp as he wraps his arms around you pulling you off the barstool and putting his face back into your neck. It showed you that he was strong but you enjoyed the manhandling he did.

"Well I love your name though it makes me think of Jojo, that's fine since you look nothing like him and my name is (Y/n), that's quite bold of you to think I will be screaming your name but ill try for you D I O ~'' You smile and grab his hand as you turn around and place your free hand to grab his face roughy to make him watch as you kissed his hand.

"Better watch what you say brat, or I will take that as a challenge and I will keep you longer than I should but for now let's ditch this place. What do you say ?'' He moved your hand from his face as he bore a smile at you while pulling you threw the back door. 

You followed his steps as you felt excitement flood your body, seems like you are going to enjoy the night after all.

"That's exciting, it makes me want to push your limits even more. But not to ruin the moment but don't you work here, you can't just leave can you?'' You question as you follow him regardless but you start to feel dizzy and really drunk, maybe you should have not taken those shots but it was weird 

"Mmn well I'll tell you a secret I don't work here and I never did but I just took the place of one so it's fine, at least it made me find you and that's worth the hassle of pretending to be the bartender. Don't you think (y/n)?" He grins and walks you to a car and places you in as he smiles darkly.

"It's time to go to my place now though where we can take care of you and make you scream in bliss and then you can taste me all you want ." His words hold something sinister as you find out the truth may be too late you don't really find it threatening but you do find it exciting to feel this rush of danger.

"That's going to be so fun but I need to close my eyes for a second..." You slowly close your eyes feeling tired as you do you miss the sight of Dio licking his lip as his eyes glow a dark red color. 

Sinister blood-red eyes replaced the pretty seducing blue ones.

While in the car Dio never moves his hand off your thigh and his grip tightens as he drives faster. When he finally reaches his destination he smiles and slowly parks at his driveway while walking out of the car he takes you out slowly not waking you in the process as he walks inside almost instantly almost like magic he appears in his bedroom.

"My darling (y/n) it's time to wake up " He snaps his fingers at you which caused a frown on your face as he watched your sleepy eyes open and watches you slowly open your eyes while you're lying on his bed.

You slowly were waking up but for some reason, you felt a sudden desire to taste him as show as you look at him. It was something truly new to you as you became turned on.

As you stare at him there is a long silence for a few moments then, both of your eyes became locked on each other, and was now looking at each other's lips.

Anticipation filled the atmosphere around you quickly and it was heavy. Both of you were daring each other to make a move.

You were the first to make your move as you suddenly grab him by the shirt and pull him into the bed on top of you as you roughly smash your lips against his. His strong frame towered over you as he caged you in by your choice.

You made your hands grab his hair pulling him closer as he finally comes out of the shock of you pouncing on him. Then he finally starts kissing you back as he ripped off your dress in one movement of his hand while shoving his tongue in your mouth wresting for dominance against yours. 

It was a tough battle as both of your tounges circled each other in a frenzy and it was the best kissing you have experienced as everything he seemed to do was heavenly like he was blessed with the touch of a sex god.

"Fuck...(y/n)'' His rough voice gasped out as you flip him onto his back while breaking the passionate kiss with a string of saliva left from the kiss. His face was flushed as he stared at yours with lidded eyes filled with a haze of pleasure and excitement at your bold moves. 

Straddling him you smile and put your hands on his throat and you fix yourself right on his crotch which was now starting to become hot and bothered with you on top of him. Fighting against his pants as he lifted his hips a bit to increase the pressure of your clothed heated core.

"Dio...did you think I would just let you dominate me just because I was tired? That's really cute but I know I said I only wanted to taste you." Your nails trail down his chest as your other hand tightens the grip on his neck.

"Still, now I want to devour you I hope you don't mind ?'' You smile at him while leaning down to give another passionate kiss while unbuttoning the rest of his buttons and taking off his shirt. When you finish you look into his eyes before breaking the kiss and removing your hands from his throat.

"Do you mind letting me devour you? You don't mind do you ?'' You smirk as you move your hands down to his pants unbuttoning them and pushing them down. He takes a big gulp and watches you like a predator watching its prey and will attack if you make one wrong move. Goosebumps grazed your skin as the look in his eyes made a rush of desire flood your lower half.

"Then I'll let you devour me (Y/n)'' His toothy grin shining on his face made him look like a whole meal and his eyes stare into you with some emotion you can't quite place but you are too busy trying to make him feel bliss.

"Then relax and let me D I O~" You purr out his name as you leave love bites over his abs testing him with a bite as you watch him gasp and blush.

You began to move down to his erection pulling down his underwear and grabbing his twitching erection with your hand and you give a long lick to his cock before wrapping your tongue around his tip and looking up into his eyes before lowering your mouth down on his cock.

"Fuck what are you a succubus or something !" Dio moaned out as you deep-throated him with practiced ease when he wrapped his fingers into your hair before balling his hands up.

 While you began to speed up a little since you have done this many times before, you knew just how to not gag while his cock hits the back of your throat making him twitch and gasp loudly as you take him. 

For him to be in such pleasure was mind-blowing to him because he was no stranger to sexual passion but you were just so passionate and filled with a hunger.

"Want me to taste you with this mouth first or my lower lips " You smirk being playful as you glance at him stroking his shaft with your hand. Staring into his blissed-out blue eyes filled with a look of ruin that made you even more pleased to watch him being ruined.

"Please my little succubus let me cum in your mouth first, please (y/n)!'' You smile as he began to beg you and his cock twitches with a leaking head as if it was also begging for more before going back down faster this time, he grunts and gasps again while you keep bobbing your head up and down.

Feeling his hands tighten in your hair and his cock twitch you know he is about to cum as you get as much of cock in your throat making him scream your name. Your nose pressed into his shaved lower stomach as you took him all the way into your throat making him throw his head back.

"My little succubus (Y/n)!!! Fuck I'm going cum down that slutty throat of yours. "

Dio was panting when he twitches in your mouth one more time before filling your throat with his hot cum you gulp it down then released his dick with a lewd wet plop sound then licked your lips and gave his dick one more long lick before smiling up at him. 

"Thanks for the meal "You smirk and get up to take off your bra and panties already soaked from the blowjob you gave him.

"No thank you, My little succubus! " He says smiling and looking at you with lust and desire.

You crawl up kissing him as he grabs your ass groping it hard making you moan in his mouth. Slowly moving his rough hands around your ass to your pussy, before slowly sliding a finger past your lower lips. You groan against his mouth as he pumps two fingers inside you. 

"I can't wait" You moan impatiently reaching back and stroking his cock to get it ready for some more fun. Putting your hand on his chest as you use one of your hands to place his cock against your entrance.

"You ready to be devoured, Dio?'' You beam in anticipation as you kiss him once more. He was thick and had some thick veins showing off the strong monster cock he has.

"Please I beg you (y/n) devour me! " He was getting impatient as he started thrusting a little as you moan from the pressure against the growing passionate heat between your legs, before slowly sliding all the way down his cock.

Bottoming out lit your body up with pleasure almost making you cum as he filled you to the brim but it hit your sweet spot wonderfully.

"Fuck you so tight it's like you are milking me dry already !'' He grunts as you let out a moan before you start to rock your hips back and forth. Trying to not cum so soon but it was hard and you knew he felt it as your walls clenched him for dear life and his moan he released showed that and his tight bruising grip on your hips.

"Dio you feel so good inside me !'' You moan out loud as he sits up gripping your hips and thrusting up hard making your head tilt back as he hits your sweet spot hard.

He latches onto your nipple sucking hard, making you moan like a true blissed-out mess and he smirks as he sits you on his knees his cock still in you thrusting hard.

"Harder!!!'' You yell out as he was going to give you everything you asked for when you were this divine on his cock.

"Lay on all fours now!" He commands lowly making you shiver before you get on all fours. Pulling out with a sharp gasp of air and he was panting feeling feral.

He gropes your ass before ramming back into making you scream out in pleasure when he grips your hips so hard you are sure there will be marks tomorrow buts that's a tomorrow problem. And didn't matter if he was going to send you straight to heaven.

He smirks as he sped up feeling you clench around him as you get close to reaching your bliss. 

"My little succubus is going to cum, isn't she? It's fine (Y/n) cum on my cock !"He finds your perfect spot unable to comprehend words to answer him, just loud moans and squeals of pleasure along with the sound of his heavy breathing and grunts filling the room as the sounds of skin slapping against each other and the wet sounds of his cock constantly ramming inside you until you couldn't bear it anymore and he held you as you screamed out his name as you cum on his dick and he groans shooting his load filling you up to the brim.

While holding you he sinks into the bed and lays you next to him as he spoons you, his face digging into your neck, and smiles.

"I think I'm in love, but I have to grant your wish now I'll come with you to make sure you get the hang of it ." He smiles and snaps his fingers, and you blackout, and the house and you disappeared from this world. 

But he was hooked on you, so entertaining and he can't wait to see what you become.

𝕄𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕨𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕒𝕥 𝕒 𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕊𝕪𝕣𝕦𝕡 𝕍𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕒𝕘𝕖

Dio smiles while petting your hair lovingly as you slowly start to wake up you realize that you aren't in your room or the room you were in yesterday this room looks kinda old and from the countryside, unlike last night's room. You rub your eyes a few times before looking up at the man petting your hair and gasping.

"Dio?'' He looks like a little puppy that's been given a treat from its owner and he smiles and pulled you into his arms smiling happily and rubbing his cheek on your cheek. Nuzzling you like a sweet loving lover.

"Yes (Y/n), that's me and I have a bit of explaining to do so don't freak out ." Dio smiles and hands you this weird-looking fruit but your feeling lightheaded.

"Here eat this it's good for hangovers and since you used a lot of energy last night ."

You say a brief soft "thanks" before munching on the fruit and starting to feel better but Dio watches you with a broad smile as you finish off the fruit. 

"So before it scares you that was a devil fruit called succi succi fruit which gives you the power to turn into a succubus isn't that neat? I thought about it after last night when I called you my little succubus so I decided to make a devil fruit suited to you plus a little extra power to it to help you in this new world well your new home."

Dio has this annoying shit-eating grin on his face that makes you wanna punch his face in but you can't do that right now since you are trying to process what he just fucked said, you knew he was insane. 

'I better get the fuck out of here because this dude is wacko. What the fuck does he means by this new world and devil food ...wait I heard that before ...' You thought before looking at Dio with a shocked expression.

"I'm not wacko (Y/n) I'm just a god but not just any god I am the god of alcohol and ecstasy and I granted your wish of wanting to taste 2D people but I can only send you to one world so you told me you favorite 2D show."

"Which is one piece and right now we are in the syrup village where that long nose guy lives so don't worry I'm here to help you get used to your new life ." Dio smiles and stands up while making you stand up with him and look into the mirror.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK .....IM A FUCKING SUCCUBUS WHAT THE FUCK I HAVE WINGS...HORNs AND A FUCKING TAIL!!!" You scream as you look at your new appearance while Dio just smiles and hugs you close and takes your chin in his hand giving it a strong grip and leans down to your ear.

"Shush my little succubus, calm down and think for a minute and let me explain what that fruit does ." Dio smiles as you begin to think about this and you calm down while smiling thinking about this problem.

"So what you are saying is that I'm in one piece and you just gave me a devil fruit and granted my wish ?'' You slowly say thinking it's not that bad if it's true.

"Yup, exactly do you want more proof?" Dio smiles and points towards the window where you slowly walk towards it.


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