
° My Master My Maid °

When you really love your master grey eyes not knowing he is crazy about t your short dress He as a mafia king and you as his maid

eyeroller · ดนตรีและวงดนตรี
2 Chs


His mother come to you and looked you from head to toe. You feel awkward in front of his mother because you were dressed like less than a club striper. Then she turned to his son.

J/m(jungkook mother) : " Son, how are you." she asked with a smile. You look towards him and smile appeared on you face without you knowing.

Jungkook : "I'm good, and we won the mission mom." he told her the good news. You were staring at him.

J/m : " so proud of you" she gave him a proud smile. Jungkook looked at you. Your smile dropped in nervous.

J/m: "let's take a rest, jungkook" he nodded and his mother turned towards you.

J / m : " and you little girl, come with me." she said seriously and walked away while jungkook stared at you with deep eyes. You bowed t him and hurriedly followed her.

Jungkook : "this is the first time, a girl has bumped into me. She's looking ho... huh? No no" he realized his words and chuckled and went to his room.

She walked to her chair and sat on it, and signaled you to stand in front of her, you obeyed her.

J /m: " what is this, girl" she was looking at your clothes, you looked down at your clothes and then her.

Y/n : "a-Anjuma gave it to me" you said in a liw voice with your head down in fear.

J /m : " ahh!!! She and her rules. All maids are hired for house work. And you are my son's personal maid. You can't wear this dress, not at all" you sigh in relief.

J /m : " don't wear this shit again, i will send a new dress for you" she said seriously. You bowed at her.

Y/n: "thank you mam." she rolled her eyes.

J /m : "and don't call me by that name, call me mrs jeon." you bowed again.

Y/n : " I'm sorry Mrs jeon." she nodded as tou understand.

J /m : "what is your sur name little girl" she asked your personal information.

Y/n : " chang y/n" you were answering with your head down, not daring to look at your crush's mother. But she said something which made you look up.

J /m : "and one more thing, don't call my son's name again, he is your master. Respect him. She said while leanig on the chair.

You feel pain, never thought that the love of your life has become your master and you have to call a master word instead of love. Which will keep distance between you and jungkook. Which will show you every time that you are just a maid of jungkook.

Y/n : "i-i will mrs jeon" you again bowed but this time you feel hurt.

J/m : " Good....... Has Anjuma explained your job to you?" you nodded several times.

J /m : "then you better do your job well" you gave you a little smile. You feel a little happiness inside you when you saw your crush's mother smiling at you.

y/m : "you can go now, it is too late." you again bowed.

Y/n : " goodnight Mrs jeon" you said and went out.

J /m : " this girl looks very innocent ( but ik that the readers are called armies 🌚) she chuckled.

you sat on the bed and took the pillow from behind and placed it on your lap and blushed.

Y/n :" today was the best day of my life. Today my dream come true. " you bit you lower lip while playing with the pillow.

Y/n : "i had seen many dreams with him but i don't know that i will be in his arms in the first meeting." you got shy and hide your face in the pillow, giggling silently in your own world.

y/n : " oh my god y/n" you suddenly raised your head.

Y/n : "what are you thinking about him" you shook your head to get your thoughts out of the way so you can't think of something like that. But your mind and heart were only making jungkook think. You layed down the bed.

y/n : " but he looked so hot. His muscular body and his black suit. I can't bear all this" you hugging the pillow very tightly. 

Y/n : "and his eyes are very beautiful. What i saw in the picture is nothing in front of him" you dramatically started crying.

Y/n : " i want to see him again" you start yearning for him and fell asleep after putting a blanket on your face. In your bed time you forget all the troubles and sorrows and only remember jungkook, and maybe this is the reason you forget about hunger and the words of jungkook's mother.

~At morning ~

You prepare yourself to enter his room to offer him a cup of coffee. On one of your knock he let you in. But when you come in, your eyes were wide open. He was standing half maked in front of you. You were staring at his well shaped body. 

He looked at you and then looked where you were looking and smirked. 

Jungkook : "You like it?" you looked at him with the parted lips and shocked as hell. Then he picked up his shirt from the bed and started wearing it. You were staring at him then he spoke. 

Jungkook : "why did you come here" he said smirking while buttoning his shirt. 

Y/n : "A.... A coffee" he looked up at you with his gray glowing eyes and sensed that you are uncomfortable. 

Jungkook : "put the cup over there." he said put the cup on the side table. 

You walked and placed the cup on it he was watching your every move and noticed that you have changed your uniform. He chuckled secretly behind you. You then turned and bowed him. Then you start to leave the room but he stopped you. 

Jungkook : "what is your name?" he asked you. 

Y/n : "chang y/n" he is wearing his coat now. 

Jungkook :"you got a nice name, y/n" you want to fly in the heaven 

Y/n : "I'm in heaven" you said in your heart. 

Jungkook : "so you are hired as my personal maid" you bobbed your head. 

Jungkook : " hmmm... You can go now" you again bowed and ranout from his room 

Jungkook : "ahh... She is so attractive" he looked up and groaned. 

You entered the kitchen to make breakfast for jungkook. All the maids who were your age were staring at you. 

Y/n : "What happened" you asked to them with confusion. They laughed nervously.

Maid1: "you are the first young maid hired for our young master" a girl said with full of attitude.

Y/n : "So..?" you raised your eyebrow.

Maid2:" so she is jealous from you simple" she placed all the plates on the shelf.

Y/n : "ohh i see" a girl rolled her eyes and walked away.

Maid 2: "don't mind her y/n" she smiled.

Maid 3: "she once dared to approach young master but was scolded by Mrs jeon" all maids laugh on her.

Maid 4:" our young master is very nice and good looking but I heard about himthat when he gets angry, he become the most dangerous person who shows no mercy to anyone"

Maid 2: "yeah i also heard this" you were listening to them shocked and confused.

Maid 3: "one day he came home late with bloody clothes amd when we got here in the morning, there were blood stains all over the lawn. Then we got to know from Anjuma that young master was injured by his own bodyguard then the master shot him."

Y/n : " R-really... "you all got intrupted by someone. She was Anjuma.

Anjuma :" what are you all doing, you are not allowed to tale between duties "she scold all the maids.

Anjuma :" and y/n! Master has come down, serve him a quick breakfast. " you widen your eyes and started to hurry.

You entered the lawn with jungkook's breakfast, only to see him talking with the bodyguard. You went to him and placed it on the glass table and stood there with your head bowed, jungkook looked at you.

Jungkook : "y/n, you go now" he said seriously and again talking to him. You bowed and left. He was discussing something so he ordered you to leave here.

You went far away from him and hid behind the pillar and watched him happily.

Y/n : "you look so handsome in that suit, i want to kiss you and hug you tightly" you sighed

Y/n : "but i will take your new picture" you excitedly took out your phone from your pocket and start to take a picture of him. Yoi smile widely and you put your hand forward to get a good photo...

But he suddenly turned his gaze towards you ​​​​​​, you startled and quickly hid back back behind the pillar.

Y/n :" OH MY GOD!!!" you said fearing what would happen next.

To be continued....... 


Hello everyone

Hope you like it 

Well English is not my first language so please ignore grammar 😅