
Erratic Words

I thought about what Ben said all of the next day. He didn't ask further about it, which I appreciated, even though I wanted to ask more. I kept it to myself though, asking him more about what I should do would only make him worried about me. For as much as I like him and May, I still don't feel comfortable telling them everything just yet.

The next day, however, all of that was purged from my mind because . . . school is hell, especially for Peter Parker.

It's like no one saw me at all. Bumped, shoved, pushed. I just started to move how I remember Peter doing it and slowly I started to avoid everyone. I found it easier then when he did it, my body moving fluidly through the crowd. 

Finally I made it to my locker and started to get myself organized for the day. I didn't need much for the end of the year. Just a few papers and books to turn into my teachers.

"Parker!" A nervous feeling ran trough my body. 'Flash.'

A wide boy with dirty blond hair leaned on the locker next to me"Hey Parker. Thanks for passing out on us at the gene lab. Saved us from a boring lecture, getting out of there was the highlight of that day." He jabbed my gut with a football he was holding, before tossing it down the hall to one of his friends.

It didn't hurt all that bad, - compared to my memory's before the spider bite. In fact I don't know why I got that feeling a second ago, I don't really have to worry about him now.

"I'm glad me getting sicker than a dog could help you stay dumb, but I don't want any appreciation from you." I turned to leave but he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.

"Come on Parker we're all friends here, no need to be so Aggressive!" He slammed my locker door, and blocked my way. "Why don't we have a friendly chat about why you're being so rude to your friends, huh?"

"I think I'm good pal, so if you'll excuse me." I pushed past him slung my back over my shoulder, making sure to hit him, and moved down the hall to get to class. 'He's not going to like that.'

Can't lie, I smirked. The Peter before would have went along with it and got a few lite smacks, but I wouldn't have liked it even before becoming Peter and getting my powers. So knowing that I could help Peter in some weird roundabout way felt good.

"Watch it Parker, or else!" I flipped the bird behind me.


Classes where easy and long. End of year meant we didn't have any work and we talked about what to expect next year. I was pleasantly surprised by seeing my actual friend Harry Osborn. I talked to him throughout class when I could, our friendship coming naturally to me.

"I heard you flipped Thompson the bird, you're a dead man." He laughed at my expense. "How do you plan on weaseling out of this one?"

"Same way I always do, by throwing you under the bus." I chided back.

"I said you could do it once, not however many times you have. I don't care however many days of detention you got for it. Beside I've said sorry more times then I've said the word 'the'." He was referring to the prank he pulled on the principle that would have gotten him expelled from school, but would only gave me a months worth of detention because of my good behavior and grades. 

"Alright, alright. I hereby break the pact we made and set you free from you own actions . . . dickhead." I pretended to open a scroll to read out the decree.

"Finally! Jeez you're worse than your aunt." Harry had been to my house more time than I could recall, however I could count the number of times I'd been to his house.

"Anyways, how are you feeling since this Thursday? One second you was normal you then the next 'snap!' out like a light." He snapped his fingers to emphasize his point. Has much as him and Peter went back and forth he really did care about his friend.

"Fine, I don't know what came over me but whatever it was is done now." I brushed away the topic. "Aunt may says you can come over whenever this summer."

"I can't. Dad wants to take me cross state to visit a company he's going to buy. Hopes it'll show me how a 'real man' works. I'll be gone all summer for it." He looked dejected, and for good reason. His dad was hard on him, - about everything - and spending a summer with him 24/7 did not sound fun. 

"Well, postcard me about it when you go insane." I chuckled at his expense.